F0 AND MRS JAMES COllllEtT exchanged vows in iioly Redeemer Church Base Borden with itcv Shea conducting the nttcrnoen rites The bride is the armor Ann McKinnon daughter oi air and Airs James lcllnnon oi North Sydney Nova Scotia She is also Flying Oiiicer Nursing Sister attached to the Canad ian Forces Medical Training Centre Base Borden The bridegroom attached to CFB Borden is the son at Mr and Mrs James Corbett oi London Ont honeymoon in the Ba hamas tolloned their mar rinse School Cafeterias Childs Good Eating Habits By GARRY MYERS PhD Most elementary school cate tcrias provide only nutritious land tor children As these chil dren oat together many of them learn to eat wholesome foods they might retuso to eat at home graduate nurse wrote me irom lllinois May mid my experience as sens it regular inter vals in the school we used to have children who gained in weight stand on one side ot the room and those who lost weight on the other We quesA tinned the ones who lost weight as to what they had been eat ing Strange to say this compo tition to gain weight was quite noticeable so our local doctor mentioned one day that he liked our method of course this was Way back in lildi but maybe it would have some valiro in to days health program As wrote the nurse the plan seems to have some merit wonder it it might not work bet ter in the primary grades than in the later grades and in some areas better than in others can imagine that in some schools some oi the children might come irom homes with inadequate loads in quality and quantity They and their parents might feel they were treated un fairly Some of the children might feel interior TEASLJG ENDURED ing as rmrch it on the other hand the program aimed to dis courage overeating or eating at fattening ioods some at the obese children might eel ashamed oi being so stout Al ready some oi these children have endured teasing and ridi cule by their classmates There may be lound more subtle ways to encourage obese children to regulate their diet and to encourage other children to cultivate better choice or nu tritious toods ii ior example one or two children who had been too fat but succeeded in controlling their diet resulting hi more nearly normal weight were to have approval in the classroom the eliect might be good Similar ettects might re suit from like approval at un derweight children who gain weight litany parentsmust have no ticed that nursery school or kin dergarten children who eat to gethor at school under proper supervision may learn to enloy wholesome iood even when such iood hiany tiniolw young eater by eating sometimes at the home ot playmate who enjoys all wholesome foods may there irom acquire healthy whole some appetite himscli The same may happen when the playmate sometimes eats with him in his own home Such do slrablo imitation seems to occur more readin in very young chil What about the overweight children who might feel they are getting applause inr weigh dren than in older ones There remains the home prolr they at home had been avoiding bill AVD MRS RONALD TURNE sign the register oi tcr their wedding in Central United Church Barrie Rev Donald Jay oiiiciatcil at the altetnoon ceremony The bride is the tormer Janet Lorraine Cooke daughter oi Mr and Mrs Cooke o1 Dorrie The bridegroom is the son at Promote ly between meals intake of or ccssivs sweets may result in urr dcnvelght or overweight1n the latter ior obvious reason in the tormcr by lessening apoetitc tor other and more wholesome ioods layeettes Plan Seleetiqo0i Carnival Queen Mrs ilm Sheardown was host ess oi the regular meeting oi the Barrie Jaycettc Club Attending were lilrsBill Orr Mrs Dave White Mrs Ken Diamond Mrs Dqu Forbes litrs Terry Vhltty Mrs Bob llooper liirs Willard Everton Mrs Harry Rensby liirs Russell lodge and guest iiirs Ernie Drown Plans were discussed tor the hold Feb it in the Willow Room at the Continental inn Open to girls In years or age and over entrants must also be residents of Simcoe County Entry forms will be available in next weeks Barrie Examiner lilrs Dorian Parker litrs Wen act as judges and ittilt Conway will be emcee Following the contest there will be dancing to the music of The lmpressions irom 912 prn Tickets may be obtained from any Jaycctte The next meeting Will be held Feb at the Glenwood Dr lem of limiting sweets especial home oi lilrs ll Rensby Regina swordsman dressing roomrhinsday even flsluosi cannon be THE use hunk wholud song Car men as times all overtho to alter singing the lead rnln in Carmen at the Metropoil unyooera in New York Milo nainbowas ill The merin soprnno crtawaen the anti lenoo applauded her name when it was announced aha uldreglac Miss Cerufl iarinn Stephens Connie Mer Cnnrivnl Queen Contest to be dy Hicks and Gord Roach will Mr and Mrs Turner oi Barrie Following the wedding reception was held at the Royal Canadian Legion ltnll The newlyweds will make their new homo in Oshawa Ont Photos by Les Cowper Begin Play For Ladics section at Barrie Curl ing Club is busy wiih three groups leading to the Gilbey Trophy Ploy began inn with the schedule ending Feb fol lowed by ployolis This is the second schedule oi the season First was ior the Muchlills Mem erlal Trophy Third and lost schedule tor Stewart Wholesale Trophy will tollnw the present Gibcy event Rinks are as lollows with skip named first allowed by vice second and land MONDAY THURSDAY PJiI rlam Joyce Thornley Shirles Day Dorothy Treadwell Mar Amos Anne Condor Dorothy Jones Helen Gibson Helen Stol laritoscmnry iiicArihur hiary Morris Rosalind Bertram Juno Hardy Andrea Cohen Dianna Buitctt Lillian Seymour Vi Cooke Norine Brown Lillian Gracey Gladys Dewar Joyce Pourdy Marlo ittcrliam Shirley Green litarg Vest litary June Langmuir Kay Flowers Della Kite Lea Whatmongh Kay French Betty Fleetham lela Miller Barbara Smith Verdi Wallwin Betty Jane Groh Alice Cuthbert Joyce Seagram Mary Davies Dorothy Howell Doris Peterkin Mary Hamilton Helen Mordan Gladys Spicer June Dennison and Ellen Spencer Lenore Woods Given Cook iietty iitorrwon Carol Pratt Miriam Duval Heria lraub Elaine Radish Jo Anna Scarth Sylvia Craig Yi Sims mons Carol Wallis Millie Cuta sey TUESDAYTHURSDAY Alli Jean Adams ValEmms Anne Callen Eleanor Cloutler Grace Dugh Ede lto dg son horns HardyBarbaraBrowuing isolt bel Swan ittildred Marshall and Fern Campbell Isobel Church CTim DARRIE ELMILVER SATURDAY JANUARY 20 be An Wu We Hair Stylist Uses Reminder Service MONTREAL CF wile neednt tile tor divorce just be cause her husband is getting phone calls irom salt iemale voice every Wednesday or sec ond Saturday says Aldo Lapol is Those calls are just part oi our executiveplan sorvlco whereby we remind the busy executive its time to coma la and have his hair styled Mr Lapolls 15 hair stylist and several beautiiul girls all help to run Les Barbie Bona venture an exclmlrc mens boir styling establishment which caters to all the cosmetic needs seed by the man who really cares about his appear ance We have the best hair styl ists to look utter our clien explained iilr Lapolla Not harborshair stylists In addition several lovely girls are always ready to give customer manicure or iaclal massage complete with mud pack and makeup Ladies Section Of Curling Club Gilbey Trophy Evelyn Walden Marlon Arm strong lnne Young Toni Slmp son Bobble Sharpe Batty Clyno Muriel Wolteudcn Ruth Mosley lreoe Dart Marion Parker Win Taylor itulb Bewick Kaye Ham ilton Muriel Stephens Louis Richardson Genevieve McCar thy lite Pounds Ines Stephen son Bc en Crowe Marg Sar icant Anne Maxwell Marl illckllng Barbara Harris Win Roworth Ruby Leggett Bella Hill Vera Thompson Ruth ine sou Dianne Rogers Gina Hal penny Betty Stephens lilarlorle Pearson lilarlorto Gillmoure TUESDAYFRIDAY Pylti Edith Corby St elln Hope Elaine Collie Shirley Wnllwin Yvonne stro ng Norma Webb Marlon Young Olive End Doris Perrymnn Betty Trotter Stella Clark Dorothy Cnrdy lilarg Lloyd Gloria Graham Freda Green Dorothy Filipotti Joan Osborne litildn Woolsey Eileen Burbldge Myrtle Cole man Madeleine Dclanger Murr lei Hillier liturlel Fendley Adrienne Cannon Eve Bentley Helen Hurtlbeso Helen tdcsnn litarg Moran Rosalyn Epplelt Dorothy Marrett Lorna Bell Eileen Norris Joan Nesbltt Hazel Murphy iitarion Crossett Lillian Webb Betty hiacdonald Marion Newman lreno Emery Clara Butler Ruby Smith Marie Mason Mary Kennedy Willie Patricia Fitzsimons Mossop ment Doris Campbell Bristow Patricia Hickllng Mary Elson Audrey Kennedy Peg er spans usr Rhoda Brass ivy lithaters Sally Napler Mildred Brown Jeannette Laws Betty Nixon Yvonne Leighton Billie Tribble WHAT THE FOR SUNDAY For the second tim this week planetary influences sug gest extrema care in personal relationships Snme adverse as pects put cloud over romance could also cause tension in both family antisocial circles Do the best you canto maintain harmony and be understanding with all FOR THE BIRTHDAY it Sunday is your birthday the next year while not promis ing anything sensationalin the way ot attainmentydoes indi cate some very good periods ior occupational and iinancial inter ests Ni epsfocwardcan be taken between now and April in midduly and early Septem ber of the currentyear Then as of Jan 1959 you will enter truiyexcellent cycle onall countsonewhich will last ior three months at least During months listed above how ever it cold be well to operate most conseroatively or you could ditset gains This will be especially true in May an June also in the Weeks between Oct ls and No Domestic social and senil rnental relationships will be under linc aspects tor most at the next it months with empha sis onromnnco in early April in late August late October and ers should have an outstanding year with notahlcperinda of ac complishment starpromised in her late November Creative worle June September and Decem Sundays adverse planetary influences governing personal tlonships continua so tact all dealings on Monday so Elsie Hurtibes Lorine Walls Pearl Dangerï¬eld Doris Homer STARS SliY asrnnrurs sonai involvement as possible it Monday is your birthday your horoscope indicates that ior iine iorwardstrldes in job still turther boosts are promised one admonitio During May genes or you could ottset pr vious gains Personal romance in early April late October and on December both ess and creative lines CALL not tread icoit Amy Vatr Shirley Purvls Marla Mason and Jean Elle Sheila Wondger Greta ltitcbNora Dy Norma Stevenson Kathy Nixon Win Empire Anna Spenc er DorothySmith Grace Saso on the toes oisuperlorr and co workers In genenal stldr to routine and avoid as much per during the coming year person al initiative pluscoopcration wrth ofllels will help you to achieve much Forthe Capri eornian the period between now land April shnuld be notable business and tinanelnl lines and in midJuly early September and for thretsmonth period beginning on inn loss Just un and Nov 15 do avoid extrava relationships wlil alsobe starblmsedouring tho coming year with emphasis on gust late October and late Nov ember Most propitious periods tor trailei The weekshctween June and SapL15 also late chlldborn on this day will be highly mteiligentexi1emely gregarious and talented along Porrnw crniulcsj Aflarnoonand EvonlnygflCiams Itsuï¬lelent interest warrants classes will be con ducted in Barrie commencing approximately April 1st 1963F0t11lflll€1 information We dont apply heavy make up said Francine Plamao don zlycarold beauty expert irom St Rose Que We took special course which taught us how to give good laclai care by removing blackheads and tight ening skin pores light mak eup base otten hides oilness as well as circles and bags beneath the eyes The customer looks better and tools better NEEDNT BE DREY no taste massage is ottected through high ireouency ultra violet massage apparatus which stimulates the skin and reduces tension and tired lines There are also hair color ex ports at the salon who advise customers about certain hair cnlors tones and highlights man does not have to be grey today said Mr Lapolla it only takes 10 minutes to change his hair color iliinny customers curious about the new salon wander in to have their hair trimmed or just ior manicure or shoe shine You dont have to belong to the executive club to come here and you can come in without an appointment Executive membcrs however enioy prelorred rate receive phone calls reminding them its time tor yheir appointment and dont have to worry about being caught without clunge Ono at our most important teatures said Mr Lapolln as he climbed staircase in our toupe room door was opened to reveal small room where customers endowed with little or no hair can put on their loupes in priva CY man is very touchy about being held or wearing hair piece said Mr Lapoila Women have tor more courage when it comes to wigs There is tcam oi advisers on thestaiLotthe salon who suggest various suitable toupes tor the client Slidointomne slim arcblte turallyseamed dress under is equally ure coat and gr spring goahead signal See how precisely Printed Pat till 449 byllemhrandtiil atesiashiodsinnodoi hora many arched yoke oi dr matches arch of cost at dress repeats that of the cost Choose double knit blends cotton tweed or otto and cashmere tor lateday eta gance Printed Pattern 440 is available in Misses Sizes 1011 14 16 iii Size 14 dress requires two and one eighth yards 45inch fabric coat re quires three and one quarter yards Send one dollar plus five eants Ontario sales iax ior Printed Pattern 440 to The 4241916 return none mentor townand travel sh ago 16 asked it she could spend the night at her girl triandr home She and the girl have been close for metal years and they have slept at each otherr homer many time in the past so gave her per mission without tblohiog much about it At 180 In the morning got call iron the historic authori tiesDiane was picked up in the alley behind her triends house She was wearing silk night gown and had blanket wrapped around her Diana was wtthabcyltnveaskodbernot to go with any more When want down to the po lice station to get Disco was so upset could not think straight They let her oil with scolding but iopk all her priv ilcges away datlnl phone triends allowance Now have lound that she was there accident On one band ice am being too strict 0n the other hand didnt raise my daughter lobe is the alley at 130 in tho morn ing What is your advice Dont Know Dear Dontl cant imagine what sort ol accident would his tily lbyearold girl being in an alley in her nightgounYetl at me in the morning This girl needs more than res trictions She needs counseling and hope you will see to it that she gets it Most high schools have excellent guidance pro gram and it girl ever needed guidance yours does 0811258 ERRED Dear Ann Linden Yesterday cloud was in our home and we were discussing tood Our teenager was present and be voiced strong dislike tor certain casserole dish The triend said it was one oi heria vorltes and she could not under stand why he didnt care ior it since everyone she knew com plimented her whenever she served it Tonight our iamily was in vited to this iriends home ior dbrner could scarcely believe my eye when rhe brought out that muchdiscussed casserole as her main course Our teen age son said it looked good but he didnt care tor any The boat esss own children were served they did not care tor the cssse M440 sizes tau ISPRlucs COMPLETE LcoK Barrie Examiner Pattern Dept so KingStWast Tor onto Please print plainly your Girl Needs Guidance Not Restrictions hot dogs which indicated that role either Our son was no at lered hot dog When we tell the hostess tinned to me and said Some one slipped up when it came to teaching your son manners lm aglae turning down the main course Do you feel the boy should have choked it down lust in be polltetEnarka Dear Eurekol Your son should have taken small per tron oi the main course and lotto it on his plate The hoelesss manners leit much to be desired however She should have otteer the boy hot dog when he passed up the casserole and said no more about it Dear Readers Last week printed letter irom an airport superintendent in lit Vis who was upset bemuse sold it was OK tor teenagers to go to the airports to discuss tile printed the superinth cats letter hoping to discourag the kids in Madison irom going to the airport Now have letter from ll brary administrator in Bloom ington ind who says kids or welcome to come to the univer slty libraries to discuss lite their hearts content iset used the phrase delighted to have them FABRICS 0F HitlilED SEBVICEABILTIY In game of Tug of wer both teams must be evenly can also apply to fabric in woven tabrics there are two sets of yarns the yarns the go up and down called the the wit or tilting yarns There are tabrics on the mar this construction is tnbrie that has very iine Silk warp yarns and heavier Wool yarns woven in the welt direction expensive game such as suits made from fabrics at th gt Sit and Wool constnlctlonih€ fine Silkyarns were cut by tho heavier Woollen year This type ot damage has known to occur only site tew wearings The damage will that be where there is more straul at tho underarrns and around iind that the line warp yarns may break along the edgeot the hernline or along sharp pleats or tucks There are still many the rics ot this unbalanced cone struction on the market today pearance many have bee constructed this way for eco nomic reasons Many garments and drapes made irom fabrics or in construction haverbeen Dry Cleaned and the resui mg breakdown of the tinewarp yarns has been blamed on th Dry cleaner What has ally happened isthis before Dry Cleaning some of the warp yarns were broken or very weak and the slifllt mechanical action in the Dry cleaning process removed some at the broken pieces of yarn thus making the dam ago more noticeable Examine fabric eareiully below you buy it you notice very iine yarns in one direc tion and heavier yarns used in the opposite direction the iabric willba susceptible warp yarn breaks publicservice presle by Wright Gannon each name address stylsynumber andsizo required when youbuy bucket or ovum llDniw LAKEVIEW Ramuiontr gt matchcd or else the game willnotlast long This rule warp yarns and tho yarnsr that are woven across called ket today with very tine warp bility typical exampieof or combination otSilk warp and Cotton welt yarn litany and mechanicalgction such as the waistline You may also Some are attractive in ap am yarns and heavier wait yarns This creates an unbalanced fabric with limited scrvicca