By GRAHAM COX Canadian Press Stall ttrtter Lacking both an Orr and rudder Boston Bruins 1me Thursday night under storm at Toronto atnpe tools rubber and missed shot at first place in the National llock ey League Only 19 years old and tust tn Uncover In NHL MONTREAL CP Ron Ans dreuu National Hockey League mutton said Thursday the lcaguet annual guides verita ble gold mine of hockey ininr mation has carried an crrv ncaus piece of inlormation for years it shows the insicst opening goal in league play as being scored in eight seconds by Ron Martin of the dciunct NewYork Amuleans on Dec ml in New York in defeat of Montreal Canadians The recall also shows this mark equalled by former Toron to captain Tcd Kennedy in 92 toes toBoem Bruins apta Leaf Gardens OcL IA 1951 new vonit AP National Football League players with strengthened bargaining line have received recognition as union mm the owners and will huddlo with them next month No data has been set trolt guard John Gordy presi dent of the Players Association told press conlerence Thurs day but it probably will be the middle of February Dan Schulmnu of drieugo the legal counsel for the associas tlou admitted that one oi the plays the organization will carry into the meeting is the threat of strike to gain its do manila ltl always possible but dont conceivo of such thing at the moment the attorney said AERIAL VIEW shows the ar By ran CANADIAN PRESS NI ual League Eastern Division Pi Eastern Division TD 11 12 131 116 52 2214 815712850 Montreal oo til 121 note gamma ew York Detroit 49 12211145 iretam mutton Plttlhurgh Minnesota 513mm iOaktand 15 21 710312 1418 armor 16 21 351 36 Results Thursday Toronto Benton NFL Players Termed Union rival point tor or lose Winter Peterborough no 811016222 Ottawa Niagam Falls Hamilton 14 125 london Peterboroughi 13 41135 Hamilton at NiagaraFalls Toronto Kitchener Philadelphia 1015 6106 9246 London at Ottawa to Angela 17 21 133 so St Catharineaat Montreal Btotovoamta Forum Waterloo Meltfaster Philadelphia Minnesota Pittsburgh aloe Angelou time New York atlas Angela Ontario Junior LT Pt run 22 oravtootv Montreal lith slwrton at sound Western Montreal Laval MIss CHANCE AT LEAD sauna his second NHL season Bobby Orr has becomejcknouledged as just about the best delence man in the league and certainly ice leader nl the Bruins But in as allatar game in Toronto he sullch THE 35111113 mutant WAY JANUARY 1363 of play by Pete Stemkowski of Tomato during the third period at the allstar atlllr won by Toronto but didnt reeliu the mlousnesn at his iniury until next day when his should stitfened end hoeouldnt move his second injury of the season lt aud is expected to be out of ac tion or about neck He wasturrt when ridden out mer Boston star Cooney Wel land have come up with infor mnlion that will iorce Andrews to change that record Wetland tn eonvcrsann with llalhy recently recalled that the late Glarlie Conacher of the locals had scored goal in inst seven seconds Feb 1931 and that Toronto won the game at home 60 search of the erchlros con firms this fact and showed Con acher scoring in seven seconds on mm the late Harvey Busc er Jackson Conachor died latt Dec 31 while Jackson also Toronto native dial utt Junu 25 1956 Joe Primcau who lives in However Herb ftnlby Boston Toronto centred the thenla Bruins publicity man and lor mous Toronto Kid Ltuc The players decided last week not to join an outside union such on the Teamsters and instead to strengthen the Association To do so they had to identify themselves as union NFL owners apparcntly tind lng strengthened players asso ciation more acceptable than the Teamsters recognized it by agreeing to meet with the play era Among the playera demands are increased salary minimums lrom $5500 to 315000 year The loss to the ball Thur day alyrt left the Butler two points behind Chicago Black Hawks leaders of the Eastern Division while the 141 climbed to within point of thirdplam Mammal Canadienl UNGS FINALLY WIN in the other league nation Thursday Philadelphia Flynn defeated Minnesota North Stare and ins Angeler Kings won JZover Pittsburgh Pargutnr New York Rengere are It to Angeles in the only game sched uled tonight The tax Angelou victory snapping togame streak with out victory movrd them buds into second place in the Western Division behind the Flyrrr The victory for Toronto war only their sixth on the road this reason and was built on second pcrtod goals by Ron EllLt and Jim Pappin belore turning into dull closccbecldng altalr dur ing the uni period Neither Ed Johnson to the Booms MISS ono moors BOSTON AP Coach Harry Sinden and his Bos ton Bruins are reluctant to admit it but without young Bobby Orr theyre Just another struggling team in the National Hockey league ite doubllul Bobby will be ready or Saturday titan nooul game with Philadelp hia Sinden aald gloomtly alter the Brutus droppedn decision to Toronto Me to Leafs hero Thurnday all Orr lart teuona Rookie ol the Year tailored as Vere bruised muscleon his right arm in the AllStar game at Toronto Tuesday night He received treat ment and then watched his main bow to the Maple Leafs $500 player for each prosea son game signed contract he tore reporting to training camp review of player splits on post aeuon gamer and plans for an increased playera beneï¬t iund oi rtc stuns virw ron stuou Recalls do unmrousse near who prepare the mo tor ltt crest Grenoble Fri Fr 15 7145 9543 lilo511310327 910 411217023 New Jersey Sryacuse 11 Charlotte Florida Intemjrtdonll ham Dayton JPort lltaon 329 61212 Results Thursday Games Tonight out nérntéroouagnts art 533 narrates on noun Wm 2011 318311541 Kansan City Houston 1a 16 mo 11534 Oklahoma City Memphil brummondvtlte vlctoriavllle sonyaclnueia snaorootu Eastvtew Pembroke to smiths Falls Cornwall mam roomy ao 15 it 16 mténtvtem aorets 00 44 14 shawlnigaleuebecal We gave up two cheerey goal to begin with and then we didnt play our game Slndenaald eJVlntar OIYHF to begin Feb dand end eh will survrve tonights cut thats the drorougbhrsd re Leafs Handle Bruins As Kings Snap SlumpE Boston nets nor Bruce Gamble of Throttle was particularly hard pressed during thegame Johnson handling as shots and Gamble It Firstperiod scoring was done by Ken Hodgo at Boston and Wayne Carleton ol Toronto while John McKenzie of the Bruins and Bob Pullord Dl tho lull exchanged goals early in the second period DELAYED II Mle The game at Minneapolis was marked by 22 penalties and one series mailed the game 15 min es The delay came in the third period when time was needed to clear the ice oi debris alter booking penalty was called against Wayne Connolly of Minnesota In the altercation that lot Iowed Mike McMahon at Minnesota drew double mis conduct the Minnesota bench earned twomtnute minor and Bill Collins oi the North Stars drew misconduct Parker MacDonald and Con nolly rcorod tor the North Star while the winners got goals mom Gary Dmrthoelor Brit Selby Bill Sutherland and ion Angotti Gordon labosslere first dralt pick by the Kings scoml only his ninth and loth goals 01 the season to pace Los Angeles be fore defuteemnn Bob McCord drilled the winner past Lea Blnltlty In the Pittsburgh XML The Penguins goals were scorcd by Billy Dca In the first period and Keith McCrcary in the second to givo Pittsburgh 12 tie at that time 7400 Service For Masterton NEAPOLISV AP Abou persons jammed Hill ucst Methodist Church in sub urban Bloamtngton Thursday to attend funeral services tor Bill hlaatertou Minnesota North Start hockey playcr who died Monday at head injury sui fcred in game Rev Arthur llnbhhrd pastor at the church did not deliver eulogy saying So many trib utes have been paid to this young man that it would be presumptuous or me to add anything Among those attending the service weretho entire North stare team National Hockey League preside Clarence Camphcll and the onttre Phila delphia Penguin hockey team Frost Delays Golf Toumey NAPA Calit AP Tourna meat ofï¬cials hoped today the weather will help unravel some at the confusi it caused as the $125000 Kalser international Goli goli tourney moved through its second round Frost dclnycd the start by 90 minutes Thursday and darkness caught J9 golfers on tho Silvers do County Clubs north course most had just finished their first Among those llnishlng their second nine today was Gay Brewer who opened with 33 three below par on the per72 new Miayard course Dave Marr Rex Baxter and Howie Johnson Ind 19 others in breaking par among those who finished the ï¬rst round Thurs day Each shot so Bunched stroke behind were Don January Jacky CupiL Ha waiian Ted Makelena Bert Greene and Jim Velehers The top 70 and those who tie Arnold Palmer who ï¬nished strong in gain 70 alter pair ot bogeys joined the leaders in prediethtg sc would be lower than expectu on the weatheran eyeto the lu ture and an eye on Damascus Eutéru Magus Quebec Senior it Cehtrleunlor Western Junior Quebec Junlnr The weather owners and train outiooklor Saturda at Pawtuckctl ragansett Park writ get all to the earliest star hrdtehlstory ol NewEngland rachr makhtg ahead be the or 12 RON ELLIS of Toronto Maple Leafs tires that by Bos ton Bnrins goalie Ed Johnston NEW YORK AP Con gress has throatcned to crack some hendaln solving the dis uto over track and ï¬eld but as been warned that the eliort Irenolt Skier Taps In Italy TAEVISIO AP Frances Patrick Russell Thurs day won the giant slalom event ol the Duke oi Aorta lutemation nI skiing competition in this ltaltan resort making it clean sweep aitcr winning the metal slalom Wednesday Russell covered the 2100 mctre courao with drop at in metres and 72 gates in two minutes 2243 secondt Seep Heckelmuller of Weat Germany was second in 22305and Rick Chalice on the United Statel third in 224 Among an it no Bill McKay 20 at Calgary Alta tzrnzda oVancouver was 13rd in yearaids possible starters in ï¬le WWIadded Hibiscus Stakes at Hialeah Eyeing Damascusmost likely lrom behindtwill be the opponents oi the 1967 Bought the Year in the llemile tamedadded San rn an do Stakes at Santa Anita mum Dntmrnondvllle WThunder Bay Junior Wm lime IV gram It hderlcton Mouton ssunuohus tram we dammvrtvnumce PALVIERTO nor LONDON MP Imeicfymifyfliiiié the ma 31 worlds but lotlere over the will brunt to the winners 6d nominations mdhmm do is no more than gallo of games than days much less than bmrtcvhrerï¬nflaiuv accident causes phytidi ml helpmlieve other drivers The cost of lnaurnncc per kitty and ddeuseman Ted Green to score In the lecond period at their National Hockey Lea could result in the disuuatittcs tion ol the entire American Olympic team In Washington Thursday Sen Jacob JavlLe tReleiJl called 10 congressional actlon to end the feud between the us Ama teur Athletic Union and the tin ltonnl Collegiate Athletic Asso ciation dont believe Javite said that the sports fans ol this country will sit idly by as our outstanding prospects lor the Olympic Games an used by these organisation to lumber their own selfish motives Javlta action recoudod that ol Sen Robert Griiiln Hep Mich who introduced blll that would ban the disqualification oi any amateur athlete lrom competition because he had en gaged in meet staged by rival organization BRUNDAGE WARNS But in New York Avery Brnndage chairman ot the in telnational Oimk Oonunlttce warned that any congressional action could lea ardize the en tire American mpic team it the government tries to gun game at Boston Garden Tomato won to AP Wire photot Congress Tctkes Action In Athletic Dispute dictate settlement Bruodaga sold tneentlre OlympicTeam might be ruled ineligible One or our basic rules is that the various sports teams be re lccted by independent amateur lederatlons We dont permit nay sort ot government regula Currently the AAU and NCAA are tightin over track meet scheduled or New York on Feb to ba atagcd by the us Track and Field Peder tton an arm at the NCAA Several nnucollcgiaoe an en tered in the meet which is not sanctioned by the AM and that organization haa threatened to enspend every athlete who competes in it PASCUAL SIGNS WASHINGTON AP Pitch er Camilla Pnscual has returned his signed contract to the Wash lngtou Senutnfl the team an nounced Thursday spokes man said the righthnnder would receive about the same salary$425004 got during 1967 he posted mo record gt Today your car insurance teuhatsdn quiltemrne honestly the fluentls worry The slightest driving error can cause In cddmt ruuldnginauggalog repair bills Andwhsre would you be ityour caught ï¬reut was mlmtWheny realizehuw much on get to so cyan mamas dent ereiust tn many ifs Until you have one And hope you donQ But isnt WW conï¬ning to know car ihsurance protected you from hailstorms ï¬re and falling stars vandalism and yourself Stanï¬eld Gains Ground 31 THE CANADIAN PRES Boston Bruins lost theb National Hockey League game to Toronto Maple Leafs 41 Thttndly but Ered Stanï¬eld still moved ahead in the lean scoring rare The Torontobom left DIM or the Bruins earned an mist tn the loss to more point end of teammate Phil Emli into role possession third place among the lawn top to polnt letters it was the silt mist in 11 nch tor Stenleld who leads the leaguctn that department bu point are wet short the leaders Stln Milli oi Ehlclgb Black Hawks leads on points with while teammate Bobby ll has so Milital will In mldl up of 11 goals and 25 metal while liulls is built on leagueleading 32 Start goal and ll usits goals and to mistl The tenderer ru Pins Marita CM 71 25 tf Hull Chi 32 ll 50 14 Stanï¬eld Bill It 45 Erposlto Bus It to Bucyk Bot 10 Howe Dot 19 It 15 McKenzie B05 16 26 57 Wharram Chl it 17 it it Delvecchlo Del 12 29 Gilbert NY I5 15 ltatclle NY it is to Apolloa Post Shutqut Win ma CANADIAN nurse Houston Apollot blanked Km to City Blues and OklaI home City Blue downed Memphis South Stars 51 In tho Centsat Hockey lulu lhurr day night llouston goalie Roclw Farr aubstitute lor regular Ernio Wakely who had beencetled up by the parent M0nll$l1cltl dlem oilhe National Hockey League tended bin that CHI shutout Moe St Jacques and Robin Burnt each tallied twice for Houston with Richard Sent eccmrnttug tor the other Ape roaL Despite seven no Grant Erlckwu came throng widl two markerstor Oklahogl City arnn Bradley Morrll to lardw and Jim etln scored lor the Elm GermainW Gannon tallied In the loath rnv nxnrmmn vim PHONE mutt Pï¬ protects mm thanninth user ltyeu have any on estinns or car insurance ust lotus to Write All Canadahurlnse Federation Information Service 36 Toronto Street Toronto Our membership mutt oflao competing romance completes in Candi 73mm lenluflfl With car msurance you neveridrive alone