CAMPBELLS VIEW Little Chance That Helmets Become Mandatory In NHL By THE CANADIAN PRESS President Clarence Campbell says there is little possibility that helmets will become com pulsory in the National liockey League it was tried beiore in 1933 after the Ace Bailey injury but the players reiuscd to wear them Campbell said in To ronto where he isattending meeting of NHL governors The emphasis on helmets in hockey took on new impetus Monday after Bill Masterton 29 centre with Mnesota North Stars died ot head injury sui Iered in game against Oale land Seals Saturday Masterton who did not wear helmet tell and struck the back at his head on the ice llc did not regain consciousness and died in hospital early Mon da lite death was the first di rectly attributed to playing in jury during the 51year history of the NHL although at least four have suttered injuries that placed them near death snocu 10 CAMPBELL It was shock said Camp bell lts reasonable to say helmet might have prevented the injury and theres bound to be some disctission of making it compulsory but personally dont think it would work Frank Mahnvlich at Toronto satd he would wear helmet if the Louis told Inc had to lm not against helmets for hockoy players Rod Kelly wore one for quite while and it didnt hamper him but whos to say that helmet would have saved Mastertan Games Hockey Schedule Set By THE CANADIAN PRESS Schedule oi Canadian hockey gamesin the 10th Winter Olym pic Games at Grenoble France Fdntlalyt1968 all times ass Tues pm vs West Ger many or Poland Titan pm vs Finland or Norway pm vs East Ger many or Romania Sun 11 1130 ani United States lanes 13 it not vs Czecho Slovakia Thun 15 ll den SaL 17 pm vs USSR vs vs5wo People have ditlerent bone structure Some people get hurl every time theyre hit FEW PROTECTED Only handful oi players in the 12 Nltl clubs wear protec tive headgear The most tamtl tar tacos are nemblay Montreal Canadiens Larry lel trey at New York Rangers Red heronson at 5L Louis Blues Warren Godfrey at Detroit Red Wings and Charlie Burns at Oakland Seals Burns has been wearing hot met since turning professional lie suiicrcd head injury while still junior and metal plate was inserted into his head Tremblay decided to wear helmet tor the remainder oi his career after suitcring head in jury in collision with Rog Fleming ot New York Rangers last season Ron Ellis of Toronto and Bobby Rousseau ot Montreal are among active players who wore helmets tor time but later discarded them The Canadian Amateur llock cy Association makes helmets compulsory for all players trorn Junior 13 down but players usually discard them on reaching Junior It level RECALL BAILEYHOWE Bailey forwardivith To ronto suilered one of the most severe head injuries prior to the Mastorton incident Knocked to the ice by Boston defencerrinn Eddie Shore on Doc 12 1933 Bailey was uncon scious for several days near death Extensive surgery was pcriormedand he never re turned to hockey Gordie ttowe of Detroit Red Wings hockeys perennial super star also suttered severe head injury in 1950 that came close to terminating his career The injury occurred during his fourth season with the Red Wings when he collided with Ted Kennedy 01 Toronto llls head struck the boards and he Iracturcd his skull it was sever al days heloro doctors were cer tain he would live Burris has worn helmet lor lt protesstonnl seasons with De troit Boston and Oakland lor protection as well as reminder to all players of his injury He suiiered double skull fracture with blood clot on the brain in practice workout at the start oi the 195465 season with Toronto Marlbnms oi the Ontardo Hockey Association Junior series ing career at delencemttn bou Fontinoteol Montreal during the 198161 season Fontinato was paralysed for some time One other player the great Howie Moron of Montreal never let hospital alter hock ey injury in 1937 Morena sul lered broken leg and died of pneumonia several ueetrs later One of the most recent deaths outside protesstonal hockey oc curred in 1061 when Harvey Clarke 33 ot Toronto died in hospital nine days alter his jug ular vein was severed by skate during an amateur game Atlanta Signs Scottish Star ATLANTA AP Willis Mclntosh Scotland natl who has been playing with th High lands Pork team in South rica has been signed to 196i LEAPING LOU OUT broken ncck ended the play contract by Atlanta Chiefs oi the North American Soccer league If TIIE BARBIE EXAMINER TUESDAY JANUARYIS 1966 suffered pulled ankle ligaments Travel Plans To Mexico May Stall Olympic Entrants MONTREAL CF Canadas athletes going to the Olympic Games in Mexico City this tall may have con ple ol hurdles to clear bolorc they get dotvn to active par ticipstion in their designated events The Games are scheduled tor Oct 1227 but some en trants may leave month to lortntgbt earlier so the com petitors can become accus tomed to the rartlicd 70t1tltoot altitude of the Mexican capt Maurice Alisnh assistant chef de mission tor the Cana dlon team views the early de parture dates as deterrent to some of this countrys top COMEDIllN ionuav willow BRIGHTENS STlitt DINNER TORONTO CP Cova diari Johnny Wayno told Na tional Hockey League players annexecutives Monday night they should scrutinize st reading material for club owners of the league expan sion teamu Its book entitled How to Make Small Fortune Out of IIhckeySiart With Large One said Wayne Acting as master at ceremo tries at the NHL AllStar dinr oerWayne used law French phrases Im doing all can for or turalism Im translating ihc speeches of our Mayor William rt son into who was present at the rec at open Jack Kent Cookes Forum in Los Angeles said he was im pressed HOCKEY AT ITS FINEST What place Sott lights music orange carpets girls in miniskirts Twelve spectators got penalties for holding Wayne recognized Torontos heavyweight Aid Joseph Pic cininnl among the guests Canadas iastest growing sport id Wayne Alder man Picctninni When Chicago Black Hawks centre Stan Mildta wasprev sented with the Hart Art Ross and Lady Byng trophies he won last season Wayne ob served With the Byng goes $1000 and beaded purs LflVIasterton Filled Liies Dream VINNEAPOLIS AP Bill lt sterton who grew up in Win pg dreaming oi what most Canadian boys dreamplaying in lthe National Hockey League II beburied Saturday ust months alter full that dream Mzstertou died in hospital Monday In titan so hours after he sulteréd total head injury to the Minnesota Ndrth snrsoaklann Seals ganja here Saturday night itly wasfnltitling lifelong drea said Wren Blah the North Stars coach and general manoger He did not need the National Hockey League was grist something he wanted to as IV Mastcrton 29 came out of semtretlrament last summer to play with Mlnnuotas expansion Vtearn lltvllle NHL Holder its masters degree in ï¬nance from Denver University and em ployed in counsel administrav tloa by Honeywell Inc of Min neapolis hacienda was redire Bat the lure ol playing major league hockey utter brilliant oltoglcte hockey career It Den can new romantic it super team hockey with all Ottswe and Mad brought book lo the pros hard tothe ice striking his head heavily on the rink Ac counts ot what happened are variedvand uncertain But Mas terton had stillered is massive brain injury so severe doctors could not attempt urgery He died at am Monday Mastertqas death ï¬rst 51year history of the NHL raised the possibility oi legisla tion to force hockey players to wear protective helmets But the players and those nmning the game are generally opposed to such compulsive legislation Onlya dozen or so NHL play ers now were hobnetsOthcrs claimiltelmets hinder their vi sion andbother them by sliding around He will be buried Saturday at Winnipegs Green Acres Memo rialICemetcry alter services at Norwood United Church Preceding that services will be once prompt held at Hillerest Methodist Church in suburban Blooming toti Thursday at pm EST Mastenonl lamilyhlsfwtle Carol son Seam3 and dnufliter Sally 1wll receive an estlmoted 000110 this figm 360000 cornea tron the NHLI tile and lecithin tantr com um tram accidentdeath benefits pay the balance llll mow ontrno in the orbit performers attending the Games its too early to say yet Allan said in an interview But study commitments may cost us low university stu denteathtetcs that normally would be selected to the team While the Games only lost two weeks many ot the competi tors will have to undergo spe ctal training some three weeks ahead of time in Mex ico to become accustomed to working at the altitude The scheduling and the early departure date come just when most university stugt dents are settling down to an other year ol studies This means they could conceivably lose five weeks of schooling or miss year APPEALS T0 EMPLOYEE Allan said this could also apply to athletes who hold down regular jobs Some will work out their normal vaca tion time for the period at the actual Games but may find it difficult to obtain additional time all to cover the month or live weeks necessary tor the trip lHere it is tip to the individ ual employer to understand the contribution the athleteis making to his country by granting the necessarytime nth Under the Olym code the Canadianolym ciatlon cannot subsidize the takehome pay of the athlete 3and it hes married with familyfto support not present onsiderahlo finan These problems are only couple of tbemultitude Allan must face His responsibilities range from transporting the athletes to and rom their hometowns to team coordi nation in Mexico Mildresecmalfl commandWoe cridcmtsstttn= lltitvard Radlord of Mono realLlle was an official at the 1964 Summer Olympics In Tokyo at the British Com monwealth Games in 1966 and at last summers PanAmeri canextravaganza In Win GIVEN TRIAL RUN Allan former weightllitce not competitivelywas in charge of zsatblete contin gent to the Little Olympics in Mexico City last Oct 1529I This competition was used as In testing ground for the big Olympiad this yeah President oi the otnmonwealui Weightlilting Federation is director of they Can ad to Amateur Sports Federationand the Canadian Olympic Association Attan was recently appointed lirst vicepresident of the Amateur AtbleticUntan of Canada He said the October Mexico trip showed that tacitltte there appeared adequ al though there was still at work to do Major items still bee teted are the main starti competition pooltor swim metswbtch is dxpebtedl to rival Tokyos impressive 196 structure and the Olympic Vil lage due to open Sept All airport par sensor manager for Air Cari ado at Montreal Internation s1 Airport said llttl tllymbics showed that our nthr totes out portalmin well Mexico to lntlootru or ta rt events marslhoners and cyclists taking part in road competitionswill be the first all tor the Games He said that tentatively live track athletes and an om cial will leave Canada Sept 14 as the lororunners of contin gent expected to total 150 Personnel participating in the boxing cycling track events rowing and wrestling will move out approximately Sept at One week later the remain der ot the truck and ileld delegation the can oelst lencers and those taking part in gymnastics shooting aquat ic sports and weightlilting will depart The small equestrian to am and about In yachtsmen tvill travel to Mexico on their own Thats the tunnel wed like to follow Allan said All know is that this year is goingto he the busiest can imagine The last few weeks bctore the Games are going to be hectic getting such big team organized plan Lrinras CHECK Paps TOW LAW England CF low Law soccer team oi ttimers held Third Shrewsburlt Town to 11 raw ut tlicsecoitd Cup competition ad and forced replay crowd of 2500 ammed Tow Laws tinystadium and cliaeredvthe local team The winner oi the replay will be athomo to First Division Arsansljmtlijmxt round anarchism scannerQatars lWalt Hmard and Bob Rule led SeattleSupersontcs to 129 113 victory over New York Knicks in the lirst game pt doubleheader at Monday night Hmatdoeoredupointaond Rate 22 as Seattle outscored New York zoo in the tint liva mlnntgsottboyttnlthlrdpe out Yorkwlihmwlnlnueh ï¬le the stem game ottlto domicilepier Boeton mmm round of the English League National Basketball Asadelatlon CANADAS NANCY Greens World Cup siding holder rests Monday at Badgastcin it tria after Sunday practice fall Austrian Downhill Run Clainis More Injuries BADGASTEIN Austria The diilicuit downhill ski course here on which World Cup champion Nancy Greene Sunday claimed new victims Monday Trail Montreal Toronto Chicago Detroit Boston Winnipeg New York as Montreal Koeslag it Bowen Langille nos ton Bayeralt God den Trail New York Toronto It Winnipeg Chicago Scott Ban nerrnant Detroit Richards Richardson All WL Providence Erie Cleveland Rochester Springfield Spokane Denver Quebec Hershey Bullalo Spokane Jim Myers Tim Bailey Denver Hugh Scott Quebec Rod Carroll Randy Carson Jim Hullman Wayne Marley Springfield t5 Livingstone Providence Alt Lamoan eaux Jim Eamiltond Burke Cleveland Rich ardson Erie GteTerry Martin Larry Hook Hershey 1Peter Choir NrOuHNNra assesses Lloyd Lennox Wallace Klasella Pts l8 I3 l3 ll 16 or anmngnnnaa 22 18 uwnneeupe semen It on pi Cornwall 43 to lo Windsor 451416 Wider lead NIAGARA FAME Ont GP Tom Webster extended his lead in the scoring race to seven points Sunday when he paced tftagara Falls Flyers with two goals and an assls defeat Toronto Mï¬rlhomtz in Ontario Hockey Associati Junior Anettonl websters centre mate Garry Swain collected tlireavpoints tie Ricky Hayes of tho Mar too for the spot Bayes was held scoreless his record of 30 goals and 3935 ststs tor 59 points as matched by Swain Wehst now has 27 goals and leagueleadnlgla assists for to points Torontoa Terry Cattery held until place with St pointsl lowed by Montreals Andre Gau dette with 59 Tool Martin of Toronto holds 31th place with so points Niagara Follaï¬ goalie Phil Myra continues tohold coitu lortoble margin over Hamiltons Webster NF 3812 Tor Swain NP announcement Honouswaaes in which she her ankle rash of injuries and tails erupted Monday as the worlds top Women skiers worktvl out or the Silver lug races one There were several falls and one French skier tngrid Lni lorgne was contined to hospital with back injury The injury to Miss Greene Canadas Athlete of the Year in 1967 was not as serious as had St Paul Omaha Kitchener Whitby Sudbury 11 Chris Mathews Tim Clayden Glenn Chappel Ted McNahb Steva htthnden Kingston Robbie Garner Tom Clark Windsor lim Angus Chris Matt St Paul Bill George Darrell Grant Cornwall Kevin Kelly Kiteltenervo North Bay Whitby de fault 35 44 16 08 08 Kinsmen Bag Rebound Win NEWMARKET Forced to rally tram behind in the late stages of the second period Ban rte Kinsmen Novices recovered away from home to trip their Newmarket hosts 11 in North York league clash Data Amos notched the winner at the 1030 mark of theliusl period on pass from Shane Pearsall With just 27 seconds rem lag in the second period Barrles tying goal was recorded by Doug Raymond The hosts had drawn tilst blood with Vienstra scoring at 900 This goal stood up lor over 20 min utos Next action for tbeKiiisnten Novices is this Friday Jan 19 They play another North York League game on the road at sienna dy Anderson Arena is 730 pm KINSMEN NEWMARKET First Period Newmarket Vicnstra Matrice Brown 1100 PenaltysMathews Barrteilay May Impede Florida Racing MIAMI AP Hialeah Park is scheduled to open May meeting Wednesday but whether there is racing at the plush Florida track dependson what the horsemen do today No action was talten Monday night at meeting at the Flor lda division at the liorsemenl Benevolent and Protective Asso ciation but there was virtually unanimous express tor boys cott Entries were due by noon tor the opening ltHace program featuring the ï¬shedadded iioyal Poinciana handicap at six Inrlongs for older horses in all were nominated tor the ï¬rst at to stake races at llisleaho schedule The EPA wants boost in purses lrotn in to 47 per cent at the tracks share at the part mutuel handle written con tract recognizing the HBPA as bargaining agent and sum equal to one per cent of the purse distribution paid into the IBM land for needy horsemen Florida has about no iratan 01 um 35 meetings berm registered not including owners next months WinterOlympiu at Grenoble France tAP Wirephoto via cable trom Bad gastein been tearod Sunday night Ca nadian tski coach Verne Ander son said the 24yearcld Cana dian nco out not break any bones during the training spill local doctor at first had diagnosed the injury as hair line anhlc fracture Later specialist said Otto wahom Miss Greene sullered pulled ankle ligaments The injury is expected to keep the Rosslnnd 130 student out of this weeks Silver Jug compo tition here but not hamper her bid to win model or two in the Winter Olympics next month in Grenoble France Nancy will be all right tor Grenoble said Anderson in tactfl believe she will be able to ski in St Gervais France next week The possibility that she will be back on the slopes in France next week was good news for Miss Greene who is third in this years unofficial World Cup standings at this early point The St Gervais meet featurr ing slalom andgiant slalom counts toward the World Cup as do the Silver Jug downhill slalom and combined here which she appears doomed to miss EADGASTEIN Austria AP The lirstot two downhill races in the international womens er Jug Alpine skiing compo ion was can celled today because or poor track conditions One downhill race will be held Wednesday This it Ofï¬cer Cadet lottery Snwchulr Hes one of 700 Canadian getting fully sponsored University educa Iion under the Regular Oils continuing Program When his graduate from Canadian Military Conan hell be wmmisiioned alliser in the ConadiooAmtod Forces Spanktourubhutyoorshoneos ut potting in on it CANADIAN conces RECRUITING CENTRE 75 St Clair Avenue East roaonro omaaro Telephone sssasot Go with us The Canadian Armed Forces SPECIAL 59 8° SPECIAL DARN carat INSURANCE Less TIRE WEAR and easier skid control with complete front and alignment its Full SAFETY INSPECTION of root suspension steering brokenuboust system andiiglits 11 rugbygeronslyl Phoneior an appointment mas PICKUP AND normalcy ATKINSON PONTIAC IIICKLTD 145 BRADFORDST 1264885 MENSIS corneas zf jwoRKxslIIRTS Mens fiannelette work shirts gt warni ideal for those who work outdoors long sleeves colours of red brown plaid style Truty an outstanding buy for farmers construction workers etc Dont delaycome in today for this outstanding value Similar to illustration gt WHILE rusv flLAsThI conch an an Ocslwoflh moieoitouammif mic so ours were recess on print on