Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jan 1968, p. 5

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REVIEW MINUTES FOR COUNTY SESSIONS New clerk or Simcoe County Gordon Watson former rceva oi Creemore is shoivn with Miss Madge Pearce tieit and Mrs Dorothy Poland as they cut out balloia reviewed min mas and madc other prepara tions ior yesterdays voting to decide the 1968 warden Mrs Polnnd is deputy clerk and Miss Pearce member or the county oliicc stali Examiner Photo tINNISFlI NOTES School Board Plans Construction Work By lnnislii School Board held its 1963 Inaugural probably the ilnal one The oath oi allegiance ad ministered by Frank Kell was taken by two new members Mrs Walters and Mrs Jana as well as by trustees Beatty Coulis and Langman Rev Geddcs pastor of Churchill United ChurchI gate the blessing and prayer Short speeches were made by Reeve Joe Cochranc Area Superintend ant 11 Macklempthe business administrator and board mem bers who expressed their inten tion or making the year good one for the educational bcnciii Not the township The election oi board chairman and appoint ments or various committee chairman was part oi the pro ceedings The attendance officer gave report at his activities tor the past year Minutes or the final meeting oi 961 were confirmed and in cluded resolution by trustees Coutts and Langman that writ ten application be forwarded im mediately to the 1968 Council of innisiil or approval of deben titres totalling $601509 to cover the costs of building seven class rooms and resourca centre at Varniea school and six class rooms and agenera1 purpose room at Central The report included memos irom various authorities suggest lug that the proposal forexteo stons to enlarged schools should replaced by plans tor an ad dition to Alcona School However the Board was lirm in its in tention to proceed with present plans while authority remained in its hands to decide where ex pansion would be oi most advan agar Police Officer Is Charged MONTREAL CP Gilles Dalgneault police oiiicer In suburban St Michel was gtchargcd Monday with lraud and also pcctences Dalgneault 1nw of SL Michel Mayor Gilles Bergeron is alleged to have accepted 01500 bribe from rolativo to help him get onto the police jam in St Michel Hels to appear ior prelimi nary hearing Jan 22 gt Mayor Bergcron and tour or the tsuburhssix aldermeo are awaiting trial on charges of ac cepting bribes PHONE Izaisat rtnous PLAILRS router as DUNIDP ST aaaolc The board states it has approv al of the department or educa tion or plans which are ready and that all that is needed to get siartcd ls councils approval oi costs motion by the board was approved that $15000 of capital expenditure be paid from rev enue that is due ior capitol ac counts to cover the lamina and Sunnyhrae school additions of last year ARCHITECTS The ilrm oi architects who de signed Central School is being asked to develop plans to cover the proposed additions to Cen ital School Councils educational commit tee is chaired by Russell Stew art He wasamong those who spoke at the inaugural meeting at the board He should make good liaison between the board and council TEACHERS COMMYIIEE report by Principals John ston and Grant gave the board an outline oi what it may expect in teachers demands ior the coming year SAFETY PROGRAM hiaeklern uttered pro grain to encourage saiety on school buses This will be car rled out as opportunity atiords and is in the iorm or movies and other instnictioris to pupils ARSON IN FLORIDA Two schools were burned with in week in the city oi Tampa Florida this month Arson was suspected in both cases The schools are used by colored pu pils Fire damage Was heavy in both buildings but the remaining portions have been put back into use with classes doubling up in malningépoec Florida will hold special sea side of its legislature this month to di cuss the uired funds to tailing some ons or dollars to be poured into education which is handicapped with too iew buildings too little equip ment and too iew teachers The teachers have given the school authorities until the end of March to come to an arrangement or their resignations will be in effect CllIMES Chimes oi the church behind our home play many lively tunes twice daily We learned at the bitter cold and storms that have hit the north any nxanrmna wawrms raonn viaout Tenors wrouasoav TEN CONVICTS GIRLS DAMNED to uElLS island of 151 Start Work Soon On School Wing lit Oxbow Park SUNNIDALE StainConstruction is due to start at once on now three room addition to Oxbow Park School to provide muchneeded accommodation Trustees Jock Corbett and Mrs Frank Watson are members ol the Oxbow Park School commit tce ior 1968 with Lance Robert son nnd Jock Corbett on the Wa saga Beach committee and Miss Matthews and George Scott serving on the New Lowell and Brentwocd committee Mrs Watson who was elected chairman at the inaugural meet ing welcomed the new mom bers Manired Leimgardt and Mr Robertson and the other trustees back Illiislon Lions llclive Group ALLISTON Slam Members oI Allistons Lions club are givr ing attention to plans to mark the 31st anniversary or receiving the club charter The Alliston Lions received their charter on Jan 25 1937 when Dr Burt then pres ident accepted it tram the thcn district governor Harry Lam bert past president at the Al liston club John Taylor town deputy reeve is current district governor having been elected at the Ontario and Quebec conven tion at Sault Ste Marie last June In nearly 31 years or activity the Lions club has been active in social welfare and community work covering wide range of activities of general beneiit The Lions pavilion at Biverdale Park is among the latest pro tents GETS NEW POST TORONTO CF Earl Howard oi Mitchel Ont has actor the manpower services division the Ontario departmentoi labor an nounced Monday Mr Howard has been agtax specialist with the retail sales tax branch of the Ontario treasury depart mentsince 19p Innisfil ReeveIASks FiveYear Road Plan By BILL CURRAN District Editor STROUD 15mm live year program at road construc tion and improvement has been proposed lor lnnistil township by llccvc Joseph Cochranc ltcave Cochraoe said he hop ed to see such plan drawn up during this term and special map made which will be aval ablc ior inspection by ratepay ers so they will be given some idea as to when their roads will receive attention Stating such plan has been working well or Simcoe Count ltccvc Cochranc said he coud see many advantages in allow ing similar course ior lnnlsiii which is the largest at 16 rur al municipuliiics in lhe county PREPARE AHEAD Long range planning enables the road committee to acquire needed ladds well in advance oi the work and also helps plan ning or the engineer Culverts and bridges can be built pre ceding road construction whcre advisable and brushing and fence work done in other cases would like to see an agree ment with the county whereby we uould plow and sand cer tain roads lot them in return or their winter service on our roads said the Innisitl rccva This would eliminate any dup lioaiion oi services on the same roads have spoken to the coun ty cngincct and he said he would be ivilling to cooperate Stating that good roadbuilding was on economy in the long run Iicevc Cocbraue told his room oil hope this council will carry on with the standard or road construction that has been the policy tor the last iew year would like to see cvuy town ship road brought up to high standard We have already con structed and paved over 100 milm or road in our township and this means saving in maintenance LAST EONGER Thu Ionislil rcevc discussing the road program and improve meats in which financing is ald cd by government subsidies add cd This has been real bless ing ior us in salislcctlon con venience and saving to ve hiclcs and to the township By lncreming property values it ho also increased our assessment and mven Tho roevc said he hoped to sea complete iivcycar road pro gram prepared lot council con sideration and study Progressive Planning Stressed In Sunniddle SUNNIDALE tstatl Major attcniion is to be given to plannning to help Sunnidule development it was emphasized by Reeve Lloyd Prldham who has started his eighth lorm as head at the Sun nldnle council llccvc Pridham is the only Sunnidale member oi Simone county council while all the oth or 15 rural municipn ics have two members minimum o1 1000 homes on the voters list is required tor two members and the reevc is hopeiul oi sccing Sunnidale meet that requirement shortly Until Oakvieiv Beach area was lost to the township through annexation by Wasaga Beach In r955 Sunnidalc had deputy recve Each day brings new chal lenges and forces revaluation oi traditional concepts said lleeve Adjala Passes Schbol Bylaws LORETTO Stall Adjala township council has passeda bylaw giving approval ior its Pridham ln reference to new trends in regional county and local administration in addition to the rccve Coun cillor Duncan McCort also touch ed upon the importance oi prac Coldwaier Asks Sewage Disposal COLDWATEII Sicli pro gress report on survey mado ior sewage disposal require meals ior Coldwntcr is due to be given by the Ontario Vua ter Resources Commission public meeting has been call ed ior Thursday Feb ior the purpose Sewage disposal has been mong major topics discussed by Coldwntcr council last year The request ior the report was made to the OWRQ share oi debentures iorthc pro posed new addition to Banting Memorial High School and also or the Orangevilie District High School addition Reeve Fred Baxter heads the Adjala council which also pass ed bylaw giving the necessary authority or bank borrowings to linance alterations and new ad dition to Adjaln Central School until the debentures are sold Regulation 01 wrecking yards and revisions in the budding by law also have been approved DISTRICT inns CIVIC IMPROVEMENTS BRADFORD Sialil Civic improvements will be discussed at meeting of Bradford town council which will be held on Friday Jan to starting at pm STAYNEK CENTRE BOARD STAYNER Stat Staynet Memorial Community Centre Board ior idea will include two members rpm the town council awrtrnmnhelo the Lions club and one from the Horticultural Society in accord ance with theCommunity Cen tres Act Mayor Elmer Doriiy and Councillor Allistar MacDon ald have beenappointcdvthe towns representatives Asianehingzyrmuir An unabashed look at red sea Remarkably uninhibited nnd specific in its recording of the wnylauemmzkmwuchrnawnw ammsaifiuumnd liLriyatudy of love DearJohn isavtour dc farce of erotic realism Lovemaking banter as apron or the law allows smallish Altpgether rt is stunning picture compelling pi tirelA rank and uninh ted expo on of the normals ofphyaiool desire One oter onothcrscene expand upon the lith techniques ofoourrship ondilieclomaroualulfillnwntodeaire FOR FURTHER lNFORMATlON giooatwodrom tical planning in helping Sunril dale development FIRE PROTECTION Only now mcmher oi the Sun nidalo council Edmund Otlham has been made chairman oi the tire protcction committee which also includcs Councillor Wesley limes Councillor Bates is the new chairman oi the roads and bridges committee with Council ior lilcCort tvhilc Councillor Man tin Buyer is chairman of fin once Councillor McCort is chair man at contmgoncics commit tee and also is Sunnidalc repre scniotivc In the Coliingwood Hos pital Board Councillors Culham and Mc Cort will represent Sunnidale on the Georgian Bay Regional Dee vclopment council Chairman or the Nottawasngo Valley Conser vation committee during the past your Reeve Pridham will return as Sunnidalo representa ive DISTRICT NEWS Till BARN EXAMINER TUESDAY JANUARY Stayner Committee Plan Early Start On New Budget STAYNER Stall Commit tee chairmen will be starting work soon on obtaining figures ior proposed budget 1n prepar ation ior letting 1968 tax rates The latter is usually completed about May hloyorElmer Dority who has started his seventh year as head or the council has confidence in Stayner and considers its pros pects or development are good Reeve William More well knonn Stoyocr iurnlturo merch not is the townl represent tive to county councl Councillor William Knox heads the fire and police committee which also includes Councillors Harry Mothers and Arthur Pool along with the mayor Chairman of general adminis tration is Councillor Pool with Councillor Ken Kerr and ltecve More members or the commit tee Councillor Kerr heads the property committee which also includes Donald hlclotryo and Al listar Mac Do nnl Sanitation committee is headed by Coun cillor Mclntyra with Councillor Mathers and Reeve More the oth er members The public ivorlis administra tion was divided into two com Centennial Work Will Be Reviewed ALLISTON sum Reports on the caravan visit and other centennial events and protects in Allistoo will be given at public meeting to be heldat the town hall on Thursday eve ning Jan 19 Sponsored by tho Alliston dtl tens centennial committee the meeting was arranged to start at pm mittcen since there has been considerable street improvement mcr extension and other im provcmcols General committee is headed by Allistar MacDon ald with Ken Kerr and William More the other members The sewer protect committee is head ed by Harry hiathcrs with ViL llam Knox and Arthur Pool also on the committee Siayner tax rate lust year was 888 mills residential and 994 commercial up La and 54 mill respectively The 1961 county ratawas up almost two man but public school levy was down as well as the general levy ad ministered by thc council BLIGHTY BINGO EMBASSY HALL BLAKE ST THURSDAY PM Sponsored by Barrio Minor Hockey Assoc youSave forsomcthmg 413 spasm at as Commerce helps you save because its littlé moredriiicult dip into your savings Withdrawasfromfwur 541170 Savings Aocountmustbe made in person Thereare no chequing helps too byg ing hig your minimum monthly balance Think of something your really Want Then open Commeroe4lg7 Savings Account privileges The Commerce er interestgcolculatedon 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