Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jan 1968, p. 2

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VCcirs Bog Down As Winds Whip Drifting Snow Yesterday was the day almost and Utopia were reported good everybody in Barrie and the sur The Seventh Line highway 90 rounding district got stuck at and so were also in good condi least three times housewives tion this morning while provin shovelled the driveways and ciai and county road are open some students took day off with the exception of few Asks For Bylaw To Force Renewal Following Fire Mayor Bentley wants return here for three simmers rebuilding bylaw for Barrie and still see that much frontage that would compel firms to on our main street inactive tear down buildngs that have he asked been 50 per cent more day He said rebuilding bylaw troyed by fire The bylaw should Muirc replacement by tire reristant building it reconstruc ted llc told the annual civic night meeting of the Kiwanis Club of Barrie linnday that unused and blighted frontage on the main atécei of city like Barrie ich it trying to attract indus Iry and new business gives very poor impression to 373 pools Referring to the building fo mcrly occupied by Eaton Co on Dunlap St he said lit girdloss of the reasons none at you can believe it is good ror would be cooperative way to help urban renewal in Barrie but right now there is on leg lislntlon with any teeth in it so something can be done about such situations The mayor called an numb crs of the service clubs to sup port such legislation if council dccidcd to go for it Turning to regional develop meat the mayor said We have touark hard in coopera tion with the surrounding town ships to develop regional plan rather than have one foisted on us in such tray that will lose our local uutanom7 school Last night winds again whipp cd township roads into snow drilts forcing some snouptough drivers off the road lakevlaw behind sable SCHOOLS OPEN dairy milk truth went off cum at Dundalk and spent the night on its side in the ditch Plant supervisor Ray Bowie said no milk was split and the trucks were making all their rounds but running three hours moi drivers reported that most concession roads were pas socondary roads Louis Truax Essa lioad super intendent culled plough oil the township canccslon roads last night when winds banked mow into high drifts The Ontario hlotor hague raid towing trucks were busy all day pulling drivers out of their drive ways parking lots and dim WOMAN FRIGIITENED private towing service re ported call was answered on Highway £00 yesterday when woman frightened by road con ditions stopped at the curbside and raluscd to drive further The my elementary and fill tow truck attendant drove her Schools were open today and to city doctor to sedative 335° BM Tree removal companies ra or city to it 5W thrroj Darrie doesnt have the mom KIWANIAN JOHN voxcs MAYOR BENTLEY KlWA NIS PRESIDENT DR GEORGE LEGGETT CITY CLERK What kind in New land or the facilities within her BEN STRAUGHAN call we make upon people boundaries to provide for the bl 40000 citizens expected in 15 93 Annie lub ported no calls after the ice years time so Barrie must start storm Skiing resort officials said planning now to control her mimd Tammnm E5 people were still makln it up Mail Dim ne iookcdlls orzflyoarsahcnd Dal Sunnldnre and was Bud Once again medical officials flow 11 0a Tun nAnRir EXAMINER TUESDAY JANUARY ls 1m 11 15 are advising women to shovel at the new groups iorrncd by 5c on urn open an owns Mr sm we council the Kempcnielt Bay Md rim Development Conunitioe was lloy Atkinson president of the gcihcr reflected the growing 54 Main mu and usccplible to heart attacks than ll praised by hlaynr Bentlcy routes were clear in Angus and Many things can be done to °°°5° hm ALDERMAN COMMENTS City police today lSSMd beautify the bay area without National Farmers Union told awareness among formers oi warning to residents that it is illegal to shovel snow into the roadway or onto the boulevards in front of their homes The practice which is com mon in many areas of the city makes the person responsible liable to fine of from $10 to $50 if convicted Bylaw 2247 which covers the practice prohibits depositing of refuse snow or ice from pri vate property on any highway or bridge within the boundaries of the city Further bylaws state that oc cupants or owners of commers ciai property in designated downtown areas must remove snow from sidewalks in front of their place of business in these cases snow may be de posited on tho roadways Clearing of snow from side walks in front of private pror party may he left to city snotv plows Commercial property accu pants or owners who fall to hhve snow removed may have costing tax dollars such as Ser vice clubs taking on projects he said Some work done there can create the impression in any number of people that There is city that eares he said The mayor said that making the area of Kcmpenfclt beauti iul from both the water and land so it can be seen favorably by motorists boaters and train tra vciiervs would reap rewards from people who spoke at the area and returned for events like the winter canrlvaf Ha praised the growing in volvemcnt and interest in local government that has occurred since the municipal election and called for the formation oi citizens rights or involvement group He asked the Kiwanlans to cooperate with council and get just as involved in the city as they could All members of council and the heads of most of the City the work done by the city and be charged win the costs departments attended the mach mg rally of farmers at itincsing dur ing the weekend that form equip ment manufacturers didnt really compctc on basic prices This morning the NFU did something about the charge by submitting brief to the royal commission on farm machinery saying thatsaies of the machin ery should be separated from servicing and both functions should be taken over by the martfacturcrs The brief presented at pub lic hearing said such move uould inercnsc competition mong manufacturers and would provide the farmer with bet ter service organization The brief called for public agency to test farm machines and publish the results higher limits on farm improvement loans and standardization of machine parts The problems of the farmer could no longer be regarded re gionally but must be faced and solved nationally The brief said recent dcci siun by five provincial inrrn unions to work more closely tolt their ability to survive as indi vidual entrepreneurs in soci ety dominated by corporate business and industry The commission under the chairmanship of Dr liar her of the University of itlcni tobo has set aside two days of its final week of hearings for study of the National Farmers Union submission Union submission TODAY Stage Opera iDon Pasquale This Thursday There are still number of rush seals left for the touring Canadian Operas comic perfor mane of Dan Pasquale play ing at Central Collegiate day at 830 pm Shovelling Snow Snowshovclilng claimed its shnvclling first victim yesterday afternoon when siyoarold George liaiii well collapsed and died while shovclling in front of his Cod ringion St home filr Halilwcll was rushed to Royal Victoria Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival He leaves wife and children Dr Neil Laurie the Halli well fairnin physician sold toda that the fact that Mr Halliwe was shoveiiing snow immediately after eating may have been contributing factor in the attack which occurred just after lunch lie warned that stopping and pending with short handled shovrl and failing tome up gradually to There is less danger of cor onary arrest to people who are terday afternoon accustomed to strenuous exor else and are physically iii Women uphto the age or 45 or 50 years ave fewer coron ary prabiemsthnn men of the 6W thh Deemed at 5am age Alfhtcr fthat womer cntc up in reouency such problems Dr Laurie said was placed slm Each year there are several coronary problems in this area resulting from shovclling snow Car Hits Train Barrie police investigated But Man Escapes wcra dangerous practices that serious should be avoided Shnvouing fresh snow is not as strenuous as shavclling snow that has been plowed off the roadway and is heavy with sand and slush be Barrie man narrowly cslt caped serious injury when the delivery van he was driving run into the side of Canadian Nar tianai hallways locomotive on track St near Lorena 5L Yos llarold if ltiosley of Panc tang St suffered brulscs in his head and shoulder in the coili 357 pm Damage to the van own ed by harrle Delivery Service hiosley was proceeding west on Brock 5L when he drove into the side of the shunt ing enginenihcrc were no sig hats at the crossing which is used to service factories ports indicate that llosicy Request More ile didnt see the locomotive until Constable Donald Bulmer of mng and mm in in View of the large quantity of snow in the past few days Aid Dorian Parker was asked to comment about the theory of women shoveliing snow Id like to see some of these re clplents of welfare out there with shovel rather than llcr rie housewives she said dont really believe in the medical theory tlrnt because woman does housework she is less likely to have heart attack while shovciiing snow lf shca it years old think she is as susceptible as her My band if hes the same age dont think the idea adds up at all White ovanright sienna and drifts caused hazardous road conditions south and west of Barrie highway No it north to Oriilia was in relatively good condition this morning Travel lanes for both northboundsnd southbound traffic were mostly bare with passing lanes clear but snowpacked Secondary roads in most areas between Orillla and Barrio were assablo While the lunperaiure in Bar rin was reported at below at not the downtown tempera ture in Oriiiin was live below ltfost of the reserve seats have been sold to subscription ladders urithsltxaasons ticket bbirt ere are st many uvaia stncoe lountvaeliara ser are budget called for $15537 Members Armed Forces by phone reservation or at the door on Jan it before theper mumm vrecs sought total budget of and actual spending was Willi duties assumed by the Ontario Humane Society animal control in Barrie appears to he cynore involved operation The Barrio branch of the soci ety has employed two animal cmtrol wardens who have op erctcd an shift from am foil for the last six weeks the man who works thelate shift is on call until the follow lug day through telephone our swering service and standby man is available on Sundays Foigrave one of the war dens said there had been fair response for the adoption of dogs and cats aincetbe society has taken over mediater to one of the thch veterinarians in the city If the owner is located he is held responsible for the veterin ary lees Animals not claimed withlrr 72 hours become the prop erty of the society and may be adopted out Another sobering note Any dag picked up as sissy that does not have licence and is claimed by the owner cannot be released untilthe owner buys one and pays the pound fees Mrs Fell president of the Barrie branch of the society says We are not here to make money we are here to help peopl However for adoption of mai shelter which is now under The floor of the pound is lino leum and several new cages have been added to give the ante mats more room They are clean cd out several times each day Shelter telephone number is W731 Meanwhile the annual meet ing of the Barrie branch of the Ontario Humane Society will be held at the library hail Jan 29 Guest speaker writ befhc acts lag president or the society Basil Oates designer of the ant constructlon at the cerncret Pat tgrson and Morrow roads in Bar The cost of the shelter slight $8$590333 for 1968 in compar During its flth annual tour lsan to $61033423 askeda year of Canadian communities the ego naturally will perform Donim The budget request made 5192 all D0 Reeve Alfred flags of Penetang Pasqualr filming 3m chairman of social services is rug and entertaining plot The mug Studied by the 11mm and performance will be staged by general government mm the Companys general director 14 mammaldafion Wm be Mm Geigernmlr made to Simcoe County council ical direction by James cast at leading Canadian at nesdoy era singers will perform This ls the latest addrt the growing tcur repertory the Canadian Opera Compa The new budget included to SSTMOSJO for general welfare or assistance an increase of ap prardmately $115000 over last Tickets are available fronrl years Spending ravvford of 155 Pcnelang St rnnivr Priors year ago the general wcl Kiwanis Club which resumes sessions Wed piggygfigzmmttg iiref Briéled 0n llnilicatiori would mean the countys share for the 1968 figure will amount to $115481 makers and nurses services per cent for oral diabetics The toadministration costs will amount to $207434 Govern orrAwn cri itiomhars of the Royal Canadian Navy Ca Eighty per cent assistance is nadian Army and lioyal Cans gm paid award supplmwmy dlan Air Force were briefed aid nursing home care and Monday on what its future foster children The government l0ld5 In italllfmdllhen i9 ces to trappenr pays 50 per cent toward home From Lilam when mango ernmeni on forces un ina fflfalfirfircffiegfififnfpgfl tion is proclaimed they all will services prosthetic appliances be simply 7th °i 15 cn nadian Armed Forces and cum allowances and 75 special bulletin issued Mon daysays it is expected to take 50 per cent substrw also applies mg 19 to muggy Mm wi acnmmon arm even the 195 l7ng 351 is longer than that forreserve approved the countys share unnsv final decision has been tlons nmplescagnlng activities posti ings with foreign navies and naval shore appointments new army rank titles il be mandatory for other members of the forces while on duty the bulletin says Serviceman who enlisted bolt fore the Feb tswltclt and who want to retain thelr previous rank designation may by ap plying to theireommanding affi cer be given permission to use the old rank and be referred to by it when not on duty The unllicatloo bill also brings in one set of retirement regular The Bulletin also says new mail BSSlsance Will Pail Wis made on the uniform but ensign has been designed for 871 of the cost 1y more than wage will not be at ibeLsociety it should bcvin opera on ne dark green outfit with gold rank the unified forces an beacountylsahcmlsitdlm inslgniadsfiutjgl lthostho Canadian flag in turedopagtmentvquotlatlons Manor at Beeton will amount Although the hill brings ggs verage weig rites exarvnrvnnou MEWWWdflE don ori mats re oaive card entitling them to hgve thEm medically examined free within 72 hours if animals are not medically iii they may return them to the pound gnjurcd animals are taken im flWO DOZEN Dogs or cats can be taken to the societyior adoption There are now two dozen dogs and cats in the pound and many are available for adoption the public Siédm Bulls the first of April Mr Cafes will discum the work that goes into animal shelters and explain why they cost so much He is an architect The meeting will be open to wholesaloin anc dozen cartons The wank Club or Kanpur Aextrnlarse 491 Mars 437 felt Bay has begunnlanniag its Amediura 394 Asmall 32 committee wark for tire new wrpyprrpas op pe mk year The club was unanimous much or the early aotlnnyon the in its agreement that the pres god ent series at travelogues most llilimfiicirlilu3gem recent of which was iEunza Vance Offerings of the corn Landf should cautinue under modity were light the guidance of committee that We Swain chairmanandpast president lower May 360 rapeseed 11 Wilton Kinzic ZEDlssasked ncw2rankatructurehased on crest in the le The fire Simcac Manor expendi res wereestimated at $211000 and revenues which include pay ments from residents subsidies andntlscelianeous figures were estimated atr$iti6450 This ln eluded $20M estimated pay ment from the city of barrio for Barrio residents Georgian Manor estimated placed at 5205450 and army brigades it does not mean that navy captain will be addressed as chlonel on his bridge although he will be one on pep All personnel realms and do cumenls will earryrtha army uiletln says an oval surrounded by to maple leaves and surrounded by crown1n ltsjcentre is an an chor overlaid by crossed swords and the air force eagle STEAL CASE Del Sgt Neathway of police is investigating the theft aha sizcable ammtntol easy from York Trading Cash hlgher to lower Jan 284 This years president is Nor 91 WSW andCa Wholesale Grocery on rruan Shelswell payment waslrsted at fifilggffiglfigm £2 Om agflmlmrav mm hm Pm Fm by mi them for what clearly can be Lorena The thett was re higher May mm is mm we have Ways had dents he as at Ma described as navy Jobs forexV ported at am yesterday The er on an close liaison With area farm made the largest item of social gill run its 1w Opening price ers and all clubs in the past revenue Swal th whim Elli May lowcr60 and muslworkloimprove those Imam Rigel July to lower 358 not it tics in the future be said gt was amounts lower 339 Youth work was also discuss BREAK AEltlAL ed at the last meeting as City police received corn The train drawn Canad Rapeseed Ja lls lower possible field ofendeavor but plaint scram am yesterday alumni pmdng 234 Manx 1W tmtil we set up firm committees that someone had stolen gas em 1mm Wm Imus 235 rMay mm we and nominate chairmen would ccpand broken anaerial from Lnkaa Simcoaand Coueblchlng Ma nchan ed want to elaborate too much car parked on down St from Toronto Union Station on hm hm inwxvedrme club WWW was we 81 éli gm 331mg um and 1y up migh become said Mr Shcls second such inerdent reported W3 T9 Baria Mayunchanged on Toronto St hinting urroughmiiua Barrie was July unchangeleoiv ind Aurora llekels are available aiflb Det notopen chainsaw regiment 123 51mm at beautiful Klondike fork fridtty Jon i9ih Special tiuoniignt inn ride pusvsngununea andold fashioned sfngsong iPlease reservefiby Thursday noon lComplcie ride plus food only $6 per 4246422 ff Miurfhcr information suraoRrMiuoR HOCKEY AND smov rYOURSELF AT THE WEEKLY Lsoiou nu have been In esstnl lathe past few years when applying ciligamaa at sro to Police Departments secure career of police work information on the scope of the course applications and pre rrsruisiias maybe obtained at the Police Office until 11ka 2day January isthsnd oompletedapplications must he filed at Polfco Headquarters by January 17th Incnor nit isotongntu

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