Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jan 1968, p. 2

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AFTER ESCAPING lire by fleeing hareiout through the snow at 25 below zero Mrs Father DéScribéSHow Family Escaped Fire Arthur Verschaeve who es oaped with ids wile and three small children irom lire tirat completely levelled their Min ets Point home yesterday gave odoersonal account of the col low thud like sonic boom woke me about four oclock and lumped up and put on my clothes to see what happened he said though large icicle had crashed oil the moi When opened the bedroom door blanket of smoke smoth ercd me ran to the childrens room yelled to my wile Reta that the house was on lire in lusta iew seconds it was dli licult to breathe and lound the kids nnd scooped the three oi thenn under my arms and drag ged them down the ball towards the kitchen The smoke was so thick we crawled along the floor where there was loot or clear air USES SEOVEL By this time Mrs Versehaeve had thrown on her houseboat and rubbers and was having trouble opening the kitchen door She was down on her knees prop ping the door with shovel when Mr Verschaeve managed to get the children near the door pushed the youngest Mike and Lisa through tire door to Beta but had to let go or ouralxyeumld son Steven for few seconds and when tried to find him hed disapeared he said mm Chlel OWL id mural amines thumb lite lflltf tire levelled mourn to built at If and Reta Vershsevc rear and Steven Mike and Lisa are staying at lilinets Point groped around wildly until iound him made grab and dragged him by the neck think to the door all could do than was to push him out through the aluminum door And had to struggle to make it out myself couldnt breathe and didnt scan to have enough strength to step ouside The windows were bursting and the house was making noise like balloon being twisted at both ends The place was airtight and as taut as drum thought about going back tor the lurnl ture brrt the flames were al around BARE FEET The kids were crying and screaming in their bare feet on the snow and lost track at everything even tried to make them stop smoming by cover ing their moutirs Rota ran to our nelghborss Mr and Mrs Bob Thorrlen who calledthe lire department The kids ran over there too The heat was melting the paint oil the truck use for my carpentry trade so bob Therrien and pushed it awa It was so hot the paint ran our hands as we pushed was determined to save it because it was all would have leit ai ter the fire it seemed to take hours tor the tire truck to come although it was really onlytcn or 20 minutes Value of the aluminimwn frame borne parts at which are ingnilshhuttor ewlnteron Mrs Vmbelvc The Verscht can with Mr and Mrs Bob Ther ricu Examiner Photo 75 years old is estimated at $20000 WAKE NEIGHBORS Neighbors oi the Verschocvc family said they woke at am Friday morning when they heard Mrs Versehneve and the three children screaming for help us they ran bareloot irom their burning home iheyoungust Mike and Lise yelled theres life at our house said Mrs Thorrien Alter tronuuent at Royal Vic toria Hospital ior inelol burns Mrs Vcrschnevo and Michael were placed under sedation Mr Verechneve remained un til he saw his entire house dlea appear intn rubble except tor 75yearcld stone iireplnce and chimney Then he was taken to the hospital where he eol lapsed with exhaustion Two yearoldi Michael eiill feverish and crying was taken to the hospital again late Friday but was released last night Mrs Versehneva said she could remember little at the episode except her struggle to Wan the kitchen door and the horror when Steven was lost momentarily in the thick smoke REDUCED TQRUDBLE All that remains is tire plaee and toll chimney ilaticned pile of rubble ath tub and tour tea towell app ing on the clothesline Fire Chief Burns said it was Mineil Point min me without ln Jill big broke oi no below when his 2i Volunteer firemen from Simud and Le troy were lighting the blaze Little could be done to save the horiscand no water was used on the flames Clothes blankets and ollers ol assistance started pouring in to the home of Mr and Mrs Therrien early this morning The MineteIoInt Association called an emergency meeting last night to decide how they could assist the family one moss The Red Cross bought bed ding and set of clothing tor each child come in from Barrie etorcl Robotics lodge donated money the Salvation Army brougt clothalv andbianketl and oil of assistance andtriende sent cod and winter cloning Mr Verochaevc carpenter who swearshe never says die plans to rebuild his home on the same site le children are insawith grsnd mu at lion and Mr Mrs Ver senseva who Joli about rent xempsnielt Bay are staying at mam Point Contributions and resistance can be altered attire home of Mr and Mrs Bob iberrien donations have Renew Courtroom Jury Recommends The grand jury or the Sine coo thinly Supreme Gum an aim has recommended that the court room be modernized Their report calls or draity windows parficrderiy those he gun the wand ytnry seats to be other recommendations are as follows Vault in the Surrogate Cornt Oiiiee should be enlarg ed and drain installed in case something happens to the heating system CITY NEWS THE BARRIZ EXAMINER MTURBAY JANUARY IS 1966 Seek Restriction on Corn Imports President ol the National Farmers Union Roy Atkinson will address rally ior tanner irom the counties oi Emcee York and Ontario this alter noon at Mlnesing Community Centre Although tarm organization is to be the mainr item on the agenda it is expected that Ffl days announcement that so On tario Fanhers Union commit teest authorized to seek government restriction on corn imports and governmeoisup poried floor price or Ontario corn will be discussed The OFU also plans to organs izcanromariowide move by com growers in holdtirelr cnrn oil the market until prices are lorccd up Pelcr Twynstre oi Alisa Craig chairman ol the OlU cash crops committee who chaired lrldnys meeting did not say what price would be de mnndcd as minimum return to farmers or Doinrlogrmvn corn Something should be done about lack or space in tho Sherlils olllct and if pos siblc the cilia oi the deputy should adjoin the fiseriiil Mint the Dainty admin istration flew up Grand Jury reports the appropriate individual comments on end moormnendatlcn hingi growing on the walls at cold storage boxes at Georgian Manor ham or an aged should be diminut lie dold however that the meeting studied production cost iigures given by crosssection oi mnlor corn growers and iound allowing mpercent re4 turn or the grower5 labor risk management and invest ment the most economical Iarm operation could not sell No corn lor less than 1150 bushel and break even No corn is sold to distlllerlcs iced companies and other proces sors Produeera now get surname bushel compared to Juice year ago and the price oi iced to the armor is up 35 ion at $30$31 unordcra of firms or over according to Joseph Man golt one ot the delegates at the meeting Mr Nynstra said the closed meeting was attended by 21 delegatesOFU directors and selected major corn growers They representcd Kant Essex to Middlesex Elginr Huron Perth Oxford and Brant Counties he said GUEST 0F ROTARY CLUB John lioulsion centre relt glonsi manager or Calvert at Canada spoke to the Rotary Club oi Barrie this week With lilr Roulston above as he or amines leiter opener giv DISTRICT WEATHER Weeks Deep Freeze Ends In Barrie Area slight warming trend will raise Barrie and district over night temperatures to the toxic greu markeande boosterthemstoi high oi almost so Sunday Snowflurrles are expected tult day and Sunday Noon tempora iure outside the Barrie Examin er today was ill TORONTO CPI Olliclal loreensis issued at 580 am today synopsis warming trend irom low pressure centre over Kentucky will bring light lnnisiil Reeve asks Halt In Tax Increases STROUD SiamAsserting it was mortgaglng the iuturo of younger goneratlonl Reeve Joseph WCochrana has issued general cell to halt the trend oward increased taxes and bonded debts at all levels of government All governments banks and iinance companies are now talk ing tight money and think it is high time We in Innlsiil adopted the same policy he told his council colleagues emphaalzlng that with ctroperation the race 60 lnnlslll council should be able to hold the tax line on its own mill rate In act see no rea son why we cant lower items it council so desires and still provide high standard of ear vlcc he said it is the debenture debt that is iorclng most municipalities in to or close to bankrupte suggested Reeve Coehrauc who argued it the higher governmanil would pay the lull cost of school construction and resso noble grants on maintenance munici palities could then operate on cash basis which would he more sound taunting TRIPLE IN 10 YEARS Shawlan much concern over the general tax situation the ln nislll reeve said believe it is time we took hard look at our tinancisl position and also the drastic increase in real estate taxes over which councils do not have great deal at control The tirend toward higher government authority leaves our local couu cill with less eontrol over many motor expenditures My own taxes have tripled in the lost 10 years and 300 per cent increase in decade is too drastic he said pointing out the townships debenture debt per capita had risen irom $0294 with 6752 population in 1956 to $100 with 3060 population in 1857 MORTAGING FUTURE Alter cltinf 1946 figures when the per capta debt was only $250 par capital with popula tion oi mass Reeve Cochrane sald cant help but lee guilty onmnrtgaglng the future at ourehlldren and grandchil dren to this extent This does not only apply to lnnisiil but to most mun clpalltles in the pro vince eubstantlalpari oi taxation levied by provincial and federal government also goes to pay in terest andcarrying charges on sharply rising debt and more new bond issues iurthcr raise suchiaxation The burden is all City police and the Barrie report total at six ac clients in the area ovaralaht all or relatively minor saline Nor introleer were reported parked mentorrt truck roll ed down an incline on Brad ford Stunear Tittin breaking all light standard and coming to rest against another The acci dentocmmod at am today Damage to thetwo polcswal placed at K500 The truck re cclved dented root Awnings on nearby building were also damaged Driver otthetruch owned bySoott llranoportCo Ltd was Wayne Hodgson of Cara Ave Barrie Gonstable Gordon Seiwnod oi city police investi eted Derringer idiotic ties in two£car aecidom yesterday on my vim ins Wellington St in lrcni at the Medical Arts Building involved were 34year old LIKELBARGAINH jWEHAVEIEMvl maroon prime on ailour products wood pottery eye at during January REIML Minimum swimmers WILUNUTW In OPEN Leon onions subterranean Produce Snaps Hod Pole Charles Kennedy oiAlex ander Avo Barrie and nyeen old Roger Plants of Marg arel St Angus The accident occurred at 702pm car driven by Kazu Urata as at lslington leit the road at 1030 lastnlght and was dam ageri to the extent of $200 No inlruia or chargeswere re ed The accident occrnr at 1030 An Antcn Mills man dell morning dad knocked down live guide posts indies north of Thornton nulligbway lee reported Alfred Johnson alone in the car at the time of the accident we uninjured He had been driving much otthe night When hoiell asleep The accident oc as at the wheel or his car on the taxpayer regardless at which level or government lm poses it which has resulted in growing demandlor halt in tax increases with many wondering where it it all going to end un less drasilc action is taken Sound iinanelng said Reeve Cochrnne veteran member oi lnnislll council with 14 years con tinuous experience is usually accomplished by slow and steady growth dyer long pcrlod ottlme Progress in any business is costly and sometimes it is good business to borrow against our assets but we should be careful and not borrow too much or too tart as we might ruin our credit Unless we slow down invdebt financing we will be in trouble in very few years arrowiali into the Windsor area this morning and spread across the reminder or the lower Windsor Lake St Clair Lake Erie regions Cloudy and milder today intermittent snow ioday and tonight hlsk oi irccslng raln Sunday mainly cloudy and iew snmvilurrlcs Windn east nnv other Alliance Church Has New Pastor Rev Black has been appointed minister at the Christian and Missionary Aili ancc Church by the committee en to him by the club are John Boyd llclti also at Cal vert and Rotarian John Stev enson Examiner Photo rly to today northerly to Sun BY Toronto lianrilion seesaw In Lake Ontario regio cloud wlth chance at iew snow urrlea this morning ln termlttent snow beginning this through tonight and most oi Sunday Mllder Winds easterly 15 Eastern Lake Ontario south cro Georgian Bay Haliburton regions Sunny becoming cloudy this AllEllIDOli Occasional light snow likely late today tonight and Sunday Mildcr Winds light becoming easterly to this siiernoon Sudhury North Bay northern Georgian Bay Tlmagami Algo mn regions Variable cloudiness and nrildar with low periods at light snow likely today Forecast Temperature Low tonight high Sunday Windsor no 23 2a 25 25 15 Hamilton 23 St Cntbnr as Toronto 16 2° 20 20 so North Bay is Sudhury 15 Earlton 1v Ys iidEN Marbera oi the its Menl Club oi Barrie will be attend ing conference at Geneva ln showing boy some savings might be eliectcd in Innl eve Cochrane ekpleln log the last term council eat something over $100000 ove nnnnal expenditures of levied money which included Centen nial Park Lake Shore Park fire department and renovation oi the municipal oilinc These were pro jects carried out during the cen tennial year which was busy and interesting but easily There will be approximately $30000 at added dc enture pay ments to be met this year and aisoahout $00000 next year with no debentures maturing we also have separate ac count oi 2000 drawin interest irom the sale oi the gravel pit explained the rceve who said he welcomed constructive advice or criticism irom anyone whether in council or not itatc payers are quite welcome to at tend any oi ourregularme lags it they so desire he add ed as he remlnded his col leagues Let us hear in mind that we are the peoples en van and not elr master ThievesTeke Copper Wire Thieves have stolen close to mile of copper telephonewtrc irom an unused he Tclcpbone huenearlvy Oornptiiy officials believethe tbeltmsy have occurred for Thursday The theft was re ported to Barrie OPPrat 520 pm yesterday Weight otthe wire was placedvat 1000 lbs OPP are investigating Why not pro yrv what you have crust by goodirtiic Pie hing sundries airman bite me any new in more Pension Pleas oi the alliance it has boondo nuanced Mr Black is gruduste of tire Prairie Bible institute in ThreeliilieAitar and was or dained in his hometown church Delta Tabernacle in Hamilton lie ban served for 17 years with thesudsn interior Mireionend has also done misllouary work lnEhhlopia and East Alalea Mr Black now lives with his wile Evelyn and their our child ren in Maridole where he has done youth work He newcom mutes to his Barrie congrega tion Rey lllsck as to move into Barrie in spring or early summer acar assoc JACKiOT mom snare rue Park Oriliia tide spring Pre sident Robert Hartog announe ed that Bill Barnett of Midland has been appointed chairman or the conformer The Barrie Examiner mar knowingly publishes halt udvhflllllll All vmlrernsati are counted lor uhllcetlon no the or that the product thsuniee or the older ll properly and honestly do scribed and la not word ed or allnld to mislead the readers in any rc Ipech Adverillinl accepted for publication must not Nile tun tails or exaggerated claims Var unnamed comparative prices and it in node cementum nythlul than teiilrial compliance with condi one an arm in all would ct Commerce or which thia newsgrou is Ill her it mun am will not in pcrmittid to unfair advertising its movmn or rink

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