tUncla Jerrye Club plt T0 GOOD HEALTH No Secret Cure For Cancer Patient By JOSEPH MDLNEK MD Dear Dr Molner irlend has been lniormtd by her doc tor that aha is iult oi cancer and will soon die Am wron in telling her not to give up ope but to go to cancer clinic etc and possibly there could be helmMl Yes think you would be mag in do that and will ex plain why That attitude oi go to can cor clinic because possibly there could be help is oracin the will the wisp argument which is used by the cancer quacksoi which there are still too many in spite of all ctiorts to put them out at business person with incurable can cer and the same is true oi some other dlseascst will some times grasp at any straw squander money in response to any promise however talse it may be in hope oi some mi rnculous and secret cure It as so oiten happens rela tives and iriends oi the patient encourage this sort oi thinking the patient is ripe to be picked TELEVISION BUFFALO HARRIE BUFFALO BUFFALO TORONTO ll HAMILTON SATURDAY JANUARY EVENING mo aunrrhllo nouns looo swater Polo cAtter pttluoa licomast to ow Snofll 31 590 suoay Dick aaet The Champ twig TItut Bowl California Sun bBuxt Bunny IMovln llui lcn llobo out mo JLfllt in SEEM LGct Ema 3th Hockey 1H0 bMv Three Son Walther 5pm 1uwrenca walk Fm chwr anon DPflxy Duh no llSeawall Mona lanil moo Dick rmers ZMovle Dilemml The aim OFflnuwftu IHflllu tlColiego Hockey 790 PM iMorvio apumm Junction 71Nn Ham Lilole wove Nut lDlverioy tullbnllea llSnint SUNDAY JANUARY MORNING AND AFTERNOON 100 tom 7Hernld Truth LJIuIfltt llnl Francs our 7Christophcl Fromm iloo lion vlnr World mo zrnrlty 9° oYoutn Senle ocmoam tnbï¬ve is You was 714m eta moo llitoekey traou cmm 73m annoy you 1110 ucathrdral chimes New Film room no INews lilvmn Book 7Wllï¬uï¬ufl an It IXOcketJth tilullan Journal use kMMI no Malicious 5wm Hdvontures in un 3Greeu mu lLlsslo more than 7Voym 031an IGantie Ben 4Flmily Miair coo 7nmatem Hour orlnu ilLost In son mo la63 Doiieu Howl swut DLmey TE ginning Potnt Hm aPtlooer Wm Vanni On The or 31 lGunrlse Semester new too zrodAy Glel solr memo 11 ml 11 lAndv Grttfln 1Temntltlon Explanron oromno moron time servlu Em nun 191 on zPat Boone 7Diollnn For Dollars onnmner Room nm Allen 91 nilOntario Schools tLovo ohmslt DCulm Pllyhtntu moo Hm Junrement uuo 4month camera nnm Grifliny onaae otva 9Cnnnonblli Nseucn llMovlo Tomorrow lm Detection nonoav Wang hymn Zltllk Dflullla itBonnil Prudden lSeeflt st 1m Live Fast Die Younxt Sittgh caromt iflï¬wl llctmrnoron strip iimjatew Grlmih Homo Hear ocansoa lrslus Today IN 3Countrv Calender Hhurrh SEW LAgrlculttIrn an mm 5mg LWord or Llie LMIMIG llCOnIInenui Min louver lwtst Juo Htooï¬atno Nation JAfrtcm 0mm in mt sunoav JANUARY EVENING immunenu ZhinrthmInanw 7Movlat aroma noa oLlul Lueli3liiiot tiWnlt Disney tSomthen amen liAufll in stone aaNtianv MORNING awn AFTERNOON 2Holivwooa sooner Hick M9 7aowl Yall slots InLIw itUnde Bobby 16000 Moiulna 11Mlnllrte 4Cnntut Contraction can 114nm aloha iiTho Saint cNewr uo mccldentumib HIM Burnett tLlroneymoohm chfl llllunnlor highrate clean by any charlatan who promises cure The most piiiiul cases involve ople who go to the quack trstaod thuswaste time in which proved methods at treat ment could have been put to use HOW MUCH LOST When the patient goes totthe quack alter it already too late to stop the cancer then the loss primarily amounts to question oi how much money is thrown away So much ior the quack soma oi whom may be sinners but misguided while others cheat their patients deliberately know oi one man who got rich selling his worthless can cer cure but when he himseli developed cancer he hurried as last as he could to an honest surgeon Now ti by any chance your uniortunato triend escaped the clutches oi the quaeks but went to legitimaiu cancer clinics what would be the point None has treatments which are kept secret It in basic violation oi medi tPROGRHMS Hlannlx Brno plnternntlonai Hockey lin Poison tihe Mudhlkl liltovio mm mines or Glory it oo t19iiNu1 rt Son without Ml zaiovla The lutdno ot San ink Rey SMovlc Lu Tth For Mal You Never can Tell mo 3Henld or Truth tm 959m llrather Merino mo LNFL Flavors LQucsuon Perlod iiThl Space Age 210 zsleet the Press Hntertel mo Four ti mm ago kl Valto ea 1Dnco To to white House 11minute ot Truth 7Dtaiogue llEorst Koehlar 1Dhlehtll mid air dons Hyde Ismothorv Brothers moo lHkh Chlva Lway It in LMLulon In owo llpeyton rim moo ratellwm Weather Sm llChurch Service nan zMerv Grtrlln JNew Years Eve taiovte Nancy Go In Rio Incas or innocence lotreal Million alitovta Buys Night out 100 JMovil Giant one Nun And no Samantl lnleat the 1miqu 1Perrect Match oatovlo uaslro nmlu IZJO the W591 to Fe Manon Amth 43algleil0 no mta 769 Hospital sarmsunm court 550 rYou nont soyI tor 7Cbmmallder Tom oltr Your nova 1Payton mop ol soy cal ethic to keep reset any method or treatment which is eiiectlro in contattlngï¬m Thats only iatr isnt in It physician discovers something newsnduseiui titshlsdutyto report it to the proiession at large it would be travesty of human decency ii any mam oi curing human illness were to be kept til the hands oi any individ ual or any group Thus you can be sure that our iriendr doctor or docton ave access to any knowledge elxisiing throughout the protes on In iact that matter oi secrecy in one suretire way oi spotting quack it he claims to have secret also he is not an hon est physicianand probably not physician at Because hon est doctors dont keep cures se mt West dealer Neither slda vulnerable worm oxen urns OAKDM WES EAST AAJAS amass V932 VKQBG no KNBSI QJI sum 41 110 9911543 auto The bidding Welt North low South JDle NT Dbla Dbio Pm PM Dhlo PM ran Even in the most important pair championships there are comparatively iew hands where the bidding and play inllow the same lino at variants tables For example take this deal which occurred in tho Moduli Sunday Times invitation tourna ment in 1963 When Swinnerton Dyorand Barbour of England held the North South cards against the worldiamous French pair oi Jais and Trace the bid ding went as shown The two diamond bid was bit of whimsy created on the spot by dais in an eiiort to con iusc the opponents Whatever its merit the out come was satisiaetory irom the EastWest point of view store NorthSouth proceeded to bid slam that went down one Of course only heart lead could daieat six diamondsbut Jais led heart At another table where Kenn stem and Tarlo were North South against their British countrymen hanklln and to the bidding went as iollowsl Wont North me South Dhle NT little Pas Pm Foss Dhla Apparentiy Franklin doubled three notrump to insure club lead but it did not help trim much Vest did lead club but South had no trouble scoring ltsino tricks and in tact made en At still another table where Friday and Rodrigue also of DAILYVCBOSSWOBD birthplace 15Conctudo 11qu5 11Withcnd loll 180bedienill EB sum thllmhrl Antm aLEah 83 Show 43 Precious Dear Dr Moieel You told girl that it aha didnt want to share her lea she could bleach the hair to make it less notice able What kind of bind did you tell her to usetT dont remember whether recommended any There are variousones available in drug stores or beauty shopsor hy drogen peroxide is very eiiec tite Peroxide comes in two strengths Get the stronger one which is intende tor bleaching Note to MIL IL 11 Ive read all six pages ot your letter and every solitary thing in ltyour fatigue iaintness worry over the dtlldren tear oi crde or lolog into starsï¬ts with your physicians advice which you mentioned so hrlcily Follow his advice and sea psychiatrist Dont expect that your trouble will leave me just the way it came on CONTRACT amour By JAY BECKER England were NorthSouth the bidding went East failed to Had the heart lead at thk table and alter winning the opening club lead and drawing trumps declarer played spade toward the king West ducked giving South his iwetiih trick but it would not have helped him to go up with the ace Without the opening heart lend East West were doomed MINETS POINT By ALLEN INGRAM Mr and Mrs George Faetz Shanty Bay are now occupying the premises oi Mr and Mrs James Duncan Boulevard Drive Mr and Mrs John Cameron Orlllis parents oi Mrs Joye Canning and Mrs Gaye Lamb spent Christmas Day at the lat ters home accompanied by Clare enca Canning Don Lamb and their families The Top Notch Variety Store iormerly known as iloppys on No 11 Highway just around the curve south of Minets Point Rd is now being operated by Stan Watson iivm Sutton Mr VaLson was ter 14 years public works department superintendent there He has enlarged the lunch coun ter and store scction making an attractive setup lt Mooney has been dlschargi ed irom Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie and is convalescing slow tructt driver is visiting his daughter in Vancouver Gordon Horsiield of Don Mills and his son David at Alcona Beach visited Mr and Mrs ingram onNew Years Day The next meeting oi the local association will be held at the home of Mrs Robert Lucas Fairview Ave Jan good turnout is hoped ion as matters relating to winter activities and taxes will be dealt with There will be an aduiLs sleigh ride party Saturday evening Jan 27 irom the Ponderosa one mile oit No 11 highway at Guthrie Further lniorrnation later as to transportation arrangements found out what lshoa mature when tried getting the algagement ring back 24 Oriental 19 lama actuality 34Snraggy motnl Shadowing lever ï¬lmed 4ETitmousa JULIET JONES DONALD DUCK Ted Webb our genialtsanitary GRANDMA SECRET AGENT X9 aLONDIe Buzz sowrnk ARD won Prrzs WORLD than 5113 LITILEHME GANG WU I6 NOLDING HOW OlMPIl MY THIN WHAT NOTHING HAPPENED census lF ouw watouto error StiBMARlNE AND 5W5 THE snowman metflALLBUT mvouslwuar tF mcoutotuvnotuv cunwmmmuwma vowwoman zaaonam Wallooan or pLueulo ilalt glllflnul flfllllflllllq vIIIIHIII MUGGS AND sueer