on Titanic Examiner Walls Publisher William Taller General Manager McPherson Managing Editor SATURDAY JANUARY 106 and Jmaaemsasauzyusap FLaurra OTTAWA NdW LOADM5 human as WHO WILL BE THE LIBERAL OF THE NEW YEAR PAGE 034 Limbo unruly Mommlmwfl Better For The Criminals But What About Public Orilllalacket Times Editorial Now that ive have made Canada more congenial place for the murderer the homosexual the rapist and the por nographer by alterations actual and roposed to the laws of the land isnt it about time that we considered action to protect the great mass of Canadians who are none of these things Why is it that our legal liberalizers limit their concern to the malefaclors rather than their Victims to the aberrant few rather than the normal many However much one may deplore th inequities and severities of existing laws or the privations imposed on criminals by ancient and inadequate prisons one would have to admit that the urgency of their plight is as nothing compared with the terrifyingtoll of human life happiness and property which they exactfrom lawabiding public In such rcumstance one would expect that in the interest of public safety and individual security it would be the concern of our courts and councils to encourage in everywayv possible the apprehension and punish merit of offenders in the knowledge that it is the certainty of punish ment rather than its severity which has proven to he the greatest deterrent to crime Yetin the face of the great est wave of erirne in modern times the response oflegislators and lawyers has been quite thereverse every obstacle is placed in the way of police every thing possibl done to make evasion easy conviction difficult and punish mentllghtn Our only response to an outbreak of violence without precedent is to reduce the penalty for murder to ten years imprisonment This anomaly reflects the perversity of many of our enlightened attitudes today and the irresponsibility of much of the liberal thought which shapes them Any number of volunteers in cluding the most learned in the land can be found to defend the rights of the most odious pornograpber or paed erast but none to champion the young men and women who must find their way in society poisoned and corrupted by them Our liberals seek to free labor dem onstrators from the fetters of injuncy tions and legal liability but none of them has any concern for the gross buse of public rights and private safety inherent in every picket line society which views censorship as intolerable and coridones the brutalizing of its peo ple through the endlessglorification of sadistic violence finds no one to champ ion the innocent victims of the thou sands of violent assaults which have be come todays commonplace Always our sympathies are enhsted on behalf of the unfit the incompetentpthe devi ant the coward it is no coincidence in films and fiction However praiseivorthy and fashion able our concern for the criminal may be it is absurd thatit shouldvhe vorced froma concern for mankln as whole And since the greatest good of the greatest number should be the objective of our legislators shouldnt the protection ofthe public take prelt over the comforting of the DOWN MEMORY Linc 76 vanes AGO IN srmcoe comm Barrie Northern Advance Jan 1898 Friends of Miss Maybeth Standen gathered at Minesing Baptist Church to bid her farewell ere she left for mission ry service in China Vespra Coun ellhad only one indigent account for $2 payfor woman reatened legal actro blhEIpston marsh drainage was not diverted ff eorgeCampbell acclaimed Thompson Fishers ewton Robinson netted about old very esldence Hillside on ayfield St He had distln bad service Indies and OnDechzle we jumiqcijcelcorarcd birthday in Barrie still enjoy health and keen intone limb er bad followin about Baum It was railwayin men Kerri hart alderman We can at Henry Priest shoiild not have been allowed to stan inthe wayof welfare ofeither Or good lla jhas in having Ba for neig illians look at themselvesand askvihat that we live in the era of the antihero ulate Barrie Rivalry between the towns QUEENS PARK DP Supporter tiers Housing Proposals By DON OHEARN TORONTO in the same issue of the New Democrat mentioned here Wednesday for rather silly speculation on the retirement of Premier liobaru there was another article which made good curse This was contributed by irvv tng Grocnbcrg who was do feared ND candidate in Ottawa Centre in the election liri Greenberg has the distinc tion for an NDP candidate of being man of quite some consequence in the business world lie is builder one of our wan biggest and when he talks about housing which he did in the article concerned there is reason to listen ASKS NEW BRANCH he made number of sugges tions for meeting the housing problem The first of those is the stand ard NDP proposal of appointing separate department of Houn ing and Urban affairs This my or may not be worthwhile There are some of us who think there are probably too many departments and too mucth tape Though it is be ginning to appear that housing perhaps needs the attention and stature of separate minhtry lfowcvcr other suggestions of Sir Gmnberg would acorn to have definite merit One of these is that regional housing authorities should be as tabllshcd with vnrte powers in their arras One of these power would be to control planning and zoning eliminating the present time consuming pmcm of needing approvals of the minister of mu nicipal affairs and the Ontario Municipal Board The authorities also could pro vide major trunks services take over undeveloped land by pur AROUND THE VVORLD France Likely To Be Loser In The Fight Over Dollars By PlllLll DEANE Foreign Mini Analyst One simple way of looking at international trade is as if it were Pflkchflame in gam hllng housn where one is only allowed in play with chips not with moncy For chips the world has been using gold of which there is not enough and to supplement gold dollars Its the stakes riseus the volume of lntcrnational trade increases morc chips are needed The US has been meeting the de mand for extra chips by cxpnrt ing dollars Now the US has been forced to restrict the num ber of chips it makes available and this will cramp cverybodya game What good this will do the French who excrch most of the pressure that forced the to restrict its flow of dollars is hard to see It ance objected to taking dollars instead of gold CANADAS STORY on the grounds that she was helping tho us in this way run balance ofpayments deficit then the solution would have been to ngrce to the immediate creation of new kind of poker chips new kind of in temotional or no This would haw endcd the dollars role ns the international curren cy without rcstrlcdng the num bcr of chips Franco droso instead to press for the devaluation of the dollar to ask in other words that got should cost more than $35 an ounce France has good ro scrvcs of gold and would in this way gain temporary advan tage But the advantageif the push to devalue the dollar had succeededwould have been not only temporary but illusory be cause if the dollar is devalued every other currency has to be devalued also countries that do not devalue when the dollar is ue find their goods First White Child Born on Prairies non BOWMAN Jan 1807 was the birthday of the first white child on the Prairi She was Reine Lagi modiere daughter of the great buffalo hunter Jean Baptiste Lagimodie She was hornet Fort Pembinajust south of the presentday border of Manitoba and was calledlleine or Queen because it happened to he kings birthday Eelnes mother was Marie Anne Gaboury of Three Rivers Quebec Somehow Jcan Baptiste had visited there during his travels and fell in love with the demure ï¬Ayeargold girl had never been more than live miles from her home Still he did not think that he could take her to the Prairies because there were no white there but Marie Annernsisted She also had to overcome the objections of her parents which she didby pointing outytha there had once been first 37 white woman inrQuebcc so why first paddled her up the St Lawrence throughthe Great Lakes nndthen through the rough portgage route Au as second class matter Post Office Depart ment Ottavia and for pay postagein cash Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays gerceptcd life would have been like hadwe not had Barrie to peck at and beenpecked turkeys 90 lb butter 1511iic potatoes 551 bag ha or fan 44 world cord 11 beef 5525 dressed hogs $550 cw ring iambt67c chickens 2540c pair Martlnrelected Master of Pamswrck Gran ers AtStroud butcheeroh ohnso roperty for slaughterhouse Walter attetson ne otiatlng for lot west of Tern erance all to erect skating rink Dr Wells installed as mayor Grand era House crowde or presentation of Pinafore by local talcnrwhich included Dr Henry Amati DouglasM Stewart run Norman Edv Whitebread Dr Machren Dal ton MilagStanlcy Hinds Vincent Meekm eg SW Hockey club or nixed with lacticcs am hind At farmers market bought Duncan By mallliarrie seamen Ontario slam year motor throwoif sla year Mall out side Qntario ii Out de Canada Britishposses Sinus Sls year rforeien $31 yea NationatMverfLlngofllce 415 University Avenue Toron to Cathcart SL Mop treal 507 rmwm Fender 51 Vancouver 86 llenvbcr of the Canadian Dally Newspaper Publishers escalation ad Audithurcauof Elicitation The Canadian Press in am chlaively entitled to than for republicationolall new Mazdalam papvtcred run unanimous 1m ofitmlenand also illIlia nonlpablhiwo the Mariehnuemad wonderful who til saurn are and Canadian Union Pcmhina where her arrival caused sensation The Indian girls except onet liked to wait on her and caress her skin The exception volunteered to cook for the Lagimodieres but Jean Baptiste learned that she plan ned to poison them because she had been one ofyhla girl friendsl NEXT 0N home life on the prairies One year after Reine wasrbprn the Lagl modieres moved to Edmonton and Marie Aline learned to ride bursa She would goon thahuf iota hunla carrying Reinne on her back like papoose They stayed near Edmonton nut 12 while Jean Baptiste orked for the famous for trad er Alexander Henry Bythia me Marie Anne had five chil dren and thalamin decided to move to Manitoba wheredean aptiste worked for Lord Scl it was there thatJulle was and she became the erof Louis Rich tually demure Mario jAnne from ThreeRivera provedto be the hardiesl of them alLshe outii ed Jean Baptiste and was 96 years old when she died Manitoba be useFirst gr tyl in Canada was estnhlished Quebec by Lord Dorchaster lawMcLeans Flour Mill it was thafirstln Mani tacked Americans flahin heir watets on Sunday leisPrtncess hiriclna GI nndianhight infantry went into ectlon in Franc techProgress For organized at Winnipeg MaYSetiilp Board In PowerDlspute MARIE on CP conciliation board is expected tobo set up in tract dispute between Great Lakes Power Co on Public Em ployeea chlr Zettlcr chauman of tho mitten office if Mr Zottlerufd wage pen nthV chase or development rights and control local building and lot standards CUT RED TAPE In other word they would cut mfamntdealofredlapebo veloperr ray this in one of the most costly factors in the pressnt high prices for housing And they make strong cane The most appealing proposal by the Ottawa builder however is on education coils Ha declares that education costs must be shared equitably on provincwldc basil it has been becoming more and more apparent that this is true hlmidpalitiea at present are restricting dovclornllcnt and trying to channel it almost en tirely because they have to try and keep their education costs ill line And as long as they hava to do this there cant be the most practical and most dairable residential development priced out of their biggest mar ket which is the United States for everybody As it Is Lyndon Johnsons alarm is lilrcly to be taken very seriously by the Congress which might well put mandatory res trictons on tourist travel to France The French tourist in Sir duslry will thus lose millions every year There is little that France can do toretallale if the crib her imports of his goods as imports of French goods will be equally cut in the general unpleasantnesa of such an ehchange of restrictions France is more likely to he the loser in the long run US investments are the next most likely cut the Congress will makecutting only invest manta in France This might help de Gaulle avoid the Ame ricanirntlon of his economy but it will also leave his econ omy lagging technologically The reason American enlcr prises have been buying up Eu ropean concerns and mostly with European money at that is that the Americans are several years ahead of anyone else in technological industrial nd managerial skills and Euro peanlnvestors are glad to have their money handled by the clev er Americans General de Gnulle is an old fashinned type of great man little too oldfaahloncd for mod em economics LETTERS TO EDITOR CITY COUNCD Dear Sir After our inaugural meeting held in an city coundi cham bers Jan the people of this cily must now be wondering what was going on to city roun cil the int few yearn when one sees men of the higth calibre not bother to re olier whno other individuals who are not capable of holding candle to them arcelected by écclamatioa it makes one won it My wile and being voter in Ward would deï¬nitely like to ace an election called for the election of at least one vacancy which it now is quite apparent exists in our ward if wc are to have equal representation on our city councd for our present mayor open of many as the ballots later proved voted for Mr Bent ley did so believing was vot ing for the lesser of two evils Believeva the llttla people of Barrio were very much dimlk fied lung before Mr Bentley cast his name in the hat One of the reasons for this was the would nt care less altitude of some of our older members of month use the term older only to dos criho members with number of years filling vacancies on our ciy council it is almost unbelievable that persons who have as we have been led to believe carried out the duties in city council for as long as six years did not feel capable of opposing hlr Cooke or Mr Bentley Perhaps these individuals should have stepped down if notthen be quiet and allow the administration to up crate as intended it isnt too late to build city government even in Barrie Yours truly Caldwell 26 Ehn Strch Barrie rNsunao innocence It is refreshing to witness the innocence and lack of sophisti cation in civic politics such as was displayed at councils recent inauguration in more highly developed centres of politics such as Ottawa London Washington Toronto and New York man is able whether elected or not to emerge from the hustlnga with no thought ofbelng chair lengcd on preelection accusa tions President Kennedy for one example was never forced by the Republican majority of his arm Congress to prove or hold public enquiry into his iro BIBLE THOUGHT And they put away fho strange gods from among them and served the Lord Judge 1016 There are lot of old and strange gods waiting in the aha dows of our lives in search of new subjects They leave only whorl the true and living God is given the place of prominence in our hearts minnow in measer serious charges of an Eisenhoarr missile gap Even though the Republicans In that Congress were just about the micst most compact bunch of fellow you would ever hope to challenge All of us felt most lei down As we always when no ex citing game of comwppance In begun after an stretch on the things be said about the opposi lion party Just wail until in get him in parliamcpt Bufnothing ever happens lathe evil world of experienced normal politics that tr But herein Barrie Won dcrful We go our own Way We immediately achallence the mayor to prove his words llrnv ngine we are even Innocent enough to expect election stato menu to be of lheatuli that ul timate tnlliu and stoneengrav ed laws are And not Just the odd innocenL The whole council Not single opposing voice raised to give semblance of debate on motion that inclich calls the mayor liar on his imagination night And unanimous support for the motion to carry it into law Why body would think that there was cozy compact somewhere realize of course that speaking up in this fashion even if my league is well checked against my city council is not considered wise because some times certain favorraral not forthcoming to those who dont say Yes loud enough But then really shouldnt worry should it After gl no favors are ever granted such innocent persons who have the inspiration to become outraged at campaign criLiclsmsi Theres only one thing that worries me injured innocence may make for bcautiiul dis play of self righteous fireworks and headlines but think It L1 no substitute for the honest cyng lcism and Workmanlika tolerance of practical polltlclanswho get things done rather then waste time and money on public board of inquiry just to prove they are not wearing dirty linen Yours truly DOUGLAS GREENWOOD 42 Ross St Barrie rev EXAMINER WANT Ape corona ran2414 Pleasesl Builders and Pmonal Stationery Competitlvé Prices QSatIslactlon guaranteed TF plant EXAMINER At NighlfheCriticnl Speed is 55mph little known actregardlng the dangers of speed at night in illus trated in this chart The Ontario Highway Trafï¬c Act requires that automobile headlightemnst reveal persons or vehicles at least riot is travelling at aapeed that so mph to is doubtful mph ha 359 ahead At 55 mph annoto brings him dangerously close to into stalled vehicle or stationary that driver could stop in time and atlO gt to two unattractive alto ativ swarving off the highway Visibillty with headlight 350 fool 560D dbocalSI atnnnaick leavennd campy lailldayt load ho meotln attendi by MUTUAL Insuranc being unable to avoid crashing bjecton the road ahead At gor