Elite idiotic Examiner Walla Publisher William Tolfer General Manager McPherson Managing Editor FRIDAY JANUARY in FAG Mr was Civic Economy Of Most Interest To Citizens Once the controversy about cosy compact on Barrie city council has been settled ratepayers can be expected to turn their thoughts to the more practical aspcts of civic business Perha the first question to come to mind deal with taxes Will the rates go up in 1968 or will council be able to hold the line and do its own part in fighting inflationY Then people will want to now about sewers and vatermains paving and new sidewalks They will wonder if capital works of this nature will be curtailed to keep borrowing to minimum People are always titillated by the charges and countercharges that de velo from time to time in civic ad ministration This is especially true to day when Mayor Robert Bentley has been requested to investigate his own allegations of the socalled compact His report wilibe awaited with interest tooth by the alderman and the people at ar gut once this matter has been settled and filed away in convenient pi eon hole the avera citizen will be ok in of his tax ill and the services he wrll receive This year there is an opportunity to hold the tax line The cost of administration of justice has been taken over by the province and this will mean 555000 out in civic expense If work on streets and side walks is curtailed foo thero will be saving Offsetling these economies will be the higher costs of materials ser vices and we as However the not re sult may ma it possible for council to avoid tax increase when taxes gen erally are going up People want services as result of good civic government but they also want econom In the final analysis they will say well done if council man ages to maintain these services within the framework of realistic budget DOWN MEMORY LANE 20 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Jan 1948 On Boxing Day hunt in Essa Donald IL Em ery bagged six jackrabbits Fred McKay on retirement as bridge and building master for Allandale divvlsion CNRphonored at Club 79 with Supt Carr as dinner chairman John Grant caught fish Dec 23 while trolling Kempenfelt Bay It was five ound lake trout Mrs Roy Christie ected resident Kiwanis Womens Auxiliary enry Moiren installed as WM Cor inthian Masonic Lodge Thomas Foster of Bradford branch appointed manager at Barrie for Canadian Bank of Commerceto succeed Charles Par sons onretirement Ivan McLean resigned from Vespra Council to operate new road maintainer and see low pur chased by township Git Pierre centre star for Barrio Flyers took scor ing lead in OHA Junior group Hap Emms club beat Stratford 93 then lost to Windsor Spitï¬res 42 George Arm strong scored twice for Stratford For Windsor owerful play of Marcel Prom ovost on efence was feature This season Barrie Colts will play Senior hockey with Red Farrell as coach George DAmbrosio Emerson Trask and Johnny Snache are trying for net job On defence are Max Richardson Harry Livingston Harold Jennett Bill Eno Forwards include Bill Long Bill Bird Dalt Nesbitt Harold Dint Scott Larry Lougheed Chick Hadden Gord Perry Harry ers Harold ence horrlson electe chainnsn new Barrie district high school board One hundredth anniversary first session Flos Township Council held at Eimvale following dinner at home of Mr and Mrs Joseph Lea Orr Lake Forest on Penetanguishene Road Reeve Wal ter Middleton was chairman of Centen nial gathering His Worship Mayor Grant Mayor delivered inaugural ad dress to Barrie Town Council George Kightley of Barrie promoted to rank of flight heuienant He joined RCAF at Camp Borden in 1939 as clerk was commissioned in 1941 remustered in 1943 to air crew and got pilots wings same year He is now stationed at Trenton as personal staff officer to AOC No Air Command Rev Sinclair DD elected chairman Barrie public school board Rev Reginald Howden of Trinity Church appointed rector St Michael and All Angels Anglican Church Toronto Mayor John Clark appointed officer commanding 135th Battery 45th Anti Tank Regiment at Barrie Armoury to succeed Major Donald MacLaren on retirement OTHER EDITORS VIEWS HABITAT STANDS EMPTY Montreal Star in view of the citys housing shortage it seems diculous that more than 100 apartments in Habitat should be al lowed to stand empty under rent structure which keeps them off the market Warren Allmand the young member for NDG had good idea in his suggestion that the scale be lowered to bring the apartments within the reach of middle and lowincome fam ilies We would like to see the suggesi non taken another step however Provision of alternate housing can tinues to be one of the great weak uesses of our urbanrenewal undertak ings The blo pp plane for Little Burgund eases the eviction problem consideral but at the same time slows down the recon struction program Why uotincrease the subsidypolicy implied in any par ng ofrthe existing $300$175 rental rate which createsa ghost town and relocate needyltenants to permit speedup in the renewal plan ANIMAL VICTIMS or was Windsor Star agic in the loss oflife it 11 Vietnam that in as well as those who arereeru1tcd to htn But there is another aspect ofiwluch callous uni may not even ht This coniesto mind with news from tTokyothat the war has almdst eliminatf with great difficulty isthat becant ed Vietnam as source of monkeys for medical research The monkeys homes have eitherybcen destroyed or they have been frightened awa Thats uni derstandable Vietnam with all its jungles and waterslmust have many animals and birds One can only imagine the terror andlossyof life which occurs whentbe huge bombs blast off or when napalm reads tortures hell about with earingiflarn These trulyarein thus 11 inhumanity to over the weekend it bitchhfking was ilggyautlawed oung ounce 1th ygwenlrlby it most but like clln too he was of there in merit ls norm can they simply cant be bothered The should botherhowever they fahoul where the law allows arrest the hitch hikers And if the lawdoesnt rule against the thumbwavers then there should be law that does Newspaper clippings reveal that some hitchhikers are dangerous maniacs The fact in itself should not only discourage people from picking up the hikers but should encourage lawmakers and law enforcers to keep them offthe roads GOODLBOADSABOQNDOGGLE KftchenerWaterloo Record About the only uncritical thing that can be said about Waterloo County Heels nd12 do go good roads convention in Vancouver is that thisrsort of delightful boondoggleds nll too common The bounty is hardly alone in such frivolous spending of the tax dollar Officially thegoodv roads soiree is technical conventton and under pro vtnclal law county councils may spend up to $5000 annually sending delegates tothtsklndo convention Actuallyilf 15 about as tec nice as lovein York ville andthe need for dozen repra sentattves is highly questionable The nly thing ma can leamwlth reference to women and he learns this lear anything about women Judging from theprevalence of stub bornness the number of peo 1ewho havehorseseuse is farless an that of thine who have male sense Agiseudoastronomer says star has just een born ourlocal gala the Milky Way butdoesnt report or its parents are One reason there is so much juvenile delinquency now is that there are wh any places away frombome manner cute can place children under The nmlstoryofla man who was 17 LE GRAND BONNIE PRINCE CHARLIE altn in rm trussi twtttï¬ï¬‚mmlmflm atwwmwmmrummmm LETTERS TO THE EDTTOP TREATMENT OF MAYOR Dear Sir After hearing the inaugural ceremonies at City Hall over the local radio station was appal led at the treatment given to His Worship Bentley Statements madeby the coun cil sounded more like campaign speeches than an indication of supportvfor the chief executive of our elty Possibly someone forgot to mention to those elected of ficials that the people of Barrie verbal support should have been forthcoming the council seemed to withhold this very important vote of confidence In so doing they made tbsevenlng which should hava been very plea sanl and proud moment for Mr Benfloy rather embarrassing one hope that council in the future will obey the wishes of the electorate and give full support to the peoples chosenexecutlve Sincerely Mrs Sandra Bearcroft have indlcaledby moons of their franchise that Mr Bentley is their choice to head the present council for the next two years It would seem to me that it Is the duty all council members to sup port man duly elected by the citizens of this fair city If Mr Bentley proves unable to fulfil the duties as mayor then it is the responsiblllty of the council to speak out to rectify the situation But it would ap pear that some members of council are not even prepared to give man chance to be judged on his performance On in augural evening time when and responsibility of INNISFIL NOTE Dear Sir Regarding Mr Mills and Mr MeGuires comments on ROS wrltlngs about Florida 1th tin pression is that thoedltor of The Examiner should carve out the trash and edit the column be fore sending it to the liuotyper regarding Florida trips Florldn food Florida weathm Florida friends and Florida girls sup pose Sitting on the beach ha knowa nothing about lnnlsffl be ing I500 miles away unless he has dooge here keeping him uptodate And there are places in Canada that are lust as good OTTAWAREPOILT New Liberal Leader or better than Florida Who cares about trips to garbage dump or what kind of roads or what you see there for instancof llc should write new about the township people of whom we are interested The tight circle of whom ALM writes to always the coay circle which exists in every council throughout the country of who ADM who with ll probably member and doemt like to be called RGS writes about superflu ous trash of which probably only one per cent of the people read which is agonizing to all the rest and could be left out RGS oesnt know about his township otherwise he could wrlte much better stuff for the paper Who knows what profession a1 critic is and who is AL to Judge others opinions This is democratic country which al lows one to express onoa opin ions honestly and frankly and should not be scorned by AP or by the affluent People of which he might belong lNNlSFlL RESIDENT Palnswlck 170 Will Face lBig Tctsk By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA The choice of new prime minister of Canada will dominate the political scene 1143 monument Such choice has not be made by merevtmo delegates meeting in convendnn since rate when Louis St Laurent was chosento succeed Mackenzie King head of the then dominant Liberal govern ment But tooaamore delica task of picking newrlender for minority government has never before been faced 101 years of Confederation on atomistic 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Authorized as second class matter Post Ofï¬ce Depart ment Ottawa and for mat of postage in cash Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays existed Subs ptlon rates dailyby carrier 50c weekly on yearly Single copies on Bymall Barrie$2£w yearly Ontario moo year motor aide Ontario ou year but NufonalAdverils 425 University Avenueforen to uo Cafbcarl St st its so mega Ponder dedifor readin whilovdrfviu earthen flOmilasnrpbbrlnga this Howdtd up 20 on am able and erratic thine names mudguard wr Pearson is expected to resign from the leadership of the Liberal party and from the prime mfnlstership shortly after the delegates elect his successor tindayrAprllo Mr new leader therefore might face the House olmmmons as prime minister when it opensits daily business Monday April it This could preset formida his task for cfltatn Mulls Suppose for example the Liber sislike the Conservativeslast Septembermoose lo do who isnoi yet an MP Then we would have lameduck govern ment led by astranger sitting in the public gallery during the many ensulngweokswhicb it wouldtake him to go through the process ofwin mg seat in Orrsupposa the delegates lg more theparllamentsry expert ence talent Minster the use and electone out of the regiment of rookies This conjures up the likelihood that thenould be massacred by the Conservativerfront bench offen mer cabinet nunistara ably as listed mph parliamentary el across Canada meeting dele gateswithout incurring the crib icism flint theyhave abandoned their parliamentary dlllle It would be unfair to such eerididetesrendweiiainlwunfsir tothe country not to make this opportunity available in view of the probability that one of them will becomo Canadasrlstb prime minister This tinselable would also en able tbo new leader to write his own throne speech for the new session Otherwise he would herit legislative program car cumscylbed byfla throne speech ised by the retiring lead would be ashamefulnn Now Demoirat Donna and Otedi Ulrowotf$1 yeatkMall out CANADAS STORY US Govt Helped To Curb Rebellion By BOB BOWMAN flsa rebellionl in Upper and tauer Canada La imam might have gone on longer if it had not been for President Van Huron of the USA Mackenzie mu Joseph Papi neeu and other rebel leadera were defeated late in 1337 and fled to the USA They capital bed on antLBritisb feel there to get money and up to gallons their attack on Can Robert Nelson one at the Inner Canada rebels was capo clelly ancestral because he formed an organltation called Brotherhood of Hunters it soon had 200000 members many of than in aunt cells along the border They held convention at Cleveland Ohio in which they proclaimed Republican Government of Canada Nelson also proclaimed Provincial Government of Can ada with himself as president its objectives were said to be complete separation of church and state freedom of the press secret ballot for every voter in eluding lndlans seizure of Crown lands and equal use of French and English WOULD HANG JEWS Nelsons military plan was to have an army and navy attack Kingston and other mhltary bases on Lake Ontario whllahe would lead an army from Lake Champlain to capture Montreal There he proposed to seize the banks ransom John Maison for 00000 pwndr and rob and bang evrry Jew in lower Canada FLASHBACK ON CANADA lie was collecting good sup ply of mom and mm in the USA when ProsldontVln Mi ham ary 1m proc the USA must preserve strict neutrality in the Canadian ra belllnna He was supported by the Governors of New at an Vermont Nelson still went on but last great deal of support Peplneau and other more mponstble leaders withdrew Nelsons at tack on Prescott Ontario and his march on Montreal were do feated later in the year with heavy losses About 20 of his lot lowers wers hanged while ap proximately 90 others were do ported to Van Dlemena Land Australia OTHER JAN EVENTS 86h SIlle built For Cremoeur on Illinois River 1m Father llennupln pub lishoi book on travels in Canada insIntendante palace and brewe at Quebec were destroy ed by ire nosFirst issue of Quebec Mercury labFer issue of La Cour ler dOltawa intWinnipeg held first civic election loftGeneral lan Hamilton Inspector of General Oversea Form arrived at Quebec AROUND THE WORLD Film Shows lnterlerenbe With Lives Of Vietnamese By ramp new Foreign Affairs Analyst 0n television the other bllht the CBS camera fonisod on group of American aoldlers set ting fire to some miserable Vietnamese buts in this ug ment of film lay the answer to why victory has been eluding the US in Vietnam From the bianlng am the camera moved to the faces of the people who bad owned them Women with children were crying Man looking ilny beside huge American captors stumbled atolcally forward aa they were being pushed The commentator aaid this was village in aVlet Cong area being burned to deny lta facili ties to the guerrillas The people were to ba resettled in new quarters secure from the Viet Cong and given better life Someone witha bullborn was thua to tell the people so Even the men would be Jesettled after they had been cleared of any complicity Judging by the way the men wera behig aboved along the clearing process did not seem pleasant one The scene shifted to theploce of resettlement rows or tenia with open rowan no trees bun fluctuatheï¬cbelunsurufl hereaud this under the guard of grandmothera all wearing look of anguish The commenta tor sald These peoplabave not been given any food for 10 days Theychad brought some food with them which they bad eaten Then they had been given ground com meal by the Ameri cans Then nothing for 10 days Dispesslonately and conscien tiously the commentatm ax lored the reason why BIBLE THOUGHT lf Short baljono foollahly in lifting up thyself or If thou haw thought evil lay thine hand upon thy month Proverbs 8082 Self is conflnually crying out for position at the expense of crowding God out Humble thy selfln the sight of God andvln duetune He will life you up blankfaced young Vietnamese officer said was all the fault of other who had not sent the necessary rations He had sent in the necessary requisitions and nothing hld bappeod RUBBER STAMPS young American civilian amfllng fn embarrassment laid that according to South Viet namese regulations no refugeea could get rations until they had ldenlfty cards and the team that was supposed to come and fill in the forms that would go to Saigon pass through channels and receive the necessary rub ber stamps lth gone elsewhere instead of coming to tbls camp in fact the identity card team had been going else where systematically Over the months from various burnt hamlets 5500 villagers had been brought to this camp where they were proposed as curlty Now onlya few hun tired remalnedbecnuse the rest bad drifted back to their burnt homes in Vief Cong territory The young American civilian anulbig ruefully said that the LS could not interfere with South Vietnamese regulnllona Obviously though the US feels free to luterferelwltb the rllvellh lctnameu villaz ars burnlng their bomea and moving them If the principle of interference were carried the logical step further and these refugees were properly looked after whenever they are gener atedas the young American elvlllan whlmsicslly put ltfew er enemies of America would bo generated who prefer living under the Viet Cong and the us might be won aonomocnnm mess TORONTO Crime Metropolitan Toronto last year increased 95 per cent over 1966 Figures released by police Wednesday showed robbcries accounted for the largest in crease witb 1055 cases ported about aoo month in 1966 Police gclam arrests wer mudofnï¬peroentoftbeir cases drop of 06 per cent mm M6