Islanding HPIIESIIRIINK BIIOAOOLOTH Values up to 79 yd 441 yd Plain erashrunk broadcloth Washable and colorlast Spring colors ol white pink yellow green rose blue 36 widths CANADIAN OELANESE ACETATE LINING Reg 98 yd Plainwashablespr weight ngin nalelBB Spring shades navv Pink blue turquois beige black gre rose etc 54 widths BUTTON PRINTS 84 Canadian mada printed entortasr Assoned spring pa rns andipastet shadas 35 widths SPECIAL SPRING womns Values up LI 3395 weave in pastels tweeds Pink blue green navy bai 54 widths PLAIN POPULAR POILIN Reg 11m ya Plain line cross nhWeavI cotton poplin wash fast In new lBGESpting colors White yellow ght green navy orangr PRINTED x1zar coton was no poprn weave springoolorx v44 width eru MATcHH cansszs SAILORCLDTH 147 suntanr royal navw moMudoth liwldiht Noatai linear nue 197 114 SOUTH BREEZEJOOOROINATES Reg 398 yd yd Plain and check suiting and coatings blended oi wool and acetate in new 1968 spring daslgns and colors Fresh pink aqua brisk green tonid orange ESWidths 1958 POSHI IPRINTS PRINTED ACETATE CHEF LRegr198 yd 100 Celanaso acetate mol Hand washable new l968soring design and shades rank blue yellow na beige orange 45 widtha yd Reg 169511 VFrinted nopm washable and colotfast New sprihg designs and shades 45 widths Reg 219 yd Hatter on ty texture Nub Iinan oi 100 Viscose hand washable and crease resistant Newest colors at wh admiral Brown Congo oovirslip cornllowlr battle patunia China Sea ï¬aprioe verdant graon 45wldths gicilvnniï¬ whining 197 Plain Reg 25yd crock Reg 24 Acetate Viacom handwaahahle novallv ahacis with matching aolid shades In twill weave Admiral battle thistle oaprica jadattatanga e5 Ghlddfl Wslip 45 widths WHARVIE Home cnonnmArEs Plain VRIqIJByrl Checks Reg 2251 lain and check olv viacou in new rprtng color and panama and hand wuha White tangerine Verde 451 widths WALKEILS FASHION PRINTS Reg1193d Widoselectlon of printed cotton Machine Wash able dripdry New spring shades and designs Bluegreen navy green lime orangeyellow etc 35 widths WOVEN NOVELTY OOTTONS mg 129 yd rinted novelty designs In cotton woven Lhy eilknown American manulacturer Washable and colorlast Assorted designs and colors 36 widths HlFASHION Honan acetate nrints florals all over designs Hana washable crease resistant In new colors anddasigns PINIINALE cunnunuv vblue emerald ooppe 36 widths Jamil SItEAlH LlNllllG julip tangerine navy brown black binkbu Alvwidths NuaevinAniiE 11251 yd Woven ol Viacoae Acetate twistattyom Hand washable in Spring 68 oastnl shades of whlre azurlnn absinthen verdant price tangerine atticadrrtiralthistle 45wtdrhs wovsurcoiruut sort and clrccit cotton fladqoflow mauve pinkblue turn are brown widths 941yda 97 VSAII CLOTH appearance with HAPPY Pittman JIB nuns Rug 159 yd 37 yds Reg 14911 cononwlmvmw me Reg 49 127ya Plain rib cotton Hand washableirr new spring 63 colors oi beige green orange yellow rose navy light blue 44 widths cnticus NUB llilsHLlNElll Reg 219mi Yd 100 viscose plain synthetic IinenVWashlhlo and crease resistant In new spring colors of white orange verve xestv blue phosphotyellow coquotte pinmresn grass widths PLAIN SUMM ERTIME eg145yd IainoottonasailolothWashathnil new 1965 colors White sky blue pink glee navy yellow 45 width HOMESFUNLQ Rg1ï¬yd Pnntod viscose homespun Han hab assorted new spring 1565 Vdesignslend on or tad cotton canvas Washa cotton dxhs fBDNDALLIIBEI ch 32551 Printed Jersey bonded 100 acetate bonding reass resistantinihaw Spring 685 colors and Printed liners Reg yd prints of viscosoilnen ell rrt hinnvvash no ironlne Assorted color so hinatiens 45 widths sMuoi cumin man New Item rnatons 45wldths menses Rog 69yri 57 33 Pi embossed washable oottoraWhltepink bluegreanyallow 38wldtha sunnv SKIES Reg159yd yd sunrrner weight 100 cotton prints Washable 1965 Spring colon and designs and com earn eri Reg yd new Imported sport twill Better quality so cotton 50 rayon Washable and easY care in bluébe era MAYF Mill PRINTED lAWN 9xd 127 ya 100 aornbad cotton washable and easy pare 63 ring prin dsolore 46 idth Pout serum Palms Reg149ya9 127 Printadeotto andpolynaaid 50 pottoetan tiana new Keg 250 100 combed carton oa rsslstant ï¬nish Washable rr ow noting prints or pink orangablua bro resecombl eswrarn DOWNYSOET ramrsn LANNELETIE Ragï¬ï¬‚yd Woven an printedby wellknown Canadian Ilaral Win