loo iv gaaxxru When Debts Besrilis Can No one likes beta in debt although few people can avoi it at one time or another The trouble with debts is that they have to bepaid This is fine as long as they can be paid without undue strain lta when de ts begin to exceed income or ability to pay that they be come serious matters Having made this point the Guelph Mercury enlarges on its importance in the realm of government activity Al thou undoubtedly great deal more comp caied the pattern remains basic ally thesarne The problem Britain faces in this re ard is tragically serious Britain has or years been spending far more than she has earned The nations national debt today stands at $10152 billion at the new rate of exchange not to menlt tion another roughly $4 billion in bor rowing added recently The amount far excee Britains ability to pay Economic observers point to several reasons for the present situation The trading deficit alone is not the only guilty party The deficit is greatly in creased by government spending over seas which far exceeds what private in dustry can earn on the ex rt market This year the difference etween the two is expected to be in the neighbor hood of $600 million Experts on urbanism from many parts of the world who gathered at ork University in Toronto to discuss metropolitan problems were not opt imistic about the future Dr Ernest Weissmaun United Nations adviser on housing and planning warned that the choice facing the worlds cities is im mediate action or total collapse Dr Weissman reminded delegates of the dangers in the rapidly growing world population 70 million annua increase and warned of clogged ex ressways crime in blighted commun ities disap earance of open space and parkland ack of housing He said paralyzing crisis is haunting cities in every part of the world With implica tions for human survival 0n the other hand more optimis tic note was struck at theconference by ifarrir Examiner Publiahad by Canadian Nawapapm Limited 16 Bayilaid Street Barrie Ontario William Talfsr General Manager MoPheraon Managing Editor mum manner ma ran Pyramid Beiv Seribus Another werful factor is the one based on at some economists suggest is false interpretation of Keynclon economics national policy that rail ways and other essential sorvict should lose money The economics of John Maynard Keynes applied in times of un employment and underconsumptior not in present circumstances the critics say Whether they are right or wrong Bri tish Governments have for long time rigged their financial policy on this be It is because of this the economic Research Council points out that the central government has intended in creasingly to overspend its income The Exchequer deficit for the 1963464415 period amounted to about $3 billion To appear to be in surplus during those particular years the government bor rowed huge sums overseas and from the Bank of England and printed an extra $15 billion in bank notes in 1985 the country paid itself income incrc of some $5 billion while earning less than $2 billion extra through increased pro duction TiEre ought to be lesson here some where says The Mercury especially for Canadians who also like to spend more than they earn Peril In Urbanization Moscow He told delegates the matter of overcrowding in Moscow is solved simply by limiting the population to 64 million Traffic congestion is minimal because the emphasis is on farflung ublic transport with an assist from 5000 taxis Land is owned by the Gimpxms Emwitrjï¬mmmu orriiwii arrow Air Hostess ob Can Be Exciting ramcn mcuorsou Sophisticated tr vcilcrs of state which prohibits speculation and the wcstcrn world chooseio fly high development costs Factories that might cause air pollution must be built safe distance from heavily populated areas The Russian system whether in urban development or any other phase of community life leans strongly to fl icies of rigid controls Our freer sys tem permitting more independent ac tion in pursuit of the common good is championed as the fairer and in the and most successful The urgent need of again proving it is with us in urban by our line Air Canada for two rea sons its unexceiled suicty rec ord smile provided by its well trained air hosiesses the careful instruction givenin the special school for air hostesses operated by Air Can ada at its Montreal base There Miss Billy Household herself former flight stewardesssuper Vises fiveweck course ui cabin duties first aid and serv natinnaliy owned air and tho servicewlthra This column had described Alexey Kudriyaver town planner from development ing meals andperhaps as im portant as theseworking skills in speaking to passengess in personal beauty care and in de l0 YEARS AGO iN TOWN Barrie Examiner Jan 195 Sim coe County Council set special com mittee to enquire into fairs of Chil drens Aid Society Judge Mrs Mar jorie Handlton heads group which in eludes Austin Waitcounty welfare officer and Jack Coleman county trca snrer alon with two councillors topbe appointed new warden Quiet nomination returned 1957 council by acclamation in Cm Townshi Reeve Kenneth Gillespie Deputy ige Mac Kay Councillors Albert Forrceterf dwell Born thITB esfirst baby ofnew year was Joseph Brent DAoust son of Cpl and Mrs ï¬oust Camp Borden He wasdeiivered Dr MapPherson at 350 am Sgt Stewart Fisher of Kitchener ap ï¬ointed chiefof lnnisfilvlownship ce force Three members of Barrie Flycrs chosen to play in OHA Junior JALallsfar amenaLStaCathnjinesmece Ed Westf Panagabko home of Mr and Mrs Dean Arbuthn Itodney Street outstanding entry Barrie Horticultural Societys Yuletide contes Robert McCreaappointed director of arrie Youth For Christ Carruthers Holloway IOTHrRrDITORs AND sen TAPE FinanciulgPoatï¬ The average price of new house in Metropolitan Toronto is the highest in the nation close iosaonoo Theactunl oatqu construction in that city how ever is well belowthe national average NllAfinancial bungalows in the and quarters this yearwerevbeing produc ed inthelorontoarea at with 1155p squarefootrfew coatio boast lowerrngure thati fusttha Defining ope has incisor his 13 levels of bore all DOWNMEMORY Linc Mrs Ronald Grcmo focusï¬f The scarlng tab it seems in Mrs George Mulholland Stroud caler bted silver wedding anniversary Jack MacLaren of public school boardfirst speaker at newly formed home and school association ofiJohnson St school New Years Eve cele brated in Barrie district by many house her Pattendens band At Savanliiih Lodge Inmsfil Merv Morris provided music Club 10 had Ches Adams and Rhythm Kin Many Barrie peoplewent tor Oriilias Pavalon where Bob Hunters his new general presided ton organized Barries first junior bad 51 anager Robert Hauck minton club President JackButler nu itls well ailing for specs Mr and Mrs Fred Ander Evan we portmaut The courtesy typical of Alr Canada hostesses and their ni most invariable packaged fresh appearance is great tribute to the efficient drilling by Billy Household and cellophane staff oooo PAY The job as air hostess holds parties At IOOF Temple music was by great young women cally upsetting as many busi uessman can attest after havmg attraction for healthy It can be physi metabolism and sleep pat tern disrupieidwhy 1Hie ch ov in ong orchestra was in full swing At Barrie gear£5 emian and Arrnoury music was supplied by Jack Ariditlataxingmwtlm emanfsTAir=Force and Lufisinltuie=eirliefl held party at Baystairs Lodge where oceans larger carry more hungry Elli and skill no the staff of busy restauran at Expo ion full and officers of Kiwanis Club installed or eiiéitement inteiFest and vari by Eric Mundinger Toronto divisional lieutenantgovernor Past governor ty Yo Twelfth Night Epiphany Brominen in oas wereBob Blake Jo Parker Lesli Lorne Whitin iiistalied as Worslupful raster Corint aiirMasonic Lodge Mayor Willard Kinzie sprint ed striking committee headed by Reeve Munaeriils startedcarpentry school with instruc matter Pos ment0ttawa and for pay ment of postage in BallI ngMill on by Ross and John RodgersLorn Fred Hoskin and Petar carri the elaborate no es modern nif 511 lay nialiBame Ontario staoo year motor tiirowoff $15 year Mall out side Ontario tillyesrupu side Canada dons 515 year foreign 532 year cipalities Byfthis tini the costsare high that hes lucky if he ca takeouta smallprofitr Timeand red tape areethe great cosis iniurb pment Itedudng their costly inroads is where attempts ti over come the high cost of housing must volves just abo rythin ex tthe houseitseif According to information secured by the Boyle through landing aepucecraft cayenne ythingfnvonbla unbe rain about this planet except that it tithe mootjbriliiant andboautitu of all the planets when scentscinnamon an inn or evening star grantpity that so often the the people Is an or ety What other job offers $500 or more for working month of 75 hours in what other occupa umAdhempioyuesgenjoyï¬fr repayi Street Ontario second class ice Depart cssh tliestsrt of this year well as in distant Canadian cit test Tvpifying the high standards of ii we on and service sought by our national air line is homegrown girl from Kirk land flake and the Lakchend Miss Mhrie Mnhi is striking blonde who can work as waitv ressonrwings as composodly us she need to pose as modal standing feet inches and eyeceicliing in the sleek new Air Canada uniform with her not figure she looks every Miss Northern Qritario although in fact she placed second in that beauty contes ioday senior stewardess with about six years service she is based in Toronto From that base she maybe called iipon to fly east to the glitter of London Paris or Vienna south we urea INVITELETTERS TOTHE EDITOR The Examiner invites cou trihuilons to its tLeIters to thererlltor columuon the cd ttorinl page when possible letters should be restricted to 500 to 400 words and they should he signed Writers may plea pen if they oleI are QUEENS PARK fM TORONTONover has On tario and its government faced so many problemsthan as at hundred and one answers be found and solutions to provided The questions oftbe day en of the year ahead vary fr how can thehouslngcrisis uerdu mu nlcipal reorganization gt be to Should webe in medicare Single copies 10c yearly tishPN National Advertislu Offices its University Avenue Toron to Cathcart St Mon eai 5i iaoo Westlendcr EC Munber Daily Newspaper hlbllshera Association Press and Audit Bureau of Chad aliens the Canadian tn the field of local govern ment alonethere are tbese questions What precisely bimbo about the reorganizatiouofedm cation Will the new structure MllNlClPALfllES nunriNG Wbat steps will be taken for the financial relief of municipal mm source andruponlib itiu between them In wuiwrna tom of secondtier government finally be settled on And if an will it be givun rush axbemulpowm that localrcom Jhnï¬xdflflflflwflmrwa One should be Governiiientlaces am Problems lilt llII iII ii mnmuanzzinni to the Carlbhcan warmth or west to bustling Vancouver She earns $551 for working month of 75 hours on Mrs jet airliners or slightly longer 00 hours on propellerdriven Vanguards sauna CANADA ABROAD Skiing down thermountuins of Austria and dancing in the dis cothcouoc of Grinzing and swimming lnihe Bahamas come as naturallyto thkkirk land Lakc worklngglrl as to the pampered gloheitrotiers of the Jet Set These areiypical pas times of Air Caniidn air crews dbrhig their layovers between flights at distant terminals Marie Makl was born in Fin land but her parents brought her to Canada when she was only two monthsold Growing up in Kirkland Lake she went to school there then attended Kirkland Lake Collegiate and Vera onal father dl other moved to Fort illam where she still lives able to speak at least English it French and preferably third language such as German and one must beat ease talking with strang ers saysMiss Maki descrlb ing the qualifications needed for thejob After all it is largely public relations job on behalf of our national air line but what makes it Aeasy is that our passengeis very happy air HIEpEOPlE of th highden tr heart the pr Notthe solution fpii re lic ho sing but to get uiidin land costs within practic pricérange of thspeoplerdist eedhoines Can it curbtheinfiatian housing Bettersiill can it curb to curbthe general inflation Which really is the most critic al problem of todayll Can it leadjthe toda Can it bring aboutmore high ay safety cleaner ca even briefly ofthe problems the governmentfsces you must have sympathy for it There tremenid no lies this innumeran lnstitutef when her with our good record and appre ciativa of ourservice urban areawhare the OiVincentMassey in rare CANADIAN races Following are excerpts from editorial in representative Co uadian newspapers on the death of former governorgeneral Vin cent Massey Toronto Star ll Vincent MII say had done nothing else in full rich lilo it would be enough to saw WW lie made us proud to be Canadian Vin cent Massey believed in Can ada His own conviction helped fashion our identlt and strengthen our belief hi our selves and our pride in nation hood He could have no better epitaph life of prodigious work and da Tomato Globe Ind Mall it must be said of Vincent Mas roy as it could never be said of man who lived in remote nui terity that he never accepted job merely to preside over oth ers who did the work lie plunged with astonishing vigor lllrlno every task his country set It was of course as gover norgeneral that Co ia ns know him bestknew him bet ter in fact than any man who ldeld the viceregal post before in London Free Press Vincent Massey could have lived life of lcisuro instead he chose path of service dedicating his great energy and talent to being Canadian in the finest Iradition of the word wise voice is stilled but his contributions in the diplomatic and cultural life of the nation will reach deep into the second century North Bay Nugget Mr Mas scy lost no time meeting and ling Willi his fellowCn nadinns And wherever he met and mingled he established warm rapport llo exemplified dignity with downioearthlnesa that quickly won us all over He was loved and respected from coast to coast KitchenerWaterloo Record The only small thing about the late Vincent Massey was his stature In heart and mind he was great man and great pounding lf the measure of man is to leave hisjcounhy and the world little better than he found it then Vincent Massey will hcremembercd as one Canadian who more than qualified for the posthumous praise he now is receiving Su Vincent Masa say was Cana by birth scholar by instinct and man who saw his duty clearly lle accepted high respons urged others also to serveVCan ada drew benefit from his dedi cation and now mourns the loss of so distinguished an elder statesman lng is required nevertheless lverron so has been appointed director of the federal health departments welfaru grants dl could count on the finger of one hand the Canadians with the stature of Vincent Massey mm of enormous wealth who could have slumbcred away lifetime he trod the paths of entitle service to the mountain Fort Willilm Dally 11ml Journal Born with the proscr blal spoon Vincent Mum of fered maraive proof that the status of wealth need not deter amuriarhaselsoutons comaof service to his fellow men and to his country DyuIm ic lent gentle combining human un intending with intellectual brilliance Mr Massey wove voiion into the fabric of bit he loved native land Montreal Gareth 111a molt remarkable feature of Vincent Masscys life win not only the series of important and difficult officer he heldit is rather that he added something to them all He left them with their signiï¬ cance enhanced In Ix chronicleHeralds Some rich men of whom noth give themselves to service Via cent Massey was one of these as his many works will attest diplomat university chancellor royal commissioner authorho was all of these and more saint John TelegraphJournal He was great Canadian and he sought excellence in all things for himself and his coun try His name will be writ ion In large letters hi the story of Canada and his influence will long remain Edmonton Journal Rt Hon Vincent Massey set wow thy precedent ns Canadas Canadian govcrnorgenersl The appointment of Csnrdisn as the representative of the throne in Canada was opposed at the time because it was felt that it would be imwsplhlefqr him to remain untouched by partisan politics and that the of lice would therefore be de graded Notorily did Vincent Massey dispel these fears entireLy but behind his office more meanM inng to the people of Canada Appoint Director 0f Welfare Grants OllAlVA CF Brian ion ltyvas announced Tues day native oEVVancouver Mr lversun has been director of the internation welfare division of the department since 1965 HNOW SHOWING cthLrirn suowsi DAY AT 910 IPM FOR FUfl iNFOQMATiON its 7283440 the wn