nun iiLD iOLLIiIE You get more or your tax dollar in Barrie than any other city in the province Aid Lcs iolliilo told City council and bout zso spectatorslast night Calling for realistic and praca icalattitudc to keep Barrie pro gressing Ald Joiliiie said he CWBS not naive enough to think gall councils decisions were popu nl iiut ratepayers expect ser ticesJo be kept up iinances shave to be provided ior schools and civic improvements and all this adds to council problems in trying to hold down taxes he said Barrie had network oi im procd streets and some at the best paved roads that could be niannd anywhere he said Present solid industries are expanding workis proceedingon project nt LittioParkJnd the city is agctting cooperation from two in Idustries involved in its pollution control plan LCALLED roerosrnaons Aid Joliiiie supported Aid DorianvParker that appropriate action must be taken to end ul iensive odors irorn sewage dis eposal Aid Parker also reie In the Humane Society ing ovcr canine control and her lemurks were followed by ad outburst oi applause as she term ed proposal to spend $15000 on building to house animals Hand dogs as simple preposter us Get More Here For Tell5 Dollar in my opinion the mill rate must be held said Aid Parker stating this could best be done by curtailment oi all new capiv tal expenditure until immediate needs are met including accom modation tor the elderly and re vised bus service Assistance irumscrvlce clubs and numerous others in social weltare and community work was commended byjitld Jollitie CITY ACHIEVEMENTS Park development at the wa terfront lowrental housing now occupied and city street work were touched upon by Aid Roberts in reviewing accompl ments He also stressed the im portance oi acquiring and serv icing industrial areas to help ob tain new industry The next two cars will require particularly eiieetise eitorts to judge irom current conditions Suitable areas to meet the needs for more highrise apart ments also must be given early attentio GETS NEW POST TORONTO iCPl Leonard Pitnre oishaol Lake titan has been appointed assistant rector oi the Ontario Water Re sources Commissions division at project development The vision is responsible for pre lytinaneed water and sewage nary development oi provinci comma navon Sinclair at left presents Mayorelect itolmrt Bentley Standing Room Only During Councils Inah with seating or only 125 ap proximately hat the audience at last nights inaugural meeting oi city council had to stand throughout the proceedings About In stood in row at the back oi the crowded council chambers others stood in rear corridor and about 50 thronged the main entrance and corridor City manager Walter Gigs who welcomed the guests receited good cooperation mm the spectators in keeping aisles open Mayor Robert Bentley and other members oi council iormat ly welcomed the visitors in in augural addresses Although there was some up plause the spectators followed most of the proceedings quietly New Aldermen 0n Committee Mn than hail of city coun cils 968 striking committee will be made up or newly elected council members Mayor Robert Bentley last night appointed newcomers Char lie Christie and Ross Archer trom Wards and respective ly veteran aldermen Frank tier scy irom Ward and liab erts irom Ward along with Mayor Bentley himselt to it out the slate The striikng committee is form ed to draw up slate oi com mittees for inter council approv al With the two new aldcrrnen and the newly elected mayor experienced members of the com mittee are outnumbered three to two first meeting of the commit tee will eld tonight in the mayors ofï¬ce iv Former mayorLes Cooke broke with tradition last year when be appointed the then newlyelecb ed alderman Jack Garner to the committee Aid DorianParker called on Mayor Bentley and thestriking committee to appoint experienc ed members di council with proven leadership ability to chair councils standing committees hers oi Barries assorted boards gt projects across Ontario and commissions Blanchard and Ross the finance Also to be appointed are mem with chain oi oiiiee at long urai meeting held last night at the council chambers gural Meeting 19 and there were no demonstra tions The crowd listened intent ly as Aid Gerry Roberts made his demands for an inquiry into Mayor Bentleys election cam paign charges nl cozy cone pact but there was little hand clapping The most applause oi the even ing was received by retiring mayor Cooke head oi the council tor the past six years when he was introduced among the exmayors present Ordinarily the council chamber has seats or 72 spectators with standing room ior about as many more Another so seats were in stalled ior the inaugural Although about hot the specta tors were standing there was on demand made to adjourn the meeting to one oi the collegiate auditoriums or other larger pre mises Some were noticed to up erate swing shiits between avail able scats and standing room Welcome New Essa Member BAXIFJR Staii New mem ber ni Essawanship Council Councillor MacDonald of Angus was welcomed by col leagues at the inauguralgtei ing of Essa Township Connclil yesterday Rev Willis ot Angus said the opening prayers and clerk Harold Bell administered the declarations to the meme hers Reeve George Davis presided and also present were Deputy Reeve Eugene Smith and Councillors Fred Ross and Kenneth Blanchard in addition to Councillor MacDonald BORRDWING BYLAW bylaw authorising the bor rowing oi up to seaweed tor cur rent expenditures was passed Itnthority was given council on motionot Conn ors Ross and Blanchard tor the purchase oi new police cruiser irom Dangerï¬eld Motors oi Barrie truant oiiicer lor Essa was ac cepted and Mr Willis appoint ed Committees for appointed with Councillors the year were committee andDeputy Reevc Smith and Councillor MacDon aid the road committee All the members were appointed to the police committee andconncii went into committee of the whole to discuss certain police maltltors with ChietCecil Att we HOHDA Thefhnancc com authoriwd to deal with the inatter notholiday pay for pm 109 tural department quotations Eur Average weight prie wholesale in one dozenicartoos Aextralarge 516 Amedium Resignation oi Miskey as inittee was ABOVE An overilow audv irnce estimated at close to 250 persons tilled the cham Once againWe have hay tvondcr as mayor said Judge Marjorie hi Hamilton iirst Enr rio woman mayor in 195152 in congratulating Mayor Robert Bentley 39 at the inaugural meeting last night Judge vitamilion speaking on behali oi iormer mayors rcter red to Peter Sinclair who prelt seated the chain of oitiee to Mr Bentley as the boy mayor wooa der oi 1945 Grant Mayor toi lowed Mr Sinclair and then came Dr Wilson in 1950 beioreJudge Hamilton was eied cd for lost and returned agai for 52 Judge iiamlltou recalled that ilart who was her reeve defeated her for the mayoraily or 1933 and another colleague HebcrSmlth became mayor in 1954 and went on to be elected to Parliament in 1953 it Greer Kinzie and Cooke iollowed ltir Siocliiir Mr Hart Mr Smith Mr Klnzie and Mr Cooke were present and were applauded when introduced individually GREAT orronrumrir in briei reference to Mayor people Lisle sail1 has still notheen police to the training school sut Patricia Les Ber CITY NEWS Calls Bentley Bay Wonder 13 Bentley experi Judge Hamilton remarked to him You couldnt be lessiexperienccd than was but people toldjmc to do my best and it would work out MayorBentley was elected by good majority he is the leader and ieei he can exert great influence and do great dealoi geodli he is supported and works on behali oi all the The iormer mayor also reter redtn Mr Cookes long and ded icated services mentioning his experience at Mayors and Reeves Association and other such fields intnong Sherry Lonelo oi Lislea ward oi Iindsay Training school reported missing since Dec 29 traced by Miss Lanes inothcr saidher daughter was summed to take aflaxtsanddhmobuswtoerettnpemï¬ï¬mï¬ WWWFRRw Kenneth Gilchristoi Ciro in ex when lastseen she was wearing browncont with iur collar it sweaterand an oftwhite City police also reported that 38 at PeEi Dec Elm bers and the adjoining ball to watch promcdlngs Exams iner Photos as being invaluable to Barrie She suggcsterl such experience should be put to good use Judge Hamilton also had spe clot words at congratulations tor Ald Dorian Parker only woman member at the present council BORDEN GREETINGS Representing tutti people tram Camp Borden Group Cap tain Ockenden ottieer commending oi Canadian Forc es Base Borden said he was pleased to bring greetings Co operation hnd been good between Barrie and the Base and he was glad to join in good wishes to council Venerable itead oi1rio ity Anglican Church read the Scriptures and reminded there were good things irorn the past which people should look to ior inspiration Rev John Arbour at St Marys Catholic Church led in prayer Clerk Ben Stranghan adminis tered the oath ei otiiee iirst to the 12 councillors and then the mayor in which each piedr god to trnlyimpartially and taithtnlly carry out the res ponsibilities oi oiiice and that they had no contract or were in partnership with anyone having contracts with the city GAVEL PRESENTED in presenting gavel to the mayor William Malcomson said it waso pr lege which the Barrie independent insur ance Association and business men hsd had for long time His own firm went back to 19m and he recalled from records there were 22 iirernen orig Viiarrie brigade insured torisejooocach The town market building then had insurance for $4000 rile told Mayor Bentley he could retain the gave as souvenir aiter his term of otttee PICKS commrec Judge Clara extended congratulations on behalf oi the while Heber Smith MP also spoke briefly referring to his past experiences as mayor Addressing the council he said he had learned irom experie that people will judge them from tlieirnccomplishmentsv when an other eiection rolls around to Joseph Cosh judiciary oi the county and city safeCrackers Flee When Found in briet reierenee to esn tiatioos tor toss teachers asl arles lttr illekling said he hop ed the economic signs at Ottawa would be headed Ten years ago the teacher werent paid enough but true read the writ ing on the wallthe signs irorn Ottawathey have just about gaoe tar enough he suggest ed Teactiers salaries tor hie Barrie Collegiate area last year cost 31450491 the Vespra rep resentstive told the council stating this represented 11 per cent increase over the previous year Anethertz per cent has been askd ior lsfl he said askhrg direction as to what his position should be as Vespra representative MORE EQUAL GRANTS believe there will be more equalized grant system in the future said Mr lilckling again discussing the coming ed ucational changes There might also be more uniform school buildings he added suggesting this might etiect saving in architect fees There were morechange our educational system durin the last to years than the it is first begi ing vious 511 and we have been told we havent seen anything ye re marked Mr iiiclrling at one safe crackers lied tram Dan port The police suspect that the geritcld Motors on Bradford serits at raids may be the work Streetaiter they were surprised oi the same thieves by maintenance man The two men using an acetylene torch PM OiES had cut the tinged lrom 53 Chromed engine parts valued and were Humming at Sitwerestolcn iromacaroo um 15 mg 1an hm the lot oi Jackson Motors goo discovered Egaldiwdsaut and Irérvic saona acorntro uon hnthmr taken from the dale and Cuddles road user tend through rear window he attempted theit was one wlv this morning but nations of rash oi automotive robber l113ml in and car lot breakins occur iced mill on Essa Road was in yesterday and early this also reported broken into at morning Barrie city police rc am Educahon Plan it There is no sense in putting up hardheaded criticismunlesx it is constructivebecause there will be radical changes made hr the laid edacauea and we might as well go along with them said Roy Hickting Ves pra representative to the Barrie District Collegiate Board speaks ing ioVespra Council at llild burst yesterday Stating that legislation is ready to abolish l600 school boards and rcplace them with 100 area boards Mr Hiokling said there had been some crit Icism but iront what he had heard it looks as it it logo in through in spite at any up position DOUillS SAVING ROY HICKLING The former wardenswho haIs represented min on the co am legtate board since thou said he gigantim gamma didnt anticipate the changes ms with handheld w°ld°d mam cm ideas who had the backing oi it Will make the book work government whld an easier but doubt it it will mew whim mun save money They just cant the Po seen to save money at higher levels oi govroment said the NEW MILESTONE ionner Vespra rceve from 1951 it seem rate prediction to 1958 and 1955 warden to say that 1968 will mark new milestone iolhe history oi education in thispro vince said theVespra repro seotative stating directives al rcogw were out concerningtnew legislationlwhieh will bcbrotight before the house at the coming sessions lltercvill be lot oiErik iclsm and we hope it wtil be constructive think myseli we should take real hardlook at the changes but you cant stop progress and we might as well go along with them 92 said He noted that new school boards will be elected endow that extent controlled by £th MAYOR BENTLEY Mr iiickiing handedBamo Mayor Robert Bentley de tailed report on ï¬gures on legiate spending with the re mark on had better Itudy thesebecanse they will béasl ing Barrie for its share Mayor Bentley extended greetings to the Vespracmtm eii tram Barrieaod stressed the importance of area chers in planniozjaodpdeveloprnent The mayor toldfthe Vespra council aodolticialsjhewwld like to see new area board to bring abmtt better corrnnun ity development SNOWMOBI acres at bills and tnnr tending best wishes on behal oi the nearby areas MIT TwwrERAMA Acrrs Daily and hourly ran to orgbrlng any examine wane and more new tETZVRENIALS miles urtorThurnton 0n own Snowmoth