SUNNY AND very cold wet ther continues today across the Prairie Provinces Northcm Ontario most of Quebec and the Maritimes The coastal re giona of British Columbia are expected to he milder Slightly higher temperatures with light DISTRICT WEATHER Cloudy Snowilurries Again On Thursday The weatherman claims the cloudy snow conditions will hang around for another day Thurs day should not see much change from the conditions today Winds will be light and temperatures are not expected to vary to great degree The overnight low recorded downtown at the Ex amiuor office was to degrees The temperature at um was 24 degrees WRONTO OP Official forecasts issued at 530 am Synopsis disturbance over the Great Lakes area may be come better organized and move to the east coast on Thursday However considera ble cloudiness is expected to lin ger over Ontario and some snow is likely across northern rc gions Toronto Hamilton London Windsor Lake St Clair Lake Erie southern Lake Huron Ni agara Lake Ontario Cloudy ON CONSTITUTION Date Pot with occasional light mow and chance of some freezing drizzle today Clottdly with few wnny intervals and little colder Thursday Light winds Northern Lake Huron south ern Georgian HayI Haliburton Cloudy with occasional light snow today Mainly cloudy Thursday with few snouflur ries not much change in tem perature Light winds North tiny Sudbury Sault Ste Marie northern Georgian Bay Tiinogumi Algoma Main ly cloudy with occasional show today and Thursday not much change in temperature Light winds Cochr ane White River Sunny clouding over toward evening Mainly cloudy with oc casional snow tonight and Thursday cold Winds light today easterly is Thursday Ottawa and Montreal Mainly cloudy with few periods of snow are forecast for southern Ontario and southwestern Que bcc Figures on the map in dicate expected high temper atures today Wirephotai light snow and not so cold today Thursday mainly sunny and colder light winds Forecast Temperatures Low tonight high Thursday Windsor St Thomas London Kitchener Mount Forest Wingham Hamilton St Catharines Toronto Peicrbomugh Kingston Trenton Kilialoe Muskoka North Bay Sudhury Earlton Sault Ste ills Kapuskasing White River Moosonee Timmins usSmaSBESlgEQgEBEEEBSSGu Conference Difficult To Arrange mam 6P me ieder alvprovloclal constitutional con ference will open here Feb or Feb 12 informants said Tum day Both dates fall on Monday date agreeable to all prov inces has been difficult to achieve because the legislatures of some provinces are scheduled to open in midFebruary Prime Minister Pearson ior mally proposedthe conference Aug is in letters to the pre miers and suggested that it he held in January or February Three provincesPrince Ed ward Island Manitoba and AL bertaasked for January meeting Nova Scotia New Brunswick and British Coiuna bia wanted early February 0n Quehec ewtoundiand and Saskatchewan said they Objective of the conference as orig naliy set out by Mr Pear songvas to look into the opssi if iionthe British North America Acta hill of rights guaran teeing language and economic right everywhere in Canada Since then tine report of the royal commission on bilingual ismand biculturalism has been added to the agendaplus any other constitutional matter the provinces may wish to intro duce The royal commission has PWPflsed constitutional guaran tees for language and education rights It also recommended that Ontario and New Bruns wick declare themselves bilin gual provinces now and that hi cultural districts be established throughout Canada in areas where Frenchspeaking persons numbered losper cent of the population ofvthose areas ln conferencm here next month not expected to make any final decisions on consiifuv iionai reform that committee of attorneys general will be established to studythe matter further for ao other conference in the sum mer Mr Pearson has said it Will take year or two to achieve constitutional changes to which presumably all the provinces would have to agree before they could be brought into effect Man Satisfactory filter Accident Hoffey condition in hospitalTuesday after hunting accident in whichhe shot himself in the backtlde wflkedand crawled mile to his car drove three milesto hospital and walked into an emergency ard ward following sevenhour cpl orationSaturday to remove Ajax is In miles east of Toron they last AJAX Ont or Frank 6was in satisfactory shotgun pellets from his back and sentogether torn muscle SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS CHRIGHURST By MRS HANDY Mr Johnston Don Charlton of Brochviile Misses Diane and Brenda Giarlton spent Dec 23 with Mr and Mrs Snider Mr andMra Fraiick and Glen of Minesiag Mr and Mrs Graham and Hen ol Elm vnle Mr and Mrs Ed Martin and Johnnie ol Mlndcn and Mr and Mrs George Snider and family had Christmas dinner party in Barrie Mr and Mrs Snider spent Christmas Day with their son Ralph and famiiy Baldwin was with his sons Currie and Harvey Castoo with Mr and Mrs Edwards Vasey Mr and Mrs Allan Sinton Scarbor ough with Mrs Sinion Mr and Mrs Mallets Toronto at it Hodzsons Ron Grcavcs Otta wa and Mr and Mrs Beard sali of Chatbam at it Greavcs Mrs Kendrick was the hot less for the December meeting of Womens institute and vices president Mrs Dudes pre sided Mrs Tuck Crown Hill was the speaker and also show ed sampler of crewel embroid ery Word was received here of the death oi William Craig oi Tor onto slncere sympathy is ex pressed to the bereaved Knox Presbyterian Church was nicely decorated for the Christ mas services The flowers were gift of Miss Betty Gaston Sun day School pupils roeeived gifts from their teacher Mrs Daly at the close of the service Christmas visitors here were Mr and Mrs Mowforth Tor onto Mr and Mrs Mowforih and family Mr and Mrs Brollcy Barrie and Mr and Mrs Mowforth with their mother Mrs Mouforth Morrison and Mr Hanson with iifr and Mrs Monforth Miss Kathryn Shanahon Toronto and Miss Mary Hivard Windsor with Mr and Mrs Shanahnn Mrs Emery and her brother at Hiiisdaie Miss Barbara Strana ghan Hamilton with her grand parents Mr and Mrs Handy and family at Max Craigs Miss sheila Craig of Mc Master University with her parents new LOWELL By MRS PADDISON The United church choir hold candlelight service Christmas Eve Christmas visitors were Mr and Mrs it Day and family Niagara Falls and Mr and Mrs Johnston and daughter Angus with Mr and Mrs Douglas Day and Linda Mr and Mrs Noble and family Mr and Mrs Arthur Mumberson and daughter Toronto and Mr and Mrs Glen Minnherson and family Barrie with Mr and Mrs Mum berson Mr and Mrs Rodney Duff and baby Mr and Mrs Bruce Duff Mr and Mrs Hay Calder and family all of Bar rle Mr and Mrs Ken Doll and family with Mr and Mrs lvan Duff Mr and Mrs Don St Clair and daughter Mr and Mrs Kenneth Faddison and sun aar rie with Mr and Mrs Herb Paddison Miss June Tivendale Toronto with her parents Mr and Mrs Snow and daughter Brampton and Mr and Mrs Joe Walker Windsor were with Mr and Mrs George Scott Mr and Mrs Toiflemire and daughter with friends in Windsor Mr and Mrs Keith Prosser and sons Miss Mary Le gate all of Toronto Mr Legate Mr and Mrs Elwood Wines of Cashtown with Mr and Mrs Harry Mansbridge Jr Snow Tomato with his parents Mrs William Mansbridge has returned home after spending some timain Toronto By MRS wannnss missed pests inpatin is ex presse to Mrs Smith Doreen HarveyKen andion Mrs Clarence Atkinsonand guests of Mr 1Take advantage of the tremendous avingawhiie prices are cut by 20 to 33 1370 new has erelt and their son and daugh terrlnlaw Mr and Mrs Bruce Shepherd who were on visit from High lcvei Aibcrta Mr and Mrs Archie Malcom spent the Christmas weekend at their sons home in Villowdale Mr and Mrs Anthony Porretta and lamily spent Christmas Day in Toronto with the Ialtcrs par rants Mr and Mn Spohn and FOUNDATI FAMOUSVAME BRAV05 other flilï¬ï¬‚l Mr Add 1611 BARR EXAMINER mNLflJAY JANUARY lt Walter Hall and daughters were guests of the latters brother Mr and Mrs Art Reynolds Pear etang Mrs Atkinson and sons were at the home of Mr and Mrs Congrde Steele Etuhkoke Mr and Mrs Alfred Collins Douglas Patricia and Joanne of Weston spent couple of days at Christmas with Mr and Mrs Archie Waniesc Holiday guests of Mr and Mrs Everett Edwards and family in cluded Rev and Mrs Orville incite and Larry Lindsay sir and Mrs Bruce Harris Scar borough Donald Edwards Elmv vale and Mr and Mrs Fred Atkinson Wasaga Beach Miss es Annie May and ilclen Pick ering and Mr and Mrs Hill Chappcll Toronto spent Christ mas here with Mr and Mia Alex Finlangiss Suzanne Fin lay Toronto Teachers College is home this week Mrs Jane Gilchrist of Barrie spent Christ AT BUDGET IRIMMIVG SAVEMORE PRICES Snve More Price neonates is each Gealio shaping an very low pricel Laoe covered contour cups Lycra Spandex sides and inserts under cups WhiteA cup32 toiio as mas at the home of her daugh ter and sunriofaw Mr and Mrs lim Milligan and family other guests on Christmas day includ so Mr Maclaren oi Barrie Mr and Mrs James Graham and son and Dan Kenoey Phelpston PEOPLE BIG TIME Tourism is big laziness in California With 500000 visilt Lora in 1966 leaving 2900000 Mow JANUARY SALE LOOKYOURBESTIn And at tremendous January Sale savingsliTheseara iust few of the terrific Foundation values youll find right now Towersl Dont miss these superb buysl 5h nuary Sale of Foundationitodayl nu BRA Liane Cups Val Towers Save More Price Lighiiy ï¬rqling face over nylon sheer cup Lyora Spandex sidesand inserts under cup wane can 32 cup31to 38 34in 3t tlcwaist alluriosii luvi liltlitl Huizsmzii vane coerce TOWERS SAVE MQRE anion contour sue would 11 Daan vodde cubs Elastic inserts It mot Cotton sides White can 31 to can as to to co be All Cotton coltsn ulna Uplift roSpnndox LongLeng Flax VALUES YOUR come It To control panels for tunnny had back Doublel hip iidll 3114 BANTIEJGZIZRDLES 27 Acticnill tnmmy TOWERS BAVE MDHE FENCE controifingtrout panel vmmktgbukfltsamooth t$$dï¬d wonv flyimnwwmsm teaming entail