Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Dec 1967, p. 6

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NEW YEAR VISITORS Spending the New Year week end with hir and hire William Kirk rick oi Mountbatten Eli be their ion and dam terrinilw Mr and hire Donald Kkkpatrifi oi Collinwood RETURN OIIAWA air And lira iiap awe and children Kathy and John have returned to their Ottawa mi dence alter spending the festive weekend in the city 111a former Barrie family was eta oi Mr towns mother rs Chlrles one of Duniop St and Mr and hire Clarence Brown of Dai ston parents of tin lows WEDDING GUESTS hfr and hire Ralph Gleraford Miss Jane Kennedy and Jim Burke all of Barrie were among the guests at the wedding oi hiiu Janice Linn noisyhand lion ald Wlogrove ceremony took place Dec at Providence United Ctnirch situated near chstharn Following tho wedding the Barrie ruidenls were guests It the home oi the bride evalrnents hit and hire once grove now of Ctiatham lor merly oi Barrie HOLIDAY GUmB hir and hire Glenn main and children Julie and Rodney have arrived from Ottawa to spend the New Year weekend with Mr Swalnr parents Mr and hire Emerson Swain oi Sunnidaie Rd At Christmas the Sunnldale Rd residents motored to Peter borough and spent the weekend with their daughter hfra Shirley Ooheen and sons Christopher Gregory and ieiirey SING FOR DSCF Three Codrington 5t lads spent part of the Ctalrtmes holiday Budd an Intel to cover the general social lite the city District weddings univenflicl hrtdai showerl parties travellers and visitor are all items oi interest to readera of this page Your help in supplying this news will be greatly appreciated Pieue phone in Barrie Ea Imlnlr mam and elk in Andrey Canteen or Dee Wie nier at the Wmaa DIM meat Their eiforta raised $350 which ran presented to hire John Hicks local chairman of the CSCF MONTREAL GUESTS hira George Eoiieau her has band and three aona oi Montreal Quebec visited over the Chriab mls weekend with her eats Mr and hire in don ohl of Shanty hay ltd or holiday guests at the Kohl home includ ed hir and Mn John Boileau and young daughter oi Oekvllle ostph Boiiaau of Montreal RETURN FROM AMINOION hir and Mrs Clitiorti Good head and daugh rs hilsses hinurecn at Toronto and hiarsba and Wendy at home have reiunv ed to Barrie alter spending th SPEAKING OFVPEOPLE AND PLACES holiday neck in kaminllol The family were guests oi hire Good heads brother and airterinlaw hlr and hits Pike LEERTAINVMLNT sndh Garry entertained iriende Friday eve ning at their Strahene Ave rea ldence Their guests included hlr and Mrs Jack Garner Mr and Mrs John Quinn hir and Mn Raymond Orr Mr and hire Ros lieii hlr and im Dnn Johnston all oi Barrie hfr and hire Doug Miller attended from Coldwater VISIT CAPITAL hir and hire Harry Partridge oi Francis St loinneyed to 0t tows during the Garlath holl dey weekend They were guesta of Mr and hire 3m Wt it merly oi Barrie meSOli GUEST as Agnes Lavay oi Eccss 5t spent the holiday week with members oi her iamiiy hfiu Lavery was guest of her cia tor Mra hi Love ni Wind sor On Sunday the Barrie wo man and her sister travelled to Trenton Michigan where they were guests for several days oi their brother and aistcrlnlnw hir and hire William Lavery and family no is flocktnik dbmer New Years Eve party or open house on New Years Day at yourhomei Wbot to wean Well an elegant paata number makes perfect sense There are innumerable emartones avelllt able in wide varietyvot col Cultured ore and iebrica ior wear now or later This Empire lump suit lectures pants on toning skirt proportions ior grace and case its fashioned oi color iul checked jailk and lurcx etnmine with flattering tront vncclriand diamond shaped cutout in back Pearls Popular Gift week ainsingcerola in order to Minni SITURDAY DEC 1957 sysizarvolt noss contribute something to the Can adian Save the Children Fund OLD HALL OPEN AGAIN pearl Péiaonal beauty careI at the St Lawrcncc liall in Governor General Roland government donated hronre hiichener hirs hlichcncr and Toronto hlayor William Donni eon arc shown as they arrived Toronto Thursday night tor tho oiilciai reopening oi the lldycarold hall The icderat plaque declaring the hall na tional historic site 01 Wire photn Prepare Your Children For SatiSiying Useful Career gm night When she tainted By GARRY MYERS PhD 0i great concern to all par cats who giva thought to the in turo at their children is what those childrcn are going to do when they grow up and how they may best got ready and continue to develop in accord ance with their native ability tor the most satisfying and use Iul carecr ldcaliy career development begins in the preschool years and continues liiciong in ia vorsbie climate in the home where valuts are placed high on material possessions and ac compllshmehtsihc child is not likely to find asocial service oc cupation appealing in the home where the child is exposed to literary cultural and other less perishable pleasures he may be inclined louiard relat ed occupations Moreover satis isotions on the job may derive from wholesomo human rela tions experienced in the home Furthermore while the child is in school especially in the el ementary grades we parents need to do all we can cooperat ing with the school to help him succeed at mastering basic alsillls and knowledge aspa cialiy skill at reading well His success in those directions will be highly metal to him no mat ter whet vocation he may enter by and by EXPLORES WORK Through the home and school the child in the clementaryi grades begins to explore various work activities in high school and collegehc will proilt train more specialized guidance on choosing between conflicting cl ternatlvesAvhether to sttend college or get job wise ar cnta strive to maltedecis ons with their children rathin than for them Fortunetelysome schools are providing considerable guidance service and increasing the ratio woefully lacking Sonic employ Policies moat youthsawing agenclcs that youths commas their edu Commission Debut Marred By Illness NEWYORK AP The coming out at Barbara Anne El aenhower granddaughter of the iormer president oi the United States was marred Thursday Im so emberruredI she such as the Youth Opportunity cation for at least two years he aaid later at the international Centers are doing much for yond high school These two Debutante Bali after 61 other guidance and cmpln ymcnt years tor many students might young ladies had ilnlshed mak uceds at young pcople lncreas be devoted to specialized voca ing their presentations ingly the federal government tiannl preparation increasingly has provided iuuds tor counsel available are evening schools student with technical skflla um um mun at and interest may iind it more Don site said reierrlng to lag and guidance and continuing adult education tell something coming over me and dont remember any rewarding to altcmi allitilly Donald Stolper her escort for oulncfiigfijlggdpggflidwflf rated tradetcchnical school the eventng ucation as they are reasonably than fouryear college iiow htisr Eisenhower represent able to gut The Educational 0V Sludlm With iilb EMMY in the United States at the 13th Feeding Required and aspiration to enter nroies mummy at waldort to sioa will need to plan early and you 1nd been um um to enrollin college with alum that will help him threetiered alaga in the ball proachhisgoaL BY Fdlage Plants WORKING ranr runs In case time and eifort dont Foliage plants will benefitirom seriously interfere with studies regular schedule otiertilizer we should encourage our chat suggest horticulturlsts with the gran work pm um whne tn Ontario Department of Agricul mph school They dolng may ture and Food They tell us that 3mm motgunk for mung bow and was standing on the room while the others paraded the longcourse of the room Stapler aided her in walking all the stage After only law momentamhe returnedand was able to continue More th ll 1009 persons hiid ovvltnesa the deep bows host oi ofliplifll ot plants respond best when they vocational goals and help in un Noam momma 1nd are well established and have derstgndtng healthy root system The required plant nutrients complete icrtilizer which con and appreciating the world of work noted old iamiilee should be applied in liquid torm ANSWERING QUESTIONS Dont you think that some talus nitrogen phosphorus and jealousy may exist in spite of total of lit countries were represented potassium in wellbalanced the parents cfiort to prevent it tear down the care airabiaalvand mounts is generally more suit Yes Nevertheless it is able tor leading plants sol amazing how little jealousy Men or more shops and boil uhle iertiiizer such as toms some children seem to have and Lilill or one at similar analysis may haw skiiliui some parean are in be used at the rsteoi one to preventing or inducing 1L two teaspoons in one gallon oi water Trade name liquid or sol uhlo crystal Inrms should he us ed as directed on the containers Try to acmemher that plants re are actively growl than when they are dormant for exampleo Camahy St Gels ouire more iétnlier whénthey Royal mnnonl AP Carnaby The Crowns lends earned about $15000000 last year main ly irom such commercial areas as Carnaby street as well as trom 190000 acres of agricul inSchisrid Jib Queen ncvcrjsees the graniums may require fertilizer Street the rollicking home oi mu Gum cw once week in the spring mod gear is to get aiacelitting 115 Which mm whereas once month in the with the blessing oi the Crown et construct an arcs housing iali iyoirld be adequate When applying the solution ake sure that the soil is moist Kit is drywater and allow todrain for time belore app ing the tertllizci solution It some fertilizer should get1 the This is not to say theQueen herself decided on Vitbut the op eration in way is in her name The Crown Estatee Britains biggest landlord owns most of resuufpau iii tsldiCbShet llin shell tun Marks Sessmn remain WHAT THE STARS SAY By WELLIIA F0 TOMORROW Romantic intercom still contin ue in planetary favor he do so clot and creative pursuits to Sunday should be an exceptional iy pleasant day Also favored Travel and outdoor activities FOR THE BIRTHDAY it tomorrow Ia your birthday your planetary configuration or the year ahead indicate some interesting patterns in your lob business and iinanclal aliairs For the Capricornian the period between now and April let should be notable for tine iorward atrilioslaloagtha aiorementioned lines with still iurlher boosts promised in mid July the tint two weeks oi Sep tember late November and early January oi looter you will enter mother excellent monthzcycle governing all your lntiserta Just and admonition Diirlngghday and June and be tween October 15th and Novem her 15th do avoid extravagance or yourwid oflcetpiwions gains Personal relationships will also be atanbleased during the coming year with em haala on romancepbetweenApr lst and April 15th in lateAugust late October and November Moi propitious periods for travel The weeks between June 1st and September 15th also late October and late December Achiidbomoathiadeywlii be warmhearted extremely gregarious and unusually talent ed along creative lines arm has await consortium It in require unusual pa rural land in England and 72000 tleace and determination to solve some tricky situations on Mondayth keep plugging it you dont last give up you can coma through handsomely FOR THE BIRTHDAY if Monday is your birthday the next year while not promise lag anything sensational in the way oi attainment does indi cete some very good periods ior monetary interests Nice steps forward can bcmade between now and April let in midJuly early September and late Nov ember Then during an excel lent smoothperlod beginning with the lst oi January 1969 you can really begin to expand operations During innnths not listed above however it woiiid be well toopcrato moat conserv atively or you could oilset gains Dont lotoveroptlmlsm and recklessness cause you to splurge needlessly Domestic social and seniia mental relationships will be under excellentauguries tor most of the next in months with emphasis on romance dur ing the ilrst twoweelie of April in late August late October and November on travel and social activities between June 1st and September 15th in late October and late December Creative workers should have an out standlng year with notable pa riods of accomplishment prom iaed in June September and next December child born on this day will benign lmaglnatlveand origi nal in hi thinking and works able companion Fine cultured pcarls have made comeback as one oi the most desirable glits oi this Christiana season and also as one or the most bountiful acces sories woman can wear Nothing goes as well with black as do glowing translucent pearls And with velvet pearls are simply magnificent SPECIAL CARE As is the cesowitb any other precious jewel uiitiaed pearls deserve special care to kcep them at their best Faerie ad vise tha exports should always be kept in salt chamois hag they should never lust be casual ly dropped in jewel box with other game since hard stones or metal can scratch the pear creamy surface gt Aiter each and every nearing pearlsshould bo gently wiped with salt damp cloth to remove everylast trace oi pow der and miratio if there is heavy aecurnulationoi grime pearls should in given gentle washing wkh mild soap and wa ter liair spray pcriume and cos metics rho not come into contact with pearls Many such beauty aids contain weak acids that may dull the mince oi hlore thanln per ceat of near lv 1000000 people in Manitoba are members oi credit union should be completed as well in advance as possible before pearls are donned Pearls should be handled carclully like any other pre cioin gems but should never be put down on hard suriocc such as marble or glass 11 worn irequcntly pearls should be professionally cleaned and rcstrung at heist once year With moderate care your pearls should give you pleasure and add to your costume for many years PEWT ADDITIONS its nice too to addrio onel pearl werdro rhaps chok er or matineeiength strand Cuitixed pearl bracelets are beautiiul and to ads rings that blend pearls diamonds end And pearl earrings are popular than ever froml glowing little cultined pearl but tons to big lobersizcd beauties VELKAY MATERNITY APPAREL Sizes 820 loo COLLIER ST BARBIE com east of City Hall 7283804 START rile aswvsAa Mini ECONOMY cHooss voun run coar JACKET on ems OUR VANNUAL JANUARqu SALE IREDiUCTioNsactually You can buy for CASH aunssr resins mu oi guidance counselors tosiu ioliage wash it cit in prevont dents but mostsciiools are still damage to the foliage plan has been drawn up to xt Beta Chapter of Beta lip outside financing our LAYAWAY PLAN sigmarliirmmritydieldlts an gt htchis like casbtransaction Pay ast deposit nual Christmas party ior mem ca untilw htednoservice or storage beerat the horns of ovenntlareon Stu IGGINS era in former embers who have mov led iway litrs RGibhona way gt FARm wi we ataxn arm ONLY ihe handme epoiat pixaedraw was won byers Myrtle Coleman Staebano Ave Berrienie looent draw 31 color and it finds emetic ex pression in shoes desigin for lated wear At left jbiack peeu ejeole sling on low heel exterminato be shockinfli inkleatbecbaw lotiorm counsels bleak treats wareseryed punch while an hilariouagame oi charedea waa enloyed Members exchang ed glita from their SocketPale distributed by Mrl Audrayln Either with withoutshorilianrlin ournew ginning Wednea day ary 1968 Bereadyiora better job with good pay byjlreend of May Thiscoiirso includes cwriting Shorthand Bookkeeping Bnatlt aeseCorrerp denceElliagg cekocedure Rapid Calculation Spelling anderttn GEI THE DETAILS NOW ANnrtau 10 ions our new DAY cuss WEDNESDAYJANUARY31768 scam We Bonaventure into suitably clad Behiodihsm the

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