Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Dec 1967, p. 5

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THE BARRII EXAMINER SATURDAY DEC 30 197 Klu Klux Klan Wizard Gets Prison Term De Gcluylle Visit Top News Story Of 1967 Ily TIIL CANADIAN PRESS French President Charles do Gaulte came to Canada in July for what was l0 have been centennial goodulll visit Ile promptly stirred storm with his cry at Long live tree Que bec was rebuked by Prime Minister Pearson cancelled planned trip to Ottawa and went Ironic That In the opinion of Can adas neus cditors was Ihe lop Canadian story oI 1067 They also ralcd Gen de Gaulle the most newsworthy uorld figure of the ycarlor there hardly was week when he didntvmuddy international waters with con troversial pronouncements The de Gaulle story made the No spot by balfdmcn volts nvcr Expo 67 the IDSlay lorlds fair in Montreal lhich developed into supersuccess that low Canadians had antici plllccl before its April 18 open pird territory more than our times the sire of Israel IISCII The war was Stot choice over the story of the worlds first hcart transplant operation medical success eien though the palicnt died Louis Wash kanskyuho also got some votes as newsworthy world figurehas dying at an incura hie heart nilrnerlt in Cape Torin hospital uhcn he got new heart Dec from young the election Sept of llobcrt Stanfield as leader the Progressive Conservatile party The contlnuing story of the JACKSON Ii$ tAIl US separatist morcment in Qurbcr Court Judge Harold Cox The Supreme Court of Can Friday scalrncivl Shin Holloway adug gm decision thatitherc rilouers Jr imperial uizard of was no miscarriage oI justice in lhe ihll supremacist Ku Klux the case of Steven Truscotl Klan and Alton Wayne Robert convicted in 103 at the age of to 10 years in the federal pcni it in the sex staying at 12 tcntiary for tonspiracy in the ycarvold girl root slayings at three cile rights uorkcra nomanlatanin mdinm uto WES mobile aceidgntfitc Lived l8 rlddle Em an otllbimcfimfl mm mm mm 1m Vashkansky heart Irans if filth only complications bill the nclv heart Plan Ln an in osey did its ark we and Sterling devaluation and the on mil Britain dcwluaunn my Mun Svcrlllcesllrlllml operator to II pound in November iticd oer The wrrin Viemm Ms third place with the stnrol the m5 mm me My 39 Torrey Canyon the sl16itton oil smils llmmy Hedic and Jimmy tanker that iolindcrcd on rch The death Jim 27 mm mm meme oft Englands southwest coast 05 imam NI NMS March is more tlle ship was Wimp 190 the The mm 5mm destroyed by RAF pram thou death April at or Russian ctls the charge was 10 years in sands nuns nude spread monaut attempting to land the prison and $5090 line The English Macho mum an spucccralt Soyuz Judge levelled no lines are 120 miles in cxtcm anarchihiihrih Totgoggggmrfiem port and radio and television rng lell behind or third place was the yearlong story or the Centennial itselfthe cclchra lion of loo years of Contcdera QUEBEC lUDGE TOURS MONIlSTEIiY Bearded Father Jean cl takes social welfare court monastery Friday during an lilo children kept on life pre TrinitE leader of break away Roman Catholic sect NEWS ROUNDUP Judge Armand Trudellc on tour of the sccts Irilllflllllllll inlcrruption of llcarin of case involving custody of cs sister is seen at spinning wheel Fear Floods Kill 20 SALVADOR Brazil Reuters Floods are cared to have killed 200 persons in the cocoa town or llabunn in the south of Bahia stale say reports front amateur radio operators reach ing hcrc Pfidlly night The radio reports from the town said 30000 persons in ltabuna were made homeless by the floods caused by several days or heavy ralns Earlier unconfirmed reports said about 20 persons were drownedtbroughout the stale heappointed TORONN tCPl The prov lncial government has reappoint ed special sevenman commit tee formed Oct 73 1966 to study ways or increasing tarm incomes in the province The committees new term expires Doc 31 IBM It cabinet order rcleascd Fri rlay reappointed the following Chairman Everett Biggs On tario deputy agriculture minisA tcr hlolcolm Davidson Cam bridge University graduate and tumor from Brucelicld Gur don Hil1 ofgvarna past presi dent of the Ontario Farmers Union Mrs Macintosh Kitchener alderman and an offi cial or the Canadian Association at Consumers George Mc Laughlin of Beavcrton chair man ot the Ontario MilkMar keting Board John Philips of Toronto editor of Farm and Country magazine and Thomas Robsin of Leamington tirst vicepresident ot the Ontario Federation ot Agriculture Quake Rocks Italy ROME AP strong earthquake shook towns along 150 miles of Italys upper Adriat lc coast south of Venice before dawn today alarming Ihou sands of residents but cousin Ytnnly minor damage The earth shocks lasted up to 13seconds and registered up to live degreesoo vthe lodogree tlercalii scale Grant Loans OTTAWA CF Federal loans totalling $2120261 have been approved for Vsewagetreat mentproiects In it municipali ties Central Mortgage and Housing Corp announced Fri day The loans in Ontario Cornwall $204000 loan for $306000 sewerconstruclion project part of an antipollution program PickeringA $339739 loan towards the $509603 cost of constructing water pollution eontr oi plants Stratfordwo 596044 loan towards the $16 961 cost of constructing chlorination facilities PrestonA $185387 loan for 53092 sewereon atruction project Haystack Uerlue KINGSTO tCP Lawycr swan twrnnughhy said Friday point casehc has been tried by own medi he may racllange in venue Viiloughhy defending imtymond Wemppal Amherst Island Got on criminal neg ligence charge arising from an neeidcht Dec 12 when Wemps ear and another collided near Collins nay Ont anadlan first BRAMPTON CF Arpli atelyowned alonlt tolrl oundevélopmentrnenr ere claylhar become the rust attorneygeneralr dep at enrolmentFM tho project at emulated Dev Ltd establishing iIIltmnl wanton rob two Flaps Drug Use VATICAN CITY AP The Vaticnns daily sought Friday to remove all doubt about the Roman Catholic Churchs lnjuuction against use of narcotics and psychedelic drugs such as LSD It says use of such drugs rcA gularly and in quantities is grave sin But the paper LOsservntore Romano also implies that tak4 ing small quantity of drugs in way that did not constitute habit is only minor sin Gold Declines PARIS tRcutcrsl Frances gold and convertible currency reservcs declined by$720000000 US during December the Ii nance ministry announced Fril day It was the Iirst drop in Francos reserves since last March Banking sources said it was largely due to the sale of sizable quantities olUS dollars to Algeria Gets Years SAULT STE MARIE Ont CP Edward Peter La roucho 51 of Saull Sic Tarie Ont was sentenced Friday to eight years in prison on charge of committing rubbery with violence He pleaded guilty and Warren Really the exciting warner Bro Seven Arts release arid Clyde ed BIIIB which retells lllulr run Orchand Men soon Oren or Bale tso Middle Balcony Rear Balcony lre PAUL MARTIN Quest For Peace OTTAWA CI External Affairs Minister Martin says Canada will intcnsiiv is en deavols in ions in the quest tor peace in Vietnam Because of the dangers of tile Vietnam war Canada has been determined to do every thing possible to help bring the conflict to an end Mr Martin says in statement prepared for broadcast New Years Eve over CBC international service Stage March BUFFALO NY AP group of peace demonstrators marched ateom the Peace Bridge connecting Buffalo wrth Canada Friday carrying on packages destined or North and South Vietnam But Canadian officials refused to allow them to take the packages through customs They were permitted how ever to take approximately 330th in cash also earmarked to the Asian country into Can Mixed Marriage EDMONTON tCIt Roman Catholic man and United Church woman have been married before United Church minister hero in core mony recognized as valid hy the Roman Catholic Church Rev Elson dean of St Stephens College at the Uni versity of Alberta officiated Thursday at tile marriage of his daughter Mary Zn and iii chnel Foell 23 No Roman Catholic clergy men were involved in the core mony performed in chapel of the college Dean Elson said the marriage was proarranged with Roman Catholic authori ties Presents Awards OTTAWA iCPl Governor Michencr presented parchment 11 decoraled with centennial symbols Friday to three men who shared atop saoooo centennial writing story ofthe inlmous tan robbers of the Depres slruck 19305 opens ooSunday midnight at the Roxy lhcatr OKEFE CENTRE FRONT YONGE Md6633 rumour raint Wed not in oral gusooo EM Sunday Perlonnhnnlm twmszm E1 considered for publication competition prize They are Perry Meyer 39 professor of law at hchill University for The Future oi Our Legal Sys tern in Canada Clement hfoisan or director of French studies at Laval Uni versily or The French and Canadian Literalurer and the Future an James Willer 46 Van couver sculptor for his science tIidion novel 5050 and 27 The manuscripts are hng lion in which the entire country participated SIXDAY WAR No On the world scene the No story to Canadian editor was the Middle East War In six days last lunc Israeli forces destroyed the air forces of tour Aral countries trounced the ar mics oi thrce or them and occu NHA To OTTAWA CF The maxi mum ratc tor mortgage lending under the National Housing Acl will he raised Jan to air per cent lrom flu per cent Central Mortgage and Housing Corp an nounced Friday Thisnew maximum rate will apply or the first three months at 1908 under the new flexible fornlula that ties NIIA lending to yields on federal government bonds The new rate compares with 71 per cent year ago and re fleets the governments policy to make the governmentinsured mortgage tield attractive to such big institutional lenders as banks trust companies and life insurance companies For the first time in its his tory CthC will extend direct loans at less than the current ceiling These loans to home buyers will continueat per cent for the time being CMHC said This is being done because private lenders established an effective rate for new homes at eight per cent or loss during the last three months of 1967 when the permissible ceiling was hit It is current government poli cy to keep the NBA rate as high RCAF assoc WING BINGO NEXT alNtso JANUARY alh lAcKrorsarooo 14 HIGHtSTa Above Nquervicia Cleaners Recommended Raise Mortgage Rate stations served by hroarlcast News Ltd CI subsidiary CANADIAN STORIES De Gnulle visit Expo 57 Centennial hlr Pearsons announce mcnt Dec it of his torthcoming retirement as prime minister and Irihcralparty loadcr and as the act allows The ceiling for January February and March depended nn government bond yiclds ill December which tell traction of percentage point short of 650 per cent which would have meant an NIIA rate of itd per cent At the federalprovincial hous ing conference Dec 1112 the federal government said CthC would concentrate on public housing programs in loan and count on the NRA rate to draw institutional lenders Into the mortgage ticld in slrcngh During mu rthc NllA rate changed with each quarter starting at per cent drop ping to par cent and then risr ingto and to it per ccnt as interest roles in the capital market shot to some of their highest levels in decades TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS Tallovab Fail IN NEW YORK Er BARRIE PHONE moot RESERVE NOW GALA NEW YEARS BALL with the PAT RICCIO ORCHESTRA Big Band Contest winner our PAVALON Ori ago7395 UTlcklats on rale at PW to EVE one IMPERIAL Ioulrnnnuuvlan Vtill Illlliti suclu Mix women to his 10ml ncuvtoto Kill llltolonoronrrnle Ialpirld by rmwr THE MARQUIS Tiny llnDRGI 0F hm lanaiAri THEATRE fromdon oil NlGilizmurderilig Silvana Elihuignitionharmoniousa SHOWS AT 8r PM FIRST NIGHTERS AGREE FUNNIEST PICTURE SEEN IN YEARSI TOP MOVIE NEWVYORK tersl Bon lnie and Clyde was namedthe favorite movie of 19W in apoll of show business personalities and artists published hereSun day Nineoi those polled voted for the movie which depicts lhe capadcs of two notorious hank robbers of the 19305 Clyde Bar row and Bonnie Parker imparting woodman cosvwwo iitilttill Mild rscmyrcouul mramnusa was noer znrcnrltuyznrr COMPLETE SHOW AT Now on or box oarnon ova7m mum to audio 51 Banal

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