Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Dec 1967, p. 3

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Janet Sturgcss Carries 1957 Cenlcnnial baby born at its am on Jan 19157 is inns oncycarold Her parents an llr ani lrs David Sturgess RR Barrie She has two CENTENNIAL BABY our YEAR OLD year old brother tExamlncr Photo Grorgc The Barrie Hotel and Rest taurnnt Association has agreed on iiveccni increase in the cost at draught beer and thrcceenl increase in bottle beer The bike will become cl ieciiie Jan The price oi liquor will in crase irom iivetotea cents glass on most beveragclmenus attcr the new year The cheapest rye whisky priced at 5461 will incrcase to an oven 8600 and the next cllts is to jump irom $182 to $5 bottle More expensive whis ky will increase trom 56511 to $600 Registrations are being acccplv ed at Barrie Iron Works for new course in horseshoeing which is due to start about Feb it was announced today by George licid wellknown bars ric iarricr who once shod horses or Tbytors Vindiiclds Farm stable Dcc Beer Liquor Prices Rise The cheapcst viinc will jump ram 95 arms to $100 Figurvs have been rounded out to makc even dollars and the average increase on bottle at whiskey is lid to 40 cents The cost oi case oi liquor has increased by six and seven dollars Departman heads 01 the Li quor Control Board at Ontario have been meeting daily since to establish price scalc Liquor nutlcts have rev ceiicd the approval mm LCBO and an Jan thc public will view the new price lists Mr Reid said he decided to conduct his third course in Barrie to meet growing demand for better horseshneing nrlsing train large increase in riding horses have received quite low inquiries said Mr Reid who lives at nearby Painswick and operates shop at 11 High strch 57 IN REVIEW OCT The first sports and crnlts show hold in Base Bor don attracted 1500 spectators The Barrie United Appeal goal of 595950 was sot as the cum paign got under way COLLEGE OPENS Georgian College of Applied Arts and Technology opened its doors inr student enrollment nor Bill Groves 21 at Brantlord assumcd duties as city parks mpcrvisnr Poul David Forbes oi Welling ton St Barrie was among 10 Canadian University students to receive the Joint Labatt Ltd Scholarship valued at $1500 in TIERNEY amlvai Chairman CANDIDATES SPEAK OCT The three candidates In the Oct 17 provincial elec tion outlined their views They cArthur Evans Bruce and Robert Dennis OCT record of 6000 saw the andEYEImVEIe the largest number ever recorded or the twoday event OCT 10 in spite of high winds the site ofthe Inter atic at Plowing Match was ad tor its Oct 11 opening Prom John Robarls visited Barr the morning and gave his support to conservative can didate Arthur Evans for the up coming election CLOTHESSTOLEN Pollce searched for clues to the thieves who made ottwitb 5120 worth of womens clothi ing irom Freda Hart Frocks on llirigtoh St police spokesman said thevthett was similar to 521000 clothing than atJ Craigond Sons oilDunlap St it August 0LT Boll Conservath and eral candidates in the Oct 17 elections stated that it was not tinancially possibleJor the government to support pr vale schools Alderman Roberts act gt ing as mayor rcprimanded city councilmembers or poor at tendance when only bare quorum turncd out tor regular council meeting Coungl rejected bid by Chamber at Commerce retail merchants committee to redrict store hours in Barrie Council voted obtaina copy or City of Hamiltons store hour regulalt they shady Oct 12 Candidates nus Bruce Owen and Robert Dennis ntct to discuss maiar is dues in the OcL 7112mm nvmsm mg Nocr la Fire levelled two stores in an Infiliill Twp shop jpirig tre seven miles Mill we arm teaming $15000 14 Recordcrowd Ltendcdthe numeral in tloual Match in in lLiThree day tout tor the was now 41W ll Gnurio lad er Rahal Nhn laid lain hit it it hat the Liberal Pnrt Drury must break through the Tory sionc wall in this area EVANS 1N OCT 18 Simcoc Centre voters turned out 20768 strong to re turn Arthur Evans to thc 0n tario Legislature with 2151 vaic plurality Both Liberal and ND parties cut down on the load shown by the Conserva tives in previous elections 0th cr ridings in Simcoc County also remained Conservative with Downor returned in Butler illSimcoe and Gordon Smith winning in EastSimcoe Northbound trattic on Highway 26 and 27 was backed up as far as Wellington St in Barrie as thc new TowersFood Citycom plcx opened ils doors north of the city OCT lit Amalgamation nt Simcoc Countys three Victorian Order at Nurses units was ap proved in principle by the Bar rie branch CLOUDED CRYSTAL BALL OCT 20 Alderman lack Mam Larcn said that it would be political suicide for anyone to oppose Mayor Les Cooke should he decide to run tor reelection in civic elections scheduled lor Dec OCT 21 Students at St Jos ephs High School raised $210 for the Barrie United Appeal an av erage oi $144 per capita Payroll rctunis in the Appealwere re ported as slow Swamp north of Little Lake will be Preserved as natural game and wildlile sanctuary it was decided OCT 24 Western Broadcasb ing Ltd of Vancouver agreed to purchase CKVRTV subject to the approval of the Board at Broadcast Governors CKVR founder and president Ralph Snclgruvc will continue as pres ident andgeneralmanager No stall changes wen contemplated DOG common OCT 25 Barrie PublicSciianl BOard approved purchase of 32 television sets so that classes could view Ontario Department of Education broadcasts trial program of water sate ty will be launched inJanuary in all Barrie public schools 001 27 Vnrkmen tore down theDunlop SA bowling alley des troyed by tire nearly two years ago The shell at the gamris es protests tram area merchants and city council OCT 28 Karen Mossop of North Collegiate won the Miss United Appeal benutycontest special YMYWCA teen dance NOV Midland Collingwond and Owe Sounu were romnved from the Canada Manpower Cen nLdgslgnatep minister of industry said that morethan 311$ million capitalinvstipent was going into the three areas as result or the incentive NOV and Kennedy Contractors will build 14300 so it addition to St JohnVi anney school or $237 NOV Barrie was one of threecentres in Ontario and Quebec Bell Canada selected tor emergency operations in even at nuclear attack simolat attack exercise was carriedout AUSTERITY momma vov City counoh budget r1 nbertsenlledtor austerity rogramln 195313 council approved borrowing at $230900 tor projects undertaken thlsyear NOVS Barrie birardol parka and recreation last night discuss ed capital budget forecast which includes an artliicial ice rink and major sports ilcld tor the city in the coward out Bestvlevr Secondary School NOV in Barrie Plannln hanrda proved the drait pian tor re dentist cmnmereilt and industrial complex at Little Ava Ind Pairvlm ltd sublet to In Wat by other city mats my captured tour trophirs at the Georgian Bay Drama Festival in Bradiord Eastvicw Secondary School students donated more than $1 zoa to the Barrie United Appeal NOV its Mayor Cooke announced plans to seek ioiitli term in office Barrio Humane Society is to take over animal control in the city Nov to City council approved bylaws zoning the newly acquir ed General Electric plant site tor heavy industrial use CGE has asked the city to install municipal services by July 1953 NOV 19 The Barrio ilnitcd Appeal surpassed its objective at $95950 NOV 22 The thorny issue of religious interlerence with child adoption was resolved inst night at the hoard of directors meet ing of the Childrens Aid Society at Simcoe County and Barrio it was unanimously agreed that the physical and mental wcliarn oi the child would he placed above any other considerations Simcoe County Council voted against proposal tor County ehiet librarian County Library Cooperative con demned thamove as emotional NOV 24 Ald FrankHersey of Barrie wnsreelectnlt pres at HealthUn ation ol Ontario at the organ nations annual meeting in Tor onto of parliament Haber Smith and Dr Rynard posed gov ernmcnts bill to it hanging NDV 21 Time Barrie boys admitted that at least 17 teen Simpoe County members ELECTION TIME ngers in the city practiced glue snitiing on regular basis Georgian College at Applied Arts and Technology in Barrie was officially opened by Arne ht Johnston assistant deputy minister at the Ontario Depart ment of Education NOV 2a Simcoe County decision to include part niSun nidale Twp in the Barrie Dis trict Collegiate did not receive Ontario Government approval cause Barrie hadnt agreed to the move NOV 29 committee has been set up by the Barrie and Dis trict Association or the Mentally Rotardcd to investigate the pos sibilities at opening new work shop and training centre Public School Superintendent Angus McKay said that Barrio children could he shortchangcd undcr Prcmler John Robarts plan tor countywide school ad ministration DEC insurance agent Robs crt entlcy declared his in cation to oppose Mayor Cooke in the municipal election Ron Mackenzie Simcoe Coin ty Librarla resigned to take up the at supervisor at the Georgian Bay Regional Li brary System which serves Bruce Dutierin Cray and Sim coe Counties The rest came as result oi rejection at plan to promote establishment of county public library in Simcoe County Twentysthree out oi at otticos were filled by acelamation in Barries municipal election DEC Joseph Cochrane was reelected reeve oi Innistil Tierney general sales manager at CKVRTV accepted duties at chairman for the 1968 Barrie Winter Carnival DEC The Georgian Bay Re gionol Development Council will study possible development oi regional airport to serve Simcae County it Bentley charged that at leas 5000900 in development moneyhas tied Barrie in the past ht months because of in adequate zoning regulations and city council indecision DEC 11 what manyJelt was amajor upset occurred in this Barrie mayorality iwcewhen newcomer Bentley defeat ed Cooke by abliwote margi at Macmillan Bell Telephone district ana er and aaeweom FD polls in Wardrapas did vet Jack Garner in Word DEC 12 Transposition oi tig uresrwas blamed mistake tabulating votes intiie mun icipal election and Les Jollitte was declared to to over George Harper previously dell clared hidinm SEETHE or non um Theyre theyre in or they kill people Colievtam Evans In But Cooke Out inhvon coonr Defeated Willi Eiiiiiy New Years Dinner til The lokevieiv CITY News THE BARIHE EXAMINER SATURDAY DSC SB lm DISTRICT WEATHER Cold Weekend Clear Sunday Thc weatherman calls lor mainly cloudy skies today Snouilurrics arc possible late today and again on Sunday Skins however will clear some time Sunday afternoon as the tcmpcratttic drops The over night low rccordcd downtown Horseshoeing Classes Planned In Barrie in Barrie Some have been lrom Barrie and there also have been quite tow irom Toronto LESSONS Tcn gradunicd from his classes last winter which included 20 lessons II this is insulfiCient we are always gtnd to give an othcr couple oi lessons he said stating this isnt usually necessary After student learns how it is done it is matter of practice Students are taken to horse barns in the district for initial instruction usually to barn at Elmer Trimhlc lath Line liinls til or Allred Sutton at hlidhurst After that they are shown horseshoe making at the shop in Barrie We have two anvil and iorgcs set up or the pur pose said Mr Rcid who went on to explain that most horse shoeing now is done by equi moiit carried by mobile units directly to the barns RACING STABLE Once the otiicial blacksmith or the Canadian National Exhiblt itlon Mr Reid came to Barrie from Toronto 14 years ago Learning the trade from his iath cr the late John Reid he did blacksmithing work in Toronto before moving to this area His rather used to shoe horses tor the famous Windiiclds Harm racing stable in Toronto owned by iinancier Taylor and later George did some at the shoeing himself Since coming to this area Mr Reid has been oiticial black smith for thc Barrio Exhibition and other iairs at various times buy no RESERVATION NECESSARY 4n wok at The Examiner otiicc was 14 degrees The temperature at noon was as degrees Low tonight will he and the high Sunday 18 TORONTO tCPl Oilicial torccasts issqu at 530 ani Synapslx new thrust of cold weather moving southward be hind storm mntrcd nvcr northern Ontario early today now appears to be slowing down and is not likcly to roach soulhi crn Ontario until late today or curly Sunday This development is expected to result in slightly milder teinpcrnture in south ern Ontario today and colder ucathcr again Sunday Toronto Hamilton Windsor London Lake St Clair Lake Erie lnkc liuron Niagara Lake Ontario southern Geor gian Bay llolihurton Mostly cloudy with occasional snowtiur rigs today and early Sunday clearing Sunday altornoon It little milder today colder again Sunday Vinds southwesterly near 15 today light tonight ahd Sunday Forecast Temperature Low tonight lligh Sunday Windsor 15 22 St Thomas is London 12 20 Kitchener 12 20 Mount Forest in Vingtiam llomillon St Cathori Toronto Pcterbornugh Kingston Trenton Damage $1400 In Mishaps Barrie man has been charged uith careless driving allowing 51100 accident on Codrington 5i near Cook Strcct yesterday afternoon Dalton Erma oi was eastbound on Street at 557 pm when he collided with parked car own ed by Rev John lloney oi ltnl ney Sr Barrio Sir Emms was uninjurcd Damage totalled 5300 mishap investigated ye rJay by provincial police at Sci involved were cars dri by Arthur Robert Valleau at Au rora and Michael Zulak oi Qucen St Toronto No ini juries were reported Damage to the Vatican veh icle was plaCd at $200 the Zu lak aula sustaincd sloo damage LOCAL GENERAL OF DANCE Tlic annual dinner and dance at the Barrie Chamber oi Com merce will be held Feb 17 at the Continental inn The event will coincide with the Barrie Viltcr Carnival which will be held Feb 16 17 and 18 The Chamber at Commcrcc is the sponsoring organization ior ihc Winter Carnival in Barrio INSTALL OFFICERS The tlnrrlc Kiwdnls Club ex pccts to remain in Community House until the and at February then move its weekly meeting to the nlirnmar Dr George Leggctt will be Installed as president 01 the club on Wed nesday Jan by retiring pros idcnt Jock Slcssor Kiwanis oi ticers and directors tor both the Kempeniclt Bay and Barrin clubs will he otiicially sworn in at an inlcrclub dinncr meeting by new lieutenant governor tor the Ontario Quebec Mari time district Russell Wood This meeting will be held in Community House at 615 Why not preserve what you have created by good Estate Planning Business and Personal Life insur ance Annuity Plans Individual REG CNCE cLu Tax Exempt Pension Plansm North American Lite Assurance Company S9 Dunlop St Barrie Casile an mm In in 7mm Phone 7285936 New YEARS DINNER gt Chilled Tomato Juice Grapefruit Supreme Sherrieil Oxtail Soup LRelish Tiny Hot Rolls Roast Tmeurkey Old Fashioned Crossing Broiled connexionsteal Mushroom Sauce Travellers Special lintBeat Sandwich Hotflurkey Sandwich $225 Buitered ardén Peas Orange Glazed Carrots Sweet otatoes CioamWhippe Potatoes HotMince Pie Yiile Pudding Rum Sauce Ice Cream or Sbeibet Cherry Delight Whipped Cream

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