Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Dec 1967, p. 2

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MAYOR ELECT Robert Bentley directed his New Years oddms to the young families and youthful genera tion at the city Above are Mr Bentley and his iamily Filo Directs message can Maria Mrs pent ley and Danclln Ann Photo by Favcroi Study Learning Teachers Urged TORONTO CF To under Toronto Satellite liarrie is among Central On tario communities that may cr entually receive iinaneinl aid irom llctro according to Toron to Mayor William Dennison Mayor Dennison sold Tuesday in an open line television pro gram broadcast in Bulialo that green belt is needed to put the brakes on Torontos grnuth Satellite cities should bedeelopA ed beyond the green belt and may receive financial help from the his city he said Much oi the open spanbe tween Metro and the satellite cities should be maintained or Ianniand with in aid or tam or it necessary The mayor said basic net work oi satellite cities already exists outside Toronto lie llam cd Barrio Oshawa Orillia linms ilton and Brampton We cant continue to let cit tes grow to 7000000 or o0m0oo population and expect them to be well organized he said would hope tiiat at some point Toronto would stop growing we wouid have complete open space outside the area and then we would begin developing sat cllite cities around the city Joins ed to the central core by rapid transit lines and arterial high ways The population oi Metropoli tan Toronto has increased since 1900 irom 224000 to 1350000 it is expected to reach 2300000 by 1930 Mr Dennison answered ques tions irom persons watching the program One asked what was done about the slums in Toronto People tell me we do not have slums in Toronto replied the mayor never rcicr to Tor THE BARBIE lXMmKR MTURDAY DEC Mayor Would Develop Cities lr Dennison said he enjoyed his job and telt City Council was working as cooperative team While we have some horses brrak nuay lrom the team and start to kick the other members at council now and then an rule We work together Mr Dennison said the Metro urban area wu almost paying all as much debt as it creates each year in tour or live years we will be paying oil as much as be create This observation comes as surprise to Metro Finance Com missipncr Joseph Eakin Metro is recording soomlllion yeér in debt the commissioner sad dont see much chance oi striking balance in tact out debt position will continue to grow Mr Donation also had obser orLs on some noncivic issues On separatism in Canada The average Ontario citizen is puzz led by it In the deep centre at Quebec we wouldnt expect peo plc to speak English and in the deep centre of Ontario we would not cxpecl the people to speak French in television programs in Can ada We have inlr share oi Canadian programs but we dont want to shut ourselves oil irom American programs think Can ndtan television listeners have wonderiul choice We have two networks to choose irom the Canadian and the American Oil nacial conflict We have no racial conflict as regards to Negro versus whites We may have some racial conilicts in some areas but it thing like the kind in the vi Fishermen Out Though Icej Thin COLD WEATHER BRINGS OUT SKHTERS Two young sisters came to Barrie to try out their Christ mas skate in one at the city parks yesterday but unsteady icet and rough ica combined to make helping hand nec essary Fltmtt LEFT Gary Kennington uncle assisLs Car olyn Kennington while Jen nlier Kennington gets help irom lather Bob Kenningtcn All are lormer residents at Borric now living in Picker ing Examiner Photo Moon Cooke Predicts Bright Future For Barrie Mayor Lester Cooke who completes his term in otticc on Dec 31 has iorecast future ior Dorrie as city that will not become satellite ot Toronto but have unique character at its explosion taking place in our countries was challenge In the people at the city Next year well see more development and chdnge with another 1000 add cd to our population itioyor Cooke sold he was bnpe tnl that Georgian College would be establisth in Barrie and pro vide it better education for all citizens and bring more pcopln into the ct stand learning luture teacher mm Mayor elect Robert Bent icy directs his New Years mes sage to the young amllles and tile youthiul generation in Bar to My family and are looking forward to the new year Ev eryone has his own hopes and goals at achievement at this time oi year in our casein whole new area of endeavor has opened up or us We are proud to be young tamily plac ed in this position because this is young country and the mo iority oi people nun families are at our generation and younger Ech hope to utilize our style 0ilving our needs and aspira tions to identity with this group My daughters ior example are implications and we hope to bring the local government to the young pcopletn order that they can fool involved sincerely believe that the iuture at this city and indeed this country depends greotly on the dedication and awareness that our younger citizens have It in this coming term we can convey in proper perspective the innetinns needs and pittalls at our system of government then will too that we have mnde lasting contribution to this great city GLASS TINTER Nickel is used to produce black purple or amethyst tints should look first at what it means to be learner the dean oi education at Simon Fraser University Friday told the Ontario School Teachers Federation Dr MacKinnon 39 heads program at Simon Fra ser Burnaby BC that moves iuture teachers into the class at in spite oi warnings that ice conditions in Kcmpcnlell Tiny are unsaie several men and boys are getting on early start icc tishlng at the head oi the Bay group oi through the ice all Centennial boys iisninil in coloring at line glass room or an intensive examina tion at the learning process He said school curricula ire quently break up elements oi human learning which shoul not be separated The conterenoe cvcn Sug gests implicitly that there is neat dividing line between pre scrviec and inservice prepara tion of teachers and that there is separation between the iunction oi the university an the schools now aware cl elections and their Break Municipalities As New Laws Take Effect TORONTO CF Ontario municipalities get break Monday 35 the provincial gov ernment assumes all the east of administering Justice institutes basic shelter exemption grant plan and starts to take over air pollution control responsibilities The first two moves are ex pcdcd to cast the government about $170000000 year re suiting in similar saving to municipalities and perhapsto property owners through lower municipal taxes Treasurer Charles MaeNaugh Delbert Cole was installed Dec 27 srl Johns Night as Worshipful Master of Corinthian LbdgaiN 96 AF and AMEar rie Masonic Temple hp ximately tZEMasons in cluding 55 Past Masters took Also present was Mr Coles mcher Lewis who presented him with his Masters apronkar of his witch or Bro Peter Sinclair who was Warshiplul ltinster ot the lodge inlets when Mr Cole joio ed At that Lime he was mayor Barrie Cole invited all present an open house at his home following the ceremonies and quot Alarg number accept icern hiveslcd iitelud uggmmcdiata Past Master rttnthner Junior Worden Chaplain Gory Mor part in the installation ceremon was Churchill Senior Warden ion has said provincial taxes will not have to be raised this year to finance the two pro grams Tne health department has given no estimate oi hoa much it it cost in control air pot program that started wth the absorption of 55 Mch poiitanTaro or Cmrtfllo the Ontario pub service BLANKETS PROVINCE That program will be extend ed in the next léw years to cover all areas oi the province Park near the city marina breakwater yesterday said that they had iound the ice was bout iour inches think They reported air iishing with large number oi perch and one herring to their credit Iceiishing or whittlish her ringand perch is reported trom the southern part at Lake Sim eoc although the ice is still waterY Candi one in both Kempeiilelt Bay and Lake Couchichlng are reported as unsafe Dori Keller oi Keswiek oper ator at rental business on Lake Simcoc said ieotishing shacks will not be installed un til aboutJan when most ag Tuesday when the price of beer Liquor unvnwims in grants will meansovlogs esll Mann memories TORONTO tCPi The prov inclaljubinethas approved ap pointment at new magistrntn ior Richmond Hill nndpttawa Appointed crouchcouncil reigned day were Join Frederick Home at Richmond Elli amusement Crown ottomey in torri to oithn where air pollution is prob ism Also starting Monday tihc newlysformcd Health insurance Registratie will hon enrolment prcmium collection and sun rics tor the Ontario Medical Services insurance Plan and the Ontario capital Services Corn missmn Groups will be allowed to join OMSIP and Truant officers will be ofiii cinlly known on attendance counsellors Theres bad news fortlpplers goes up 33 cents im at HquoTI prices ellmb38 to to cents bottle and wine prices increase to 14 cents The new prices 3cover in creases in manutacturers es and federal and provincial taxes Provincialrcvcnues trotn llq nor that totalled $133000000 last year were expecoedto be $25 moon higher thisyear tlhe basic shelter exempted mated at between $50 and $75 year on property tax bills The Metro treasury board re ports tooth based on 1961 rates the saving ona Toronto home assesscdmt $5000 would be 555100na scum bill The costoi lhOplan tonne province Would about 5111 000000 ayear The Smith repoition taxation estimated it woidd cost an moi nonnl $15600001 year cooper ate all ofthe provinces courts and tails hut government citi cialn say this iigure is toolow Allan Grossnan minister at reform insti us has estima oi operating thaabs local and county and two city jails one each in Toronto and tiniiiiltcn Until now the sovemme paid it per cent oi juicetr in addition to this thegav errrnontmiil also Miniature rix areas that hm made enmit mcnts to bididfldonnt ddteir lioo centreswmr dieitextto of 11 years it will all lnstendmi nit mam baht turnout iii sound otdrunis otthc can at it May tourioi Attica Ha is torcpresent President Johnsonot the inauguration ol Praidait Without Tubman oi Liberia next WARNINGS anourrtiinice didntt bother these brothers caught about 15 perch and one who estimate ice thickness oil Kempentclt Parkneor the Mar ina brcakwnt Erifit ur ABIDJAN voryCoast AP VleéPresldent Hubert Humphrey landed today to Monday and rm mm WANT mitotic moor cncics catering to iishermen cit pcct conditions to be better Conditions nro better in the Cancrott area where some fish lng tor lake trout is expected over the New Years weekend on Lake St Peterand tor speckled and rainbow trout on Raglan Lake Lands and iorests oltieials warned however that shot men should stay near shore and avoid driving vehicles on the ice aannnnpVISirs mimsoN SAN ANTONIO Tex AP President Johnson and the South Airtcan surgeon who achieved the iirst heort trans plant got together Friday and Johnson helped his guest P8th another itrstn helicop ter spin over the LBJ Ranch Dr Christian Barnard and his wile were guests or the presi dent and Mrs Johnson or more than three hours and or lunch in Between them the boys herring Rey Zabullonis 15 Four elements characterize our city and make it distinctive they are industry centred in an agricultural district its tour ist attraction and proximity to Base Borden These our ele ments will prevent Barrie from becoming satellite at Irorv onto have been asked beiore when Barrie would become part at Toronto and said people may live in Barrie and work in Torr onto but hope it will become distinct entity similar to Kitch odorWaterloo Mayor Cooke said i967 had touched oil series oi centennial projects and celebrations which would come to be way at tile in 1968 The citizens oi Barrie will Enjoy their centennial park and hay Enjoying the facilities at Kempentelt Bay will become wéycilitc gtvingthe city leisurely heautilul atmospherc Concerning the citys economic growth Mayor Cooke said urban illelt checks theJinc brother Almis 12 latest catch nivasucsrn an minim Deploy tax advantages sonic Ill onion Circe iro problem Ounaiicetcd by economiciluctuations Int more lite out of your lite aav logs erratic informantcal sru ART nonunion saunter 51 at 72345 RES 7mm MUSICALLY SPEAKING Cites Progress During Past Year By MURIEL LEEPER Looking back on the musical happenings of 19fi7 our Centen nial yearwe must assess what we have seen and heard Have our countryI our province and our city at Barrie advanced in the musical iicld ot the orts Canadians who have visited Expo this year listened to solo artists orchestras operas and usieal drnmas of quality and quantity suchos have never been presented in anysixmonth perv too in the history at our coun try The flow at artists and mu sicians and composersboth Can adian and imported has been or incalculableybcneiit to us and to our visiting artists and guests This year Canadian compos er has written an opera that has won tremendous acclaim For the first time Canadian Opera has hecomc popular with the general public Louis Riel was the bit of the Opera Season at CKeotcleentre Just this week the CBC Tele vision achieved an artistic of SuanLake Erie Eruhns choreography of ith classis Bal let sstto Nhaikowskys music is the most highly praised TV event in manymonths Perform ed by the National Ballet oi fll Tie Bruit im seii as theiErince and Lois Snumhssvthe Swim and thc Black Swa corps de ballet that will comparefav crahly withany ballet company throughout the world thlsfipro duetion alone shines as an ex ample oi the strides Canada hog takenin the world at music In the Province of Ontario the apartment oiEdueation hav ng taken closeploolr at our scnt system and ultimate ed ucation or madam is stress ing creativity and the arts in the schools Today emphasis is being put onjequoiizing oppor tunities in smaller centres such jas our own to provide music ir int and opportunities yMulujsm to High Sts You mpontioiiirt churning cm throughout the elementary system At the High School level our Barrie Colleg iate hand has brought many honors to Canada through their iirie pcriormances at Chicago and Expo 67 The City oi Barrio now sup portstwo regular concert series Besides these many other mus teal productions are being brought here annually by various organizathns Capacity or near capacityattendanec is the gen and rule Among our music students the standard or performance is attracting attention from Metro poiilan Toronto and ourlocal choirs seem to be more discrim inatingvin thlcrchoice cl reper toire The City claims new successful musical group Pro Musica the City Hand under the dir ection oi Ailrcd Ricci has naised its standard of pcrEcirmance been taken inhavlng reside permanent orchestra in the area with thepiemicrc pcrlorman of The lturuwmioSymphon our loeal musical picture is promising can ANDTRUCK tension veniuv RATES FALL 7255474 inns DRIVEACAR Essa on niinnaais spreerive iANiiARY 2nd ongrpasecotcscnou DAYS WILL seas ciizcuveirnnan in tact Tuesdnyrund Friday Wednesday and Enter or hiopdu and Thursday to Dunlap St from will he nan if And thcviirsi major step

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