Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Dec 1967, p. 15

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We an rrmWAMnMWiNAMM VI PERSONALS FLORIDA TRIP Save $60 drivln us to St Peters burg Honda at January 11 you Florida It furnish room weeks housekec rtall charge Write Purv Prom 43 Royal ictoria Hospi Perms SPECIAL ssoo MON runs wED ONLY WICKS BEAUTY ALON L5 Dunlo St West 7184 so MA MORE NCITING DATES PARTIE TRIPS Dating by Comput For Infore mation and Application send 25c to Cupid trz RichmondStrect Dept 0X TORONTO Ontario Canada OLD FASHIONED team and strain rides lirld mu usaaia tnlnn ROCK AND ROLL Group availole December sooiat Teitnnune ltlck 495050 titv llli an no ir YOU have drtnllnl vmblcrn Ind want help nhona luv timr bra1532 ransom arrAllison Do you want iour rolnne told bt earns Telephone mom tor appointment 11 an Iniltatlom matrhrr ac Ittlrs Telephone ltoy on John 7154503 Content home for lciyulciv lien or pzuer and type shitr available 110 HELP WANTED 13 AUCTION SALES FEMALE HELP anlRLv PLRSDN to banish on non notice For luythu aurora Lion tslephm liotalflnrn rroulred to in doctor nomr mu time an to tan um houseboat ehuorrn an achool an Tuaaaooe honor or ranteas is 11111va or tum ladiea full or nuttune runer territories in name mom VAIIRESSES hart iirne eveninn and weekends Telenhone too Grill manta rant mu Ilhlsl pleasant Wurklnl candlllenl unIIDrrna aup nueo and laundered Aoolr United Cixar Store Lia Dunlap sueet nit narrir MALE HELP EXTRA MONEY 33 Selling Canadas finest Calendar and Specialty Advertising lines hill or paritime No experience required Highest commissions Paid weekly Samples and catalogues supplied Vrite ROTOCOWR PRESS LTD 11 Prince Andrew Place DON MILLS Ontario Aurouonvn Jobber reu aim vnum mln or counter and ware house duties Call sir Vince at 7251111 atler uni sALnswAN wanted lor retail Mens wnr are 25 to t5 an weak lull eumuanv benenu salary to uprritnce Anniy Moatynl Bar rie ur Midland stores SALES HELP 8t AGENTS NEED either N1 or 259 to cumniete or slow Lorain bingo and um pai moo on pavrnent from Looiswt need so on not and will our no on payment Phonl after HOE DOE fVALLEY Private Winter name now avail able rnner Irvin nit Snow mnuo tuck uurn ilt horse drawn slelnh rldv totocznutnr 11 phone 723N75Jtrrilngn neltAnn DvthNT or Candles ltoad East wilt not be Nsmnsibln or am titbu Incurred in tn name from tan dnv inrwaro December ram without my written con sent Anuzlnmn quirk relief tor dis romtoll or mouth sorra unite him soon dent1mm aorcs triirlrr anon uan Fletchers Sarc Mouth Medicine 3100 at Harpers Pharmacy Ltd and aiekrvs Phar mucv 91051 FOUND GERMAN sncmmnp nuopv lott between Anne and Essa Road lelr ultimo 761534 WALLET nos Mans drown wal let lost at wintts Point contain oerrunal papers pious telephone 7284955 or 72mm etc TELL MORE SELL MORE When you place rot Articles ForSaln no In Tho narrle Eit nrnincr keep these points in mind state What Item is Brnnd name Condition Speciilcdtiond Accessoris and attachment Previoua usage Prlce Upholstery Finish Age Calot Size Make it easier for the prospect tobuy Remember the Articles 5an inassiticatlon the Peoples litarket Place 10 HELPLEANTED MALE FEMALE HELP LIGHTING 1968 Moneymaking opportunity or experienced salesman to call on stores industrics schools hospi tal otiico and apartment build ings motels restaurants etc with our guaranteed longertile lighting products Exciting ox clusive items first time in Can ada will make 1908 the greatest at our It years in business in Oanadn Highest commissions paid every Wednesday on autos matte yearround repent bus iness Age no barrier cnr neces sary Side line or lull titn Choice protected territory at Bar rlc and District must be it immediately No cash invest ment no technical knowiedge re quired asVour training program shows you how to make money with your very first call Write purest Lighting zoo King West Hamilton Ontario l4PUBLIC NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN TAKE NOTICE that the Supreme Court Assizes will be held in the Court House Barrie Commune rinngueadayrdnttunry 9100011t the hour of 11 oclock in the morning the Honesruble Mr Justice Parker presiding ROSS HUGHES Sherriti County of Simone DATED at Barrie this 35th Day ol December 1907 WELL HELP YOU WRITE Want ads mat get resultsi Examiner ad takers will be happy to help you write your classified ads To place your next want ad dial 72371614 direct line to the Want Ad Dept 72824i Boyssancl Girls BARRIE EXAM CARRIER Are NdeVvai And Surrounding Communities HERE IS PROBABLY AROUTE OPEN NEAR YOUR HOME VNVER ROUTES table in Barrie RIGHT NOW pHoNE 71266SSB9TODAY Ap licatioii Forays Available At HE BARRIEV EXAMINER 16 Hayfield Streett FEMALE HELVPWANTVED osition CLERKBAIL OPERATOR vacancy exists 1p ourle department for the BAnnin Onthrio rowan above itiallytthis position will be primarily clericalbut will devolop into dual 13M equipment Mans anj ELSIE for interview appai gentine arrie Attractive salary andyfringe benefits gt hone 7zo¢52o fieldeennian Goneral LYoungJadigsmust be over 25Vyears of age Pleasing personality Experienced in meetin Knpwledgaof the too business role upon receipt of further ihelp arrasset FERGUSON noneth 7264834 ntaI Inn Trophies will be awarded for the livestock Everyone OFFICE HOURS FATHER AT 30 WARSAW tlieutcrsl The 40yearold wife oi 00yearold peasant has given birth to 7lipound boy at Dabrowa village in central Poland press reports said here The father has our other children by two previous marriages The oldest 65 SIVALLOWS TOOTIIllItUSII EL PASO Tex AP En XIqtlc Mcnrcal undcrw surgery Thursday alter snai lowlng tuothhrush Its all because like to brush my teeth walyi back in my month he so FRENCH IN CUBA MIAMI Fla tAPi Havana Radio rcporicd Thursday that seven French nuclear physicists have arrived in Cuba tor the Cultural Congress oi Itavanu Jon 111 The Miamhmonitorcd newscast said they were among group nl 70 scientists writers artists and intolicctuals from several countries BREAKS LEG SUN VALLEY Idaho API The lSycarold son of Senator Robert Kennedy has suitercd broken leg in skiing accis dent tor the second consecutive year Joseph Kennedy was treat ed at hospital for it boot rho fracture at both bones in the rlght logfLast year young Ken nedy suliorcd the same kind oi break in the ictt lcg TREAT BOLIVIIIN CHIEF URICH Routers Bolivian President Reno Earrientus Ortu no arrived at private clinic here Friday for medical treat ment of old bullet wounds The 47yearold president still has three ballots inside him from an assassination attempt in loss but doctors were not expected Vto remove them WeIIViIeip You Write Ads xv WANTED STDRK SPDTIERS Sean onelately Astorktnat is when the Stork depart Its iimetortheWelmmoWagan Hostess to arrive with gilts tor baby and helplui Inter rnatlon for the new mother Eut since the stalks out numberthaHostessesMel coma Wagon needs spotters to help out Be stark spotter In your neighborhood OurtHost esses wi appreciate your help and so will the new mothers To report stark sightingsalt mm or Ontario SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY SALE at VELMVALE SALES STABLES Limiited Tntnspv JANUARY was Sale will constitute at 1233 Pl SllARP Prize ior owner selling mast livestock Many other prizes and surprises ARCHER COLWILL Proprietoi Aside from the insurance your boss is throwing In an extra fifty dollars for the lcasuro of kicking you out of his iicVe WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF treat dislocated shoulder and Business card Cbeques best pen of cattle and pigs sold Prize for buyer oi most welcome DESIGNED DAMS ENGLEWOOD Coin AP John Lucian Savage dd chlcl design engineer tor the Us bu rczu oi reclamation for 21 years anti the man who designed Hoo yen and Grand Coulee dams died Thursday after long lllA Hess Savage directed the design at more than to motor dams and other structures while with the bureau SECURITY BUDGET HIGHER LISDON API Portugal on nounch Wednesday 1008 we pcnsc budget oi 5701725000 in cluding 5175000110 increase for antiguerrilla warfare in Portuguese Africa The total dc tcnce and ec rity budch amounted to $196455000 as compared with $1o7145000 an nounced Inr 1067 The big in crease was In costs directly at tributableta the maintenance at more than 120000 troops in the Portuguese territories of Angola and ozam bi no and Portuguese Guinea 11 SPANIARDS JAILED ORENSE Spain Reuters Elcvcn Spaniards were sen tenced to prison Wednesday for their part in the manuiactnra and sale of liqueurs made with methylated spirits which result ed in the deaths at about per sons They wcre charged with crim against public health androsii negligence in substitutA ing the methylated spirits tot ordinary alcohol Eight oi the nccusod were sentenced to be tween 12 and 20 yenrsimpriscn meat one was ordered jailed tor louryears and the other two to yeari IIPTO By runs chastity ML and Mrs Brooks and family Mr and Mrs Dun top and family Toronto were guests at Mrs Rushv Miss Margarot Anne Lottus Is home lrom Toronto tor the bolt dayi INJURED John OHalloran is patient in Penetang General Hospital tollowing an accident Saturday when the tractor he was driving with load oivhuy in tow over turned un hillan the 7th line and plunged into vine he iowrHivnftE ed lpasset by Mr OHalloran is suffering chest inlurics DArcy ONeill is patient in Royal Victoria Honpital lollowing heart seizure Mrs Bernard Loftus is in Tor onto for lewdays where her aunt Is lit in hospital Mrsasinger Oshawa isiiing Mrs OHalloranjhls week Mr andMrsBlil Kanis and family Montreal Mr and Mrs Henry Kanis and family Mr and Mrs Clarence Kanis and andiamily Toront Mrs hilte Richmond Hill were home with their part outs for Christmn Draw tickets Letterheads Perma stamps Wedding stafloneryt annnsinuarnson ALL rmNTmaunnnsf CARRIER MISS It in Barrie Exdmlnei crarrl hasnnt arrived by please phono 1232433 And Copy at Tan Examiner Will lie Delivered To Your Home by pan THERE is no macaronius sEAVIcs VALLEY TAXI paws vounseLE pans Ann tau to 941m T0 GOOD HEALTH By JOSEPH RIDLNER MD Del Dr Mother would ape preciate any information on cornea transplant Mn The cornea is the outer cater Ing ot the eyeball When be cause at scarring or injury light is distorted or impeded in passing through the cornea and then the pupil at the eye eye sight is impaired or the Person may become tor all practical purposes blind Ansuming the rest of the eye is still In healthy condition the damaged cornea can be re moved and replaced with the cornea trom anoihcr eye This is corneal transplant and many people have had their sight restored by that mclhotl Tbeso replacement corneas are obtained train people who have died leaving instruc1ions that their eyes be given to an eye bank The operation can be done very successiuity but the prop lcm is to get enough eyes irom which the corneas can be taken Thus it Is quite common tor person waiting tor the operation to bc told to be roadyto go to the hospital lmmmliatcly as soon as donor eye is avail able Donor eyes must be removed as quickly nitcr death as post tile anti the refrigerated eyes oiicn arc tlown considcrable dis tances as the transplanting should be done with as little delay as can be arranged Only the cornea ls used the entire eyo is not and cannot be trans planted Dear Dr htotncr Years oil when was in school heard that it you drunk raw on mixed in some liquid it would care cold is lids true Do you happen to know what liquid also heard recently on icic vision that the tlrsi cold in submarine will result In no more colds alter that Also that otter the first cold at the North Pole person will have no By JAY East dealer Both sides vulnerable NORTH 10352 VAQ 10109743 +11 wasr AI Von2 was nQioatn EAST AAK 1054 Aqs our £01m 9753 as 91 4154 The bidding rant South Pass Bedble 21A Pass pass Pass Dbla Pun Pass Eedhle Opening lendseven oi clubs This hand occurred in Nb bar bridge game The outcome was not at earlhtshaking conse quence but the words latertexv changed by EastWest were un West It Pass North Dots at Not Entire Eye Used In Transplant more colds Is either statement Wu mo trrrn mania EXAMIVm nATLRDAY arc so TELEVISION PROGRAMS BUFFALO BARRIE BUFFALO BUFFALO TORONTO ll HAMILTON SATURDAY DECEMBER 30 EVENING 1M true The this is utficr fancylso target It The other true within limits The point is that no catch about the raw egg two statements are cVFwLbalt llhverky iuuonue use lWIIEr Polo oNew Years soon caiannist 9Mter DGluaon 1Imn um ttuttie People Lemma was snutte no 341 57 Gm tuw Flight ioonat 1hou ilDrnrtlx Line urne iiatrrv Grimm tha Way Ahead cold irnm encountcring various cold viruses Having the cold coolers temporary immunity to that particular type oi told but no can catch tlttlercni cold lrom some other virus Whether its in submarine or at the North Pole or in the middle of dcsert or deep in Jungle ii group ot people are Isolalcd they can catch tnltls depending on what viruses are present in the group Once theyve had the colds and dcth opcd immunity they are sale irnrn more colds until in some 590 anonv Dick 1Dtlgn flunnv llLllltral Hobo eat The Champ mu av 90 t10llNEI1 1J5 2471mm with porn Gretna SANNL Ilorkr HIV Three Sons 1IItrencn Weir Mole 11 talt 500 It iu Weather Sparta lllns Anybody seen way ago spent five weeks in the hospital with high blood prcs sure heart condition and per haps slight slrokc am 70 The doctor remarked that my head was worse than my heart Later iintl myscll dropp at to sleep while reading trilli out minutes nollcc Am ex pcriencing slight strokcslJ new rought in This has among men at remote Arctic stations First they hnic colds Then no matter what the tem perature no more colds mail or supply party arrives bringing some new nritlics at cold viruses Then another round of colds Dear Dr III doubt that you are having little strokes Nothing you say indicates Iii Increasing sleepl ncss is not unusual in some older folks The circulation to the brain may my be as brisk as it used to be because oi arteriosclu roots infer that this your doctor head being worse than your heart and pluycil it diamond East tak ru the ace nnti reiurnnr dia mond South won with the king llltl returned trump Declarer later rolled dnmond estab lishing Iberian on which be dis cardcd two heads its result South lost only two spades and diamond and made iour spades redoubled worth 1030 points are the tirst blow He claimed that East should not have doubl cd that he tWosli had shown marked vcaknesstby passing rd peatcdly uitcr his club raise and that East had been dent dumb and blind throughout with spec ial emphasis on the middle ad Mention this tendency to sleep to himand he may prcscrlbe medication to overcome it commar iically rcdoublcd lel Then the oetive cold viruses are happened repeatedly ia lilolncr Two years what meant by your club Dummy won inn began West lundA 1lrlcultura usA stVnrn Dr Uta it 7111Itnn nultwin nuur DunIU Il atnentai caiarrs luo sllymn nook iunele Jcrrvs clan 1ituenotsltln nitnllan Journal 1oon urn lot1e c1nu Answer dsummer Hpectmm 4ltcliulotu Nam 44 vSlulno Boy 7rsnuttte 11 Iad Allvc Jriurnaack 7Dtutprln For Lassie iiWait Disney 530 NEW IBzwitched awinnnw on The 25m Judgement Bloronto Today vuna Hupor Heroes iiutus moot dCartoou Conror inoso rumo 1oo ITvsioiie um tDoctora llousn cm Lrui Goriltta At Large IItm Grim srur Roberts tNV iono MVlsturen tor untnrrow 1312 Lfiflfi Pam iinsrmn ohotr Chmh 5mm tcouan sowi tzoo 7Donna Reed dilert the Miller Lamina 1100 uGovcrnol General 1Temounon nuchenct BLIlnxlverslly or the ocaunon hutrtt Scnice Irla llrcuntineniri sun dl Allo 9Cartoans ownn You Well ERIN itiuuter sieehan lie s4r norm son llllocacy 1144 anu out Paper caoers This The Lite uttv sootiatu itlllIn minim SUNDAY DECEMBER Jl EVENING mo mo 1lItovIo zourrteroaca Club screen Acre tA Glrl Named stTnA Olanse Tlmlkol 741m liryant 7Vovun Hummer Bremen 141mm noun c11onkrea tan 1000 24M knitn Chunparnl 159 lW it Is 1Ilt Disney lGrntlo nan noun 3753 into tail00ml Ben them At oclock Xlfiflaelflg om at 531 am iiunmh scrum 7tovc 5l min Erhnlnv Conchoi figlswm aMeru ortnin um em Em when in since Luitt not no mo DEER sawau Dlsney ZMorthenlnLaw Haircare 4Peotbnll Hennnlo oitovio gifallrinn Point Chase 11 Charlie 55 Hm 5W aononnr tnm Night out snrno Delhi Honlibero Brothrr MONDAY JANUARY MORNING AND AFTERNOON nun Tribute tSnmrthlnl Hal uiiuvan 340 tThn 111 tlrtLtmat Junctlo 9Fltnlitunu 7th none otlr llCollege Dukeihall llSainl Demon SUNDAY DECEMBER MORNING AND AFTERNOON 12 LG 7711mm or rrutu ght Jllrrnid Truth ilEa Franco we Heart éLlitlrst Dobo 710 Human 1cnrirtooher an Tod or alt 3hurclt Srrvlcc attnllv Calender Lonntiun Prrlou liThis soup Ago not the Press tium Features 1111omont Truth 101 24mm Variellel 14min IChallenge inc 1isiner and Annerr illlout horhicr Nlnht Your lhl sslnn impoulote 941s llPeytun Place iiainvio lhlJrsterIoul Inland st ended his double maintai ng he had 19highcard points fortified by whatever val ues West might have lot his two club bid and so had every reason to expect at least four tricks on defense Furthermore contended East usually bitter and loud Players occasionally get excited alter bad result which naturally makes some people wonder why others bother to play bridge at all Oi course such things shouldnt happen but they do East opened with club rais ed by West 1otwo clubs North doubled and East iedoubled to show extra values South eventu ally got to tour spades which East doubled and North optimis anu iouo nwtndow On The World Hume Semester iiLooal les 111 7hockelshlvl azoo Hlpinlrl Kangaroo tlSchnitxel Hausa Inn DUnlveslly at La AII 1130 erintuw sno iEtiinut oo lcontaet 7Diailng or Dollars anomner Room iiVnd Aden mo aoood Morning Fumes iroan nNewr Itlekoy nanometre sKinu Outlaw acanoni Camera 9Uncle annoy 11+Movie Broth or Buy 200 7Mllte Doniglla 3Donnla Pruddeu dSecm Storm MI 11on zNowa Sports Lflewl Coincidence HM tArnvAir 11sz Maine Lariato Us Macon 1annnu aiuan lrutn uneia 4Daktarl HE 520 llDlltlil IDf Land And an on IMr 1Nm syttumr Junction in mm West had not displayed the telligence be accused East of lacking when he elected to lead club against iour spades re duubled West should have made more constructive lead in View at his clublength anthhe bid ding and it rther in or East pointed out heart th side would have been plus 400 instead of minus 1030 Zéflollywood lnlek Van Dyke 7Hows Your liloLhr 110 ZRlflh Ind Wild lnat Patrol TUESDAY JANUARY MORNING AND AFTERNOON zconcentratlun alrlendty Giant tnovoriy Hillbilllu 1Donna need 4Newa to 7Wlndflw On WUlIfl FAndY Glufllh 1Temutuuun lCannonbail squares 5Mrlnd Mrs 11hlaxr1ago Confidential News sLuncneon Data 7VBewitched oromuto Today lLthtln people 1210 7111ch Grltfln chrh For Tomorrow uPbatn Finish TUESDAY ANUARX EVENING aVNows Weather oNm Wertner Spurs 11letld aN weather xniothpmtauw Sport anndwutum Hnyrldn 1aarrlaanl outrun Lewis Loun MW iIld Shelton unar nut humus hlllar It West hadled snavis The DoolIILsol Oaklnhomai JVMEEI rut innu 1eerreet 11am Lirnvio sunkeoouni LMlkn Douglas loo aAs The World hlrns 7TDatIng Game zzoo znays of our Lives 610 Is Many Splendoren ruin New1ywen Game an 2Doctors 411ouso parts 7Dream Girl oPeoniein Conflict iroson LAnothorVworld Slee 30 lJio Tell The Truth 7cenerai Hoapltal Dlldaglstrntu court LYou Dont 5a kEdite or Night 7Commdnder Tom IItr You Move lThnsalnt awaleeu uunoet Attack aoo flood MDIXIIDE CHEER Whistle load 3Year into neonrt Htewa Special olivde oAvenaera 1141 iuau dltnticrtion 11er into 1141 11 Nevl Weather 51mm Honour catmo iisehniuet house and Wmunn cum Mir Drown azoo ylbhmgrlarld fig 3° lPl BO mflllll camp Adenine 711 Your Mother zlC 05 7D name For Dollar liaiarrlana 18ro Bann Edintfiiiylwm Confidential llPemr umn ozoo sto wwpaldy Zanelvl Hum SIlawkeve ttvews lFilm re tLova or Lila cNewo Weather 7Cnmmnndcr 21cm BCartoon Playhouaa Sports ilThe Saint MONDAY JANUARY EVENING Mt 1Nuwr wuinar can JEnnnle Prudden Sports JClrol Burnett Harland Hundred sAmeric 440 1111 For Your Life 7Pevton riseo sNour oi soy EInl Hotka um iiGiuicanr Island 130 no 7Tbc an Valley 7Cowhoy In urica mfigzelggrxi PM In IlMrrv Grltfln iinan mot Uncle agar new sun gvgrnaxn Howl ngimo Minister 201 Land and Sear Lawde canon llIltnvla IJasnn And ov 13 Isnoo Fingers or Dr iirterre Berton rao dNcwi 11nnt Patrol stoo 700 dHnneymaonrrs Archaic pronoun Trtto Pepper shnto Stan sneneedi 9Blemfali ACROSS Lamontmy produotlor Saunders stand or rook donutde lerBIklnls attelsV 135 mertcan repuono 14 Connecqu 153511 mlt 10Guldoa V15Harte hlghestnota 188plnal 17Wedugntn column 100mm measure 101awtng tools 213mm chamber 2315p idfla 251 215wrnh lady 1d Prickly envelopes or azsvtper unlitshunt 35Maaisnarna 38 Callhrntar 8Arthurtnn My EdiNcrrzdial 405118111an undoner AZMMWB Lurch nurture Saratov ill lruihllmlnl tGutunuoire AranIufll aLuciuo out 74m Patrol aVrmny Arri altont PIK tchunange LAndy Grirnih IFelolly Sould oCuuntry Muatn izall DIIILY emoticon 22 One 231Musicat 4Caro1 Burnett 1100 11 Nm tiretun Sports zTnuiunt JDrn net 4Move tGmunds For Marriage 71Iovla tlifldl 9Perrva error 1viae 21 Algflllxr seaport kind of reel compo altlon 25 Thrash 21 Goad 29 Bible meter 30 Dena 31 nnlshls as Entroaty

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