Merry Christmas Happy New Year to GILfrom the Classified Staff Check Your Attic Storeroom Garagel Somebody Will Pay For Your Discards Call Want AdVisor 7282414 14 IIIE EARRIE EXUIINE ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUN SATURDAY DEC 10 1951 ANNOUNCEMENTS CEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Engagements Marriages and Deaths Birth Announcciitenls Inluximum Cards at Thanks 12 words to words laudluonnl holds 6c per vlord In Memorianl lno rcrscl Verse iprr count linc extra Cooling Events DEATHS Janer lt lbc urinema IIu lilondnlt on Thundnv nucnlbor 23 1W ndltrl Janet llulr brltllru ulte of Robert llIntI picker 1min mother or fcrn tor Itusaril Ilium llil lolldnlr Ihilnc strict or larzarcl lilrs iii Ilolil or Ilarriralbcllc llirs knappt lntcu ullts Also p771 union Cemrc lirs rlurince ll Pass Dual Vittorio llosatlol in lltr goth bunny iII John on iuorrc parin lu burvlud bv htnnral wirin 2nei lrom Mar litn Iiatnlilon Januan mineral lm Jane llmle on 957 ilnn the late or Ethel in can nestlne Ftlllrrul llolnu 127 Home Itltloral cht Barric Unloll 57 hclmod llllt the late llil lclr gt1 of Oltl lll of Mom Hull ulld rctlki of Ilnr 1er camel In Killer Ecurgc llrllk 11 Ht llll chll Puneml lion is oradrorcl lizrtll on Satur at interment sh Chilch nnhlll IN MEMORIAMS In tel no memory or husband and father Gordon who parsad away January loss Just the thuuxni or sneel mnem prance Just memory sad and one Just the low anll sweet Llcvollnn or the ones who think or You gvor remembcrco bv niie Lillian viola and ken conv tribute or love to my duuzhmr polnlaJepn who passed ley Jan 1937 have only your memory ouochier To remember tliroucll But the sweetness ltnccrs Iorcicr known the Imaxk of mi HAIWZSS missld IN 1110mm our near my whole llfo GRAY cherished memories or our babv sisicr Donna Jean who tell us suddenly Jan 1957 Its lust little but It mcms lot To slly utue Donna we have not fomot cmernbcred always by David Eva and Dcannc Ga In Ioblh memory or my dear nnrents Emily rane Gill who prssnl aWIV January lens and James Edward Gill January ruse Remembrance Li colder ebalu ocatn tries to break out all in vain To have to love and then to part the molest sorrow at ones heart Theuycnrs my wipe out many loss But this lhev wipe out never The memory of those happy days When we own all together Lovlrizly remembered Gordon and liurray illnnnow In lovinl memory or our dear deuclater anti slstci Marv unï¬t who passed away January Selena Beautiful memories are ireasomd ever Of happy days when we were locciher Allvus remembered by Mom Dad skin and brothers WIIIPPS inletinc memory or dear husband and router Gordon wh passed away December so 155 The lens in ounevtn will wipe one But hcynchn in our hearts 15 here in stay missed by wire Esther and CARDS OF THANKS THANK YOU On behalf of CAPTAIN HOWELL and THE SALVATION ARMY oi Barrie we extend our heartfelt thanks for the material and financial do nations from individuals organ izations churches and nlubs in assisting us during the Christ mas season Letters and reorpits will be orth coming as soon as possible WILEY The remuv or the late Me Do WUW wish to thank rela Irlonds one neighbours or the boautlroi rural pfluinzs klud nti aod sympalnv shown us in he ecent lose or dear husband and ther WEcspchaUY to thank linv Puxdon tor consoling words I11 doctors and dunes of the naval Victoria and wm licnelvey or the Flncxul Home Doris and spas Tommvand llmmle sisters liaxiorie and Edith CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE clanmed adverusemmtr Ind sloth tor Liam mu mun on res cured by 1pm dly prcccdlu Publlnttop with the planned pupl adverusemma which mullm1 bv lam no vnriamacuii Mw apply it DIM with eï¬ï¬‚k MI bucolic11c room up lamina mu gingun insertion it our tar1m lth at umRScEm on low em ini mention of common human 200 15¢ per line prices on request COMING EVENTS Open House and Registration WEDNESDAY JAN to pm or Instructional Riding NEW KAYMIR INDOOR RIDING ARENA Si Pauls Iluy ll South Tclcphonc 4351234 $500 BINGO $300 Sponsode by Angus and District LIONS CLUB MONDAY at It pm ANGUS DISTRICT LIONS IIALL Highway 90 $500 TO IItCKFUIS $300 Admission 5L extra curds 2257 20 Camp Shore the Wealth iAdulls only REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE IEITH INVESTMENT PROPERTY Approximately oi acres on the ed of Barrie suitable or sub dll onrcornor lot some bushy the 051 sandy loam in built up omit OLDER TYPE HOME bedrooms good location fl piccn bath gas furnace ideal for the working man Reduccd to $9500 ANGUS room insul brick house largo aluminum garage on acre 01 lurid good location owner on xious to sell asking $5000 Contact Annc Spencer Thornton 45119211 KEITH LTDl REALTOR AREA REPRESENTATIVES Bobcock Barrie 72135093 Colbournc Stroud 4364387 McLean Elmvalc IIIR4 MncLeod Barrio 72347551 Snow Slroud Willi Wood oro 487nm Spencer Thonlton 45119711 Fitzsimmons Chhill 4551620 181 Egllnlon Ave East Toronto 12 Photo Mls Realtor ROSE APPRAISALS MORTGAGES RENTALS 15 OWEN ST 72782379 510100 bedrooms ack split new $16300 bedrooms esemidev lachcd stopw hérlroom bungalow downtown $14900 bedroom bungalow S2900 down payment $4900 Bungalow oulside of city 512500 bedroom bungalow downtown IAI Rose Res mBIIE Blll Macknos Res 7250726 Russell Smith Ros 72119996 RLS 72341356 Dick IIaillc 72737973 nuoco owau so M485 MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Photo his Realtor HIGHLAND PARK VILLAGE Go south on Highway 11 to city limits or CNR tracks turn left all 7rd road alter railroad Lit tle Avenue and our model homes are on the first road to the lelt We have 13 homes under con struction with model homes openIot your convenience nuuohww 517507 SPLIT LEVELS 5135110 featurth low taller aluminum storms and screens and finished 71 NRA speciï¬cations etc veto For further Informallon call Gore donMyCoiitu EVENINGS coupon or cumrs 72mm SANDY CUUIIS 7mm Willrim courts 7m skie THEBEAVER WAY Beaver can erect any Its 26 homes forgyo Polar Li home compliant YBEA LUMBER nanometer nonroaopif new homes on mm for REAL ESTATE sa WORSLEY STREET $2 Lars residential lot with trees PROPERTY FOR SALE CARSON TELEPHONE 756481 700 just miles outside Barrie on Sunnidalc Road Call Russell Carson TLtréltl alter 5730 72643161 FAMILY HOME Here is home with four bedromls ideal for the larger family close in pitblic and high schools floor with twopiste washroom on main Iloor pills living dining room and kitchen carport Drive by corner of Wellington and One Ipiccc bathroom on 2nd Bcrczy Price only 821900 Call Russell Carson 756431 olior 530 7156161 wooded lot willl wolu frontage Norm Synnott 72875 Bill Hamilton 72736323 Wishing all 58 Baylicld Street PHOTO Mortgage Funds Available MLS Ilcaltor 33 COLLIER ST IVILMA EIDIVELL 7266321 ELAINE INES 734294 At the Five Points Council 72817775 Rogers 71835172 ins REALTOR 67 Dunlop St West Harvey Weber 4356815 Robert Flewolling 7285333 Rita Scaodrctt 72171865 Peter Mnnton 7286503 Emory Miller MLS REAL ESTATE 119 Dunlop St East 0m brown nccd Atkinso Joan Ianz Illnan lno Lonnin merett Lnounced Norman Shclswcll 7287155 no3 is BAYEIELD STREET Stan Hammond Frank Ncllds Mike Magus 7260961 7266696 at anli Charlie Read 7232817 Don Campbell 4872427 Doug Campbell 4b72423 Smith Campbell Eric erode tins Dewsnap REAL ESTATE 7268366 FOR BETTER BUY GivaourServioeATry Richarcbon 4496147 $35 asking price for this fabulous property that cannot be duplicated at any price Properly includes beautifully landscaped home on Shanty Bay Road with frontage of 175 11 and lakefront ROGERS Photo III Rcollor DUNLOP STREETEASI EMORY FRANK Photo Realtor avauiuas CALL MD CAMPBELL PHUIO MLS 000 of over 230 it summer millage and boalhousc with guest room Call Norm Synnott 725w Russ Carson 7266161 Rupert ICGLIIII Elmlale 739RH Charles Ilepwnrth mom our Friends and Customers Happy Healthy and Prosperous I968 Management and Staff of HAROLD FORSTER COMPANY ILS REALTORS 7266131 Free Customcr Parking BIDWELL CERTIFIED noon cousuumvrs Mortgage Iunds available TELEPHONE 7284430 To all our Friends and Clients Best Wishes and Happiness in the New Year MARY MORRISON 7M9 IVAN BIDWELL 7266321 CONNELL Phone 72115568 EVENINGS CALL Fred Eplelt mom lllrs Norine Rogers 72113532 MILLER MORTGAGES ARRANGED mlttl Percy Ford Gordon Spencer Fxnorson Swain Kenneth Miller W563 7287930 7735348 7268605 4361311 SHELSWELI and WILLSON MORTGAGE BROKER 7261422 or 7261423 7753714 7zsilso 77li7l7o 4495363 4375951 7234671 Mnrnrct Turbos Norah Rollie oiadvr stueulr Keith McMutcr overall snelsweu willron NELLES poiloo Frank Wainwright Chuck Cohan Cec Mills mIMS 72841979 REALTOR 7760241 RES 77117339 Hugh rPlowmaul 7760129 Ron Allan 4555343 13le Watson 72110915 Fred Taylor 7231205 PETERS WILES LTD Realtor 7289844 in Brignell molar Laddie Grlesboch 7275844 hells41174517 no toil OSCAR BATES Real Estate Broiler THORNTONHWY 317 Telephone Cookswmi 4539262 CORBY REALESTATE Brokerv Phenom1419 monotonewow ist on low monthly payments We buy your omen lst and hid mortgages MADEI MAREHALL Monaumii moon 77377 GRETA mm 7M1 LAURATVSIWYDWG Climnllyllfl mm outing 111 MLS Realm WHIT ms oayneid so lzoitm Aprlean Inward overtones 10 name mom hid maï¬mts arranged 10 COLLIER ST nnwnlrucn EASTERN 61135 ARI 7284401 77am JI blchLo HARV SWIFT ED JENNIMLS Real Estaite Brokér WLBAYEELD ST 7739451 SPECIALIZINGDI RURAL PROPERTIES gt Evenings reali LEO CAVANAUGH 72mm LARRY TORPEY 7160715 BILL RAWN moose BUS OPPORTUNITIES Spare Time lncorrle from NEW TYPE high quality com operated dispensers in this area No aching To qualify you rmut havacur references solo to $1900 oath Seven to twelve limit can not excellent montth DanEmMUG full time For mount intervch wriizc BMWDISTRIBUTING mum on oodlcita Amie Suite monomer courthou lnduoiwnc portion MIX1m WANTIIDS REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lst and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere on ALL hours nous tum couumclnl Pnorurlrs 90 0F VALUATIONS if You Need Money on comaudllc debu on exotic mortngu mnflllfl cumin dill ailpmo Improvement May Inrihwhllo chino Write or Phone 726ml Mortgage Funding SImpstIIlrScars 19 DUNIDP Member oularia 11am nrokrn AnonUni WANT MORTGAGE First or Second at low simple lnlOMt Up to 805 of your pm perty value low monthly pay ments up to tiftcal years to repay For tiny mortgage pm lllcms sec COREY Real Estate 93 Duolop St 7232119 no lrou own ampnugn nerdy chxh lvlllahlo to purchase same we will even luv you money on your Inorllrllr Enoulra illpziru Iiindlnlz 7160961 INSURANCE MOVING Dont mug in transfer your IN URANCE and if you new extra coverage at any kind see STEVENSONS llt DUNLOP ST TLHBDI MootLE HOMES TRAILERS SALE RENT RUSSELL CHURCH Mobiled Homes General Glendale lravelux Parts and Service Cash or Terms no lo Years i7o BURTON AVE mllaoï¬ LOTS FOR SALE IRN ucnns trees new Barrio sloth no A35 oarric mommar PROPERTY WANTED INCOME PROPERTY wanted or more sellcontained apartmen ucrt loeazed low down Write pox Ilsa barrio Exam RENTALS APARTMENTS TO RENT SELFCONTAINED or lsllrd apartment sallnbie rnr couple with one child bill Hum bl noarv lit R00 untumishtd upnrlment to Ill Itcutcd sclfconlllncd For Illilhor lnlmmallon Iclcphonc 7M MII AVAILABLE Immodlttely Dill apartment heat water rclrlgerltor and stove supplied CB 13 scan nNGus one bedroom tuliv nlsncd apartment utilities Parklru and laciiili Available now one cooso ONE nnnnoohi apartment Owen and Grove st area laundry room with dryer slorrtlzc parklnr no pets Aveslable January lsi 72a 5131 or 7260711 ONE rim bedroom apartments or rent stove lml rerrirmtor hashing facllltles pniklnz ror one cor Controllv located loo Reina penicit Drive Telephone 7736412 LARGE TIVquEdIDorIi apartment uniprnishcd seircontaincd laundry and parlour raeiitiics closc to school and park East cud children welcome Telephone 723le1 RENTALS ROOMS TO LET COMPANION wosno to abaro modern rune Parklhl iaeilillu Telephone ltd7w AECDSIDDATION tor boaum also turntst Apartment Annlr lo fgrinmn street or lelcvhorlc 7w oLrnN IIDUSEREEPING room on bu route linen supplied urlilnz llrl prcltmd Telephone mom niuullr rviixlsiinh room on the second floor cooklnr facilities suitable for centicmaa Telephone mass DEDSITIING room ror rent kil rnen prirlicrcs lady preterm Ao ply 207 Wellington street East or telephone mum noonl luitrble tar one or two per sons coatlnc racliliiu Ivatlublc located nltio rrorn cltv llmlll Write no Du 221 name ROOM AND BOARD Ronni AND nonltn available lm mediatelv In rlun furnished bed room Linen supplied central lo cation parkinu mncc Gentleman only Telephone 72mm ARTS FOR SALE ADVANCE TV AND VACUUM SERVICE Used Washing Machines $15 and up Reconditioned TV $25 and Up 14 MUICASTER ST 7298613 WHERE WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL ROBINSON HARDWARE or quality used appliances Slovos Refrigerators Washers Dryers 31 Dunlop 51 East 72835131 ORDER NOW Fltsh Turkeys Goose Canons Hams Home mndo sausage meat GERRYS MEAT MARKET Palnswick 7285374 ITS HERE THE FAMOUS SHERLOCK MANNING PIANO 10 dittorcul designs ï¬nishrs Just one heuutilul tone KEENANS MUSIC STORE 27 Dunlop SL mm NORTHWAY RUG co LTD The hour oi fine broadloorn DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED BRCADLDOM Remnants all sizes and prloa El Collier St Phone 7271311 ansrfnu MATS size 77 in ideal rpr liniuit lhltkcn coops attics garages ctr perfect insulator only each Apply narrlr Examiner CHILDRENS skl noot Illiclidnlc oi Darilo Sports Ltd Colllcr Street TELEVISION for sale 1955 um victor ti inch screen in worklnz order slo Telephone 725nm our doors for solo ladys slxc inner boat in excellent condition also mens obs in Rood condition Tcleohope molno tiller pm Usrm ronccn Air rutelem ror sale in load condition For rur particoian jolcphnm 72o Slims Poo SALE 10 17 ply white cardboard Example Apt to heat moms ror Sole etc Available at narrl nxmunor business ofï¬ce DRDRDDM and one bedroom apartments for rent SL Vincent Grove area Cali Dakot 77344 NEWLY DnCoMmo our room apartment available stove and re lrlgentor central location ro phone 7237931 ror furtherparticu in ONE BEDROOM apartment for re central roiriceraoor stove and nillliies parking not suitable tor children Available Janum 90 monthly Telephone 7281116 Lnnol modbm bedroom apart mrnt with stove and retrieuulp Available Immedlalfl Adults joltphone my all FURNISHED one bedroom nonri mem to rent sell contained cen trally localeI private Available January 16 Telephone mm nwo nannoonr untuxpwled ap men for rent stove and lerrlrer at private Entrance felon to downtown mgar child welcoirli noun ozonoim lmrurpisbed apmmem to run In town Ill miles south of name close to school and monolithnicotine no mo noon apartment ror rcpt Aooly puoioo street Westor telephone more tor meme formation MODERN contained bedroom apanment newly decorated $70 monthly adultsprerurcd corner or Con 11 Ind Hwy at Hawke Egon Telephone arca code 415668 Houslzs FOR RENT Pumasrrzn brick bungalow to rent opposite aloha everything supplied dupes linen televlslon hclt light water parkln srso monthly Telephone 77mm uousg FDR mt our bedroom rtorey on nayticid street one block from Woolworihs children welcome Available January 14L ici vphona mom moan unusual house or rent in uldhursi private drive lure lot t7y¢ar old bnnzllowlfl Hui month rCcII icr prn roux 173173470 now home bathrooms inure livlnlv mm din nllu mom lam kitchen ramp int so rent $175 to rphlm MISC binmom ML ms llznr nvcnum lane is etarev brick bedroomJud ita lobed cello on Burton our name out possession npoly Korea and council Rallorym Nunslusuomcs VA anftinflPflqmo 41 William mass on usur Durkllrg AUSTIN unlisz ooo hard top tils lï¬9 1563 in centre double barrcled shot eon sznlsh mans gigscout size lDQLTcIophono no INGLIs WKINGEIL washer in stood condition sin Plywood flohhut also rolman Sweet apples so cts per basket Telephone Om 75137 Tom GIFTS rorall occnsions pens pendls thermometers nov emu etc imprinted as renulred Phree week delivery noydon John son 7161509 LARGE Vlkne reirllzurntm wi Ireexerlnp Findley 12 Inch stove simpllcity wrlnzcr pausing ma chine rpor pieces sectional lounge rolie small size All chimeras new and very resooable Telephone Locus unmozb Sorllur tilled crib mat mans lnewl sass Iliad emmun ntlon radio and record player cms used 7v sets name brands are and used chesterrieid sou fr 559 used co in mm 595 reduced beds mfluced inr duiek sale new ltluhtly damned meter 27 75 cubic feet Solid waloul antique cpl rioslu and cabin reduced to car KM delivery FRUIT5 JLVEGETABLES spins CORTLAND Mm pelle tour Free deliverytn barrio on bushel or more memo cl Slrllorrl ARTICLESHWANTED DASH NR olduarbianed iicms cinch 1115 claim roverbooks horns Antique Cellar 7m WANTED nomineeclover AV pliant6 Diana bulimic7 Roth Second dshon 4564570 poos PETS cInnuliIIuA Puppies and part Spitz and others unity cute Ru sombch Telephone mm moron cabin or Alrfllle pup ple lor 111 mm now Telemann 7M4 01 Miller dellIll sum stavch powrlvallublra Purebred Germp Shepherd black Ind tln For urine Information telephonic mm v11 cmnuouun roepv or 111 he llltmd am month old hum trained Telephone W15 or mm Minn Putnam poxm purl tor nip old netEm St ï¬ijlhal pardon ammo clerks Home nunishlnrs warehouwnnper as Bayileld so Ppltitluz FARMERS MRKT DEAD STOCK Dead or cripplcd calLlo and noises Small animal removed lice For fast service PHONE BARRIE 723m Collect or as for NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH 94130 NO CHARGE 21 hours any do mi RR Faithlead Ontario License No 238051 Nlck lonlagne Prop LIVESTOCK FOR SALE nmlsnnou Yorlslilre bean and Ind cilLr tor sale serviceable ace ncrnard Slayer till Simulan Icltphene 72 oil3s HORSES ror sale iJ mare colu inc zzvur old it iailien com IHE Ill Old I150 T91 ROD rtevane SMALL HORSE Saddlc and bridle xlrs ALlo metal rollpry nest iclephpnc moons FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service C1159 New Holland Dovld Brown Eleoltv l76 BURTON AVE 12337 CASII TRADE TERMS AUTOMOTIVE SNOWMOBILES See the TRAIL BLAZER SNOWMOBILE I8 Imp on display tit HANDY HARDWARE ALCONA BEACH RD STROUD THE LIVELYONE Bombardier Skidocr Suits and Sorvico EAYVIEW MARINE Lokeshorc Dr Barrio 7265779 er DARCY Bombardier Skidoc Scrvice Sales For The Best Deal Bell Ewart 456221 See the 1968 DIABLO ROUGE and TRAIL BLAZER Now on display ill ALCONA TAXI No 11 Highway South of Stroud 1361473 rluxINa skldpo this week Ask your licaler for his IAC Purchase pl LIGHT loss surclt oivmpic ski Dpa 141 hp Aorplv lso lyeiiinuton street East or telephone 7287414 mono5x7 cAPlu Snowmoblle sale sllnhtly used ll nnlYl ncizolar so will like 5557 Tclcclanc mom days or 77o os evenings HINT FOR THE BRIDE AND GROOM Watch Classified Ads for terrific furniture and am nliance bargains TRAIL For Very unbelievable low price See us tobe assured FREE RIDE We Wish From Your North of These On Your Job PAINTING Ind pecan Gumli teed lvorkmanshlp Phone 77mm cannon PAINTING moderate enanzec name 12501 INCOME TAX INCOME moms prepred Iliumnlfcoountim service 760 npoiop mom Jul Han Ada1112 17mm Tu netornr prepared poorreeptnn Mica mom gt JANITOR SERVICE coomm mu etch ereobi or home cineL Ito117 him olepin squire notin INSULATION ammo limon insulation vm humus Guarani TWIN BID Ill PI IRONING AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE EVIAU RAMBLER 17 Gonna St 7156138 ByronGraham Motors 119 BRADFORD 51 Barrie 7281061 Our name means great deal lssr Pillan tor rile door aot matlc coo Ilm loso ran ct under standard make alter reie phone mum after pm 1761 VALIANT ior ea door rs dab vs Autoimt vzoo tells Telephone mlioz alter 517 prn mi llulcuin ilnnierev for all ya iuiil ooviIrtd excellent condlr lion Ilzoo tornearest otter Tele nbone mono iron voLnslvAnzN ror ulc new mow Uri1 also nrw exhllut Ili 31cm full price ris call oro lol 51911 for minor particulars TRUCKS FOR SALE lisp Gill Ion dumn lruek for an new motor and Iransmlsslon Telephone 7276915 stake otter 15 GM IIANDTVAN finished comment blue truck is in ex cellent condition lllut be seen to be lvnmclileo 1m minor and ulrhla mum ml DODGE ion ioml Iierl side box cylinder motor relinisheo In cooimcnlnl can 31175 7261009 or nlrnu mum AUTO REPAIRS SPECIALIZING Ill SPORTS CAR TUNING and small car repairs Redline Import as Mary St maiot YOUR FRANCIIISED oarsuu DEALER MOFFATT MerCury SERVICE DEPARTMENT Equipped Stalled To Service AnyMake 01 Cal Our Expert Mechanics ARE SlleL ON THE JOB TO GIVE RELIABLE SERVICE TO SMALL CAR OWNERS Mofiatt Mercury Ltd 31 ESSA RD 721358 BARRIE EXAMINER WANT ADS SELL Knotty Pine LInesday Skilled pales 47 Anne sirect North Mosr ANYTHING You Havent Seen Them All Till Ybu Visit The BLAZER NEW YEAR SPECIAL SNOWMOBILE DEALER Special Deal 182 HP TRAIL BLAZER SNOWMOBILE SNOWMOBILE COVER SNOWMOBILE OUIIER SNOWMOBILE TRAILEM From now until January 15 we will sell this package at an of imiriediaie delivery gtr one BRING THE Eve VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR Friends At Monday January li tJePL HWY527 NORTH Detour at Midhulst 7287306 yaronReady IDVVVOIE Immediately or LASTERING PLASTRMNG celitnlzr rec rooms mowmen years experience ICARPENTRY Ammonium nova ctopi house construction by limererun murmur 7716409 or 7759711 SNOWBLOWER REPAIRS Show ZBIdwrl satee um service Lawn Mower Ind RoioTuIcrvvrlntc summit rlpatn Hidlun Hath er I11 hurt1n ELECTRICIAN eWESTERN ELECTng IsaBrudroia