NEW COUNTY ASSESSMENT ADVANCED Advancement ol or tlonal work and training mark ed busy year for Simcoe County assess in nt depart ment Stanley Symonds county assessment commissioner leit is shown as he discussed pro blcms faced with distrid edi tor William thirran oi The Barrie Examiner County re assessment according to new provincial manual rules was started at Stayner and even INNlSllI NOTES Study Representation On County Council The public would have been more than surprised if the Conaty Council had registered decision to cut down on its mem bership it would hardly be ex pected that they would agree to any suggested changes in the overlooyearold set up which allows the members at smaller munlcipalities equal decisions on the spending of taxes collected regardless of the source and who are elected on committces that spend the built at the mom CS Councillor Dalton Jermcy re presenting hledontc can be counted on to hold the floor and show his disdain or such trend Regional rnment would lump number 01 those municipalities into an area which would reduce the mem bership and the voles However it may not have bcen anticipath that resolution would be sent to the premier voicing their in dignation and opposition to any changcs and the suggstion that tuail will include all 32 mun icipaities Examiner Photo Essa Achievements During Year Reviewed EAXTER Stall Highlight ed the opening ol 17acrc Ccn tenn al Park by the Nottawasoga River west oi ivy Essa town ship achieved considerable mun icipal progress during 1967 review oi the civic program showed here While an entrance building pavilion and rest rooms were opened at centennial park as well as an appropriate cairn lur ther improvements arc planned in 1968 and ultimately it is plun ned to make extensive expan sions Additional land has been acquired for the purpose and this will be developed when rca quired LlERARY AT ANGUS New library at Angus is an other muchdiscussed centen nial project which has been much commended The library already has been oi great value to school pupils and the reading public of Angus area Current attention is being given to the need for adding to reference books and other material for students Commendable improvement was made in Essa roads al though county road 10 stretch south oiAngus brought com plaints Paving of this section has been recommended County road 10 is in good condition lrom Angus lo Sunnidale Corners and irom Baxter to highway on the southern border of the coun Iv LARGE NEW BRIDGE Largest road project was con struction of large new bridge west of Baxter on county road 21 which runs from Alcona Beach to road 10 just westoi Baxter This road is paved to the Base Borden road but beyond road 10 it is township road The township also assisted in improvements to the Utopia hall ivy park and other similar pro jeets which helped to commem orate centennial year Transition of tho ivyThornton telephone service to dial telo phones with the takeover by the Bell Telephone company marked another improvement Recog nitlon was given the long and taithiul service of the retiring operators Mr and Mrs Earl held of ivy with presentation at ivy hail Mr and Mrs Reid through the years made note worthy contribution to the area in working far beyond the call oi duty to render the heat pos sible service to their neighbors However the replacement ol the Lllos Equalized Assessment $4757219 For County Tax ELMVALE tStait Equaliz assasment tar Flostownship onwhlch its 1968 county tax will be based amounts to $4751219 ltavas showmhy astu pithe figures The Fins assessment is approx imately the same as West Gwill imbury which was $4764u55 and slightly more than espraa loe1ï¬l=Thotawnshi ninth highest among the in town ships ia the county Man Replacing Clock Machine TKOROLD Ont Man is replacing machine in the 0d tarlo per Co Ltd in this community to miles west of agara Falls The company elim ting its time clock Jan and its 100 hoirrlyrated employees will bechecked in and out by fore make it easier and more pleas ant tor the men when they come to and twin work each day nine spokesman said Wednesday gt titwill remove the inconven ience of lining up at the time clock to punchin and outNo one likes to stand in 1lne The change will also into Hint at the subsidiary Quebec orth Shor Paper Company Wilmer ace hipenYssQuebee Elmnale Villages county as essmentramount $t479316 ch places it third among the nine villages Wasaga Beach with scansm theibighestdorwill ages with Part McNicolls 52 555179 second Victoria harbour ioilnws Eirnvale with $110803 while others include Breton $1 029723 Creemnre $1006937 Tot ohamSMJElrï¬tldi tar$531 493 and Cooksth $758691 Total county equalized assess ment amounts to $196052191 The ï¬gures are worked out by county conunittee from local as sessments The new county asscssment poll iplans to change as asa res essment pleted the municlpah es making up the administrative area Present goal is to havethis achieved by 1912 whichwould put it into effectrtor 1973taxas local and county equalized as sessment would be the same if present plans are followed The assess be saltzs value which means general up gradingoi assessments nonM ONSoitllUNi PARis AP Four Euro peancompaniesan an Amerl can firm have agreede princi pic on forming consortium to use nuclear explosionsfor ex plotting petroleu nnd atur in Attica Middle East Agenca uhrsnc Pressc reported Wednesday smmu old and outdated equipment by dial telephones was inevitable to make way for program Anticipated work on the con structinn of Bear Creek darn at Utopia was delayed but with the necessary approvals rccelved it the Association of Rural Munici palities take stand on agree ing with their decision That ovor 50 representatives are needed to govcrn the county and to meet monthly at cost o1 oVer $20 day each as the receive miicagc to conlirm dec sions made by committees and air any grievanciw that may have cropped up seems to most taxpayers unnecessary when we realize that all the counties in the province are doing rimt lar type of governing over and above the local municipalities and their councils it must be apparent that we are greatly overgoverned HAS GIUEVANCES it seems only feasible that the lovm oi Orlllla would be better olfiiitbecameaeityand took over official matters for which they are now paying the county Like innlsï¬l Orillla is among the big contributors to the county levy and its share is costing more than it might do if band led independently innisï¬l and Drillis do not oitcn have mem bers on the big committees that have the spending at the larger amounts It willbe interesting to learn alter next years county coiuicil assembles ust who makes the important commit tees First of course is the elec tlon ol warden and that seems to be foregone cendlusioo AREA EDUCATION Ono matter coming will be the education board leh will handle both primary and sec ondary schools after 1968 but whether it will be lcit to county council to make appointmean or whether it will be done by vote of ratepayers 1n the area is NEWS THE EARRIE EXAMINER TiltliiSDAY DEC 28 1967 is anticipated this wll be going ahead next year The Nottawal saga Conservation Authority has Jurisdiction over this project Addition Likely To Collegiate At Stayner STAYNER Stat New add itions are likely for both the Stayncr and Collingwood Collegi ates in order to meet increased need for accommodation it was learned here Dr lves of Slayner has been chairman of the Collingwood Collegiate Area Board which includes Stayner during the past year Present enrolment at the two schools stands at approximately 1300 and it was estimated this would increase to about 1744 within the next eight years The matter of providing tem porary portable classrooms to meet emergency needs as they I371451395 being looked into by the oar Olligers Chosen 73y Noilawa UCW NOllAWA Staff Nottawa initedChureh Womenrhavejcen reorganized 1968withMrs Roberts president and Mrs secretary Vicepresident will be Mrs Wagner with Mrs Rentner High School Plans Studied AbLlSTON Staff Whether Banting and District Memorial High School board should make plans now for iuturc accommo dation requirements or halt all such plans and wait for the new larger areaboard to be formed in January 1969 has been oc cupying attention here and mong neighboring municipalities included in the area report from Sidney 0w ens principal listed accomrno dation requirements for approx imately 1490 students for 1965 and estimated this would be in crcased to 11100 students by 197 Here is our problem for Sep tember 1968 said Mr Owens ina report sent to councils of the municipalities in the school district We need three more classrooms than we now have and this would be nunnrngrath er close or reduction in struation in technical subjects Will have to be made since it is not possible to get temporary accoinmoddtiontor instruction in technical subjects it was es timated anadditional stat seven teachers will he needed For successive years the need for instructional areas will increase so that by 1972 we would be short at least 15 Feulwymruundwwnuluavuu TEme FOR WELL WASAGA BEACH Staff Tenders for the installation of well at the Wassga Beach fire hallwill he received at the ot iieeotthafllerk Fuller ton up to part on hlday January 12 PHONE 12114631 ranaus Matias rumor duce instruction in ï¬bmcaiï¬b jects to the point that we would not be able to provide this type of education to about onethird oi the students thattwouldswant it Mr Owens rewrt said He add These figures beheve are conservative eatiniata and the need may be even greater Action to make way tor the administrative changes also has crommcndcd as iiiiAlNMiHl been given attention it the early announcement is iollowed the larger area boards to be torm ed will have jurisdiction over all grades from loindergarten to grade 13 It it is decided to halt all pres ent building pending the setting up at the new board for January 1359 the delay would be longer than it might appear because the new board would have to re assess the needs when they take over and then follow the neces sary preliminary arrangements for ï¬nancing before construction This could mean additional ac commodation wouldnt be ready until September 1912 am certain that the students and taxpayers oi our area would he very dissatisfied with the makeshitt arrangem cn ta and limitations on choice of subjects that would exist from 1968 to 1m2if this were done suggest ed Mr Owens Approval from councils of par ticipating municipailtlcsiorJhe addition as planned or with modiï¬cations alter further studyL ommende Withthts accomplished we could then pro ceed to workout tbepian and de tails oi the addition with the de partment of education stated Mr Owens report not yet known tiowever this board is set up the members will have big lob ahead and would need to be in olfice tor some time before tackling the educational program so that they could channel all the de tails that will bo part of their responsibilities FLORIDA One of the largest sharks to be ca8ht in the Cult oi Mexico was brought in to this beach dumg the past week The big fish measured 10 ieet six inches and weighed 40 pounds Four persons including two men who are employed on fish ing boats decided to take husmans holiday by cruising out into the gull Sunday night out of Johns Pass The putout line baited with ct and sail shark hit the Line it hit with such lore and pull that itrtoytedA the 42th boat backwarosa sideways round and round for over 20 miles At one time they got him to the boat and rope over him but the shark turned and flipped his tail nearly knuck lng out one oi the men The rope broke and agaln thcy were being pulled on the line Alter four and half hours they fin ally towed the captive to shore still alive Rube Allyn oi Out door Magaline was called to identity the species but he could not do so dciinitcly He did say that it would be dangerous it it came close to shore We have STRICT never heard at any sharks in this area atleast anywhere near the beaches but at the top of the gull the authorities have an armed guard watching for them and when in is scan the alarm is soimded and attempt is made to shoot it from piano or boa Sunnidale Pupils Receive Awards SUNNIDALE CORNERS Stall Ann Bulc has received white Bible in recognition of 20 ycars of regular Sunday school attendance here Susan mlham received an ward for eight years regular at tendance Susan Bates and Tom Word for seven years Jennlc Pioege and Elizabeth do cann for six years and David Bates ior five years Others to receive attendance awards were Henry Ploege four years Elsie and Elsa Units and Paul Bates two years Nancy Mary Jennie Garry and Ella Duits and Peter de Gorter one ear Legion Active At Collingwood OOLLINGWOOD Stall An activermeinber ot the Calling wood Legion for more than 20 years George Gill has elected president for the 1968 term succeeding Orville Gar butt Annual reports showed an active years program illusory and Meaty Cum lord were elected vicepresi denuLJack Rica secretary Don Fewster Shoitz John McPherson and Ben leaveil to the executive Mr Gill was president at the been Collingwood legion in lsozrand Nottawasaga Council Plans For inaugural DUNTEOON Stall hunk ural meeting at Nottawasagl township council for 1968 will be held on may Jan starting at oclock it was scammed by Reeve Arnold Vsnclse follow ing consultation with members at his council Rev Downer MPP who lives at Duntroon has been ask ed to take part In the inaug ural ceremony council eh ected recently or 196m will show only one change from the past year with former councillor Bern Swanson taking the place at councillor John Hennessy nho made an unsuccessful bid for deputy reevc iiceve Vancise who was counl ty chairman oi ï¬nance tor the past year is leading candi date ior the 1963 wardenship Noitawasagas other county rep resentative for 196369 will con linuc to be Edgar Currie who was successful at the polls re cently Councilors are John Loughoed and Dick McQueen Ianuary We have splendid prospects tor more development in our township in the immediate lu ture said Reese Vsncise dis cmhg four new subdivisions now in the course at development and other residential grnmh Deputy Beete Currie pointed out Nottawasaga was able to make slight reduction in taxes during the current year and this was considered factor in help ing growth careful spending policy also is expected to be followed during 1968 was snnvrce PERKINSle SlamTiny Township Bocvc Michael Assclin will commence hit 161h year as member oi Simcoe County council at its inaugural session on Monday January is it will be his second yearai his pre sent term and he previously served from 1956 to 19 except or three years lie will be 84 years old next monlh FRIDAY THE FERN from the village SATURDAY THE TAXI NEW YEARS mans THE SPECTRUM That lovable adorable kissable Eilzwilba solo crle scam +rHwc1oni newway titlillttke rye llIClvevtllblyerlIlOQtll The name of the rye as Grand an Welded managed credibly smoutlrby by discovering straightAndlikeit obody ever made one moment as GrandPrixboforehecausenobodyeyer knew ow It took Calvertitenyears to do it andnnturally our Master Blender isprettyproudofit 11 yourae you ll know why hes