Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Dec 1967, p. 4

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elite itaifrir Examiner Walls Fubiisher William Teller General Manager McPherson Managing Editor THURSDAY DEC Mzrssamsoscarmswmmhm it no rsore can Liberals Face Vital Task In Selecting One of the most important events in 1968 will be the election of new leader of the Liberal party to succeed Lester Pearson who has announced his de cision to retire The man selected will face great responsibility especially at the next federal election He must answer the critics of the present regime and establish political blueprint for the future that will won the voters and dampen the cries for change coming now from the invigorated Progressive Conservative Party Mr Pearson will step down at time of rising inflation and growing French Canadian problem As prime minis ler he has fallen short of what the peo pie felt he should have achieved diplomat of the first ranklie soon roved that the deadly serious infight ing of national olitics was not his forte He seemed to uneas in his role as prime minister and he ailed frequently to keep his own cabinet colleagues in line Will the Liberals turn to the old pro Paul Martin who at 84 has little time left for the exacting role of prime minister Will they name Mitchell Sharp whose penchant has been to raise taxes at Christmas Or will they shun all cabinet ministers who mtlst bear their share of responsibility for Pear New Leader sons errors and turn to new face perhaps provincial politician or ranking liberal not yet in the inner cir cles of the cabinet Mackenzie King who was named leader in 1919 was really compromise candidate At 45 he was virtuall un tried and little known But wit his training in politics both at university and in the active political arena he soon showed himself as an astute leader who piloted his part through years of stormy political weal er If there is another King in the part or Laurier the Liberals should see him out The man named may not solve the FrenchCanadian situation he may not evenrwin the election Conservative Robert Slandfteld prevails But it he is to succeed in power or in the Opposition he must be ready to come to grips with the vital questions of the day TheLiberais may get another chance to deal with these problems but they must have decisive leader He must pllot through changes in the Canadian constitution and come up with accept able solutions to inflation He may have to delay orgive the goahead to medicare It will be big job for big man The Liberals must find such man or give way to another party DOWN MEMORY LANE 3o venas AGO IN Town Barrie Examiner Dec 30 1937 Bell Telephone Co removed poles from main streets also Essa Rd in Allandale Man ager Smith stated thispwas com pletion of project started two years ago Threatened contest did not materialize in Innisfil old council re turned to office Reeve Frank Beatty Deputy Orville Todd Councillors Dalton Banting Timothy Connell Thomas Cook Wolf hunt organized for New Years shay our Camp Borden Plains and Mad River Flats Irwin Luck given acclamation as reeve of Crop Reeve Albert Toner got another acclama lion in F105 Iivp Rev John llch cuddy from ch begins pastorate First Baptist Church on Sunday Comrade Edwin Shuter president of Christie StHospitai branch installed President George James and officers Barrie branch Canadian Legion Frank Higginson anereorge Banting are contestants for Essa reeve ship Ray Keetch 13 bad narrow escape while riding sleigh down Sunni dale Road bill It went right under Clelands bakery truck in front of Mrs Emma Daleys residence Ross St He vasetaken to nearby hospital sufferin facial cuts was attended by Dr William Lewis Walter Downey will oppose Roy Hickling for reeve of Vespra Judge Hawley Mott head of Toronto Pa ly Court wasspeaker when Ki ubJnlertainedcboyh Edinner in American Hotel Barrie Hockey Club appointed Ty rbour of Victoria Harbour former pro star with Montreal Canadiens and Chicago Hawks coach of Junior Colts Ab Demarco last seasons centre star with Barrie Colts signed with New York Rangers Coach John Dobson unveiled new Barrie Junior hockey team which lost to Aurora Christmas Day Emile Char bonneau and Eric Leigh scored for loc als From England came news that Barries Cal Rooney Herbie Dyment bad knocked out Tommy Allen of Lei cester in pro lightheavyweight bout at ZLohdon Barrie merchants generally reported fine business this Christmas Bob Powells llfelody Men will play for annual Kiwanis New Years Eve dance at IOOF Temple catering by Green Twig restaurant Emerson Ballan tyne andJane Dyment were first and second in Yuletide contest sponsored by Bill Garners mens wear Toronto daily newspapers announced price in crease of one cent per copy up to as of Jan For 39th time Alex Cowan former mayor of Barrie offi elated at installation officers Corinthian Masonic Lodge He was assisted by Dr Robert Sprott Smith Mon man and John Merrick Herbert Lougheed is new Worshipfui Master TwosBarrieboys playfor KirklandLake this season in Northern Ontario senior hockey leagueBili Dyment and Bill Red Scottu AnotherBarrieite former pro star Steve Vair iscoach CNR engineer Bert Burrell retired Christmas otin mternafionalldmiteLbi5 from Sarnia to oronto Kilaudale awnt station rink now in full swing OTHER EDITORSVIEWS nN oursroxsn nnnnnmn KitchenerWaterloo Record That it was Mayor Dropeau who best spoke out for French Canada is not aur prlstng onetime nationalist politi clan he has for years administered Canadas largest city with brilliance and yigorandwasinstrumentaldnecreatlns theexhibltion which has made his city famous French Canadian who is proudof his heritage he is mixture of dream er and man of action who may yet be heard from on wider stage thnntbe city of Montreal But whether he is or hot his quiet effective performance on that emotionf charged occasion with millions of his fellowflnnadinm constituted one of the most telling co tributions to the FrenchEnglish rdla in ne which has yet been made museumsxi OTTAWA REPORT Senators PoWer Vien Noted As Statesmen By PATRICK NICHOISON UllAWA The image of pin federal politicians today is per bans as tarnished as ever in liv ing memory The Senate falls below even that modest ardav ticklargely through ronlc absenteeism and through the partisan Pearson appointments of Liberal lundratsars and or ganizers to be senators The old brigade of senators still enjoys the aura of respcct and the reputation for impartial competence which was more general in past age it is that old brigade which still forms the otfectlve working backbone of the wise fearless and usually nonpartisan committees of the Senate Especially among the senior senators from Quebec the real heavies of the old hrigodegone notes many men respected lnilieir communities and redolent of fame tradition and performance on Parliament Hill Typical of these are two sena tors who nerc deservedly hon ored by their colleagues on the eve of the Christmas recess each being presented with sil ver trey to mark the 50th anni versary of his first election to the House of Commons On Dec 17 B17 Major Charles Cave Power an angiophone lrhh Catholic won Quebec South and Motor Thomas Vien francophone Catholic won Lotbiniere two Liberal success es lo nationwide Conservative victory RESIGNED FRQM CABINET ho bby Power bus served on ParliamentHill through an unbroken balloonin ryIo in consecutive elections he held the seat which his that had won ce before and quently After it years as an MP be earned appointment to the Cabinettypical of the long apprenticeship which contrasts with the instantmbilsters so often created in resent age ing his nine years as minister his most praiseworthy achievement was the creation of the massive wartime training system for airforcepltots He resigned from the Cabinet wire hedisagreed with Prime Mn tar Mackenzie King over non conscriptlon in 1944 but be con to sit ih led to Bayilold Street Barriepqntarlo supreme second one matter Post Melbourn meat and for pay wice subse in 1355 was appointed to the senate The industrious lom Vien won and lost elections But In 1342 having served oi deputy Speak er in the Commons be was ele vated to the Senate and appoint cd Speaker LAURIEB HOLDS RECORD Senator Powers unbroken 50 years on Parliament Hill make an impressive career but as he was quick to point out it falls short at Canadas record set up by Sir Wllilid Lam Wh 53 their selfevaluation as first in the House of Commons as MP for Quebec East from foot until 1919 Reminiscing as he returned thanks for the presentation tray Senator Power opined that he has sat through three distinct eras on Parliament Hill The first was the days when political parties were wildly partisan and hostility was overt was politics and Tory could call Grlt skunk and Grit could call Tory seoundrel Politic Then came the era of manage rlol government during and alter the Second World War personified by that Czar oi the national economy Howe After that nonpartisan era we are now in new age when the academics and intellectuals have pushed out the monge ment men Senator Power does not try to comeal his contempt for this new breed of politicians whom he dismisses as incompetent at the game while questioning class bruins Himself vigorous and successful political organisa or he obviously preferred that first era The rumhustious Chubby will celebrate his rota birthday next month the courteous Tom Vien celebrated his six years ago Between them they have sat 53 years in theHouse and 37 your in the Senate both have served their country and their con ti tuents vclltiinn which no pc ilclan seeks finer epitaph AROUND THE WORLD Men Who Visitllorth Vietnam Moved By Their Environment runny DEANE Foreign arrin not As medic as presi en rel election draws closer the con troversy over the Vietnam war will now sharper all overthe world and particularly in the us itself and here in Canada gt where we are bound to our southern neighbor by more than The controversy will be fed by the press especially since North Vietnam will undoubtedly in crease the lumber of visa it grants foreign newsmen whose reports on Ominsnmlst propaganda Such reports csnnotbe dis mised nor can they be ac cepted merely because the re porter worlds forte respectable western news organization and ishimself an honest man even honest men are affected by emetic ouantlr accurate An excellent example of such mixed reporting was printedby The Globe and Mail on Dec 20 an artiel by Olivie Todd itEd mm from What follows is acriii reading such asshould is made by anyone who wishes to fHaipbong has been balf lpodsouttheebombsuro com ing closer to the heart of Hanoi ailySimdaya and Statutory Holidaya exported lpil carrier 50 weekly $2630 yearly Single copies 10c Byma Barriedmmyearly motor side Canada stoned year foreign$31 year VNfilnnnlltdvefllalnsnfllma 45 University Avenue Toron to 640 Cntbcart 5L Mon WlmWestPendcr and most other towns bdve been razed Along the main roads gt there is not graphicomoraineclaritmwmfimmfimhm omblng help gious belief scrupulously ective But then it tlons lines Whenxtheyfdiacov end they could not do this they decided to neutralize those who repaired them That meant kill ing the eiviliansllving near or far from the roads and railway nam is reading the mind of the Pentagon planners He may be right he may be wrong but be is less solid source than when he tells us whatbe sees or wba he heard and =from whom he heardr At another nt Mrde writes that theNortb Viet namese regime respects reli His evidence for this general statement ismcon Communist officials it is not normal Communist practice to peetrellgiuusebelldsibongbf is common Cnmmunlst propa gandn line toybnast of such re spect Ands on lineby line thereade must question the wit LAWS OF JESUS The Editor Jesus spoke of laws to which all man made laws are arbicct and secondary He spoke of pow ers which make our atom bombs look like water pistols in the hands of children He amplified mans ability to create as oppos ed to mans ability to destroy Let us look at ibreé fragments of his teochlngs He said th shalt not Man in his ignorance has to quite an extent disregarded such advice and such disregard has led from small wars to larger ones and finally to the brink of world war which neither side could win unless creative rather than d5tnrctiva weapons are used He also said as you saw so shall you son that we have perpetuated the little white lie to Uz incident proportion Bl developed more Saute clam consciousness than Christ consciousness SubrtL tuted the dictates of individual conscience for the dictates of majority conscience th by supporting such unwritten free dom tapping laws as Whats right if enough people Are We not now ln lined to blame the younger gen eration for the inevitable results of our having planted siicb reeds Jesusalso reminded those who would listen to Him that He who knows what is right to do and MEDICARE Dear Editor We hope the sudden economy drive by the government has no connection with medicare Like another royal commission report the medicare prusura is mostly for the status true and watering down This could be an historical decision Now covered by medicare is the three most populated So thae cant be serious inade quacy in facilities However there are inequalities in Ontario old age pensioners who own their home with in come under $3000 for married couple and only 500 cash 31 700 and $1000 respectively for single person are getting full coverage without cost as are in dus highest paid employees class has various percentages of coverage and mounts eontrtbulcd by employ ers Theysay 445000 Ontario pen sinners are eligible and 51000 families on welfare can get free health services Pensioners must apply now As for cost to the federal gov ernment lets not overlook its present contribution towards em ployee group health lnsuranco through the loss of corporation tax Such benefit is not avail able to the sclfemployed and such coverage is not compulsory in businesses with less than 15 employees Similarly taxfree fringe bane Tailtodoit f0 hhnrit isslnisfiistnlsoeincludecllftlnsurnnco Such statement is reflective of law which draws the line be tween error andsin lt perhaps even justifies the act of kllllng by those who can do so with clear conscience Miiy remind those whose main ddence is prove lt that only mnndnade laws have to be provenby man Dlvinennil na uralJaws never fall to prove themselves to eacbiindlvidual in direct proportion to his or her regard or disregard respect or disrespect ofsucb la 13 Donor Coliingwood inman cursors story sincereugh which costs the empqu or group 10 times more for the old employees on graded scale than those hail the age Tbisis deterrent to employment and cases is only an un essenti benefit to the estate The Carter Royal Commission lmarily rcommends the taxa rnonvolescapeestortnuoasbig revenue it seems we should relyfonthe informed judgment of the two royal commissions healthand taxation Yours truly lohn Gilbert Hanover 3mm in 1851 pen aowiuau In not during it civnfwar ers who were goingto Iondon and Paris as nmbnssadorslbe incident nearly caused tween Britain sand the error ern states in which Canada would have been the battl if space agency day it has obtained goodrosults rojeet Intended to roblemszbytu edged re the drop The Nationalheronautter and Space Admlnlscrationsatd 30mm nvnnvrnnvo bombed wee not what one would target Again tblsconcordswihibe otternoL North Much of what Mr Todd uw the tests being conducted atth ground Britain fushedlzmo troopajo Cane abutw cried becauserlresldent rl addln IAllfihe cast but it tspossfble that if ad rotten out Canada at th which would bothe wrence of the Pacli Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory in Buffalo ovolve seedln will boincreaced from to cents wed Jan The prlc of 19d gins of British Colum bla who bsd been lendbig wanted bit Milli mericans won gra try to occupy British Columbiernnd the pressure could banked off by inkingover the territory who Columbia pened iusaritain ere oecupyi Juan Island justsouthiof ancouver island ntllltsownership could be es tablisbed by arbitration After npturingrtlte Puget Sound area Douglas proposed that two addi tional British units could go all the way to the Columbia River and establish it as the bard British troops sent to them if necessary to at Quebec frog Saint Jo in aluminum on us elected alibiii made is the Kin or created new Do Education

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