Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Dec 1967, p. 3

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In Spite Of Objections Following contro oicr whether it should be ruined to the more spacious Central Cola legiale auditorium inaugural meeting ol the new 196869 tiar rie try council is almos eer lain to be held at the council chambers at the city hall on Tuesday etching Jan it was indicated this morning city hall arrangements are uroccoding to hold the meting in the customary place with its so permanent seats llayorelect Robert Bentley earlier pro poscd holding the inaugural at the collegiate auditorium where there is seating for 1200 on grounds that this would encour mc larger attendance and great er interest in thc civic adminis ration Opponents to htr Bentleys Aid Parker Challenges Bentley Name Nantes InCosy Compact liany people in Barrie are under the misconception that the Jan inaugural meeting ol city council is open only to those invited according to dcrman Dorian Parkcr Aid Parker said today that she had received inquiries lrom several people aboqu where they could receive invitations to the meeting want to make it very Lclcar to the people at Barrie that anyone is welcome at any meeting of council The meet ing is not open just to an in vltcd few as many people have been led to believe she said am disgusted that such solemn ccrunony has been turned into such controver sial issue she said Mrs Parker statcd that it it appears that the meeting wrll turn into political hassle shc will walk out rather than take part in it She said that it would he deplorable way to start after can tennial year it there are any personal arcs to be gmund it should not be done at the inaugural meeting she said Mayor elect Bentleys accu sati of Barrie clubs and associations will be holding New Years Eve parties in various locations throughout the city The Anny Navy and Air Force Association dinner and dance begins at pm in the associa tion hall on Dunlop Street Suckling pig is on the menu for the so couples attending the function and door prizes will be dra foras the evening pcogresses hvepiece band will supply mttsic Tire Barrio branch of tirfi tb ldatiaaeefor so couples in the ball on Conner been niag at it pm Festivities for members of the Barrie Yacht Club begin at oclock with 40 couples in at tendance The dance will end at am with theserving of 93 bullet of cold turkey and ham withcondimeats The Barrie Armoury will be the seeneof two parties New YearsEve one in each oi the Officers and Secgeants messes of Squadron the Grey and Simeon Foresters Both get under wayat 10 oclock and celebrants Plan Range Of Eirents proposal cited rules at ordcr inhich provide in council mcet lugs to be held at the city hall tsnu convinced his idea was sound dtc niayorelcct proposed opening the meeting at the tram ped councu chambers ior admin islration ol oaths of oflice and then udiourning to the larger hall it there is sutticient gathering ol spectators to justify the ac tron The 196869 mayor was conti dcnt there would be response far beyond the city hall space and argued encouragement ol greater public Interest would be an aid to better administration at all lcvels at government inquiries at the city hall indi cated the meeting situation stands unchanged and the coun cit chamer is being prepared were strongly criticized by Al derman Parker tic should name the people he is relcrring to site said As it is he is throwing us all into common barrel and splashing us with the some mud lor one have never been part of any deal with anyone and wont back down on an issue to anyone The inaugural meeting alter ranch discussion now appears likely to be held in council chambers Ben Straughan city clerk said today that an agen da had been drawn up indicat ing that the meeting would at least start in cortncil cham tiers Tire location of the inaugural meeting is traditionally set by outgoing council hlayorclect Betltley expressed interest in holding the meeting at Central Collegiate auditerium where there is greater seating capac ltis proposal was opposed by members on the out going counlt cil who claimed it was means of turning solemn meeting into grandstand show Mr Bentley said that at the time at the meeting he would disclose his plans to break up cosyccmpact which he claimed was operating in coun cil niag an evening of festivities to include dancing to the music of liyepieco band and smorgasbord supper at am in addition to many private and semiprivate parties plan nod for this New Years time there are places where the pub lic can go for an evening out The Continental inn is accept ingreservations arm cou pie for ball commencing at pm in the Willow Room with dancing and indict at alm The Embassy dance hall in uvdoorsratis pm and Bob Arbuckles arch estra begins playing at ilk30 Reservations are $10 couple and this will irreluch turkey bullet Au amendmentvto the liquor tans will allow the purchase of drink with your meal iii licensed establishment until aditioually hotels pass out paper hats and favors to guests on New Years Eve although no liquor lounges may be open are limited to Curbng members chansons meet at the clubho on Essa Road for presiden PatBmeams cock the trough MQdémf Is hutyesterdny afternoon memo tiers of the Kiwanis club oi Kcmpcnleltzboy visitoddnnisdat Farms soudr of Barriefor fir hand look at am the refuge ments that make ldweuther dalryiag little easier itrethwonian fir id ittothe modern feed barn where the 77cows that were to be milked waited in an enclos ed pea while farm hands brought silage downinto looloot long trough from the silo outside the barn This attic operation is control ted pushing three buttons whicbbringttie flaEeJitltLiitL barnymovenlt downra some type conveyor and drop tit into Willard Klnzle uruldent oi the Kempenlelt Kiwanis Club and owner at Lakeviow Dairy guided the tour thrmrgirlhc trumped milking stalls explaining the fed machine lor the session Olticials were advised that at least live hours notice uould be required if the auditorium was required CITES PRECEDEIVT Stating there was precedent for his recommendation the in coming mayor rderred to the inaugural of former mayor wat ard Kinxle when Barrie lirst be came an incorporated city in 1959 which was held at Barrie North Collegiate auditorium Dir Klnzie was snotn into ollico by then Premier Mslle ltl Frost natiw oi Slmcoe County on that occasion ir bentlcy suggested that about bl invited guests would take up substantial part of the spectator room at city hall and he feared many interested spec tators might have to be turned away NEW ALDERMEN in any event no matter where the meeting is held the new council will show live changes from the outgoing ooumib Be sides the new mayor these will include Del Cole from Ward Al Macmillan and Charles Ch tie irom Ward and Ross Ar or from Word Returning will be Aldermen Garner Hersey and Les Jollillc from Ward ltiacLarcn and Roberts irom Word Red Smith trorn Ward It and Dorian Park er and Phil Suave from Ward Has Clean Record So Drop Charges It clean driving record ior as years was enough to have charge of leaving the scene oi an accident dismissed in magis trates court at Barrio Wednes day may Hiltz 55 the Clifton liotcl had admitted leaving the scene of an accident and paid damages of $7550 The accident occurred on OcL at John and Bradford Streets when Htttz col lided with two Vehicles north bound on tirediord Street Daniel Cox 22 99 Mulcaster St driver at one oi the vehicles damaged testified red con vertible hanged the rear lcit side of my car when it turned south onto Bradford Street and then smacked headmn into the car he hind me before driving bway Coast Don Butlmer of the Barrie City police said he locat ed Hilts by tracing his motor vehicle licence andvmatching broken piece of grill medallion broken in the crash with sim ilar piece lodged between the grill and bumper of the Blitz vehicle The defendant said he did not realize that ho had damaged the cars at the time of the accident reconstructing Qurnr incur Barrie OPP report no aoci deutsor disturbances in their area last night The Barrie do tachment is responsible for an area roughly from llnwkcstoue to Oraighurst in the north west past Edenvale and south to Thornton CHIIDREN VISIT This weeks meeting of the Barrie Rotary Club will take place at thecnew tirne oi 630 ar gwitLberan occasion for the elirldren ofTar rie Rotnrlnns to see what Rotpry isalt about LIGHTS UP Traffic tights hovcbeen rein stalled at Prince of Wales School following an end of constructlon on Bradford Street Traffic Sup crintendeat Jim Uowe reports The traffic lights were installs during the holiday to allow motorists to become reacustonii ed to theirlpresence before school resumes Famine Theme tiring cacti cow is gulated amount handyman during the milking Herdsman are protected against the add oc easloa kick by metal guard mung turned to the feeder barn where they feed on silageuntfl they reach their own limit then find their stalls and lie down Being creatures of habit the cows will or stall and vary but loltotd the chrbjthrr the now in use otinnladntc can ocJ commodtrte herd of 500 cows lnvlourto live hotrrr Aatbe untrust becorna accustomedlo the routh thetlmo decreases in addition to an urge burn for the rattling cows there is prucesau and capuhltiiu of the hrlclriuery now in use Milking ulnlurlndrummer trick on to turd mderlrythlnl uth heron and alter mllidng also separate buildingbooing dry mythouthat are in momentum periods and annotbomtthdhnathetham nearbybdldlmunddflvu mm tltcro was rulllclont SKATING AT the Barrie Ar ena proved popular with jun ior members at the uarrie ViiYWCA yesterday as more HOCKEY game attracts hie attentlo from youn tors the Barrie By WILLIAM CURRAN with the provincial govern mcnt slated toytake over prison maintenance and cast entirely on Jan the future of Simeoe Countys pioneer stone structure is uncertain MneKay hen asked about re ports it might be maintained after it is abandoned as ajail as museum or historical land mark will have to be kept in til the province makes other arrangements andlam ad vised this may take some time error runner Discus proposals for pro vincial ronal prisons replacing county jails Warden MacKay ed said he had biaenriniormcd these would be coming eventually but pointed out twothirds of the counties of the province had made requests andiit would take time to meet the needs In the meantim even Toronto is re taining its historic Don Jail which like the county place pf detention there vofteobas been the target of vigorous criticism with allegations it is overcrowd ed antiquated and inadequate to ineet present day requirements warden MacKay saidSimcoe County council had be 7112 tain new ptSfl butt was suspendcdwhenit was learned the province had plans to take of county jails As for the museum proposal he said he attended acting at the HuroniaHistorlc Sites Asa soctation where it was sflgested thebuiidiug shouldndt be mantledrbut kept for its historic value fThe jail itself is atmlrsé com piece he suggested refer its Ion rvr back to the cofititiproneer erattu could be taken attha 59pm printe time The warden who ettres as head at the county cuu when new warden electcdopdan uary 15 Just said interest had been shown by the historic arl mutation in Barrie since it was considered it rnrgbtbe future tourtrtrattraetion The newtyors lulled regionaltourirt associa tlorixol which the Barrioorgao lzatlon was momentum rem tO take the nutter Miller ll crest he suggested nven anonsibtlittcfnrcnperation than 50 youngsters turned out lor an afternoon skating SIE sion program ol activities will continue for youngsters skating and swim program held yesterday Hot chocolate andgames were ollcredalter skating session The games Morin padresrn Country eriil Future Remains Undecided own pioneer museum opened in 1962 few miles west oi Barri at liidhurst Sitmet obscrvcrs believe the 123yearold structure would make an ideal museum since the building structure it Various propfials for construc it was constructed to serve the district The sarnehca stone wall scaled only few times iii its long history still surrounds the building Because of itslristorlc past peopleinterestod in the history of adminisration of justice in the county feel it would be shanie it it were dismantled when new prison is construct Next to the Court House build ing itself the historic prison is link with the ricer era oi the community When it was first pressed into service neither Barrie nor the neighboring carn munityol Allsadale long since amalgamated had railway lines anditrattc was doaeby boat horseback oi stagecoach It was some it yearslatcr 1853 be mcoe and Huron Railway now the CNR completed its line to llandale at the pro nt ni The browaaad grey stone bildinglwhichcotrld tell grim $2173 of past hangings if could throughout the week Ago lira lts are set irom lolfi ior girls and from it to it for him although some exceptions were accepted room included not only the hue key game but also table ten nis checkersand variety of other games mended attention through th years The last hanging at the prison took place about years ago when ayoung burglar weot the gallows for killing an night watchman at an Oritlia industry tion of woarthavclrec cussedby different county coua oTfivo cadesThe last serious discus sion was year and half ago when the property committee submitted report which term ed thcpoutdatcd stone structure relic of rm and recommend ed replacement Cells were termed too few and two small an lack of overall accommodation was mentioned Tiredntter problem was partly overcome by renovation which included the former jail govern ors quarters as part of the pri son Thejall governor no longer lives on the prembesi Chief need for the new prison it was stressed lathe report gage gguggsgggggsegg Burro riar Fem being held for atrial the St Regts reserve near Corn aise bail from hardened criminals held there pending transfer to other penal institutions There were only rti ntil they cells in use at the are rursournntvr thecounty council held dis stuns about seeking approle of propertylora jail and prison farm where short could ofnrm ata1y zitac term prison work Hooker DECrzo iyvvaiatttrvftttrtts stucco County ttrutthds ho woodstoclt hiatus courtrooms an FOUR YEAR OLD Firm Prince looks pensitely up trom cup of hot chocolate nltcr skating session held yestcrg day by tttc Harrie Yarrwcn Missing woman answering the description of Patricia Leslie Reid 39 at Peel Street miss ing since Dec 22 was seen in Orangeville last night Drangevitle police said the woman uppeamd to be in eonlttsedstale of mind She was seen in store Observers said she walked into house next door to the store where the people were unknown to her She was given cup of tea and seemed unaware oi ticr location but indicath that she might takea bus to Dundalk barrio police department said the Woman titted the descrip tion of lllrs Reid except for some oi her clothing The COUrsies VBurrie YMYWCA facilities will be used for two junior leader patrol water safety courses planned by the Simcoe County recreation service during Janie ary Peter Cavitl director of county recreation is in charge of arrangements which will he made with the cooperation oi juniqu the Barrie YMvYWCA and the Orillla YMCA Follmving cuurses senior courses will IiiidzllL ehruar Plan College For Indians thFUnt Filly youngsters took part in the skating program at the ar ena helore returning to the lor refreshments and fur ther activitlcs aw NEWS TIIE tlAthlE EXAMINER THURSDAY DEC 28 roarx May Have Seen Woman In Orangeville woman seen in Drangovllle was wearing light blue hat and coat thnn reported mi iog by her husband on Dec ltlrs Reid was wearing brown suede ccat beige fur hat gieyishgrccn bulky knit sweab er plaid boxpleated skirt and black ankle boots Optltalph Berry of Barrio police department said all buses trains and planes at Toronto international Airport were be ing checked and that the Barrie Air Service had been requested to keep watch or the missing woman Mrs Reid is five feet six inches tall with fair corn plcxion and black hair and speaks with Scottish accent Water Safety Planned The recreation service also plans oneday workshop de signed or municipal and town ship recreation cnmmittee mem bers Present arrangements call for this to be held at Banting Memorial High School at Allis ton on Saturday Feb 24 Besides the county the sports soring agenctcs include the Corn munity Program section of tbe Ontarioldeaaiment of education llrun Asflciatlound the Professional hecréEfiEaDireflors so or In order to best meet growing demands the countyrecrenfion department stall is engaged in making survey of recreation facilities and necdswithin county Arepnrt will be given TORONTO CP railway college for Canadas indians is expected to begin travclling among reserves in Eastern and Central Canada next July Alan Clarke national director of the Company of Young Cana dians said theiprojecLis still in its rudimentary stages and is Entirer of indian origin wall hired as CYC staff mcm tier last October to develop the project said the train will not be oneyear project We intend torunit forever he said The CYC will support it for pyw dth weh get malpironrlndos 257un versitles found lions and pri danstiiinsr enjoy savings on iAUIOlNSURh twat mam rr Wmztdldtfm litrllhlii wruamu Wm to theleouaty council alter this is completed Réev Earl Brown of Heston was chairman of the county to creatiori committee during 156 The newcomrnittee will be chos on at coining sessions of the countykcuuncil stated to he oavltlnnday lan 15 MONTRbALlCPP lural department quotations Eggsir Average wholesale in on dozen carto Aexlralarge 525 Ajlarge 495 mil

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