PLAYING SANTA CLAos TQ PATIENTS Elaine lilachod young Saltnllon worker plays Santa Claus lo Lynda Lloyd oi 28 Steele St pail at Royal Victoria Hospital when she delivered candy and lsuit parcels prepared by the Sal vation Arniy rMiss Macbeod Candlelight Ceremony Is Held In Historic St Thomas Church candlelight ceremony in St lhomas Anglican Church Shan Iy Boy united in marriage Bette Ella Ferris and Wflliam Wallace Ainslie Standards oi white mums cre ated the setting ior iha early evening rltos conducted by Rev William Flynn Angus Ross organistaccom ponicd soloist Mrs William Simms ot Barrie The bride is the daughter oi iiirs Alfred Ferris oi Penetang and the late Mr Ferris The bridegroom is the son at the late Mr and Mrs Donald Ainslie oi Sudhury BRIDAL GOWN The bride entered the church on the arm oi her son Barry llcr gown was slim lilting dreamette oi ice blue with mat ching Chantilly lace sleeves train or Chantilly lore ell irom her shoulders and her head dress crown oi matching blna lace held waist length veil oi blue tulle She carried bou quot of white carnation and pink roses The brides sister Mrs Reta Kew oi Thornhury attended as matron oi honor Hergown oi blua crepe was similarto the brides with matching blue Chan IhevaEnlng sreleoiSCAn drews Presbyterian Church was joined by the Aiternooo Group ï¬ec it tor their Christmaadin Thistwas oidlnth ure hall at A3 At the head table were Mrs red vclrurchfli Mrs Walter kley Mr nuthCamphle Donald Marshall welcomsdths no women prgsentand Mrercn Heron reeently tilly lace sleeves Her head dress was braided crepe in wedding ring style Bridesmaids were Mrs Lauch lau McDougall of Gore Bay sister oi the bride and Mrs Er nest Rotmanoi Barrie They were identical floor length gowns oi sapphire bluscrepo with mat ching hnaided crepe wedding band headdreSses The attend anis bouquets were white and blue carnations Attending as groomsman was Stewart Ainslie oi Hamilton the bridegrooms brotherxlishcra in cluded Laughlan McDougall oi Gore bay nod lim lsethhrldgs oi Midland RECEPTION For the reception at St Georges Anglican Hall Allan dale tho brldos mother receiv ed wearing rose crepe dress with sass brocade coat and matching accessories Her cor saga was oi white carnations and pink rose buds For wedding trip to Delray Beach Floridaytha rida nhosa pink boucio suit trimmed with pink ion and navy accessories she wore aeosraga or white carnations and ink roan buds The couple reside at 58 Vancouver Barrio thanked remembers oi the Eve nin Circle tor including th their Christmas=meoting Following gameorgnniaed hart Wm thor chuEhFand caL introdno released irom the hospital low days ago with broken arm visited her iricnds in the ward Examiner Photo Pot Luck Luncheon Enjoyed By WCTU Tho Christmas meeting oi the Womens assistian Temperance Union tool the iorm ni pot luck luncheon at the homo oi Mn Vaughan Perry St Carol singing was enjoyed by the members and Lets put Christ in our Christmas gills was tha theme oi meditation given by Mrs ii Hutchlsou President Mrs ExShaw pralt sided at the mail Greetings were received irom missionaries Miss Murnie Rum sy and Miss Beth Huddlcston Miss Rumscy iswith the Middle East Mission in Eretria Etiriop is and Miss Huddlestou has re gentiy returned to Quito Ecua or Following lira business meet ing several guessing contests were colored Prior to ideas men Demonstrates 0i Decorations run our Botlcher highlighted the arisirnao program oi tho First Toastmisiress Club at Bar rie Wednesday morning She captivated hennudlenca with demonstration angel making irom method similar to papler manhe The ï¬nal stop of gol spray trausiornu the creation in to an exquisite object arL Mrs Ernie lrvinedn her in troduotion mentioned that iiirs Bouther is an outstanding artist in many iields She also com mented on her many hobbies and talents infraction Moiiatt thanked the speaker ior her inspiration and giving time irom busy sched da President Mrs Ron Stewart added her thanks rparlr oi iun was added by topic mistress Mrs Orv Hardy with her festive onevninute table topics The themouwss carried Isnthel menu Closing thought givenh Mrs Cari Grecnawas humor oua Christmas poem General evaluator Mrs Bill Jones summed the meeting up as being outstanding vsucouvnn rpm rupm should be allowcdio pro at their own speed throughschooi because no grade system lully satisiles that needs atoll chil dren in ca sogcalled average class saysDavid Molreoo dinator oispeclvll programs in tits Vancouver school district In grads anonsander teachers conicrence on con uousfmrogresa children are made to litthe though such chit develops dii There is noehallen stern and al Dcar An Laadsrs What do you think oi moo who Has never been srrong in his llie Has moved In times in It years oi marriage because ha likes change oi scenery Has never sat down at that table without complaining about the load Spends $50 ioroowhoym and raises the rooi oii the hours when his wile buys their little girl pair oi ballet slippers ior use Sneaks out at bed on Sun day mornlngaud goes to good restaurant tor hugs hreakiast all by himseli Was nowhere around when ills three children were born Walks out at his own horns when his inlawa are visiting bo cause they dont agree with him on tho war in Vietnam is Chews hordcandy or potato chips when he telephones his mother because its knows the crunching drives her day it sound unbelievable doesnt it Well the man is my hus band Although am not vary good writer am smart woman Yet lcant iigurs out what the clad is trying to prove hope you will print this clter Milth he sees how he looks in tho nowsp apes he will straighten up and fly right Baltic Fatigue Deartiat Dont Epcot mira cles lady lm printing your let tcr ior other wivcs who write Your husband will make their husbands loolr good in thermcantimo how come smart woman ilk you picked such clinker1 WEDDING RING Dear Ann yLandara Our daughter is getting married next month and we have had so many arguments that Im ready to boyher ladder and tell her in eiope Now she has decided to wear JOAN GARMGK Heads Guild elected President oitho Guild oi Hair Design ior 1968 comes as ates and clientele Joan shares Ooatrios leading hair stylists to set tho style ends andstand ards otueel eoca in thoproies sionby demonstrating to hair wiressersrand th can lair StylingTearntonpau thesame year She hasdemon altatadhairstyling across Cam adniorClalrol Boost and OreaL 11 election tookplans at the coisch house oi leading Tor otorliair stylist Josephhohyk Vie President William Snider Secretary Gwen Edwards Trea arias Tugwcll Show Michael iflutha Styles Mario 2m hshlicity Baiiyilistor Of HaiirfDesign Thhtjdoan Garrick hot been no great surprise to her associ the aims oi this organization oi sheets and wagon tho first IllNli LANDERS ADVISES His Habits Make Other Husbands Look Good while gloves with her nodding gown because aha saw it in movia She does not remember whit the bride did when the groom put the ring on her tinI get She says he must have put tho ring on over tbs dove This does not sound right to me Please give us your option Itmd Sis Dear Road wedding ring over glove makes no um it your daughter wants to wear gloves she should remove them when she mocha the altar DISEONPSI Dear Ana Loaders Our son Sans who is in and sopho more in college was required to write theme on some kind at business venture it had to be practical imaginative and workable Sam asked his dads help with the assignment In stead or giving the boy is tdeas Sams other threw bins cell into the protect body and soul Ha spent several hours on the theme took it down to the cities dictated it to his score tary and had it all typed up He then handed over the finished project to Sam who was delight ed naturally since it had saved him hours oi work Eggnogs Better Than Ever With Tangy Fruit Flavoring chm olr pace eggnogs to your holiday party menus combine an aga old symbol oi hospitality with bright new flavor combinations youll ind toy to connect Whipped cream gives these party drinks that traditionally smooth delicate intone you add diiicseut flavor combinations depending on the ago coup and tbooccaslod Itali adds up to happy gum and carelrco hostess For the youngster or teenag crs choose SANTAS ORANGE EGGNOG Vanilla pudding mix and plenty oi milk make quick bass ior this lint version iro scn orange juice eggs and soil ly whipped cream add party glamor Be sure to allow ior extra servingsi SANTAS ORANGE EGGNOG Makes 14 to to Servings tillromeo package vanilla puddingand pie ï¬lling mix cup sugar quarts milk eggs ccparaled Vacup iroszn concentrated or Inge iuico thawed orange rind in pint cups whipping lcream Combine adding mix sugar andtcup tharnilklnalarsc heavy saucepan Bent sgl Yoiks until light gradually add so malning milk and stir into pud ding mixturc Cook over med iuro heat stirring constantly un til mixture writes to iuilrboii Ileduca heat and cook minute longer Remove iromhaat and sir urns stir In orange iuico and Vi lea spoon oi the orange rind Chili heat egg whites until still but not dry Whi cscam until solt ly silii Gen lold egg whites and whipped cream into pud ding miature Sprinkle with the remaining 55 teaspoon oroogo rind Chill thoroughly Adult merrymakcrs will goth er round the punch bowl thats tilled with CHRISTMAS COFFEE NOG and who could blame lheml This thus the creamy drink is subtly flavored with blend oi colico and um and sports scoops oi ice cream afloat the fluin topping Prepare the oggnog it you like before the party begins At serving time simply pour into chilled punch bowl and add the scoops at its cream CHRISTMAS COFFEE NOG Makes 10 to ill Servings cups cold milk tablespoons instant notice it eggs Vs cup sugar cup dark rum to plot We cups whipping cream pint vanilla lea cream Heat cup oi the milk and stir in instant eeiiee Chili Beat oggs until thick and lemon col ored gradually bent in sugar Stir in coiicc mixture nnn and the remaining corps milk Whip cream until soitly still and fold into milk mixture Spoon ice cream on top of mixture Serve immediately NotevMorerico Iraearn marhc spooncd on top it eggnog stands ior any length oitimc CHRISTMAS WITH FLOWERS Caruso Meetings Long lsstingfloyvering plants iriesh cut flower bouquets Artistic Christmas arrangements RDEll NOW for Christina deli cry anywhere locally or aoywher iiitheiigorld through UFCl illiitlilS sinuous lines serving you dayor night Dnnlop Milll 6111 Mull EXAMINER FRIDAY DECEMBER 131 am annoyed with my bu band ior dotng this Ha says am all wet that the theme was ion and ho ho rn asks his hip again vs no doubt that be will May have your views Mm Mother Dear Mother Sam knows he is not being honest when ha handsinatbemchodionot COLLIER UCW write its bad enough when lricnd helps pull all this calls but when boys ialhu helps him cheat its outrageoua hope your husband wont be too shocked when his sin gets caught at some crooked act oi seflous nation it he asks you When did hilt you can tell him Mrs Cockburn Elected President Mrs Cockhurn welcon approximately 100 wot men to the December meeting oi the Collier Si United lurch and it was meeting that fit ilogly ended busy Centennial ear Remembering oth er there was table piled high with iood tor the Wriiaro cupboard dost ated by memberL lilra Clarke reported on visits made to shutiris and re membranccs taken them during the past week SLATE OF OFFICERS Rev Proctor spoke briefly and then proceeded with the in stallation oi lose oliicers These oiilcers are Past President Mrs CMcNiven President Mrs Cookburn first Vice President Mrs ll Siephcm second Vice President Mrs Roberts Rec ording Seueiary Mrs Her keth bnespondent Secretary Mrs Cook Treasurer Mrs Ross oouvaunna Christinn Citizenship and Soc lal Action Mrs Greer Community Friendship and Visit ing Mrs LCiarko and Mra ll iia Guistlan and Mission ary Education Mrs Tyson Finance Committee Mr Ed ey Flower Committee Mrs ii Morrcn Literature and Com munications Mrs Scott Manse MLsa Helen Smith Mem bership Mrs Bristow Press and Publicity lilr Rei nhold Program Mr Ii Per iar Social Fsrnctioos year autry Comm itt Mrs Bristow Mrs Syuo Stewardship Land its uniting Mrs Macmillan Supply and Walters Mrs President Human Mrs Clark Ch man Nominating Committee Mrs Rodgersi Pianist tire biggie Unlt lenders Mrs Shard Mrs Grail Mrs Roberts Mrs McCuaig assistant Mrs Sea Mrs Kesrsy assittant Mrs By us Mrs Marshall assirtaat Mrs Johnson Mrs lcler Dean assistant Mra Parker PICTURE REVIEW Mr Synooti then took tha members back across the year ho allowed color slides am at the April Thimble set at the September Antique Show and at the presentation to Dr Finlay lnNovember For thaiinal highlight oi the evening everyona moved into the sanctuary when an inspiration al Girlstmas devotional was pro sentcd by Mrs Perlard1lr Scott and Miss Joan Graham with Mrs Diggla It the 06 gan llev Proctw closed the meeting with prayer Dessert and coileo were rem ed under the convenesship at Mrs TYates CHECKWG REPORT OTTAWA CP Canada is looking into reports that tho United States is considering set ting linport levels on minerals Trade Minister Winters said Thursday He was replying lg the Commons toGcorga liens PCNorthumbcrlandl who ro ierrcd to reports current in Ca nadian mining circles and raid the government should tell the us that Canada wwld not taker such step lightly pleasing gift to himtbls Christmasl Choose irons among our man exciting selection of Blacks Deckerpowar tools saws planes sanders something delight ny handyman