Shopping Day tii Christmas Itier an No 298 POPE PAUL Vi speaking to the College of Cardinals as sembled in Vatican City today appeals in the United States Uhr iï¬arririxominrr Barrie Ontario Canada Friday December 22 I967 to suspend bombing in Vict am He also offered once again to mediate in the con flict The princes of the church hadgathered at the Vatican to extend ChrLstmos greetings to the Pope AP Virepholo by cable from Rome IN VIETNAM IndicateLBJ On Wciy To Visit US Troops DARWleAustralin AP President Johnson leit Australia today after attending memorial services liar Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt and con terring with his Vietnam allies but kepthis next stop secret Johnsons plane flew north from Meiboume and stopped in Darwin on the north central coast for retueiiing stop which was not announced in ad vance The route indicated that fne president was on his way to visit US troopsin Vietnam or Thailand rather than that he was flying direct to Washington via the Pacife Therahnve also been rumors the President would stop in Rome to talk with Pope Paul LUnita the ltalianCommu nist party paper indicated the party was ready with giant demonstration against oli cyla Vietnam During his 36 hours in Austra lia Johnson talked with the in terim prime minister John McEwenand leaders at South Shoemaker Tells Bribe To Obtain Municipal Permit MONTREAL CF self empioyed Italian shoemaker testified Thursday he paid $375 Michel to obtain mun pal permit to thissbasomcnt workshop The shoemaker Leonildo Car retta 39 said Caron old him the cast at the permit was $400 lledid not have that much but managed to save $375whieh he gave to Caron Caron then issued the permit Corretta said Prosecutor Gerard Beaudry lied Carratta as his only witness in the case against Ald Caron who was undergoing pre ltmioary bearing on the one bri bery charge facing him other SL Michel councillors and Maurice Bergeron the sub urbs mayor are before the courts on similar charges threeman inquiry by the government into the darin vteimesa tatgots Earlier Thursday prelimi4 nary hearing for Mayor Berge Eoné wiitgn taeersa number at ri eta argcs resude midre eunienra trial designer te tying that the mayor toldhim citycauncil lors took turns accepting bribes Judge Paul Hurteou said he would decide Jan whethei the Bergeron casewould go to trial TELLS 0F VISIT Mr Meunier said hetried to get his younger brother too as fireman in St Michel and visited the mayo cottage our times forthe pur 59 You told rueyou were Well oft beiore we were mar tin US command disclosed US Marine theva summer Vietnam South Korea New Zealand Thailand and the Phil ippinesUS allies in the Viet nam waras well as with Brit ish Prime minister Wilson and Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore His meeting with Solith Viet namese ilgresidcnt tiguyen Vlo ucn rdgwi that the ways to promote peace in Viet nam The statement seemed to make clear that Johnson and Thieu agreed on the advisability of infonnai lhieus ofï¬cials and representa tives of the Viet Congs National Liberation Front without being committed to formal talks with the front as an organization N0 PEACE SIGNS The statement also said the two leaders saw no sign North Vietnam was ready to talk Mcï¬satlfirasreed likiiltkt cumstanccs there was no alter notve to continu ap opr te ihtary action Hold Funeral for Washkanskyr CAPE TOWN iAPt Louis Washkaoslry first man ever to receive transplanted heart wasburied da byterabbt who presto at hi marriage 11 years ago The surgeon who headed the transplant team exhausted by effortsto save Vashkaoslry did not attend leave for are in theUnitad Stat Drxchristian Barns younger one transpiadtte washkadskys wile shows signs idis talks hetween Not More Than WEATHER Bin onnds and morthrriq forecast Low tonight to high Sahriby as For full summary please two to page sixteen 10 Per Copy 20Page PLAN SWEEPING CODE RE Pope Paul Offers To Mediate War VATICAILCITY Reuters Pope Paul offered today to mediate in the Vietnam war as the expectation grew here that President Johnson would visit him before Christmas The Pope in his Christmas address to the College of Cardi nois said he was saddened and amach that all attempts at im partial mediation had been toiled and said he has dared to offer his collaboration Wellinformed sources here said today it was likely Presi dent Johnson would coll on the Pope around artistmas Eye on his way back from Australia But no confirmation was available from the Vatican ital lan authorities or the American embassy Vatican sources said it the president should wish to come the Pope who has been con ducting personal campaign for Queen Pays Tribute To Holt LONDON Reuters The Queen spoke today ot the great capacities and triendllnessï¬f the late Austroii rime mini Tor me it is personal loss as well as the loss of distin gultgbed public servant she so BEliTS CHARGE wnn seasons SUDHURY Onti CF charge of impaired driv is car Nov 12 on High way 11 was caused by de fective smug in un steady walking by dislocated bone in his hip and short fingernails caused the delaylo taking his licence tromhts wallet es also said that worlring underground pro oodvshoteye vented him will an e11 asleep uring police on tioning becatrsqhe had heen on day peace in Vietnam would be glad to receive him The Pope told tho cardinals We are saddenrdgand amused od alter of mediation has been made in vain and each attempt at honest and peacetul negotia tions rejected while on honora ble solution to the grievous and threatening dispute seem to us still posSibie Pope Paul added being aloot from all party interests and impassioned only by the THE CANADIAN par55 inter arrived with arpiash Th rsday in southernaod cenlt tral Ontario as most areas re ported heavy rains flooding power failures and thunder storms Dec Zloliiciaiiy the ï¬t by record high temperatures tween midnight Wednesday and record was set Dec 26 1965 when 198 inches Chatham had 212 inches of rain and flooding conditions were heavy bury Scorcs oi residents in other southern areas reported flooded basements and an earlymorn wich West region causeda so to observe how each dishluest day ot winterwas also marked Wed 10 11th New reinlall marks were so in ing lightning storm in the SandV human values involved we have dared to otter our collaboration in thcmost effective way we may beipermitted and re quested for the reestablish meat of true peace Tho Pope repeated his earlier appeals for stoglto tho Amst caa bombingot orth Vietnam lte also called on the North Vietnamese togive sign of serious desire for peace and indirectly called on the Soviet Union to use in influence to this purpose Winter Arrives with splash Fort William thermometch hit to the highest mark recorded for Dec 21 since the Lskehead weather bureau started keeping records in raw ln Northern Ontario heavy log at Saidtaste Marie celled Air Canada fiights end of the Mac Arthur lock in the Saint system hum Thursdayihei previous in the lowlying ISIONS Compulsory Breath Tests Abortion Lotteries 0n List OTTAWA CP Sweeping changes designed to bring the Criminal Code in line with ad vanced social thought were in troduced in the Commons Thursday Justicc Minister Tru deau predicted they will win rtIpid and overwhelming approv Parliament has shown in the past week thatvlt hvprrpared to deal with socalled progressive legislation the liberalminded toIydearoid ustiee minister to lie evidently was referring to legislation adopted by Parlia ment this week to broaden the grounds iordlvorce The Criminal Code changes brought forward by Mr Tru deau who has been Justice min isterv for eight monthspare the most extensive since revision in the early 1950 Given first eadtnglhursday the changesmnt be debated in detad until Parliament returns from Christmas recess Jan 12 MAJOR CHANGES MADE lb or areas of chang legaiizstlon of therapeutic abortions wheres hospital com mittee certitles that continued pregnancy could endanger mothers life or health tdandatory breath tesmtor persoos suspected ot impaired drivins far racking law that would anw federal or provin governments to hold lotter roe iegalizioghorno sexual acts committed in pri vate by twoeoasenting adults Conflict in the Criminal Code provisions on abortion has made hospitals and doctors wary of performing them for some time Onlythis week Canmons health committees mended that the code be clarified and that therapeutic abortion be al lowed ai it would der the AC IDENIS DROPPED no breath analysis legisla tion ls similar to that which camainto force in Britain Oct news the Er heeo rarnacklagth Christmas giftsand £0031 anunpiesedeoted scale ihmileiong state wa protect tunnel othetehaelitptmoun hleh separatemorthera 36 an amount British Remark Shops mas Gilt espite the rec depressing shops for Tnreego tamer and 20 employees stood pow ens to stop them the bandits gt warningshotinto the the barik the holdup man made entry order veryone to dtZtnlyltper The number of accidents re sulting in death or injn dropped 42 per cent in metropo itan London in the next month The Canadian liighway Safety Council wcicomcdithc proposed Canadian change as much needed deterrent to impaired and drunk driving The test for drivers suspected ol impairment would he madda tory and reading oi to per cent of alcohol or more would he prima tacie evidence at im pairment Justice oificlois said aman of normal size would have to take six drinlrs in an hour to produce such reading The highway safety council said it is disappointed that the reading wont be eighttenths of one cent but it believed that the it passed will result in an immediate reduction in traffic accidents ALLOWS melES Mr Trudeau said the fedcr govenrment doesnt intend to itiate national lottery Hp ever it would be able to do so it and when one was desired The legislation was lairned mainly at preovinces wanting lot teries Que cvhad lottery law oh the books since 1934 await lag enabling legislation ithtd we Manitoba am has ex pressed interest in opc sting lottery Unlike the United States where federal laws prohibit in tarstale lotteries Aor sweepd stakes Canadian province could selltickets in another province with permission of the second province Provinces would also be ob to license religiousand charita ble organizations to operate lot teries with an annual limit of $10000 in prizes Agricultural fairs would be able under provincial licence to sell tickets onand olt thefair grounds ions notrexeeed ing $35000 5D the Injured Trainggtitas wansoo Kan tar train crowded with 190 holiday passe gerscoilid it treight at asldlag iustea nightilheK sas highway patrolssidsome 50 passengers wer iniured nonl badly rappareolly remained hospitalnvemight