TILE BUSINESS Girls chion at the Barrie Curling Club completed their tirst schedule at the 1967453 season and rink skipped by Wyona Wilcox IN SWEDEN captured the Peacock Trophy 1hr Wilcox tormmc which received the trophy irom Doug Lode last night defeated Flora Droicy who conceded in the ninth and ot mend match with the score at Shown here with the silverware are lcit to right lead Mary Ann Sturgeon viceskip Estelle Mc Shipping Magnetic Weds Canadian Miners Daughter GOTENEORG Sweden AP One at Swedens richest men shipping magnate DanAxel Drortrocm 52 Tuesday married in quiet church ceremony 18 yearold Heidi Royce daughter ot Canadian nickel minerr it was Brostroems third mar riage Mist Boyces iirst Bros trocm was recently divorced from his second wife tormar English night club hostess Thameddlng ceremony was edoniy by 20 members or the Brostrocm tarntly and by the brides uncle Wl Prit chard hi wile Doris and their itycerold daughter Patty with whom Miss Boyce lived alter she left home it years ago to go to University in Ottawa Pritcbard also was best man The brides parents Mr and Mrs Hartley Boyce at Sudbur were not present at the wed ding Acapulco Mexico where both were on vacatio Erostroem brought Miss Boyce back here mtiy For along time no hodyxknewot her altistutce until photographer discovered them the Copenhagen zoo earlier this year liiiss Boyce is described as quiet strlk in gly attractive woman especially ond oi trav el Once shchitchhiked bareloot through the Middle Ea ShaLIeibSudhury fly and went to live in Ottawa whereshe studied at Carleton University The bride has become popular in theoborg with her quiet man ners and her good knowledge of Swedish Report say she has every chance to succeed as the teaborg Falconhridge Nickel Mi and Mrs Boyer worked as usuairin the mailing room at the sad bIny Star Mr Boyce has been miner tor 20 years Mrs Boyce said her tear of gin kcpither tromher daugh ten ed ot heights mply couldnt bring mysalt to make the tripby plane Mrs Boyce said she met Broatroem when the couple visit ed Ottawa in July rs 1m since her gr duationtrom Carleton University with an honors degree in geology sag The couplamet last year in lnnis skip Wilcox loaded second Ruth Hiekling our men supper na rink to an 116 decision ova Mei Brass to become the first Trophy winner of the Harry Young SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES TOURING THE WORLD Mr and Mrs Allan Clark oi Peel St have received word from their son Wayne at prisent in Singapore but en route to Austro 113 for Christmas Wayne ictt Barrie two years ago intending to tour the Einopean Continent tor year However the working holiday has been exended and he hopes to complete world tour before ratuming to Chnadar Waynes most recent travels have taken him to tndia Pakis tan and Thailand Mr and Mrs Clark expect to welcome their son home aitcr another year oi mantel CAROL SERVICE in keeping with the Christmas season an Advcnt Service at lessons and Carols will take placsin historic st Thamas Church Shanty Bay tomorrow evening commencing ata clacerThe chn lndel this direction at organist addchalr master Don Dickerson BIRTHDAY PARTY Birthday celebrant hirs Walter Craig ot Mldhurst was surpris ed guest ot honor when 25 mem bers of the family gathered at her home Saturday evening to hold party to mark her birth day Mr and Mrs William Crit tende gar were responsible for the surprise pérty arrange ments which included smorgas bord supper highlighted by de curated birthday cake Guests attending included the honored guests husband and sonsTerry and Billy Mr and Mrs Fred Dobson no Barrie Mr and Mrs Mei Crittenden Mr and Mrs Charles Crittenden and liirs Earl Payne andMrs Beatrice Boyer ail oi Orillia AND mas DANwoman Mr Boyce said he his or atthy Asked what wedding present they would giva tothe couple Mr Boyce said What do you give guy with 5100 000 0007 Mrs Leggett Blake St was ostcss at gtwina and chess Christmas partwior members of the LadyV Sat Armstrong Jones Chapter umzordes£aughtm Empire Each member brought tins and packages ol food to lie meeting hamper tor nerdy family Mrs Beaudoin athorne sndahroa converter MrsBchsaidgtM and rs Broatroern plan to visi Cana extsununer and will spend time timeinSudbu The times also sons Clitt an Donboth in the ad dry area pitalgoymi were completed LA nominating committee was formed consisting Mn ram held Jan to in newlyweds hlclr Vol IODE Chapter to be packed iii Christmas services reported that all diapers and hosj and lit Jan lttrs Boyce bcsaid had baked Ch mas cake for the bee ra VaSto Swede by Mrs wood Pritcbard Mr Boyces sister ssvfnssav Marilyn Qindali Mr WITH FLOWERS Long lasting flowering plants Fresh cut flower bouquets Artlstic Christmas arrangements ORDER NOW for Christmas deliv ry anywherewa nranywhere in the world throughUFCi Social notes are intended to cover the general social ula oi the city District weddings anniversaries bridal showers parties travellers and visitors are all items oi Interest to readers of this page Your holp in supplying this news will he really appreciated Please phone The Darrin Ex aminerflfldm and Ilktar Andray Coulann or Dre user at the Womens Departr meat Mr and Mrs Art Hansen ot Codkstown Mr and Mrs Jack Sinclair oi Wiliawdale Mr and Mrs Albert Link oi Weston Charles Craig oi Midhurst Paul Dohson and Miss Rita Harris oi Greniei Miss Patsy Crittehdsn at Waterloo and Bill Dobsen oi Krtche oer morass camsmaa Panama Amerrytlmewashadbyall celebrated the Christmas Party at the hatinental inn Saturday evening Dancing was enjoyed to th music at ihe Century Tu erehesha with George iohnstone as leader attire hand The door prize was won thegiant Christmas stockingwas won by Bettav Jones Cami Harris Ken Rogers Dot Hawton linger Emmy Verstegen and David Bell won the spotgdances The dance was followed by delicious bullet supper tiyh was heldat KoeDoe Valley rides skidoe rides an old CiilliSTMiiS when the West Bend Company Kurt The childrens Christmas l7ar diiidren enloycd pony ldshioned sleigh ride with horsesvand cutter toboggan and sleigh rides cartoon liims and story hourr ATTEND WEDDING Guests attending the wedding oi Miss Virginia Ksspersky daughter of Mr and Mrs Peter Kasparsky oi Angus and Capt David Iceton at Canadian Farc ea Base Pelawawa were the bridegrooms parents Mr and Mrs Donald icetoa Halifax Nova Sootia the brides uncle and amt Mr and Mrs John Kaspersky Mineoia New York the brides aunt Mrs Peter Sab chyshyo and the grooms aunt Mrs Eralchct Montreal last night at the Bar rio Curling Club in the Sunday alternoon mixed league ï¬nal Shown here receiving the new award nra tleit to right sec ond Rob Tract leadbauraso OBrien strip Traa donor Harry Young riceskip Mary Wase Examincr Photos am run more EXAMINER waoivrsoiv nae to 1951 PAINTINGS SNLEN TORONTO UP Police said Tuesday $250000 worth of paintings and etchings were sto icn Nov it Ironi the Toronto home at John David Eaton Eight works worth about $50 000 still are missing fAréThe Stockings She Mullet Most LikepTokFill