Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Dec 1967, p. 22

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Merry Christmas Happy New Year to OILfrom the Classified Staff Check Your Attic Storeroom Garagel Somebody Will Pay For Your Discards Call Want AdVisor 7282414 22 run more mutual matron DEI ngnn REAL ESTATE ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUN SPECIAL NOTICES CASH Bungemnnts Marriages and Deaths Birth Announclnnznts lmnxlmn Cards of Thanks t25 words additional words do per vior In llemoriarn too versei Verse tper Nunl llne extra Coming EvontL BIRTHS swim in no tun Prank Mnmir or RR New imu oninrlo Inn to annouan to birth at non tpavlcl Pran on many IINerubrr IS 1961 at me Royal darts riospnul nnmr DEATHS nun Stanley slideme on tn mull or nn mtdrnt on sundty manner 17 1B1 Starler Hun beloved hustnnd Rosalind 1th and dear lather John Stein Ink Tommy Stlnlfy Dav mo AroL all home nnllnr Al the irnnru maerll itomr is RudlMd Street Harrie lnr renlce on monotony It no intrnnrnt lhnmton Union Crmeten nnmulnN ornur ii the It al vlrlnrln llnuplui name on in urcrrnorr i1 last run iintrrinr tllnm urloten husband to Norn tzullpm nt llmln our nrotnrr ol iiml rain Krturv ilrl Ilsel nlm 1is limit our urn nulrr or nonert Graham oi coli limit00d nrnltrtr At Mickey Min Home llndu nnuno lnr toe on Ittiirndl Drrrrnlm zi Iltvtrslde run lnlrnnrnt SMALL allld Suddlnlt It tier home no untado nn nonuy number in low nalllttn Romain Rnloved VINE DI the late Waller Grilllrm Small In Mr 7am wont DPIr mother DI Vlolel Ill SHIan tlalllax Lllln thin Prlkrl nl Ylllllll Ill It Illtlrslllll ill at Brisbane Australia strmm nno ttulli i1r Fredericton xn Resting Itlllel Sirdtlh Funeral CIIIR 10 um Irv Street RIITIO Slnlcz In the cinnni on Thursdal Docsmoor ll still tun Interment St James Cemeten Strnud CARDS OF main or the lit George Pounds wlfli to their monds Ellllbflllls llld relum Iur thclr nunv klnnnmet nnrlur nor mun hcrcntrmenL Special thanks to Rev Tom Grnrle III neoton IIIr rnlldflfllnl irrvlct III Half hlld TDIOIIW Alllidlle unaware no and Taylor at Bar rll tn theirJnnd nnnnmnnotnr IN MEMORIAMS xnnmsofl in adult incinan at dw allitr Lyonel nonln son who arsed norv Saturday nrcrmnrr to test Aill1ys remumbtred or Collin William Helen John and Mann COMING evsurs ERl SPRING and SUMM l968 FASHION SHOW eltlnesday Dec 27th it PM 1th noonl Continental Inn FASHIONS BY BEELWE Admission $100 Telephone 7260002 in TELL MORE SELL MORE When you place rov Articles trot Sale no In in name Ear nnllnerkccn these points In mind state evioun usage Price Lpllnlstnry nish Oil CEMENTS RATES 40 words on request REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE II KEITH REMmil ALCONA SPORTS mm Iininture gull course snack bar Iully equipped One 19 games building on 14 19 snack bar one or it built Ilir electric heating new septic tank good llle and pump lrnntage on Alcott Bench road 85351 extra commercial lots avail able at $6870 WINDSOR HOTEL 0n llistons main street stolcy brick 23 rooms 20 bed rooms lining M7715 living room lull basement hot water heating stores all muted Furniture and fixtures included sizing $55000 CRAIGVAIE SCHOOL lulll concussion Britl vnnter one stomy floor space one roomt tu basement poured concrete dlv ltlld Nearly new furnace plen ty ot water on pressure one acre laud bonulllul spruce and maple trees Suitable or WA $10000 SOIFIH OI RARRIE 25 acres bushland close to Lain Simcoc suitable for camping grounds good cedar bush 175 on concession road Everflow ing stream $2000 donn POULTRY OR TURKEY FARM 20000 cement block building tully equipped lalllin cooler steel born 22 47 storey brick house living room bed rooms combination kitchendim ing room sunroom unfinished tamin room baseman oil iur nacc wells on pressure easy terms $51M Contact Edw Snow Stroull IRS8116 or Doro thy Colbourne Strnud 1361387 KEITH LTDI REALTOR AREA REPRESENTATIVES Bahtoch Dorrie 728 Colhnurne Slroud 561387 McLean Elmvnle 181 Maclmd Barrie 7274759 Snow Stroud 43643116 Wood Ora 4872423 Spencer Thomlon 4584921 Filrsimmons Chllill tswozo nit Egllnlon Ave East Toronto 12 Photo IIIIS Realtor ROSE APPRAISALS MORTGAGES RENIAIS 15 OWEN ST Boatititiubacir splitleliel llOlIl with attaollell garage leaturinz bedrooms family sired kib clien large rumination living and dining room Very early possession Stroud PROPERTY iron sALI SHELSWELL and WILLSON HIS mu mm nonunion shorten ll Dunlap El 7311 mu TAKE rumam LUCK People who rely on lock to all thdrbmleluiallyendupwiththeshoflmdotthealidr WI have mine good advice to give you Why not call us now Jack iiacim rattern TIVOSIOREY RUG BRICKFilan tamin htme in 100d centrzl Large kitchen entirely modern Attained garage lull basanent only six lean old in mollent oondition Call Mm Atkinon M96 No 15167 res72M 725m mm 718050 onus Ail51M CARSON WORHEY STREET TELEPHONE WI om nmwn unium Tarmuh need Atuam Norn rune loan in 6an Slndalr helm Mdhlu mutt Snotml Willon 71m ml 139 mmo Hm maul IntIll liEIW 5201700 idiom home $215m Central do to public land high rdiools has carport Tclcplione Cam mull taller 530 pm metal Norm Synnott nil2m Russ Carson mlfil Bill Hamilton 7285175 Rupert chralli Elmvlll man Diaries Hepnortli CAMPBELL PHOTO ILS REALTOR 31 HIGH ST Mil RES 72am ULTRA MODERN executive hungalow in one at Battles tincst areas we have superb home wear garage automatic dish washer large bedrooms and baths Slidingltlnss doors load to patio This home at distinction has 77 NRA mortgage and may be inspectod at yourconvnninnce by calling our oilice Charlie Read 77mm Hugh Plowman mom loon Campbell 4mm Ron Allan mom Doug Campbell 4974123 Bud Watson 7230915 Smith Cnmpbcll 7287389 Fried Taylor 7701203 FRANK NELLES Photo III Realtor gt 79 BAYPIELO STILEITl ZSI405 BEAUIIFUL EECUIIVE HOME IN BARRIDVIEW INSIGHTS llilltop DOM overlooking Kcmpcntclt Bay largo Intdlcnliving room dining room tour Inrgo bedromm family room with lire place and has double garage electrically hcntod Quality mater ials and llorkmansliip insure the value of your investment and minimiie costs NHA mortgage at little COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE IN THE CITY It you can pay rent you can own this home take the landlord oil your payroll This is an economical tlvnbtdroom bungalow with living room dining room kitchen and large garage well situated lot Fill price $13500 EVENINGS CALL mom Boa SAUNDERS Cookstn lamt mum 11 tCHUCK Comm 72599 moons mm STAN ilAilnioNo HIKE lupus FRANK NELLIS EMORY MlLLER HLS REALTOR MORTGAGESVARRANGED 51 Dunle St West NIH Harvey Weber lsfiéfllfi Robert Flewelling 7285887 Rita gt Scandrett 7251865 Polar hlanton moans Emory Miller Percy Ford Gordon Spencar Emerson Swain Kmndll Miller 7260563 BIDWELL Realtor Photo MLS 33 COLLIER STREET PHONE 7284480 FOR RENTSpacious 2bedroom apartment available January 1968 Allnndale area Couple only $90 monthly CallVilrn Bidwell millet maria noose storm ll iith MORRISON mum IthA ntDWnu moon ELAINE lumen mm HAROLD FORSTER COMPANY 93 Baylleld Street PHUIO MLS REALTORS 1W Mortgage FundsAvailable Free Customer Perkin EVENINGS CALL Gunny mosmmm GLORIAKOSSATZ mannaammo IDENEVFOIIBBS Maui HA ROGERS £7 CONNELL Photo illusllrnlnr pomegranan msr At the riv Po inane it easier tor the pruspefl Ito oily nonlemner the ilrltciu ptnr Sale classification Is the in lnrtnrelac VCLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE Schwinn nriwrusrrn air and null tor these pares must lo re rrrvrd Lona dny prrrrltlnz nubucatlnn trill urn ureptlnn at clnnullied Dlsplly adverLl whlchd inlayln must aox olivine are so cents Id rnr fll any mamlnet Box Number entity otan Number use is strictly ronnunn mum in inruer anm will It only to gum liter Iul dn DMDUDIUDD sari Multipla nrdurenmhlenl ylfl cansrllallpn Whlfl atlslnctorv moraine nor roman srLirirnNEL $1 Lover bedroom split level home featuring separate sunk on lviag room and nsepnrate dining room one lull piece ceramic tile batllrnom 2piete res gar mo montu including principal an taxes All Rose nu mans Bill MackDES Res 7260M Russell Smith Res 7739996 77mm BETTERTHANAVERAGE 16 storey room home located on Dufterin Street lflenturés Iulll basement linished recreation paypm mono ruil roarnrriromn air condition laxrte lot tri APPROXDIAMYvam med land to Inchu enroll Loin mm at 35 cl rl nanta tuned rarne comotclalr moor hmixce ht no nrmlnml AConnell 9765J FINI Eplett 7289711 Rogers 7263582 lrs hottag Roggrs RoalEsia Broker nramam 14m isms PAY MONTHLY 5219 mm 13031 83361 EORROW $15m $1501 003 37 Ml MISSISSAGA PHONE IMIIIEDIAIE lst and 2nd Mortgage loans Anywhere on ALL noun noun AND conuntcuu rilomm 90 OF VALUAIIONS If You Need Money compliant dahll ry or molar norm min on orn lmnmrrmnta CAM volththl cau Wrim or Phom mogul Mortgage minding our SlrnpsonSears ID DWP ET lumbar Ontlrlo Marum Brutti Anodan WANT MORTGAGE First or Second at low simple inlnrest Up to 807 of your pro petty value Low monthly pay moan up to fitteen years to repay For any mortgage pro blems see COREY Real Estate SJ Dunlap St 7282419 my soul new monrm It her not lntoron year than 1er phone littzr mo 72mm no YOU own moiinner and tub milrnl In nurrnm mm 77 will run had you money on hindlnl 7199911 leuannce MOVING Dont Iorgel to Lralleer your INSURANCE and it you need extra coverage at any kind soc SIEVENSONS 113 DUNIDP st in mum BUS OPPORTUNITIES TEN PEOPLE required In the Barrie and immediate area Minimum investment of Inndollnrs puISyuu in your min business Good profit Immedi ately and commission on pur chaser lnrsuccesstul applicants Part or lull lime Training is requirement and is supplied lrcelto start the New Year in your aim business nrile Box A31 Barrie Examiner RENTALS APARTMENTS TO REN it 3°71 Wéohlmmsi on or run Tnltsphone new antimony surgicalfire wn Imp mrlr Telephone moi neutron lml oar nrdroonl apartments tor not st Vincent Grave am all Burr mm rtmNIsaizn room nonvenlemei on paved nlrnw mdwlll botween mint and Bags Availaaic Iln uly reasonable vn road neigh om 7757159 alter 170 to now bourhnod Tellph ptn and to hat room and near pity iiu relL amounts litigmraeroqm onemm aumr Mock mm lhm llrlnded nun antral VMMOHA thlry mill your nurture rmqu Ilcnun lull man can gatefilmm nuns Moitroncef CONSOLIDATE SECOND MORTGAGE MONEY mm TERM KATE WAY WAN pan Ahle or run 16 15 Yean 15 15 Year 15 Years 12 15 Years OPEN MORTGAGE N0 ARRANGING FEE INTEREST IS CALCULATED ON THE DECLINDIG BALANCE CAC REALTY LTD ST DRILLIA 32mm RENTALS HOUSES FOR RENT numr mun mrrauon mom name etc to schools Mtnnoal room NEWroux alumni army nutu tor rent located steels strut turn 7m monthly rom aloll lflimedlntely Tamra 718 ml or mom Two BEDROOM circuitany tinted home or rent mrrlimed noprov naileiy taller ironi Barrie on payed rotd mention moon or 7mm rUnNisrrtn bedroom 1mm bun galow opposite mar uremnlnr ilxppltrd rv outlet Inl nut limit and water non mortally nriwnone mom WHY located house or mu Apply mounlop street Wen Mr Miller information nous mu 11m west end at nurir close to schools Awlv no Dunloo smut West gtARTS FOR SALE 400 GRILL GROCERIES MEAIS vnnlnrirs IOBAOODS toners PARTY NEEDS Opén am II DunlopSt From womans pnintml vinyl KITCHEN AID Dishwoshelg Ivy Hobart are the greatest in time and temper savers See the lull lino ROBINSON HARDWARE 31 Dunlop 5L 7281131 NORTHWAYRUE co LTD The house at line broadloom DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED BROADLOOM Remnants all sizes and price 67 Collier st Phone mlall woon um ror rue motor and at wood ohm nos Telephone flit7m gum outran or rule unimo ma condition duh hIhY ensue 34L rm AND Wm ior nll ll reel vent roori condttlan sin also Nluhll iot tnnuumtnnjt MBAYFEEUJST moist SPECIALIZINGJN RURALPRDPERTIES LEvnnlngn cell LEOCAVANAUGH MW LARK bill your 11 int and van mortgaga mustth gnaw HIDE cum on rrtéringiit not hnméant 93 on low monthly paymultnrWa eu centrally tout pnleit mve Telephone AM nedlmntlrs andrmldnf tar ties Close to when mt sibl rnr nrtuitr Amity zoo wanton reiepponn ratlone cooking dill Irritable Ul nntlunnu onlrJJrlnpnnn mrsai Dialertum used twice mmvkt room nounLumen limp m1 leanllldelhmentlndlfldlm ovumTe not pt nut RODNEY equliilem eon mm tiirtu saintart tflnslstur ram up too mite murmur M0 77m hell trim or error nun nr ate in nu Gambul cmnplete who so lll sio Tel Evlwllm utm pm Cm mmlar with med txelbllkemtmeod Ind wood furnace ldnll of WI Telephon enema 1aner air ma nod raondiuon tin man in 19 Telephonqu all and rum dour prlce on Illle 10 elm Olockn and rub llnt nymnje Whilst finenntooymg whit inward Eliot to iirnt ouu lotens Vlllnhlo uni euorite OIIIIJIBENI mt Boot lnrrnan amt soon no Oolllnr snot Ime 1Alk 10p xoc mohair nil antes whit wttito pleasant Coleman WHO18 War or Bulking Im ARTS FOR SALE NEWSPAPER MATS Stu ll uni tor that dillhm was nuts ur rtr volincl insulator Only my arm mun Smut Nutl nt II for MIL tlnhl mm on Within ltlchlou Mural said mad rlleRd rm stu ltypenilrr co nu WW We 30 INCH mam llectfla nxecuem topdillpo namuac VIIfilm thunk DID Ind ii whlu bitch ole utrnerl rain in ram Mud Inns nos mum automatic sol utter Hall 15 in nu arownlnr automatic ms 1134 hirer us all with maximum RCA Victor lend Idlvlflon INT model use 1701 SamChiller is root minim cult nuly unload convertible top an motor or fill trad or mobile minim will am doublo autos duster $150 unit with tax to am wtndon lulu poms pun rim hump noun tools ru IIll ll cardent Comeston non om mlh ast ol Hirhm Tl Telvnhm Ila mitts DOGS In PETS culminan am armr lemurs Snltu pimple Ind onion All Diluplel Kempmg muon 7756137 runrnnxn oerm orienting vim nlu tor ntr mustard lllll be mdy ior minim Telephonu mans mo Iooflnl tor bone oerinn varloun colours um old rakpnonr mitu ask or Jliuilo Between I030 Ian and an DMZIISIIUNDS llrd or him un best madlnl Poodles at late brown 1qu only ripnono nrealzy 1mm srnzrulm HUSKY male mun nie nermmd bmllent amnion and imposition mun and snow stock loo Ayaliaoia now Mad tlrn nn coonlown moon LilanAnoR mm lor nie pair monuu old milrd unlen pomi nounhmkeu anon with dilldnh lelnphonn OA 10 mm Borden lemon com and Alloak vim Din tor ule choose now will hold im Christmas manhood mum Iorfurlhtr douuy CHRISTMAS rases and mo CHRISTMAS TREES Good selection ot Scotch Pine and Spruce KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HA Corner Berczy and Codrlngton Dot open DAILY until 10 pm no semen rllnI new tee to reel Wholeah or retail no ply ass Shanty Bu am or tolr phone ARTICLES WANTED WANTED nlmlulre Slwnl AD nlllnm Dlrhu Anunuu Roth Second lurid Shop mom CASH FOR oldlutilorled clocks RIMS nhliu silver books etc Antique cellar FRUITS VEGETABLES SPIES CORTLANDS Mara Dolls luus Im dellvnrv tn Earrlo on bushel or nnm menu 61 Sanford APPLES Cortland Mm and soles Apply Roots Concession oro rrlnnnnnn 7751301Plusc brlnl own contain in Sunday ulrr BARRIE EXAMINER WANT ADS SE LL71 MOSTANYTHING aooxlteerluo agave is mun map in com nu running ms ACCOUNTING am aria milligram tantmlbuhdonlld St Barri retention moses duornanhu Pdntluflnd Dmflni nilinn leedwnrhnflnflitl Phon mom WRANJPMIING tJlIflN Anne Smel Blflfl 7169166 gt xlulu LE lunar rw Iflml X99 DIR roc uplnr can sunny nu mourn gsunwnowm in service All one it nonrio tract nourirvrues aspenSlowing mm sNowrmwm done in Handin finer contrary arhtnturkyn7e urns i=rlllieats=SIrlllrulilrarlesineiFnt moorMWH on your Job immediately ARTS ron SALE CALL 7280580 It you need itWo have It MARTIN Rental Centre A31 Dunlap St FARMEESLMRKT DEAD Dead or crippled cattle Ind horses Small animals removed tree For Ian refiice PHONE BARRIE mm COM or ask or NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE zitiournony 7dnysnweeh RR Poxmend Ontario Incense No new Nltk Montague Prop FARM MACHINERY HANK BROWN Delaval Sales Service DAIRY FARM EQUIPMENT Complctn line ol Dairy Farm Equinmem Supplion Barrie Holly Hwy 17 MASSEY FERGUSON Sale and Service Guaranteed tractor overhaul BARBIE FARM AND INDUSTRIAL LTD Hwy TI mile south of Barrio 1264485 CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Santa Case New Holland David Blown Batty 17 BURTON AVE mOII CASH TRADE TERMS LIVESTOCK FOR SALE YORKSHIRE PIGS Iur ulc wash old lelenlioul Vlllllm Mr renon Grown HllL mm Houses of uie nay mare color tall you old 7150 stallion com in turn old 50 Telephone meme AUTOMOTIVE cans FOR SALE VIAU nRAMBLER 11Golvan St 7266133 195 cnsv Sedan cylinder auto matic tn show room condition Ego best otter greengunman Elth no Telephone mil 1955 mutton tor nle ninnlnlr eondltltm 3m 77mm R59 MRI body moloi in excellent palliation ano rim only belt odor Tilplug more alter an on Telephon 1961 hand man mum whom lop fully tritium oat mention mummwmm INSULATION BUSHING moo Multan Imli Oumnuld Idrpnruggisnlnmm PLASTERING Yuma Milan Harm fins 70 on gum fab pl iiiu noooor motl emulates numlrrnm CARPENer mommy rhnovtlonl home construction nyitmmnmd manner ridum untom isuowetowER Rea ins Con Show slower alien Ind service Lawn M0779 and note Tiller wlnkr noun autumnr 1r 171 Burton

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