RINGING IN ii WEDDING lionirealers harry Robin and Phyllis Badman got en gaged recently but Barry did nt come across with the ring Wheni asked Phyllis Satur day said Barry hut didnt any which one ihrood out it was Dec 15 when harry drove ANN LANDERS ADVISES An Occasional Nudge Acts As Gentle Reminder Dear Ann underex This letter is tor the thousands maybe mil lions oi people in the country who should sit down and write to mother lather sister brother grandmother or good iriend Yet they have put it of because they think they have nothing oi inleth to say Modern lilo puiia iarniiies apart it also makes heavy da mande on our time and energy We all knew it is not easy to write gem oi letter Moreov er when most oi us review the weeks activities they seem too dull to recount Please take my word for it irlends they wont be dull to the person you writing to Just receiving lat ter givea most iolks ilit Ai rmost anythhig you any in let ter will he oi interest ii the per son carer abort you So dont wait today and wriie youva heenputting oil Youll eel good about it and you will make someone awiully happy TMM uBeu iMMr We all need an asional nudge to do the things we knowwa should do you iorthia entle prod unanimous Dear Ann Landerat An and end uncle who raised my broth er and me announced at dinner last night that they have pur chased 11 huriai plots aeiwe can all rest together The plots are or my aunt and male my sell my husband our two chil dren my brother hla wile and their two children and my grandparents whose my aunt and male plan to have said nothing when the an nouncement was made hut later my husband and talked it over and decided we dont want to that letter remains obligate ourselves in this way Fket oi all we iecl that Aunt and Uncle should not have made such tarreaching plans tor our children who are teenagers They may want to be buried with their mates assuming they marry or they may want to be emated and not buried at all Ruthenium my broth ers wtias iamily might have some objections did not dis cuss this with her hut could see irom the expression on her lace that aha wasnt too pleased with the idea either Aunt and Uncle have been wonderful to he and we dont want to hurt their ieellngs Please tell us what to doino Mach Togethcroua Dear Too Much It was pres umptuoua oi Aunt and Uncle to per you to accept their moral rules it you will pardon the expresaioaslha chances are good that they will pledeeease you in which case you have plenty oi time to decide what you want to do in the mean time say Thank you and make no commitment WW4 OPERATION Dear Ann Landen am Phyllis to this billboard and handed over the ring The wed ding That will be on Sun day CF Wirephoto young girl with terrible looking legs its not that they are too int or too thin in iaet they are shaped rather well The proh lcm is that my legs are all blotchy irom poison ivy and pol eon nah also have an ugly scar where cut myseli on milk bottle when was very young The textured stockings and high boots are blessing bra eventually they will go out at style and than what will do Do you know oi solution Looldng Ahead and brooding it Dear lookingzli your legs are as unsightly as you say you should see physician about procedure called abrasive plan ing ihe outer layer at skin can be removed by landing pro mess This operation has prov en highly successful in great many cases TALK POSAPDNED TOKYO Reuters The iiith CanadaJapan ministerial eon sultation scheduled ior next April in Tokyo has been post poned until alter the liberal convention on request from the Canadiangovemmant the foreign ministry said Tuesday CARRIER MISS YOU ll your Barrie Examiner carrier has not arrived by mm please phone 7282433 And Copy oi The Examiner Will an Delivered To Your Egon by pm THERE iS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI oRIveYouasstr cans AND rRucKs Mailer Deluxe tiEleCiricIRunge ohm stylingincluding glass cont panei spillproof cooking surinee fluorescen ghtios automatic ciods able oven sides hinged bake and elements recesred oven light eeiety lens variahie broil ohnirol doorhan Final TouchUps Before Christmas Lut minute cleaning touchvnps are on every housekeeping aged da beinra the holiday season starts area ii the house has been treated to good oldlashioned nu rleanlng One lob thats inevitably on every todo list is the wood norL knobs and light switches where hands make contact with the run roundiag painted suriace And its not the daiidrena rib hy little hands that are respon ZELLERS munLdoer ensuing slhle ior all ths Imndgea Your skin even the skin on your hands contains certain amount doil mditetiï¬soiithatleavee marks in the iorm inger prints To get rid such soil thereiore you need product at pedaliy designed to cope with oil and grease an emailliier or youll iind yourseli gain over the same aoriace time and time again in vain One emulsi iier that can be counted on to over lightly application is all soda concentrated Ilsa rain um oi three uhlupooar oi the eel to quart oi hot water and Wblliflm out spurge Rinse hmrlm with fresh water wipe dry with doth and youre done Another spot in the house by line or markup the bath room tiie particularly those areas around the sink and bath tub where snap splatter settles Sinea soaps contain fat you need the name antidote aa ior woodwork an emusliier Here again you can use all sold tine applying it with semi brush or ior particularly stub born buildopr apply ltdry II it emu out oi the package Either method does the ch in seconds and leaves the sparkling ll BARBIE names WEDNESDAY DE HO PREDICT WUDBY WKYO AP President Ho ml hiinh 01 North Vietnam mmrauniata alter long hard fight He spoke in or cast to leaders oi South Viet TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS predicted Tuesday campieia nama National Liberation victory or the Vietnamese ZELLERS erase VALUES now can NOT as mucosa SHOP EARLY son assr SELECTION LIMITED ouau rules on MOST iTEMS NYLONTRICOT eowus AND PEIGNOIR SETS Full size range colors and styles to suit the most demanding taste TO 299 LARGEST SELECTION EVF spice TENDER Front TOUCH By Helene Curtis BATH OIL AND AFTER BATH FRESHENER BATH OIL AND MOISTURIZER REGULAR $375 79 DISCOUNT OF oaser FLOWER spam coma mo venom LARGEST SELECTION ever Discouur or 44 25 serous FOR mutantso ONLY will be open daily lo plniiilly Christmas SPICE RACK Earlysjmeflean ï¬nished hardwood shelveswith 12 will tilled with quality epioea eHILaRsNs VINYLV rLaeesof