IUST DROPPED 1N FOR TEA Bert Herridgc NDPKoolcn ay West said he didnt teei discriminated against Monday night at Ottawa when he join ed party of NDP members secretaries Ho just donned wig gloves and miniskirt and was one of the girls CF Vilepllntol Author Of Etiquette Book Plans TojBIeiak OWn Rules NEW YORK AP Since Amy Vanderbilt makes the rules shecan break themor change them which she intends to do before taking her fourth trip to the altar soon to wed Curtis Keller lawyer Soon depends upon how much time it takes her to discov er closet space for husband in her litroam hou5e on ManhhtA tans East Sideuprohably at the end of February she says Whenever the ceremony takes place all eight children by the couples previous marriages will be present Any devotee of the Amy Van derbilt New Complete Book of Etiquette justrevised might assume this to be breach of etiquette It says on page 99 It is poor taste for children of first marriage to even attend the marriage of either parent the second time Nowshe knows how wrong she was was thinking of those dreadful Hollywood marriages where the children switch par 1KinetiesMark eats almost from day to day th the very proper 59yearold ar ter of the proper thing to do My boys raised hall at the idea of being left out With an interval of 14 years between her third and this her fourth marriage Amys three sons are nearly grown Though Keliar was divorced last year Amy concluded it would heun fairrio have her offspring on hand without the bridegrooms five youngsters ALTERS TRADITION Asa descendant of the first InSiallation Four memberswere in stalledsatthe Christmas meeting of theKinette Club oi Barrie Kinette comiltee last night at Miramar Gardens ilfrmenahers and five guests xn attendance Mrs Eob Eld rldge John Bate Mrs Ken Bag and Mrs Bill McKel On behalf oi the club presi nt nrrsinun arraypresented an Honorary Member Certiï¬cate to rs Vflson charter to years otptar greed tobe eochelrmeb of the riean Vanderbil Jan Aest installed as Kinettes Presidents Mrs Ross sen van dcr Bilt Amy fecls gerr teely qualified to alter another wedding traditionthe recep tion The VanderbiltKeller recep tion for its guests will be held at least two months heiore the wedding on Dec 30 in her soundproot living roam There before the fireplace in the re ceiving line will be the couple as well as his children Lucia Curtis William Betsy and Mar tha Keller and her children Stephen John Vanderbilt Knopf Patrick Paul Vahderbllt lr and Lincoln Gill Clark think the reception before hand ts vondcriui idea for people like us says Amy The later wedding ceremony itself wdl be small and private It will take while the briderobe fig tires to build workshop in the basement convert bedroom into study and create more wardrobe room lorKeliar If there was place for it in her etiquette book Amy would offer some advice to divorcees She thinks they should forget about getting married again see psychiatrist and get rid of your hostilities My psychiatrist tells me lm completely changed person was already happy person when met Curtis didnt need him to make me happy Mutuoi friends hrought the couple together alter many months of persuading Amy that blind date was not necessarily bore DISTch PARTY Staff members of the Barrie Branch of Beaver Lumber were joined by other employees in the district for Christmas party Saturday evening at Baystairs Lodge ltï¬nets Point Guests at tended from Sutton Newmarltet Allistnn Orillia Midland Collr ingwood Gravenhurst and Hunts ville Dancing was to the music of Gord Visons Bandand sev eral spot prizes were featured The party which was organized by John Perry concluded with buffet supper Dear Ann Landau The other day went to the basement to get the clothes off the line dis covered that our dog Pal had pulled all the clothes down and was furious Pal knew he was in trouble because nhen went upstairs to get him and show him what he had done he was cowering in the corner and re fused to budge He has done this before and ive been trying to break him of the habit but havent had any luck was determined to get Pal downstairs and spank him but he was just as determined not to go Pat is an asrpound Ger man shepherd and you might as well try to pick up grand piano So took the groom and began to shove him doivn the stairs At that moment two teenage girls were passing the house Our side door was open and they saw me prodding Pot with the broom They yelled for me to stop beating the dog Ono girl said was cruel and inhuman and that she was going to report Christmas Dinner Approximately too members of the Women Teachers Associa tion of Simcoe enjoyed deiir cious Christmas dinner last week in the hall of Westminer Pres bytcrian mulch Steele St alt midst background setting of poinsettia and candles Head table guests inciudcd Mrs Grant President ofSimcoc As sociation Miss Doris Kearns Director of Region ftev and Mrs McKenzie Mrs Quin ton Miss Kay Sigurfonsson Ex ecutive Assistant Federation of Woman Teachers Associations of Ontario Toronto Mrs Ron Stewart and Mrs Theicn welcome was extended by Mrs Stewart president of the local association to those pre ent including Vformer teachers and members from Barrie Base gardenEimvale lnnialil and TD Cami singing was led by Miss Pam Beatty with Mrs Mar rlson providing the piano accomo pnniment The speaker for the evening Miss Slgurlenssonwas introduc ed by Mrs Thelen In an inter esting and humorous way she exploinedhcr work in the Fw TAO office which serves mem bership of over 27500 the sw and largest teacher group in Canada Miss Sigurlonsson went on to say that MAO assists not only its own membes hnt also other women teachers Fin ancial support is givento Esk imo and lndiao women atadcnu who wish to continue their educa tion Assistance is alsogiven un derrthe fnternation Project of the canadian Teachers Federation to African girls who wishtn turv ther their education either in Africa or Canada This past sum mer live members were teaching other teachers in Africa and the The speaker was thanked Vaughn Quinton and apprecia tion tothe ladies who provided the dinner was expressed by Dorothea Tompkins mhers from JohnsbechoollnBarfle were or charge of the arrangements Workshop For Arts Gratis SimeoeCounty Arts and Crafts Association had Christmas Workshop in St Georges Parish Hall Mr Biondei of has Bo ideowas assistedby of Barrie committee served iunch to decide whether the Asao Darbyshire and Mrs the making of Christmas decor atlons Some very original and interesting articles inere made by grou Atrthe clash afternoon Mrs Giirbyand her generahmeetiog was would continue the Quilt and Rug Fairs which far and have onlydrom gtSimcae ty and all over the Prov ince of 0ntariohut from over the Borders also so Women Teachers it demonstrating an ANN LANDERS tousrs Dog Lover Caught In Act Of Discipline me to the SPCA both girls were on the verge of tears tried to explain but they refused to hear my side of it So Ann want the girls to know was not beat ing the dog merely trying to discipline him if the SPCA comes to our house tli die of embarrassment you very muchAnimal Loter Dru Lem Heres your tet ter and hope the girls see it also hope your husband buy you clothes dryer for Chrisb mus Holy Redeemer Chapel at Can adian Forces BaseBorden as decorated with baskets of white and red mums and bronze and yellow poms for the afternoon wedding of Miss Virginia Geor gina Anne Kasperslcy daughter of Mr and Mrs Peter George Base Pettawawa is theson of Mr and Mrs Donald Allen fee ton oi Halifax Nova Scotia RemClaude Shea otticiated tlle ceremonyAsndiM sum of Base Borden wedding music BRIDAL GOWN Given in marriage byyber la ther the1hrldn chose floor length Alme gowo oi white bri dal satin with bracelet length bell sleeves The hem of the gown and the edges of her brid al veil were embroidered with an appliqueoi scalloped Chan tilly lace headdress ofesntin lace The bride carried bouquet of red Sweetheart roses As something new titegbride voreaTstrandnt cultured pear gift from the bridegroom velvet wrtb matching darkgreen telnetbows as headdresses Th best man on VCapt seer AND nits DAVID owned the Dear Au union Pieaso print my response to the lonely widow who signed herself Dts couragod Ste wantcd to know where all the eligible men are hiding Dear Discouraged am not hiding am resting lrn prolessiflaal man with no money problem widower in my early 10s have son lm proud of lm resting because am tired of matchmakers who have tried for three years to pawn off every available old om THE BARRIE IXAMINER TUESDAY DECEMBER 19 lbï¬ mm studio Photo IGEION Militdry wedding Borden iliggs of Base Borden and ush ers were CapLH Peck and Capt Caverson both of Canadian Forces Base Petawa WB Comprising the guard of hon or were Capt Chambers Capt Hutson Lt Chis holm and Lt Meeting all of Fetawawa Capt Addy of Ottawa and Capt Jplfey mans of Base Borden RECEPTION For the reception at RCAF 8X Angu bridï¬es mothe wearinga oorlengt een crepe and matching coat of brocade de signed on empire lines White accessories and white Cymder dium orchid corsage comple mooted her ensemble The bridegrooms mother was gowned in floor length skirt and jaeiret of gold silk faille with hat of beige flowers and gold accessories white Cy gold wool suit with Persian lamb collar nudgeoffs black acces series anda white Cattieya or chid corsage The newinveds will reside at CanadiadForeesBase Petaw wa mootcity guests attended from Halifax Nova Scotla Min cola New York Montreal onto St Catharines Otta gt maid career girl widow and di vorcee they know Im tired of being told should get married because my son needs mother know it But also need wile Most of all lmtlred of being told there are no available gentlemen over all in this world have run intotwo major problems Women who are not indies When will mar riagemioded females learn that no lasting friendship ever tiartr cd in bed Ladies who are not women Being soft looking pretty and smelling nice does not add up to honesty good moral or that vitsi spark that makes man went to see woman again and again So Honey if you qualify dont sit around and wait for me to find you Join clubs even if the people seem seedy tcwci will sparkle anywhere Go on dates even if you have to use judo to defend oursci once in while To put it bluntly stay in circulation if you sit hem Ill never find yousun hour but Still when youre through resting youd better go into hiding You sound too good to be true Confidential to Diamonds Are Girls Best Friend Sorry but the cash register in the back ground was makin so much noise could scarccy hear the wedding bells Was it mar riage or merger you were talking about My advice twhich lm sure you will ig nore is to cool this relationship until you find out what else he has to otter So far all can see is $ecurity PEOPLE AND PLACES Call Andrey Couiron or Dee Wismcr at CARIBBEAN CRUISE Maurice hfncbaren CA returned home to Barrie on the weekend from trip to the Caribbean lie travelled Air Canada to Barbados then spent two tracks cruising by yacht to Various islands including St Vincent then home by air from Antigua ALBERTA GUESTS Mr and Mrs Pat Bertram and son Bob have re turned to their Shanty Bay Road home Mrs Bertram had been for several weeks visiting reiatlvesin Alberta erilert rem moisten tastier ident rot Barrie Curling ab and Bob motored to Calgary in three days visited there for week then returned to Barrie They reported good travelling except in parts of Northern 0n tario on the trip west NEW liltNiSlER Rev and Mrs Kenneth lleron and family from Petroiiu have taken up residence in the Prom byterian mouse on lVorsley St Mr Heron is the new minister ofSt Andrews Church GETTOGETHER CLUB Senior citizens of the GetTo gather Club will mark the line meeting of the year with pot luck lunch and exchange of Christmas cards this afternoon at the Army Navy Air Force Hail Dunlap St The prev ious meeting attended by 56 members was highlighted presentationvof gold mem er shlp pin it Seal Mrs CMcCor Showman to retiring presidan mack received mohair stole in appreciation of her services as pianist Club members were in vited guests at the Christmas party held Friday evening for residents of the 100 home hfcetings will resume in the new yeor on Jon and all citir zens over so years oi age are welcome LADYS CARLISLE av Lennon FOG Colder ZIPlNV rWormer ZiPOllT inMontlts SERVICE snout one ante sires Aviiiablo Excinsivetytrln arm atlbeau at lotenlghtandflnd en asgittsYou