DISTRICT wows Should Control Region Regimes STROUD Siam II we are going to have more regional gov Hnmenl the ratepayers who pay Ior it should have more say TEE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY DECEMBER C1 Says Ratepayers replacing them with new boards to look ailcr large areas think the ratepayers should have been told more about the plan betoie SIAYNER Stall Staynerl hockey Lions uhlch have shown signs oi regaining last winters stellar arm which enabled them to take the Georgian Bay inter mediate ngp honors are sswadulod to entertain hieaiord Knights in tbeir next league ac tion at the Stayner Arena on Wednesday night Coached by Len Cook oi Coll ingwood the Lions have hit the heigth at times and didnt tare so well in other games In Don WardIe the team has what local hockey ianr consider the best gonltcndtr in the circuit Paul White Bob McKean Harold Reid and John lialoney have been and has retired train the line up tor the present It least GOLG STRONG White alcttean and Reid have teamed together well on one line while hialoncy has played with George Barman and Don Cook third attacking division is mode up at Sandy Donald Dale Phyter and lacs Groves Ken Casselman had been sidelined with ntdt injury John Hill captain Gary Hines Dave Verden and Wally Harris are other stalwarts with the team which ls sponsored by Stapler Lio Club headed by irving Stayner Hockey Club In Drive For Lead The black and gold Iwcalerld team has Jack Carroll iorrner Staynrr mayor as manager Alter the bleaiord game the Lions play Midland iiustangs now named the Flyers here on Friday night hiidland has drawn well here since Stayner upset them in last wini playoil alter gruelling scriu SANTA PARTY Arrangements also have been made or Santa Claus party or the players and their tam ilics at the Stayncr Arena this coming Sunda Dec 24 It will bebcidirom130 mm REEVE DEPUTY KEEN liDlliLli BOOSTERS Adiala representatives to Simeon County council Reeve Prod Baxter and Deputy Reeve lrancls liclly will continue in those oiilccs ior another two years at least Ronvo Baxtcr served on the county roads committco during the past year Both are keen boosters ior their home municipality with its picturesque scenory at tho southcast part at the coun ty tExamlncr Photo County Assessors Get Certificates Three assessors oi the Simcoe °County assessment department have been receiving congratu lations ior successfully passing the third ycars iinal examination oi the Institute oi Municipal As sessors oi Ontario Each has re ccived his membership ceriili catc The three John Larry Vlonic David Escreit Edwards and Paul Francis Gill are now entitled to use MIIIA alter their names Regulations vldclr came into eiiect last yearrequirelicensing oi all municipal assessors it was explained at the county oi glicc Now regular Iiccncc can only be obtained and is is sued only to lulltime assessor with minimum oi live years conlinuous experience and who is graduate of the Queens Uni varsity course and is lull them her at the Institute at hiunlclpal Assessors oi Ontario said report irom th department which Is headed by Stanley Sy monds SIX IN COUNTY The three mentioned are now associate members at the assess ing institute and when they complete their live years they will be eligible ior iutl men shipThis means there are now slx iully licensed assessors in county department with others actively engaged in taking the course The latter will be grad uating at rate oi iew each year There are 23 assessors in the county department The Institute ol Municipal Asa sassors oi Ontario was establish cd in 1952 by the Association at Assessing olticers oi Ontario In 1567 the province granted char ter to the instituto and more rc ccnlly gave It financial assist nnnn to bring about an improved training course Since the county took ovcr municipal assessing on Jan tier tire issessmrrintanrhsr been increased from the original 12 and commissioner to 22 and commissioner and further in creases are anticipated early in tho new year START AT STAYNER Most oi the work turtil recentn iy has been taken up with rc organlzlng and keeping up with municipal assessing Reassessing according to market Values as provided by the now provincial manual also has been given at tcntion and start has been made at the town oi Stayner Goal oi the reassessing is to have the work dona by 1972 so it can he used as the basis lcr 1973 taxation There are live re gional assessment oiilcos in the county and the stall oi 23 in cludes supervisors chlei asses sors and regular assessment stall Reiore the county took over each oi the 32 municipal iIfsA BIKWIBA ITS Elli cabtinting antarm ofenterralnmentl uncoordinated snowsar no usrrme ronav on GLEN soon Irvinnests lillislon Fourth In Assessment ALLISTON Stall Allistons cqualiled assossmenl lor county tax purposes ior 1060 has been sot at $6224700 it was learned irom county records Alliston pays npproximntcly per cent at the overall county tax levy Reeve Ralph Hunter and Deputy Reeve John Taylor are the towns county represen tatives locally Allistons assessment totals $7902908 ior land and buildings and another $1280409 business Because this towns lo cal asscssmcnt is on higher basLs than average among sim sald Campbell iormcr lnnistii deputy rcere discussing the trend toward more county control of local ailalrs Simcoe county is pretty big county he said in reirxeucc to the municipalities within its administration and also the City at Barrie The problem tor dil tcrcnt nmas vary wonder ll area administration wouldnt be more practical HIGH SCHOOL AREAS Administration by councils which would look aitcr nrcas similar to present high school districts would keep tho adminis tration closer to the mic it rcprescnis and people with in such arcas have more com mon problems than countywide Further the administrative oil iccs and oliicials would be more convenient ior ratepayers to reach than it is for people on the fringe areas to deal with the county It will be interesting to lol iow what is going to be done he said when asked his views about county assessment The goal at equalized nsscssment ior all 32 municipalities is good but it has been proving much more costly to ratepayers There are administrative problems which urgently need attention resident oi Strand when the innislil municipal ofï¬ces are located Mr Campbell touchnd upon the new movc toward clim anecwpiHmnldpamlesrltkmï¬lï¬ï¬si reduced to sanctum or county equalization purposps For example Bradiords local assessment on lands and build ings amounts to $1006528 and its business assessment adds an other $195123 For equalization purposes this is raised to 9204 61 or county taxes Alllslon ranks iourih among the seven towns in the county in its equalized assessment itios had its own assessment de partment and county commit ien equalized the various as sessments lorvcounty taxation Eric Simpson county assessment supervisor accomplished grout deal toward bringing the assess mcnls more in line during some 12 years in oiiice despite handi caps which mostly concerned lack of cooperation from some munlcipa es FOR FURTHER INFORMATION DISTRICT BRIEFS NEW SUBDIVISION COLLINGWOOD SlamPlans lor development oi zoo homo subdivision at the site oi the loc mer iarm oi It Currie Sixth street havcbcen outlined to the Cnilingwood council The macro area is to be surveyed into 290 lots oi so incl 60 feet and 30 icet irontage with on Home also provided PARKING RESTRICTED CREE£OIIE Stall Motor ists in reemore have been ad vised that overnight parking at vehicles on local streets is pro hibited between 12 and nm to leave drccts clear or snow plowing park and school rucrvo property it was adopted he suggmtcd expressing skcpiicism about the wisdom oi the move it is very doubtful this will prove less cosh Iy to ratepayers Dedicated local lrustuu had given much time and ctiort to school management and improv ing the schools and hlr Campbell doubted ii large area boards would be any improvement Well wait and see he coma mcntcd ZONING PROBLEMS Mr Campbell was asked what he thought at prospects in Innis ï¬l tor continued development budding lots but we havc zoning problems he said pointing out in earlier times when person owned iarm it was his to di vidc up as ho wishrd Zoning had certain advantages but there was so much redtnpc requirements that they hamper ed initiative He mentioned there new subdivision planson paper which have been bogged down The iormcr Innlstil deputy recvc who was doientcd by narrow margin in ihroclway contest in recent hid ior roevo said he ielt he hnd served useful purposnI in running by calling attention to issues oi vit al concern to ratcpayers regulation which restricts Iarm property sale to macro lot was particularly oritlcired by Mr Cnmpbell in calling ior com ease in mining andpiaillltuz rules lnnislil is going ahead said Mr Cam bell Stroud and other communi are groWing lint there is necd to make more building lots availnhln TOCALLFOR in am BUY ON YOUR INSURANCE HARRY PROMMV It Davidson EatIla oration ATE FARM Ilrerc is good demand ior leading scoring threats Brian Jclicrles also started all impres sively but has had back trouble WINTER WORKS BEEION tStail instalment oi sanitary sewers as winter works project in order to quali iy for subsidy has been approv ed by Beeion village council which is headed by Rccvo Earl Brown The councils request was iorworded to the Ontario Watcr Resourccs Commission gt BINGO Every rursonv 800 PM private SilllIWHliMll Jililltlflll mollillflllllli anus Wit12 2NDIII1 in 15 Regular Games ShoreThaWeoith lACKPOT $2so Admission Cords 50c LEGION HALL tattoo Tl mum Roxy Theatra you are thlelmer the Roxy Theatre these prizes wrllbe presented to you by the as ovum snwmoiur For The Best In Service Products 75 Collier 5i FREE STEAKB when sour name In str111mm roam penulntbla double your monev back no were came known Independent innm to maketblr otter onLv roan MARKET Bird Nora hop Base Bordon GOHEEN Wires BILLIARDS sanvrcr rzcrton Tim banttertes Ignition BARRIE TUNEUP CENTRE in miter 17 yumre Cr inane Dunlap sts Meot your riends Tcst your skill OpeuSundny alternoonl and evenhrgs 50 Dunlop no Econosrrzrzn Each week names will app flnd yours cutout theadvertisement bring it tothej Examiner and receive yourEREE LP RECORD courtesy of the advertiser When your name appears in oitha ticklti Food Market or the steaks ora irce Pass to Managers of these business ds mustbetpicked up by the first Monday iollowlng this publrca 211 Dmtiop 9an STARTS WEDNESDAY SPECIAL TWODAY ONLY ATTRACTIONS nightmare of lust violence and murder WW momma SHOWN AT 630 6r 945 IlliiiiJlJliI IiIP milMIIIIAII DVNNmWflllWFIIEWK JIIIIENAMl Wnir am mun arruovtr LAST TIMES TODAY DAD POOR DAD AT ll sizco us AT an GAME Prices MIKE JANITORIAL SERVICE mitt Flnoll carom Sno till NIBHi ittViEt Residential Commercial Induslrlal Serving Barrie and surrounding