Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Dec 1967, p. 4

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oceans PARK Cool To NDP Plan To Speak French the ifiarrir Examiner 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario William Teller General Manager McPherson Managing Editor TUESDAY occasions in no Walla Publisher wganuammuuoamwm Lagmwuii De Gau11es History Bond Overlooks What Happened It seems to be part of General de Gaulles delusion that although France withdrew from this continent more than two centuries ago except for the fishing stations of St Pierre and M1 quelon which have hardly prospered under continued French ownership allCanadians of French origin feel that historically they are tied to and indebted to France It was the French de Gaulle said in his recent remarkable press confer encc performance who over two and half centuries doivn to 1763 discov ered peopled and administered Cana da The historical fact isthat barring few periods official French policy in North Ame ca was to restrain perma trade wasthe brief stay of Jean Talon as the first lntendant of New fiance 1663 New France proclaimed Royal province by Louis XIV with new form of government to replace rule by the series of chartered companies that had held the fur trade monopoly none of which had been primaril con cerned with immigration and co oniza tion the history section of Quick Cana dian Facts sums up 1666 Arrival of Jean Talon as the first Intendant or business manager The extremely able 40yearoldformer chief commissaiy of the army of France imported craftsmen of all trades established smallindus tries built ships granted seignories DowiiiiiiiioRiLANE 55 YEARS AGOIN SIMCOE COUNTY Barrie Northern Advance Dec 19 1912 Four money bylaws face town ratepayers at elections Jan One is torprovide $50000 to remodel enlarge and equip collegiate building on Bla St to provincial standards not centrally located but cost of new building about $125000 considered prohibitive at present time But pro posedflectric railway from Toronto through Barrie to 0an iseoming clos er to reality and as this will pass close by school students will have easy trans portation especially to west end and Allandale sections old exemption from taxation except for school purposes Firm proposes to build onTiffin St Third vote will be on anti fixed asseésment to Simcoe all sanitarium Fourth bylaw is toien able Public Libraryto be free ofvgov ernmentcontrol solely supported by people of Barrie Lakeview Orange Lodge Ivy celebrated 60th birthday as did BarrieIndgothis year Jackson Toronto stock brokerpurch ased Dr Creases summer property cross bay Council decided to rent upper floor of Town Hall yas clothing OTHER EDITORS vyiin INFLATIONARY PROOF Windsor Star It isntreally necessary to cite figures to convince ordinary people how infini tto sappedethe value oftheirdol They can see it for themselves in purchase hy compo the price of an article witnwnat few yearsiagol Statistics however can he must of theuldegrees of inflation The UK government now estimates it takes at least $9101 to enable the income four to emaintain School is Another bylaw will grant factory ofWliitesides do Am encouraged farming and cattleraising honused early marriages aud large fam ilies Convinced that the colonys future lay with permanent inhabitants rather than transient exploiters of the fur trade he aglgressviely fostered popula tion growth immigration and natural increase As wives for the colonys bachelors he arranged for the Kings Girls marriageable girls for whom the King paid the sea passage and provided as dowry an ox cow two igs pair of chickens two barrels of sated meat and eleven crowns in money Talon took Canadas first census In 1667 3215 inhabitants exclusive of ab origines there were 668 families of nent settlement and ex loit theefur One of the nota 1e excepu whom two were married couples under the ageof 15 At his recall tobrance in 1072vpopulatlon totalled 8000 After Talon Frances interests reverted to farflung for trading empire rather than stable expanding colony There was almostno immigration after 1700 popu lation of New France by 1763 was 65 000 De Gaulle speaks of reviving the his torical bond between Paris and Canad iansof French origin What historical bond asks Harris in The Clip Sheet The French of those earlier years were here as exploiteis of the fish eries and the fur trade as were the English in that period Now for some grand scheme of his own de Gaulle would exploit Canada factory much to disapproval ofyounvg olk who have enjoye dances and con certs there Simcoe County remains two decades behind times in constructi ing roads Edwin Longman retired transplant to become uhltc choo inspector South Si as John Powell offered use nd Opera House free to Town Council tohold ubhc meeting Mayor Alex Co an is all infavor butsome aldermenvobject Council increased mayors honor ariurn to $100 penannummt Ontario figures tend to prove this year that Simcoe leads allcounties inrfarrn pro ducts Jobn Sinclair presidentBar Manager most important problem for Canada today But although this is the first such crisis In the emory of most Canadians this lsln fact neither the rst nor the most ominous in our history The bloodiest crisis was caused by the Rapineau us in lull That led to tho ippoint merit of Lord Durham to inves Ligate the complaints of Trenchecanadians and to rec onuriend sol He reprinted vilia pectedtn find conflict between ria Tanning Limitedpelected chairman tannerssectlon Toronto Board of Trade Reportthat another otev may held onchurch union Methodists Presbyterians and Congr ga Christmas shopping in Bath yea set record Underhills Limited new shoe factory let contract for addition Hydro poles being lnstalledonBayf Strhaverreached Cundle What kind of weather for Christma this tar itshas beenmlldl but nots much as last year when some Barri were on the links Christmas boaters were on Little Lak golfers day and EYING THE MALLS Toronto Dailylstar Downtown Toronto could do with 1lttleot the color rid variety which he sparks gstfeet destriau mail has brought to downtown Ottawa There theyclosed off three bt bloc ny PATRICKNICHOLSON OTTAWA Quebec is the agavernrnent and pcopl lfouiid two nations Warring the bosom of single stat The racial issue overshadowed all other By DON OHEAIIN TORONTO Iuppose it is tight and titling and proper and sincere galore but the proposal of the NDP that all the 20 members of its caucus are going to learn to speak French somehow or other brings out wes cynicism This is abetted by the further proposal that simultaneous translellon should be introduced into the legislature immedi ately These recommendations ee crimpanled blanket endorse ment by the caucus of there port of the and commission musenear mm Perhaps the cynicism is bred thnadmissionol party loader Donald MacDonald ydien he announced the endorsement that he tndnt read the and report You just cant trust therah of broad endorsements mode on nowspa or reports but ere alsoat them is so often with the NDPtha ques tion of the practicality of the proposed actions lt would be fine thing it eventually all of the NDP mem bers could speak French it all the members of the house in fact it all of us could speak French But this inst isnt practical In our time all olus in Ontario arent going to berablo to speak French And neither are the so members of the NDP caucus They all miyit start to learn it And some otthem will learn it But others wont And than touch of houtiulness in giving impression that they wiil INSTRUCTION YES IA for simultaneous transla tion the one practical value would be that it could create goodwill in Quebec its practical contribution here would be virtually nonexistent There are only about half rdozcn members who can even speak each And they all oare fluent in Finish To establish translation ladn lltics would be very expensive find there is no real need for it at ollIn any case it woiild probably be impossible to pro vldc the translators and ma chiocry for it right away One day perhaps But not now The one practical suggestion the NDP did make was that the government provide instruction services in French for mcmbers and senior civil servants This would be worthwhile would 0probably be taken alien tage and also would create goodwill In Quebec But the other proposals while probably sincere have such an air of hosts about themyou have to suspect political oppor tunlsm Kashmir Thorn In The Side Of Both India And Pakistan NEW DELHI AHA motley force of tribesmcn and army lrregulars moved out of the arid plains of Pakistan and into the beautiful vale of Kashmir on fall day Just at years ago The Kashmir Liberatorsl metlittle opposition torravcouplo of days and soon were threaten tug rSrinrigar rhe mtucapltal issued an appeal all FrenohCanadtans to rally the hind him to support theirrights This was aldlrect challenge to the authority of our federal gov ernment and could beveled to Inloi1 sort crisis arose1e breakulvof Cnmdmuo over conscriptin fired in 1939 Canadas declar on of war led to what was the most serious crisis of all Quebecs Premier Duplessls at once violently ob lecled to the results of thndecl oration of war asserting that the federal government was using this as nnexc Soto In fringing therlghta an powerst the provincial gbvernnicnt He Trade AcrossCanada ehed Company the Hudson recorded by George His Music called olng th oon The craze wept the continentand even th students whocould 0rd erri liadwmore ghttll any others tojparade around or costs because their univer Josepli Frebisher even owed the Churchill River in Im intercepted Indians taking furs to the IIudsons Bay Company post at Prince of Wales lheFrohlshers needed more money for their business and in cluded James McGlll as pa ner Thonlhey added Alexandeir Henry who had been trading th dians at Michl Duplessls called provin al election on the issue The federal MP5 from Quebec in tly supported attaw ministerslrnm Quebec Justice Minister Ernest Ln pointe Transport Minister Cardin and PostmasterG eralChuhby Power tookuie usual step of playing actlve parts Intba provincial election campaign and announced they wouldreslgu from theicahlnet If Duplessia was not overthrown The result of the election was TodaysQuehec crisis has not advance toithe point where situated in valley sinrounded by the lofty Himalayas At thispolnt the Maharaiarofv Kashmlrrequestedlndianv troops in an appeal to Lord Mountbatten who had been Viceroy of lndla until Augustof lhatyeal when independence was granted to the nowpar tloued subcontinent With that the maharajaw waa Hindu boarded plane and fled south from thepredom inantly llloslcm valley topre dominantly Hindu Jammu the winter capital of Kashmir Fighting continued unlll the United Nalions negotiated va ecosefireelfective Jahni 1949 The ceasefire linerlelt Pakistan in possession of about third of Kashmir India the remainder including thevale of Kashmir That was the first round in lt all started because imprecise manner in hritishpartitioned tlia subconti neat and left unsettled the mat ter feacoeasion 05me pre Hon Ernes Lapointo described clouds on the horizon tire of the talk one hears thatltfnntreal seriousness l5 tha= and district including even the Eastern Townships not Quebec rovince should separate from uebee and forniydh 11th and redominantly Englishspeakin province It is even being point domlnantly Moslem states to Pakistan India has claimed ever since cl that the Hindu mnharain opted for accession to India Pakistan says he had no right to do so and for 20 yem has been edemandlngn plchlscitejn Kashmirsomething India once agrnecgo hutnnw guys soon bedonc lodin claims Kasluru ownership by India is on oelt tnbllshed loot Nave in the two decades has there been peace only varying degrees of hostility rangin from name calling to the allout was with tanks and jet fighter LEADS IN EXPORTS The southeast Asia nation of Thailand exports more rice than anyolhercuintry aaiuussv HALL BLAKE sf mm aloe WW WW mehMafm mama mmmrm

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