Ease Students Financial Load Studentr Council in Barrie should find it easier to make ends meet in iuttnt think in decision or the Barrie District Collegiate Board to pay trans portation costs and entry tea or regular intemholastio evnts in the last school year our denta council spent 51th tor transportation to and irom ap proved adiooi genres The board until now its budgeted an annual amount at $00 to be used tor travel This was allocated to payment tor buses lormusic competitions such as the Kiwanis Festival and ï¬eld trips by the Central Honor Socieptl idea the transportation oosls or scheduled athletic events the students count have many other expenses total ling several imam dollars each year the hoaro was told in the past no tunds had been provided the board ior other groups all as the drama dubs ii Ramsay superintendent at school said that it it was realized that one or tire teams from Barrie would goon to play alts in their sport it could be budgeted for at the beginning at the year gt One expense the board wont pick up will he referees fees which amount to seuoral hond red dollars each years The payment of transportation costs and necessary entry fees will he suhiect to the approval its oi the superintendent coriiclllrl BOARD BRIEFS PAY ACCOUNTS Barrie District Collegiate Board last night approved pay ment ot moon or rmncr ciii and shop courses at the three high schools hlost ex pensive was North Collegiate with $469 next was central Collegiate with $21 then Eastvlow Sccondary School at $1588 APPOINT TRUSTEES No men from Barriearea townships have been appointed to the Barrie District Collegiate Board as trustee for the 1968 year Doug Day oi Sunnitiaie and Stoddart of 0m re4 ceived the appointment James Kelly was reappointed as the Barrie Separate School Board representative ATTEND WORKSHOP Setonii trustees oi the liarrle District Collegiate Board will attend regional workshop in Bracobridze sponsored by the Rural and Urban School Trus tees Association on Jan to Ooe item on the agenda is dis cmion oi the amalgamation oi sdiool boards and trustee assoelt rations PAINTING PROBLEMS Problems with painting at Eastview Secondary School have led the board to turn the jobover to the general cyn tractor Emery Engineering and Contracting Co Ltd sstislactory solution was rcacir ed it meeting involving all parties Dec SET DATE According to the Schools Ad ministration Aet the inaugural meeting oi the loot Barrie Dis trict Collegiate Board should be on the second Wednesday in January However by arrange ment with the municipal in spector the meeting will be Monday ian at pm N0 FRATERNIZATiON Georgian College and East view Secondary School students me being discouraged from lraternization when the college students attend Eastvlcw to lake laboratory courses Ramsay secondary school SHPV erintendcnt snid the iraterniza tion should be curbed because of the dliterent scholastic at titudes of highschool and col icgelevei students DRAMA NIGHT drama night is being plan ned tor Central Collegiate And itoriumilsn izwhen tharGoorgr inn Bay Drama Festival plays will he presented by Central and North collegiate and St Josephs High School Colin George McLeod oi the Barrie Police Department checks motorist Linda Reed The checks undertaken ouch ot Sophia Sb pa annual holl doysenson spot checks begi c117 NEW THE BARBIE EXAMINER TUESDAY DECEMBER lift Stop 56 Drivers InvHolidaY Check Only one driver at the in story pod in the first holiday duck nude byrcity police last night showed tlight sign of drink acmrding l9 CPL Ber of the Barrie piiiee other warnings were issued to drivers with faulty headlights brakes horns and windshleids The checks were made all over the city No liquor charges were made last year when 500 drivers were stopped In the holiday chock laid xii Berry Explaining that no driver would be detained longer than five minuta Opi Berry out lined proeodures followed in the Prolesrionai development oi the academic staif at Barrie noi legiates has cost the Barrie Dis trictCoileginto Eonrd iost $11 more than the $500 budgeted for it this year lilehoard paid the few for updating courses along with living allowance oi $5 per day and travelling expenses for one return trip it the course required living in residenrel in cases where commuting was possible the board paid the course fee plus travelling ai year in an effort to curb ae lowance oi it cents per mile to cidents will go on until the mnxilnum oi $6 per day day nttcrNewYearsftExanr iner Photo Beeides updatingL courses for teaching staff several attended conferences 7Rfeeve Guide 4031mm SEATON ELLIS Senton Ellis retiréd agent at Canadian National Eaprgs Bar May cheek We pull one car out of the general trafï¬c instead oi stopping long line oi vehicles men we examine liceirce insur ance conditional driver brakes lights mfld wipers horn highsndlow beams and either tsrue warnings or lay chargrs if there is suggestion oi drtnli searCh the vehicle and remain any liquor we tind Sometimes the car is kept over night nt the station and the driv erclalma it next morning Word oi thsse spot checks travels to drivel quickly and we hopetheyilhoT cautious this Christmas and New Years said Opt Berry Professional Development Program Termed Successiui Superintendent iii Rooney said proirssional veiopment had been extremely usetul this year To my mind there has been greater surge oi tile in the etoif because at this than through anything else we have done this year he sai llost oi the courses and non ferencns take place on weekends or during the summer months One condition approved by the board last night to that the max imum one teacher will receive per year it soon The board has providedthe fund for the pastrtwoye LIBRARY HOW Longer library hours and in creosod use of librariesby stud entsnllior¢nivo restaurants requiring research hasiédthe monthly clrcldotion ti books at the North Coilegtalejllhrary to rise from an average of 1666 per month irom lmuary to 1997 to 2153 per month Traiiic snarled During Thick Fog thick hand ot tog covered most ii southern Ontario on eluding Barrie Monday unri irig tralfic and foroins 305 tattoos 0t flightI wt ti Monti international Airport Rushhour trafï¬c on the Aiica dnnaid Cartier Freeway was slowed to crawl as motorists tried Io pick their way through dense fog that extended to hind xor from Ottawa Provincial poUee at Kitchener said conditions on the trecwiy were aggravated by rash oi minor accidents Stopamigo tru tic was unsorted all alongthe provinces main artery Flying was cancelled or raw stricted at most airports in the southern part oi the province It spokesman tor the United States Coast Guard in Sault Ste Marie said warm weather is pro ducing good navigation condi tions on the Upper Great kw The Sault locks on St Marys Riverusunily close Dec 15 hiit this year they have been kept open until Dec 30 with tlS companies shipping iarge quan tlties oi iron ore Sewer Costs Reach $5850 For Eastview The Barrie District Collegiate Board has paid tin City at Bar riil $56609 for it sanitary sewer lending to Eastviclv Secondary Sdionhllowever most of the money should he recovered The 3212 feet of sewer serving Eastvlcw cost $1162 per toot but only in feet on the east sidev of Nelson St is assessable to the board at cost of $229 Grove iprkChurcit of Christ has an nsscssahia frontage on the west side of Cook Stof 1t feet which will cost 82503 The rest of the assessable tro Earrie requires that property owners pay share of improve ments with interest when such improvements abut their pro perty helore buildind permit tsauthorizcd fl DIAMOND ENSEMBLE featuring ncw mirror selling to Eltitnnre size and brilliance oi diamond mum sum Sup Oro Al on Betreil In dumthe iali tami1eait Gr porters of Elmvalc Reeve Alex bury Oriilla liny Tocumsetii hicAriiey seened on tile iidspltgl Eiigiflsiiiiegi um 1th in OiiM llieAuley now chairman oi Suiinitiate Bradford Penetang vale council lie has been pres an aneurysm at hs home 52 5di°°1bfl Extends Greetings SW NW Wits and in Barrie and Grill Township ident oi the Blmvale Chmnber Duckworth St on Monday Dec dmiai amine ï¬red in were among other municipnh oi Commerce director oi the to see enter the copies ics so honored since 1049 Ontariohiliuntcipaiï¬mlednic its Group Capt Ockendea has extended tha Base Borden Commanders annual Christmas DtAMOND $1 l5 wsnnan 24 50 WEEKLY TERMS KLERNE Elmve oi women even news native of Eimvaie he Orlli also by many friends in GROUPCAPT OCKENDEN gas never Hg county aving our rtepresen ive 05 ey as as WW emu morlt indeu poaitoryforni called an warden stated one staunch councrl procedure asaditor and ï¬le gipgnvgh ï¬ï¬ï¬deï¬ gammmsï¬on dewmwlï¬ Preparation Aekfnrltatatldru mm mitema storesnionoybiekguarnnu fjoy ouréfaioulousj mule no wardensup um um ammo asked arcing no Eyepreiidentg 1m noilnceNew Nottawosaga Reeve Arnold the supporter who pointed to ism ay mm 59 WWW Ems in Idem name Vancise And lnnisiil Reeve lo Reeve Mmdeys considerable Elem Asswumil Séefmqggï¬hspfgynï¬ an Heahngsuhslance greet seph Conhrane have been get eftorts at county rumotiorl as and the surrounding district ling much 590mm chairman of mm and must Twylgaiggrflgï¬ of mp homing this CN extras company Plies AS email cum Y9 Reeve ilicAuleys narnc also rial committee during the past ï¬st promotion hm ledzto mm gel 13 WIWWMMM draws to close and we enter has been pmninenuy mnmned year AS Chairman Mm pamdpalmg in hummus we was me demï¬ the Christmas mm and he could he dark horse and traiticlior the international mm 18 Ps ï¬nite Church 01 would like to wish all of you El 91 mam In he an mes of in it and had been attended Services Amnowneti rosenah institute slmcoe County and summons ti Eris 31m so as pramwm mm Mm atoolller st United one He found India nun mum ares avery Merry Christmas 91 ï¬x Wm 5mm 03 was metriotinnuune 30771950 uh ty miniink hamop and 8PM New Upbe mm 9y °fn rdh Reeve hicriuley also was in Orlllla toWinnlired May Ha Emu come up with logmahsoundmg oyd rl amvs conunitge leading admm the WWW Ems sum with one oolnfor in minutes In arguments nsto why their eoun 5m YEAR edmcw onia Regional iollr john Spam ms Gem rote smug of uninjured ave hadan opportunity to ul9adeczggigdrï¬i check at records at the 355°C 10 110W being rgetown two daughters Nancy In rugusé no my ninetpwith may 0i l° Til 9353mm ie Elmvaie municipal oiiice re gamed CNN 311 19 Marie and Dorothy Jane oilor Having mauunumï¬uon meehnashave itemmaslemv vealedulalneeve llicAuley will 2mm tourisljrrymvflon ef onto threegflnddiiidfellithfee ahrinklgn tookpilne able and very iniorniativn ior There are people lrom Sine start his sixthryearashead at UF Bi mullain dnitilca sisters Mrs Doris Styles 0t Mutt 3mm 01 mg of the larger tms mums the village ooulicil at tile in lions and war togerlm this to on MarthaPillniidirwomgnthomughthhtthirimpmvo 1557 35 hm 21 Win 955 iPlElm augurai meeting in Jan association oould be oi great Woodbridge Mrs Ednalltieiish mentwuminrsinedoverperlnd YE 3m P° vain they say but which means it also wille hls veins such nrmwï¬o =he st Catitarines otmanyniontha Ym Mmlgmuw id 31 Way discomages tileL sixth year as county coun 135 rimmed flne scrvicelwas conducted by This was smmpilnhedwith float1° Plum 3mm cilior dcceaseds hrodiarinlaw new headwbstnnm BioDyna schoolayandniwc have notheen sh Vim Han himpent was at which ui heipaholi im able to meet all our obligations is grand can mums nwu to those communities outside the ance 7m ï¬g Base illan you will be under to AndrewiMarkle Reeve Mc Nownwnym Em pleading Group Capt Dckenden sai lService integration and uniii lihe progress rnéde tonaoe supporter of the Elmuale peeve Writer Hewasactive in news he nation has brought new chair and our continued assistance for Warden who went on to paper work for oyer so years iv minim ifTmnw lenge to us all and we are from thearea could not have point outthat even Matchedash at the time of his retirement Cénadas largestintiltary traio beenncnompitshed without good Township Wit4tfewer than too and publisher the Lance for log centre with more than iii understanding and cooperation ye round residents was at or uarter at entirry career and trades courseabeing from our neighbors in slirround oor iliehonoitin 1963 when taught lng communities Albert DeConlrey was chosen Christmasshopolng bought his tree during mtiliseweakend or plan oat people hel started to niewweeka prlier than ejmnmpm