Couple Dead litter Crash At Thomlon No people died at the scene and one man was seriously in jured in headon collision in heavy to early yesterday at ternoon two miiu sooth at Thornton on Hiaway 17 Dead are Einar Natti Kane Tllndhlswtie5tlma7°oi blottawa air Kongas died minutes after police arrived in lair condition at Royal VIE torla Hospital is the driver at the other involved Janres Watson 19 RR Colgan He is suited lrom cuts to the tone and an tnimed right leg The oocideotpoclumd in the southbound lane The Ranges vehicle was travelling in that direction Minutes alter the accident car operated by llatthew Herr AN ELDERLY Mattawa when two cars were involved hionday afternoon This is the Care Unit at Royal Victoria area couple were killed and in headon collision on High car operated by James Watson Hospital in air condition Ex onc man was seriously lniured way 21 just south oi Thornton who is now in the Intensive aminer Photo cm News Iii NEW Announce New Liquor Prices The provincial government is giving drinkers in Barrio and the rest at Ontario Christmas pres ent in decision not to raise the price oi liquor and beer un til Jan Chief Commissioner Sheppard ol the Liquor Control Board todri price at bottle at liquor will be increased an average at 46 cents in the new year Ho also told nous contor encc carton oi 24 pints of beer now selling ler $446 will beta creased by Kt cent to $479 Judgo Robb chairman oi thoLiouor Licence Hoard oi Ontario soidllcensed establish ments will be able to setvthcir own prica on drought beer The board now sets the price or tourist glass oi draught beer at 15 cents Alter Jan Carlene Icahn Begins Addition Goo chairman ol the hoard at directors at CookeCer tageand Storage Limited has announced the beginning oi con structton on new HOWsquare ioot addition to the main ware house on Anne Street He described the move as in step with our policy to canc trate on serving the Geo Bay area st large warehouse was 959 iollowedby one or in lQGluln that year the capacity was doubled by the addrtlonotaunther build ing and now the new addition double the total existing space Our conlidcnce in Barriea tantragrowth development haseucouraged us to make this investment said Mr Cooke We arepleased that it is pos sgble to begin construction at this lament year and create some addrtronalemploymentJ tavern owners will be able to decide what size gloss they want to use Owners have been selling their own price lor bottled beer the last three years Judge ltohb denied reports the board planning Sn into Sunday morning Licensed establishments now must close at 1130 pm Saturday lllr Sheppard said the prices will be raised to meet new lcder nl nnd provlnclal ales and an anticipated requcs from miinu iaeturcrs ior rt iivepercent in crease The manufacturers have until Dec31 to apply or an increase he said Finance iliinbter Sharp an nounced Nov 30 an increase ol $125 gallon in the excise tax and duties diarged by the odor at government on all spirits dis tilled in or tmportedlnto Cour ada The increase in liederalllaxes amounts tolscents on 15a ounce bottle oi spirits eight cents on acarton ul beer and one cent on bottle oi wine These increases are being passed onrto the purchasers of alcoholic beverages in Ontario Mr Sheppard said in order to meet the in creased revenue requirements or the provincial government on additional amount who added to the selling prices of spirits beer and wine INDICT AIDE NEW YORK AP James Marcus who recently re signed as one of Mayor John Lindsays top aides was dicted Monday accused at tak asi it terminded kickback deal involv ing an 3800000 ty contract He THE BARBIE EXAMINER Bentley Wa Mayor elect it llontlcv hopes to hold the inaugural meet in at the 1968 til FC giate Audi orium and says ha will pay the $90 rental ieo rather than make an issue at it However it is still not clear the meetln will take place there Jan beg use approvalhas not been received rum the present council Mr Bently says he already has more requests tor seating than is available in tho City Hail council chambers lvé always believed there should be enough oeats or guests Even it then are only tow more people pre sent at meeting at Central than the council chambers will hold it will be worth it he said The live new alderman on counciliavored the proposed moctuig place but some of the others thought it would he Wrtnesseslltlend Ortllta Assembly flValking Orderly by Spirit was the theme of the threeday convention oi Jehovah lines sea in Oritiia this past he Climax of the assembly came when 994 witnesses crowed Park st Collegiate auditorium to hear Montague lilais oi Toronto deliver an address entitled W111 God intervene in Mens Aliairst Email Hershey in ing minister of the Oriiiiagroup led evening with attendance ure at 510 which had jumped to 702 byjhe sametlme Saturday Flv re aplt tiaed water Saturday alternoon by total immï¬sipn in TUESDAY DECEMBER 19 196 WILLPAY mt his inaugural In Collegiate Auditorium grandstand show Mr Bentley Snd he meant by the cosy com pact He also promises to reveal positive plans on how to get the young people of Barrio involved in civic government eAmongthoscvhn lit recetve special imitations to the meet ing will he school children He said the public should have chance to observe the inaug uration oi the new councilnnd Fun To Depicl Early Settlement The story oi the rum aion and Sainto Marie Among The llurons now under recon struction at Midland and due to reopcnMay such will be color east Christmas weekend on Sat Dec 23 at pm CBC production itlmadby the French network in Norman dy Quebec and Huronia will be relayed hya 10$pmvlncer42 station television network to oi ior Canadiansan excellent op portunity to understand and ap first Emo ZTho film protrays the lite at six French Jesuit martyr saints living at tho threeacre nom munity oi Salute Marie lwhlch was burned by missionaries to prevent its destruction by invad ingflqugsvflinmflhattist now ew York stat the first canon ed by the Roman Catholic admit for deed in Northnnrerica The film called fldystie contrastsmth century living con ditions inNor mandy France ere many of the Jesuits or iglnatod and Canadas remote New France and is the ï¬rst lilm of winter tile in thecommunity and lluronia Dpeningprlcea Flor Don lower 58 Jilly llla Trail ry lawrie at Henry Sh morn ton struck the Watson vehicle Police said his southbound auto bad no chance to stop The two cars involved in the original occidmt had the road completely blocked HIGHWAY BwCKED third vehicle involved in the original accident received little damage It Wu plckrllp truck driven by John James hlcCue or lltt Oorbctton While gpoliCe wore on the scene oi the original mishap roarend collision between two northbound cars resulted in $350 damage lhe accident oclt starred on loot south of the ilrst Beenusa7lile highway was completely blocked two crews train the Department oi ngb ways at Cooksiown aserted po llco in iralllc control There were six police cruisers at the scene The investigation is being conducted by Cpl idol Celtic and Coast John Taylor of the Bradlord Ontario Provin rial Police detachment Harrie OPP assisted the investigation Coroner Dr McFarland or Cookstnwn declared the couple dead at the scene accommodation Barrie District Collegiate Board has organlzcdva steering committee to allow deveiop meats in the proposedchange to larger educational units Dr John Anders is chairman oi the committee Members are Pratt Mervin Parker Stewart FishEr Stoddart and Bob Surieant AUDIOVISUAL Barrie District Collegiate Board learned last night that Fred Robinson had been hired as an audiovisual technician at sat ary between 570 and $7500 per year POLICE CRACKDDWN Ontario Provincial Police at Elmvalc investigated only one accident last week which result ed ln 9400 damagelo try and keep the numberroi accidents in the Elmvale area low duringthe Christmosholiday every avail ablepollce oliicer will bo on duty with instructions to prose cute all Viatators Lamnoor Rainfall instead of Christmas snowilurries is creating pro blems iorva teiw shopkeepers Duoiop mas shoppers leatured three largeihtlckets tocatcb several in lrorn the ceilihglast Customers skirted tho their flurry of last mtnute shopping CHRISIMAS PARTY The Lions Club of Barrie will hold annual Christmas party this evening in Community House beginning at arson nurse of the Church at the Guardian Angels in orillia hero talks with Kl wanis president Jack Slassor TAKE PRIZE IN BATTLE hllil Conwuy led CKEBCK Vitstallera in mock in on the Examiner yesterday and recover the trophy won by tbe station Saturday in no vice race for the nowshounds The trophy originally award ed to Mr Conway and his team disappeared during post race party and was tr cated in tilelostandilound de partment at this newspaper the editorial oiilccs and were bombarded with tclclypc tape roiled newspapers broom and conieltl The CKBiI stoton trophy big made airantic search at the area Examiner re porter Dave Hanshaw claimsio have been first across the finish line Executivertauds BarrieMusicians rie District Collegiate hand in Chicago last week is lauded in letter received today by Allen Flatter director from Lee Peterson exewtlve secretory oi the lllid cst National Bund clinic The band eriormed ho inrfmenllwrs at clinic 0n bchnll ol our executive board Mr wish to conglatulate you and your excellent Barrio collegiate hand on the wonderiul concert you presented for wrist an nual MidWest National Band Clinic on Thursday evening Dec 14 This is the third time we have had the honor at presenting the BcrricJCnllegiatesbaaLa MidWest Clinic Each time our hand has been superb sure you realizeouiy very ited number oibands urccver invited for even second ap pearance and third appearance my grea pleasure to conveyto you the sa oi the enthusiastic audience who heard aodwere inspired by your tit 11 log oucert Thursday by They willlong remember the Littles Hui beauty and perfection at it irom beginning to en To younlldy tend aui heartythau mos memorable evcrling We wishyou all MertyChrist as ryHappy New or Superb playing oi the Bar Patterson wrote LIL toil and Tony Dccorlc right prior to his speech to the i6 wanis Club at Barrio tart hi hi Examiner Photo Yule Message Armnï¬ilgnnriole the Roman Catholic Church last night gave Christmas message to the Bar rie Kiwanis Club at its weekly dinner meeting held in Commun ity House Monsignor Leos address on lod Joy and Peace dealt ith the past and lulure of Christmas ln these blenklailcr days said the monsignor we may be tcmplcdto suppos thatGorl ls noranurcrn Writ that we are shutilrom His sight and denied HLi viviiying love This is not true The wasteland oi halo which the arm has be come is not at Gods making but our own ii the worldrover peopleaio hungry tor peace In east and west alike there is common dread at third world vuar and all that it could mean lll terms oi catastrophic dalmatian Monsignor at tee of the Guardian Angels church in Oriliia hlmscli Kiwanian was born in Ottawa and attended both grade and high schools in Toronto He icit school at the age oi 16 and worked in hank inr live years heiore entering the Catholic Universityof Wash ington where he obtained his philosop Hajthen returire to Toronto where he obtained his degre in 1912 in February was mode domestic prelatc with the title or Right Reverend Mon signor by Pope dohnXXlll in September at that year he Drillia hurcb KnightseiCoiumhus and is on the hpardoi directors ottile lg Brother Movemcn KEMPENFELT KIWANIS The Kiwanis Cluhoi icltVBay will mcet irom now tion The lolldwing week dub dinner is planned Barrie Kiwanis Cl nieets in the evenin meeting theologyand was ordained in SucceededFather Dvyl atthE irHe rsalso chhplain at then or the agenda for the First For Kianis an the new executive elected at last Mondays meeting Every TUESDAY to rteguiar nnmu 15 to Turkeys Special Games $5 plus is th Turkey uckror 28o Admission Cords 50c LEGION HALL 75Colier Sr novav HBarrté Ltd Barrie Plan mam Iwno mundane ShorelineWealth Store Hours Monro Sat arn tin9 pn1 heslur lor ll unc of the tinost Canadian whiskics this country has over tasimi by Gilhey