19 man mu WAY DICZMBB 137 Gold sever Hits France Again PARIS tAP France has caught gold eves again The hard tranc that allowed Charles de Ganlles return to power in 1968 cooled it but the latest Eriiirh devaluation scare talk about the 115 dollir and Parliament lit ll Glance By CANADIAN PRESS MONDAY Dee ll Justice Minister Trudeau told the Commons new sys tem at court would be needed to implement the marriage hreakdoun concept at dl vorce advocated by opposition members Gm hiaclnnis NDP Vancouver Kingsway earlier joined in demands that mar riage breakdown be substitut ed tor specttic grounds tn the governments divorce hill External Aliairs Minister Martin reporting on NATO ministerial talks said there is no sign the Soviet Union is ready or balanced redura tiou at torces The eten ce department said Wing Cmdr it White had set Canadian altitude record at 30100 teet in CF 104 The Commas completed committee study at the di vorce bill alter toting down imposition attempts to amend TUESDAY Dec 19 The Commons meets at 230 pm to continue debate on proposed broadcasting leg islation The Senate meets at pm the international liquidity prolr lem are heating it up again Santa Claus will be weighting French stockings uiIh record number at gold napoleon coins in tancy cases and Jewelry in corporating gold coins The stockings mattresses and gardens ot ï¬ance already conlt lain more gold per person than any major country One esti mate by the Pick World Curran cy lteport puts it at 84 500mm compared with $3 600000 or all the rest of Eu rope and 33100000000 tor North and South America SPECULATDRS ACTIVE Much of the new buying is tor speculation that the price at gold will rise or that us dol lars pounds and trancs will drop The big buyers are protessiou nl spmlators and businessmen The gold is supplied by the Bank ot France It is shipped tromtha gold pool in London which is supplied by seven countries including 59 per cent from the United States This quick meeting at demand holdslhe price within bounds At the height of the run the sales price rate was only slightly over the $35 an ounce the us guarantees to pay The Bank of France has been the biggest hoarder in recent years its holdings now equal or surpass the preSccnnd World War level of 36760000000 and France leads all countries in the proportion oi gold in reserve aboui 90 per cent WOULD GAIN VALUE The logic seems clear Vhen Britains pound goes flat France isnt hurt because she has gold instead oi pounds in the vaults Ii the US is persuaded to raise the price oi rota rum would out much ï¬sher DeGauliereasonrthattialB serva currency like the us dot lar weakens it could weaken the narcotics backed by it His worries deepened with punis tent US payments deï¬cits lie urged the Untied States to eliminate the deï¬cit by cutting these outflows Then he started trying to thy nut Fort Knox stmage place at us gold to emonstrate how much pres sure he could bring LUMBER GOES FAR Canada exporLs enough tum her each year to build board walk 50 feet wide completely around the world WORLD BRIEFS FRIES ENTERED MADRID Reuters court here sentenced Spanish pridl Rev Domino Gonzalez to three months imprisonment or putting book on sale with out previously submitting it to government inspection 10 TAX GAMBLING NASSAU AP flle Balla mian government called More day tor mduated tax on easi noe operating in the colony and announced it plans to create commission on gambling to ov me the casinos Measure asking permission to implement both policiu were introduud in Bahamian House oi Assem its 912 all those liaratalle watches if you uaidllllineslha urine its still 912 Inno Ptlzillon CARAVELLE with autovrt the low priced high qualitywatnh lot at people think otter tiled mu thats to with em IBuims unartly styled line ol low priced high quality watcher antInt Ii trul 31995 ulnlalt l1 Ir tawndilnl huslill rma prooit Your urrmtu lrby Bulml And that menu when Erra Webbs Jewellery Esra Rd MALE onnnns THAT ARE suns To REGISTER DEODORANT Do Luxa power spray en cased in brushed alumi num decanter each 500 Other held brash Brut for men toiletries for alter shave atterrshower altar anything contrasting trim Size MENS ALLWOOL CARDIGAN Handsomaiytailorod classic cardigan in ilat doubleknit Detaiied with deep Vneck and two pockets Comasinassorted colorswith XL each 1695 suratoappraciate Chooseimm as sorted olors dpttar Boxed