Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Dec 1967, p. 14

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AUTOMOTIVE SNOWMOBILES SNOWMOBILE CLUB RICIIBIIOOK GOLF CLUB miles from Barrie DII liu 90 chogganing sleigh riding Club huuso Incililres SEASON and DAILY RATES TRAIL BLAZER SNOWMOBILE Grvc John try Belore you buy KNOTTY PINE RESTAURANT Hwy MN 737305 IRl EXAMINER WANT ADS AUTOMOTIVE SNOWMOBILES See the TRAIL BLAZER SNOWMOBILE l8 hp on display at HANDY HARDWARE AIDONA BEACH till STROUD THE LIVELY ONE Bombardier Skidoo Sale and Service BAYVIEW MARINE Lakcshorn Drl Barrio mam Its The Season To Advertise 6AUTOMOTIVE silowmoalLss SEE DARCY Bombardier Skidoc to Sales For The Best Deal ll AUTOMOTIVE AUTO REPAIRS SPECIALIZING SPORTS CAR TUNING Bell Ewart 45m WANT AD INSERTION RATES SAVE YOU MONEY SEABREEZE Stereo RECORD PLAYERS Give many hours of enjoy ment or years to comc See them at KEENANS MUSIC STORE Dunlap was liilllllllElKIKKIK Soft and Fleecy Artemis Dusters for the GIFT she will really love mil arncl 20 nylon Vithg matching gowns pyramier negligccs and slippers ihcyg CALL 7292414 LENAS LINGERIE as Dunlap St roemtg MWKIIWKIQKKKEIE BOOKS Make the nicest gills 3000 titles in stock at THE BOOK SHELF 109 Bayfield Sr Ba rri in the Banner Building Book ordering service Back Search servrce 7260573 awnings Dunlop St 723ml DELUXE TAXI Encore In cherry ml and powu der blue See Izoxuumcznzzmn Kutmzlznxum Prompt 24hour service CLAPPERNN SIREEI Block North of Five Points 7285548 Ideal Christmas gut form13l3 Bnghten up your car interiorg with custom seat covers from HARRIET AUTO TRIM SERVICE All repairs to car interiors cushions convertible tops supplied and installed as Collier ac roam Afters call news II ll Your family will enloy Swimming Pool next sinnmer Whynot=nlltrar1rorde in DOW as CImISTMAS PRESENT Your order now will include treepool cover momfluanumg SWIMMING EQOLS Kmfnmtlt mavenKW er Ii dew pefo MULHOLLAND SNAPON TOOLS THE PERFECT GIFT Eugene Rusty lintherierd it 73 Queen st Apt 72mmI Mlulxuuluwurrrexnrfl EVERY WOMAN sl wants to look her loveliest at Christmas Give her Gift Certificate from Barrie HOUSE of FASHION Pcrms Sets Manicurcs Sets at Manic ulih sol sloo No appointment necessary operators 38 Maple Ave 72645311 memnxmxuov An Ideal Grit Item from Simmons KITTEN Skirt and Sweater coordinates SIMMONS arco 39 Dunlop 72am mumamuummumuu Christmas Suggestions from Dangerfield ACCESSORY DEPT genetc 233 Bradford SI 726l8l7 Fan omsronranaos aura moor We have the our Xirishnaslrnttting needs Stroud erreningsaleZooi WEIle mners CutterS 512i Dress up for winter col in and ot the lined snowsults Women ildren DELANEY Or toi change oI color GlonmtngJPalent tactile shoes In alzek black pos Al mutsnlclémstflmeum Laurence SEWING ND KNITTING CENTRE Conic in and see the latest craze in kn tfing JIFFYv yarn needles and Knit Dress in vv Also large variety or dmnestreandhnponed Many shades andqu to mflflflllllfilmfllKIlfl5lfi1lKlHIflIMmIlIan GIFT SUGGESTIONS SKAIES Bobby Hull and Bauer CURLING SHOES Ernie Richardson GREB insulated boots GOLDS SHOE SERVICE 11A Clappcrlon St Barrie tunnnuununnflu PRACTICAL GIFTS or all the Iamily SLIPPERS FOAMTRED OOIEPHIE PACKARD also LINED WINTER BOOTS TIFICAIES Irom NORMAN FAMILY arms 24 Dunlop St more klxlluuuuuuuimu CHRISTMAS TREES No ScoIch Pine Wholesale or retail LLOYD CONRAD 256 Shanty Bay Rd mam mauunnumnnllw GIFT THAT IASTS ALL YEAR lolb way to romcmber ryour friends and vea thls ClllIsI to send gilt sub scrip us of The Barrie Exarnin They are easy to order They last all year and the cost isvsrnall oompar ed to the pleasure given Each gilt wdl be announced in your name with beautiful card in full rich Jolor mailedto arrrye yuat right time boleroChlistmas Order nowl DO BY wrlting to the Circulation mm oflheExaminer KNIT patterns for 0qu Dayf HANDBAGS OR GIVICER and small car repairs Red line Import Mary St mam YOUR FRANCHISED DAISUN Danum MOFFAIT Mercury SERVICE DEPARTMENT Equipped Stalled To Service Any Make 0t Car Our Expert Mechanics ma mu ontmn Joe 10 SMALL CAR OWNERS Mofiatt Mercury Ltd 81 ESSA RD 7235558 PERSONALS DID YOU KNOW lhat Hos In so busy driving at the Ponderosa that his bulges on moving up to his biceps THE PONDEROSA For winter hm call M6611 armor $600 non Tom wan ONLY WICKS BEAUTY SALON 45 Dunlop SL West pmbkln any time mr 3526 owrnsmom Ilelcn ride out lu Little Arm rnllzr mm amle 1mm avmlnxn YOUNG MAN Raul err ride to ntmnlm nldnv nIlhly December nod wllllng to my transportation Phone mom 01mm rrmnl dlnluu morn out be open Christmas my Tclmhdn only ror resmmlona 72mm no no rrrs mumr unrest in Athens sir Ellor at cn Iran mi emu Is not vlcnllvnlnl wllh his nlruvu no Ipendlm no norlnm thin vur in the sale runny south Florida as our no but on the fob Ianrnry ore Illi and won his mm In nah rte Monv ammoo ml the our in in New Yur mmnrznnsssn by poor conflu lon Hydsolln developed altrr Iona memo helps clclr acne rlmoia hulls rm llrnllar ecndlllonr Hydroi an In colorrm eoulllv eflceuvo or dn 01 Itll Man Ide and rum use Ask your drulitul ror rrynsollu today rtao Ill liar Phlrmwy and Muxnyl armr1 9LOST FOUND GEMIAN snarmn lost him and Ian Tu No son lnnlsill Please telephone moose on Lost our no runn stunt Siamese hide point mole answer to stun Telephone muses It not Lost Small broom nnd tan with black temple hound type dot Answers to Fana Lost vklnty on tlon Mldhuntn retention I0 HELP WANTED FEMALEHsui HOUSEKEEPER Intelligent dependable For wid ower in good health but in wheel chair Light duties only Good home and wages bonus every Christmas Micrnoons or even Ings oilwhen re ulred Tele phone moors oven belgneen hand no wusnu or arm lIdiu run or telmenu in Barrie Mac FEMALE HELP WANTED versatile ml or fe male must or cocktail work be lnrnlllu with stgndmll Please tolpohom sum Queen ElizabethSir Winston his pain ingsot the Quebec to gionsof Bale St Paul and Chan to own naunanr sanvrca mu ALL PARTS of Canada are owilinriu Iorecast or the Quebec and the Morltlrnes Figures indicate expected high expected to have cold Icmper prairie province with showers umpmmfl may CF mm scum today Blowrng new or or hang rain in eastern photo DISTRICT WEATHER TVqridble Claudiness Mild On Wednesday odny and Wednesday few ht rnowIlurrlcs today Winds westerly 15 Ottawa raglan Variable cloudiness this morning Mainly sunny this ntlernoon and Wednesday Mild Winds light becoming westerly is this ailer noon Montreal region Cloudy with some drizzle curly Ihls morning becoming mainly sunny this at ternoon Wednesday mainly sunny Mild Winds light bo comtng westerly 15 this ailer noon Sault Ste Marie Kapuskasing White River Moosoneo llmmins Sunny with Iew cloudy per Iods Is the Weather word or to day and not much change In ex pected or Wednesday Continu ing mild with westerly winds to marrow The overnight low re corded downtown at the Ex aminer Oliice was 36 degrees The temperatureht 730 mm was so degrees TORONTO ICI Oillcinl Iorccosts issued at 530 am todny Synopsis An intense winter storm over Western Canada that brought rain drizzle and unscasonnbly mild to Iures to Ontario Monday moved all into Hudson Bay during the night dry westerly llow ol air has moved Into the province bringing with It cooler tempera tures and snowflurrles to the North Temperatures will re main on the mild side In the south No Grange is mom or Wednesday Toronto Hamilton London Windsor Lake St Clair Lake Huron Lake Erie Niagara Lake Ontario southern Geor gian Bay Holihurlon reglonn Sunny with low cloudy periods and mild today Wednesday var iahln cloudiness and condoning Forecast temperature Low ovcmlghl hlgh Wednesdn Illndsor as 45 Hamilton SI Calharln Toronto Pcttrborough Kingston Trenton Killnloe Musltolra North Bay Sudhury Earlton mm mm TUEDAY DEBBIE ufi BUSINESS BRIEFS By THE CANADIAN PRESS WORK manna DOWN The may 71 work MP9 ages27 In Dumbduring November Involved 1978 work ers and accounted or loss It 18560 mandnys lobar department reported to Ottawa Monday This compared with 70 stoppages daring Octo berAlnvolvtng 24715 workers and timeless at £6860 mandayIL AIDING AGRICULTURE The government will conrldec action to help any part of the agriculture Industry damaged by Kennedy Round tariiI out starting Jan lederal Agricol ture Minister Greene told the Nommons Monday IAX RATES CUT Reduced rates at British tax on wide range oilncolnes paid to Canadian residents became effective last April and forms or claiming rcbntcs now are available at national revenue ol Ilces across Canada the reve nus dcpartmeot said to Ottawa Monday OIL RESOURCES FOUND Saskatchewans second major deep oil discovery has been made in the southeast corner of the province the provincial de partrnent ol mineral resourch announced Manda SOURCE UNKNOWN LONDON CPI The ngrh culture department says It has not yet been possible to pin down the source at Brltalna outbreak oI Iooiandvmouth dis easaol animals Unolliclal re nrls since the Oct 25 outbreak ave pointed the Inger at var Ious countries notably Argenth no from which Britain has Im portcd about to per cent or her meat None has been confirmed olIIcIally IIII rllrlllolllsrlr allan nmrnmumuumofllrvmum mIld Winds westerly l5 Sudhury North Bay northern Georgian Bay limngnmi Coch rane western James Bay White River Algoma regions Variable cloudiness and colder Painter Dies In MOntrealj MONTREAL CF Robert Pilot 69 one of Canadas most distinguished painters died jin hospital here Sund night tollowlng long Illness Mr Pilot was born to SL1 Johns Nfld ond achieved lame for his marines and land seapas which are hung in the national galleries France Spain the United States and Italy aswell as the National Gallery and other Canadian gal leries His works were also obDiIned tortlreprivne collections Churchill and Eal Alcxanderof Ievoix andlor winter scenes In re entertaining tholedud

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