STAY IN FOURTH Barrie ACs Beaten In HighScoring Game Pannv souso nante ac kmain trmly lodged into the north position alter weekend Georgian Ray Junior hockey acttoa The local squad uhich lratcls to Collinguned tonight tor an 830 tilt with the second place Shipbuildcrs lbs outscor ed 96 by ParrySodnd Bruns wick Sunday atternoon ACs now have 572 record for dozen points They umatn three points ahead at lilth place Oriilia and trail Parry Sound and Collingttood by eight Fourth place oil be challenged at Bar rte Arena Thursday night at 130 uhcn Orrllia are the visitors Sundays cla sh at Parry Sound catered plenty oi scoring and large mount oi penalties Brunswirks who hold share oi the runnerup rung nith Coiling wood at 20 points jumped int quick 3o advantage helore €b lilst intermission AC5 rebounded in the middle period outscoriug their hosts 13 llowctcr Parry Sound squashed any thoughts ot further Barrie Five Curling Finals Tonight Five tinals to be played tonight at Ilarrie Curling Cltib will con cludc the ltrst at three seasonal schedules Gaines begin at eight oclock all to ends acting play ing committee chairman Larry Ilart stated For he Lahalt Iroplty be llill llettick 1s Ing Fairbro lhtrt Last night licwick ousted lloli Green in semiinn play Iietsiek was home with the flu so He Waitlick subbed for him sue uliy as skip Others on the rink are Doug llomcr subhi ing or Dave Sicel who has gone south Ernie Reed and Bill Tol ton lairbrother beat Ross Simpson in semirlinai The Central Colic giate teacher has Bill Lemmou Bill Blackness and Hugh Riddell on his rink ROLLS ANT SIMPSON For the Rolls and Simpson Trophy it will be Jack Kennedy rs Alderman Frank Hersey Kennedy heat Ernie Voliendcn last night and Hersey eliminated George Kennedy with Jack Lloyd as sub skip Kennedy has Don Morrison or vice it was Geldard and Ron Mossop Groups Id aiitl iho curled ulllly Monday anti unanimity nights it wit be layor elect Bohtlcmley irn Dcuhr Bentley beat out Jnek Vallwin last night while Dewar ousted Jim ciync Waliwin splits skipp ing with John Lokiug during schedule Bentley has on his rink Fralcigh Cruwo Ilrucc liigclow and Iluticriield Dewar has Sid Kadish it Ilusch and Cherry YOUNG IllOIIII In the Peacock nsolation event veteran Ellsworth Craw lorths rink ttill oppose Orval Carr which in tLty would be Mincsiog vs Thornton Carr beat Charlie Spencer last night to reach the iinai The iiitli game is the ï¬nal ltrr the new ilarry Young Trophy This is or the Sttndny aileruoon mixed league and will be Bill Tract vs ltlel Brass Last Sun day Trnez beat Emcrsons Swain anti Brass eliminated Hurry Fred Norris subbing last night IWalker in scmFlloals Banls Produce Home Victories Barrie Bantams éotleclod two consecutive home lee wins in North York hockcy action bump ing Onillia 61 and edging New market 53 Tho local hunts sponsored by the United Rubber Workers Local 53 play again at home tomorrow ghi Thornhllt are the p111 guests at Barrie Arena The locals rallied irom behind against Orillia and pulled away in the second period with Brian Kinsella tending the way He eol lcctcd ttvo goals and three as slsLs Colin Scott strucklor three Scott earned ttvo scores gainst Newtnarket with singles by Bannorman Kinsella and Brent Bowen Bannerman also assisted twice For Newmarkct Dan Ilellidgc bagged two goals Cal Govcs assisted twice and Jim Coivrll scored once BANTAM ORlLLlA First Period Orlllia Ham rmond Dates 512 21Barric Kinsella tltanttcrman Penalty Bennett hold it Second Period Barrie Bali nctmnn Kitisella 315 Bar ï¬e SCull Kinsella 615 Barrie Scolt Bannermaul 10 Pcnalty oh ton elbow sclla Milehtuson Bannermnn 1ao Barrie Scott Kinsella Orillla Hammond 1230 Lynch riheidi 515 lt Cole elbow 11 oil Joh ton Kocslagrttrip to it ick BANTAM bNEWMARKBTr First Period Conningha ncrman 520 Kinsella ti Conell Blighti Counter elbow Second Perla Banncrman ltct Iiollidgc 1235 sclla Bannermanl allies Arrington hold inti 1416 Knightstrain to Knight attack with two goals while Jelt Simmons Rodney Car roll Glen Richardson and Greg Ktrkpatrieig bagged one each Scoring or tin were Jerry TimLrltessand Mark Mcisaac Alter Barrio es coats and lourin the conclnd or Orillla was assessed six of to penalties p111 I2d Dobsky and Ed Martin ller scy has Doug Campbell Vern For the Trophy rally by posting three or the tour third trame scores John Glgnac paced Brunswick with three goals and one nstisL Ilrucc Abbott struck twice 13 Terry Campbell Bill Toderman Jim Smith and Gary Clarke post ed singles Smith Clarke Jim McDonald Larry Fleetham and Roy Read all earned two assists Brent Smith and lvan Cameron recorded two Barrie goals and Lorne Adana added the other Louis Kelly picked uptbm as sLtts ttouon on Barrie Goal Mattion De fence Bertram McFadden Mac Phcrson Forwards Kelly Hogs garthflll Smith Perry Reid tVottendcn Cameron Adams Studtcy Furry Sound Goal Jay Dcience Holmes It Clarke Rood Imwnr ds Campbell Ficctham Stevenson Gigoac Clarke Smith Todcrman Mc Donald Abbott NANCY GREENE By TIIE CANADIAN PRESS France BC native who Nancy Greene elated over her solo etion as Canada woman athlete oi the year had her sights set today abroadthe steep slalom slopes at Grenoble The ztyoarold Rosslund won the ELAINE TANNER tition she decided to enter an international meet in Canada because she lelt ski enthusiast at home should see their top competitors in action By missing lour Cup events she dropped to point standing to third place behind Miss Got Clarket 202 Donald 811 donalri Itead 1420 as 740 lloimcs elbow 1118 Read histick 957 McFadden slash 16 McFadden rough 1309 Bertram is light and Stevenson stash light 111143 FIISI Period Parry Sound Gignac Parry Sound Abbott Men Parry Sound Abbott Mc Penalties Parry Sound beach bolt tint Reid 395 MtFaddEn elbow Second Period Parry Sound Campbclt Flectham 0011 Barrie Camcroi Kelly 50 Barrie gartht Parry nd Todcrmon Fleetbam Read 81111 Barrie Smith Kelly Muc Pherson 1437 Parry Sound Smith Gil nac 1736 Smith Kelly llog pool PCES award announced today in poll at 131 sports writers and broadcasters said she hopes to repay Canada by winning gold medal in the winter Olympics at Grenoble Fob odd strident at Notro Dame Uni vrsity nt Nelson EC she won the world Cup for women skiers last year by defeating Frances Marielle Goitschcl by 7vlootha oi second in the tinul cup compe tition despite missing several European races in the cvcnl Runnerup in the Canadian Press yearcnd sports poll lnr two ycars Miss Greene won the accolade over world champion swimmer Elaine Tanner oi Von couvcr and Winnipeg NW5 1566 WINNER Miss Greene amassed ate points to not or Miss Tnnncv last years winner who has lctt Vancouver to swim in liioui PanAmerican schcl and Annie Famose also France But Miss Greene who attacks slalom course wearing white helmet with the word Tiger emblazoned on 11 strong lnthc lost event at the season at Jackson Hole Vyo Atlanta Signs South African Soccer Star ATTANIA AP Kaizer BoyBoy Motaung oi Johannes burg South Atrica has been signed to 156 Atlanta Chlcls contract the prolessional soccer team announced today Motoring has played in side left forward on the Orland Pirates in South Airch since la the 1952 came on Barrie Scott Iewnturket Penalty Barrie Scott wmar Newmarket ltollidge ttGotcs 70 Penalty Hastings elbow Third Period BarricKin Bar rie Bowen Rayeralt 12 Pen 830 Dowtlell bench 11 13 Cole Quick Score4 BEAVERTON 11arrie Knights used three goal cushion esv tahiishctt before the game was 10 minutes oldto trip Orillia 63 in an OMHA Pcctvee exhib on eating Sunday at Beaver Steve iivrngstdn 1e it to Barrie Cameron Perry Vollcndcn 1940 Penalties Iioimos trip Holmes and Kelly lhisticll 455 lt Clarke elbow 625 It Clarke elbow 1tzo Bertram slash 12M lloggnrth slash and Jay hold 1433 Third Period 11 Parry Sound Gilan Clarke Srnilhl 12 Barrie Adams 701 lit Parry Sound Gignac Holmes 1230 14Parry Sound Clarke Smith 1620 Penalties Bertram trip 22 Bartlutbcnchl 1231 Gignac and Studlcy rough 1655 GB 111111011 VLT Huntsville 121 1111177 Collingwood 10 88 44211 Parry Sound ti 95 5820 131111111 55 7512 uriitia seat Penetang 410 55 91 ll Bracebridgo 113 31113 Futurerflamcs rTonight BARBIE at Calling wood 330 WednesdayHuntsville at Pen etang ThursdayTPcnctang at EAR RIE 130 Collingwood at 01 illia Friday Ortilin at Huntsvhl Parry Sound at Collingwood Susan McDouncIl ol Toronto gold medal gymnast in the PanAm Games was third with 91 points Miss Greene pollcdwlo iirst place ballots to 41 tor Miss Tan ner and three Ior Miss Me Donnell Threcp second and one or third Marsh Trophy for Nancy TORONTO CF GTECIIO worldehampion skier Irom Rosslaud BC and voted Canadas top womhn athlete of 1967 was named winner at the Lou Marsh memorial trophy Monday The Marsh lrophymernorlal to former sports editor of The Star goes to the outstanding athlete in Canada each ycor Ruunerup tor the Marsh tro phy is Ferguson Jenkins Chat ham Ont pitcher with Chicago Cubs oi the National League were named athletes of the year in yearcod polieonduetedrby The anadian Pr gt Phone rat2114 Baseball nints were awarded or iirstplncc vote two lor Nancy Laid To TORONTO GP In perlect luncral weather tltc last eitccts oi Toronto Maple Leais baseball team were auctioned Monday at Maple Lent Stadium About 160 bidders listoncd in gloomy any weather as auc tioneer Norman Jocobs oili einlly laid to rest the International league team 01 lice and concession equipment sold well and sets of uniform lor oo bats SENIOR nix Kingston Gall VBothMissGreeneand Jenkins Barrie Oakville Woodstock Bellevilla WLT 1451 13 81 11 80 119 9101 5130 6161 7711 went to recreation oilieials it Campbellville Ont The Toronto Old Timers Base ball Association paid $115 each be distributed to ram 15 82104 6532 73 529 no 71127 955225 72 1524 79 9019 on 9616 in 9116 723213 cnv amnion WANT ADS on 6510212 Gmn Tuesday Believille at Oriliin Orin tablishcd their 30 lead the two is shared twogsecpnd mind how YORK AP Coach Knighe restlme North York yeowec action on the road Wod nesctay when they meet Alliston George Allen of Los Ahgeles Ramsthought itrwbuld be shame or either team to lose in the showdown between his of the Colts were citnamed Na SUSAN ntwonncu Nancy Greene Aims At Gold Leading to World Cup compc ller narrow victory ovct Miss Gailschcl gave her enough points in standings to tvin the Cup She had 174 points and Miss Goitschel no Miss Greene and other mem ber of the national team leave for Europe Dec as andthe start ot international cumpetiiiou cant really predict how toll do but this year we havc at very strongteam bath mens and womens she says She secs her stitiest compctt ion to younger skiers on French Austrian and American teamsheir younger skiers have really been eoming along Miss Tanner dubbed Mighty Mouse swept the Jamaica Brit ish Empire Games In 1966 trik ing lonr golds and three secondplace silver medals At the Vidnipeg PanAm last summer she took two golds and three silvers She holds world records in the we and zoo metro backstroke and was on the team that sot the payout ireestyle rclny record in Jamal ea Miss til en onoell won her PauAm gold in tough competi iou on parallel bars Leafs Rest playground teams 11 also bought about to battin practice baseballs tit 311 cents each TransCanada Liquidation Ltd which ran the sale dc clined to estimate how much the and inventory had been at $5336 The Lents dropped out at the International League lhisycar alter series oi linaocialprob terns at the gate and with Metro Toronto oltieials Toronto joined the Internation al Icaguejin teas dropped out in 11190 and rejoined in 1094 valued IapapeSe Honor HawauadBpxq TOKYO AP Takesltl Paul Full otHa the welterweight challipton named Tuaday as Japans Fighter oi the Year by Japa nese boxing ttriterd Thciz7yearnld Ftd former Marine andAmerican eiti up oi Japanese ancestory was picked over world baniant weight Masahiko Fighting Barada Fuiiv carved 15 votesagainst dss inept 22 votes ens won the world junior wal terweight championshiplrom It lthold 1430 auction realized Equipment ws Scooter Sparks When their Scooter Line lotto tlons so do Chicago Black Hawksand theyre proving It The intending National Hoeh ey beaguc champions who lost to Toronto Maple teats in the Stanley Cup mmiiinats last spring took their lumps lrorn everybody early in the 195153 schedule Although Bobby uou so plus goat scorer last season was cit to on at his but start over the limits were motley or 113s Blow Lead Fortwoiporiods at Barrie Ar ena Sunday alternoon Barrio Vniton Insurance clung to 10 Georgian Bay Benguc midget di vision lead over hiealord llow evr the inn outcome had the visitors prevailing 3I as they scored three times without reply in the concluding period Randy Gollinger struck twice or Mealord with Allen Eagles earning three assists The third Mcaiord score was collected by Doug Crowe Jim Kennedy man the lone Barrio tnlly at 610 at the opener while teammate Phil ancro was sitting out tripping penultyu Mealord also scored while shorthanded Next scheduled league action for the local Pcewce squad is Sunday Dec 11 at home to Midland starting at 415 pm First Period Barrie Kenn ncdy Rnycrnlt to Penalties Favcro trip Harrison Second Periodf Noséornlt Penalty Kennedy trip 1830 Third Period Mealold Gals linger Crowe Eagles 1211 Mutant Gnllinger Eagles Mcptord Crowetflng Penalties Dubic hi KEMPVIEWAMENS MAJOR lsgtigli Singles Casey 355 Dunn Iligh Triples nltck 965 Na pier 1811 Dunn 85 Casey B44 Turkey nnu High Singles Over 215 nvgl Casey cos Dunn 3511 High Triples over 275 avg Fruiick 965 Napier811 High Singles Underzzs avg Cotvao tld Malcolm 196 HighTriples Under 2257an McKeever 791 Marsdcn 777 Hidden Scorn Broadloot 711 Grant Hughes 742 Carter M6 High Averages Broadioot 271 IIiCkEy 21 Napter 258 Butler 25 Wigginsdss Frulick 254 gwan 251 en ding Hammer heads to Koopmnns BP 39 Kompview 3o Brass and Glenn No Ttvo 30 Screwdrivers 25 BarrioSportsznglJo £550 Lake Simone Glasalo Chucks Boys Brass and Glenn No One as spam IOTHEBARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY DECEMBER INT Line crew that our win trotll their eighth start this season That was about the time the Scooter Line oi Stan tlikita Doug Mohns and Ken lharram began iunctioning alter uric oi trahsiogcnmp iniuries Mikita the Ilawks slickpassc In centre star had been slowed by groin injury and lcit winger Mohns with pulled hamstring LINE RECOVERING But with injuries to these two ï¬nally healing hockey observ ers predicted more lormidablo Chicago assault lorce They have not been dtwppointcd The Black Hawk ntiencc with the Scooter line intact has been impressive to say the lcasL Their recent upswing has car ned Chicago to limbplace lie in the NilLs East Division with the slumping Boston Bruins lilikita has been most spectac ular moving into it secondplace tie among league scorers with John Bucyk at Bostoneach with 11 goals and 18 assists and to points They trnli Hull 23 goals and is assists by two points During the last 14 days Itlilt he has scored nine goals and as many assists unit has scored six goals and picked up two as sists in the same period oi the no goals scored so or by Chicago to have gone to lttikitn Vhorram and Mohns and nnothcr 25 to IIullntnra than twothlrds oi the teams scoring punch Kinsmen Coast To 61 Verdict Birre Kinsmen Novich trip pod Newmarkct 51 in North League play at Barrie Arena Robbin Garner and Layeock post ed two goals eachas Barrio built one 30 advantage The visitors sliced the gap to single goalbelore Kinsmen increased their lead by three Raymond and Borden com pleted the Barrie scoring Ken Vernstrice and Kevin Mattiea struck tor Netvmarket and Chris Jackson assisted twice Kinsmen next host Thornhllt at Barrie Arena Saturday Dec Game time at Barrio Arenals mo part alys Sandro 1opopolo by so over Green Bay and 3110 triumph over Baltim Theres ho way success in money Allen jsaidl druid mm tlonnt Football Long Conch oi the Year Monday voting by an Associated presspanerot reaming had set 3111 ioothall writers andbroadcast 2° and 13 ors Shula and mcndous RamsandBaltlmer Colts saweva achieved Ewing ms ATTRACTIVE his sssumethe vote was taken before Sundaysgame Shula said wryly referring to the act that the Colts lust boththe gameod1oaod the Coastal ivision title Suhda Shula was right The vote was taken belore be game and Allen and he each so veil votes or the is cast Vioce Lombard of Green Bay ote New 16 dining at Chicago Benishnd Blaoto or en no atants or no wonlosrmnrd last year losttie NW pintam ted El wind it inn honor in go itpaysinot age Thptasteof SohonioyTradition is goodthingAnd ova hatent changed ittor long tim Nor writ we iondly bi sup bwh doeapvary moth lung makes yourdrink Wa iii 01 radition worth