Her Husbands Retirement Came As Birthday Present Dy IUMN um UllAWA t0 For Km 1on Pearson who has made no secret other desire to get out at public life her husbands pond las retirement came as both day present gt llis pnbila announcement lhursdly 01 ha intention to re tire cum one day alter her oath birthday we gave the private word to his eon Gaoflrey Wednesday night at tamily gathering to celetaalo the birth dIy protectle wIll againat phone calls to Mrs Pearson was thrown up by the prime ministe rial stall Thunday and she could not be reached lor com ment on the announcemutL However she la known to have love ol liia that is Iimpla and private yen to travel without the worry oi schedules hats and public appearances and dislike or constant public recognition and election cam pIignL Mrs Peanona sharp Iome times tart wit has generated criticism among soma volecork ocioua liberals Her tranlmess and her avoid Ince ol toosweet ouporlicial re marks hm earned the respect or others mm ASIDE At political meeting in Algm ma East riding Mr Pearson asked hio constituents about their problems He listened and when he asked whelber anyone elsa wanted to bring minim up his wile muttered an aside Yes lova donghnuls and six cups ol collee Mn Pearson is uncondoru bin in large crowds but be comes warm and friendly and her laughter bubbles vhen she is away lrom politics Her husband onca said When she marritd me she expected quiet life as the wile or history teacherl was her teacher and think she married me to get through her linal year She did get through that outs LESTER Pearson has made no bones about her dis like oi public lilo Her wish to travel without worry oi sche dules hats and public appear ances will come true at her year but how she got through the last to 11 never know The Pearsons own home in Ottawas exclusive residential area oi Rockclllle Park and it is husband Prime Minister Pear aon steps down as government head and leader oi the Federal liberal party Mrs Pearson is shown in lormal gown at her Ottawa home CP wirephoto thcrethat iiira Pearson wants to live when she leavcs tll prime ministers ollicial resi dence at 24 Sussex on th Ottawa River SPEAKING UAW PARTY The Squaretmers ol Bus Borden held Yuletide square dance party Wednesday even in ll Buoll Building which was pally decorated in lestivo them Rnuocb and squares were called by club calla Bob Madth with several tips be ing called by dd preaidmt Al Spot dance prises llltc bullet din ol turkey and trimmings the oveninl Mr and Mr Ken Robertsm ware assist by Mr and Mrs Semlth on Gannon with dunes arrangements Par ty guests maï¬og up seven sets Burton United OF PEOPLE AND PLACES of dancers include three sets from hillston and one square from Barrie CMMMAS EDDlNGS Miss Margarethose Diunont and James William Leighton will exchange wedding vows Belt 23 in St Marys Church Barrie The brideelect is the daughter Mr and Mrs Henry Dianont of RE Barrier bridegroomlobe is the son ot Mr and Mrs Joseph Leighton ot Vioto in St Barrie Sgt and Mr Gién Andrus have announced the lorthcsm inl marriage of their daugh ter Marylou Doris to Conrad Roi son of Mr and Mrs Roi at Toronto The adding willink place too ceremony Dec so in firinity Qbapel Base Borden Sunday School ProsentedICiiriStrnas Tableau Bilton Avenue United Church was lull on Sunday night when the ohlldren ol the Sunday School presented theiCbristmaa Story in tableau and song using songs seldom heard any audience liark Voice oi Angel who Mary No Room in the loaf Sieep Jasus Dear Glory Glory See the Sh epherda theOricnt Three Give unto his Lor The bet and autilnl voices oi the unior Cho directed by William hell with Doug Gar raway at the organ sang solLly thorough listed above as Bandy Emms narrated the Christmas Story in the choir wercileather Little Florence Skrypnychuk Debbie Cook CarolCook Cathy Mallory Jean Brown Susan Jalxes Donna Wynes Kathy Skinner Cary rSklnner alum the an llled quietly onto hnhunrmpwuhoutmakhixf There were no Aprops Lights enjoy coinlesy of Jack Mat tlkoughth chil swearod Mark Hanlon Roga Emms and Brian Broley and heded in front nl themsnger One small Shepherd had great difficulty snaging his stall which loot taller than hand his little bare ieel re flected the scrubbing his mother had given them to be so clean in the glare olthe spotlight The Three Wise Men beanliluliy Why Mrs R08 Corrignn Jim Wylie an via the aisles of the church and placed their gills before the ma set Children in modern dress then approached the scene little wrapped gifts Sandy Cold ter Reta Huger Carolyn Wynos Shelly ilsdden Bruce 000k Brian Purdon little Shepherd brokeihe spe Hnlonthitthepotoizoldand sent rollingBuLllh real trooper ha nuickiy regainedhis com ure andieli as planned Ton mirrored thejoy brought to them Véfllllg Wynes approached theplallorm Wherilt was ovortheaud ca tencrrelaxedï¬lliacer periorman oldittle menb CERISIMAS PARTY til enioyed cords dances rmrvn DINNER mm Mr and Mrs Cook of Lay SL and Mr and Mrs BrianNapnell of Orillia were guests at the annual Christrnas dinner party lot statfmlpioyccsmi Retail Credit Company awlguests The din ner dance party was held at ough convened bythe Wl dale ollloavvol the company ITS IRL Sodli notes In intended to cover the general social lilo ol the city District weddings annlveraarlea bridal ahnwen parties travellers and vlsltors are all llenuol interest to readers at to page Yoilr help in supplying this news will be greatly appreciated Pleasephonevlha Barrie Ex aminer 7156517 and ask or Audrey Caulswn or Dee wu mcr at the Womens Depart cious Christmas dinnerSatur day evening at Bavslairs Lodge ldlnets Point The inlolinal evening included dancing to re and occasion a1 spot William Um ANN LANDERS Dear Ann burden As lreshman at large university in North Carolinn haveen countered some pretty weird people since arrived on cam pus But am not especially bothered by them because ex ealclted to run into some odd My problem is my roommate Every time walk into the room ho is therestanding on his head have become some what accustomed to this sight although it uasnotcasy But the annoying thing is that he makes terriï¬c racket whcn he ails When am studying these washing sounds really slulke me up When am asleep the awoken me The students below us and on either side oluiti have com plaincd but my roommate says these headstands ard vital to his physical wellbeing lie also in sists that they help him think more clehrly and that his grades have Improved since he started Well maybe his grade have improved but mine have becomeworse Please suggest somethingFlunkln Floyd Dear Floyd Standing on onea bead does improve the circula tion and mnny headstnnders swear by this exercise The noise however is something else again Suggest that your roommate put his laundry bag or mattress or some pillows on the floor and tell on them Annouam Dear lino haulers he been going With this young man lor almost two years He has told me he loves me and has asked me to marry him one day The problc We have broken up three times were women twice his age The woman has linelhus hand yet she must see my boy irlend al lcaslllva nighla week Hegocs to her house to talk or an hour or two alter he leave here He lrcquentiy in vites her to join us whench go to the theater or the movies if her husband is out at town al though he knows do not like the idea He says this woman is like mother to him yet his own motlm is so lovely nndeno dontknow why he needs sulr About so people including amule 5M1 manners ol the Plaza and Dunlop St branches ot the la hevhaving anxaflair with the old crow or am nuts Ive told him how Lleel about this endship ulfhECEHEt5€Em to stay away ironi hen What do you thinkISuo think yo friends attachment to this con THE will EXAMINER Maple Geek Farm Scarbor Mr and Mrs BillLeBoe oi em their collection with the Westle were mraMary Woodstock and Mrs Jean Burk act Currie andMI Cy romanomen 15 11 Improves Grades Lowers Roommates lor citizen is abnormal and are healthy He doesnt sound like very promising marriage male rlnl Doll in ad the whole thing to like target it DONATIONS near Ann Landers We were married recently In private ceremony Only the immediate intruiirs were prcsenL When we returned lrorn our honeymoon we received two letters inlorming usthat dona tions to cancer loundation had been made In our honor We have heard ol donation in memory at beloved ones who have died but never have we heard of donations to honor newlyweds it seems somowhnt morbid and in poor taste Please commcntUalnlormed Dear Unlnlormed Donations to commemorate hnppy events such as weddings anniversaries and births are not only proper they make better sense than an eleventh candy dish or twelfth pair at booticst THE STARS SAY By esmnnura FOR TOMORROW Planetary aspects still some what rrstrlctlvc cnli lor care in all matters on Saturday You may experience tendenry to scatter energies to go roll on tangents not pcrtincnt to your best interest Curb Such incli nations and avoid the careless noss thatcould lead to needless HUME FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates some challenghig business andor lob situations during the next lew monthsllowever with patience and determination you should henble to turn them to your ad vantage and ï¬nd yourselt by late 1968 not only in lar bet ter position than you may be at the present but ready to move torward at more progressive paceearly in 1569 Someunex pectod recognition at your tale cuts in eariyMay andor mid September could turn the tide lhere are indications otsomav opportunities lor linancial gain in midMarch late April mid May andhugust child born on this day will owedwlth innings personality and many talents but will have toch tendency toward excessivegambling PRE CHRISTMAS SPECI GUESTS ATTEND SHERRY PARTY The Ladies Section at the Barrie Curling Club enter tained At sherry and cheese party on Wednesday Guran at the party shwan above are mm the lelt Mrs Doris Homer president Mrs Jodi wife of Earrioa mayoreiod Burbidge 20er George Mann local repre alive ot Parhdaie liau Mrs Photo by Earl Hashim Jack Corby social comment TRY EXMHNER VAhPADs and Airs itobort Bentley PHONE mom bolworlh DEPARTMENT STORE gill