ALLISTON TOWN council will conclude its t957 year with statutory meeting at the tovm hali this evening Reeve Ralph ttunler tell discusses civic achievements of year with Deputy Reeve Jactr Taylor who has just com pleted his itrst yearns mum ty council member Reeve Hun tcr has served seven years on the county council Examine Photographt Council At Alliston Finishing Busy Year ALLlSTON Stall iionernr lttms will be distributed to mom abcrs at lltston council at the closng meeting tor 1961 called tor this evening The meeting will he the 35th of the year for council Mayor John Darling QC and members at his council are com pleting busy year highlighted by centennial celebrations and events There were considerable achievements in Alliston area to also mark Canadas loolh birth day year The largest was the development at the son acre ex tension to nearby Earl Rowe Park locatedby ontio road short distance West or Allision Improvements were made at Rivcrdale Part in Allistan and there was considerable street worlt Reeve Ralph Hunter and Deputy Reeve John Taylor were busy as Allistons representatives at Simcoe County council WATERWURKS The Ailiston representatives red the way or Allistons water expansion program they successtully argued in oi the county selling pro to the town lor the purpose ell drilling There was can erahlc discussion at the county level before approval remaining County Member Change For Ore 0R0 STATION Stall amlnoklng torward to hing Simcoe County council next year with great deal oi interest said Deputy Reeve clect Ken iieth Gilchrist of Ora Station member of On township council for five years Mr Gil christ was electeddeputy rceva by acciarnation for atwoyear term the ï¬rst for Dros Deputy Reeve Gillespie ovesup gto reevc tor the next two years Mr Gillespie was reéve Oro from 1957 to 1962 inclusiv thus willretumto his former position Reeve George Mac Kay county warden will retire atthe endcrib year alter serving 22 years in municipal SlEilEttiiiiltlillï¬linuioj ifliiitltEtuBDBBIE tilEitSiEFf Gitltti Emmiw WILLIAM Gilli RWIIEI PllJltlIlESJJICiItDDtICthL ltlTEIIlIKTIOIIAL Pillllltt Rm rvien17on Dro counc ve on the school board EPlan Debenture VIorScltools own at Bradford and toyynships or East and West thllimbury their uins Myear debentures bearing inter est at er cent the ï¬nal payment which will hes his tourrh year as head or the council The present twovyear term which extends irrto 1966 was the iirst tor Itltistou council As was the case for most Sim coc County municipalities the 1967 tax rate was up somewhat but still lower than most The residential rate was and mills against 4631 last year while the commercial rate was 5694 in comparison to 5151 increased cost oi education was the main reason tor the crease The county levy also was highe but the general rate over which the council had control was only slightly higher Problems concerning the best ways and means at meeting needs or more school aecunrn daiion occupied considerable at tention duringvthe yen LION Elected Lions governor nl Dis lrlct no Ontario and Quebec at Sault Ste Marie last spring De puty Reeve Taylor has in oi liclal visits to various clu wt in the territory aird was the means of giving Alliston much iavorable publicity councillor tor 12 years the Canadian Armi oured Corps veteran oi World War it is serv his lirstas de puty reeve post presi dent ot the Alliston Lions past Steam 1W inaugural Set AtCoolrstown euguratrneeiioa or tn town villagevcoonen or 1968 will be heidon Tuesday Jan Lit Reeve was announced Monhaarr members lor as new twpayear term the lint extended leim htowo LY pasting unnecessary bylaw lowing ovate at approval than FOR FURTHER lNFORMATION zone chairman at Zone ii south and was deputy strict cttvcrnor ot rcgion tor 1955 07 Town councillors tor Alliston also completing busy terms elude Oalria Gray Jnmrs Die ey Stanley Rowen James Mc Cullough Peter Cameron and Stewart Dermott ltlembers oi the public utilities commission who also will be back for 1988 include Halves Jock AndersonI Boyea and Frank OConnor Oiilclais said the honorarium include$looo tor the mayor $500 tor each at the reeves and $850 or members of council with deductions for eeism There has been considerable dis cussion about rules concerning the latter particularly when members miss special meetinits when ibeyare attendlny other town business NEWTON ROBINSON UCW NEWTON ROBINSON Stall ltlrs William Rowe has been elected president of the Newton Robinson United Church Wooten for the ensuing year with Mrs Don Harvey vice president Mrs Homer and Mrs drew secretaries and Mrs ltieber treasurer IMPRERALV We and any sthRILLs one urrncvsnnoro ï¬lm 7283440 farmn Church At Goldwater Active 101 Years DLDWATER tStatlt Av men the older churchel oi Sim coo county Altdwntzr United church has history which dates back or lot years Drlflaally Methodist congre lrtloo the church now has the largest coagulation in the Cold water urn The lirst meetings took place In less in an old lop schoolhouse which was shunted on the main strict viil age near where Corn store is now located FRAME CHURCH in test the first irame church was built on the site at the present lair grounds With the growth oi membership larger church was built on Gray street along with Sunday School build ing Aa early as 1896 Presby icrlans worshipped with the tile thodists although church union did not come about or some years later The Presbyterian lotned with the Methodists tor serle while church at their own was under construction The early Sunday School serv HOLLY CHRISTMAS CONCERT Whlte gilt service was ob served at Kelly church Sunday The pupils and superintendent lilrs Downing assisted during the service and the lunlor ehoir sang an anthem The white gills and brown gills were brought to this service Salvation Army The concert will be held Dec 22 this service White gills oi money tor overseas and brown gills Sooduscd clothing and toys tor Salvation Army The concert will be held Dee TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS moreefoyyomoney 15 herel Dalsun has rernvénlad the economy mport pare the tealurcsot this dynamic car with anything In or around its price bracket Voott lino the new Dalsun delivers more salety more comtort morn reliability and more powarMno heres why more safety You can see betlcrlrom the drivers seat the new Dotson The Datsun has Increased VIStbillly Where It counts by eliminating the nodratt windows No longer necessary be cause at unique venti ed as classroom or an over now at pupils mm the public school at one time The present parsonage was erected in loan and in lilo church was built on the site 01 the present church The church was dedicated in March mr cod saved until it was destroy ed by ï¬re on blunt 15 ml White plans were proceeding to rebuild the itlethodistr worship ped at the Presbyterian church The Methodist church was then axially reopened November 11 PART UNION tn I925 the church became part of the United Church of Canada lollowing union of Meth odist Congregational and Pres byterian diuretics Council pill Essa To ShowChange lVY Stall Wc havent set the date yet we are just awaiting word on what will suit the maturity at memberssnid Reeve George Davis when aslred about the inaugural meet ing of Essa council for 1968 The Essa council will show only one change from this year tor loos 69 with Ed McDonald Angus contractor pl In Morgan Murphy Baxter busi nessman and musician Other members will be Deputy Reeve Eugene Smith at Utopia and and Kenneth Blanchard of RR Alliston along with Reeve Davis Reeve Davis wasdialrman oi agriculture for Simcoe County council during the past year while Deputy Reeve Smith was vicechairman of the Nottnwasa gs Conservation Authority om Counclllors lrcd Rog of tour Among the pioneers ol the church may at whose descenv dents stilt term part at the con grexaiiob were John Brriaod James Younl Joseph Brown the hovering iamdy tilts Ra chel Buchanan and also the Era trix Date with and South ern lamflics Score as ministers have served the congregation in its more than to years ol existence The pre sent minister Rev Brown succeeded Rev Willson in 1555 Old records show the local circuit once included Early Vau baushcnc North River and Port Severn well as Coldwater To day the church serves Early Wauhausheoa and Goldwater WI AT muauau HILIBDALE lStntlt him Gordan Rowat will be hostess or the Christmas meeting at Raise dale Womens lllstitute which will be held on Tuesday Dec Mrs it Dan is convener oi the lunch committee DISTRICT NEWS than IIAIII mun TODAY SAT SUN liltiiittl ï¬gment iN COLOR IIt awwmmjtmm roan AT coo asno sonar AT PM ONLY courmuous stiowuvo on SATURDAYJ SUNDAY FREE BONUS TICKET EVERY 3005 THE BARRIEIXAMINER FRIDAY omens ti 1m 60K Honor can lain liitliitiitltttlitl Pr fl ovarbtmpn wheel traction at all times boon in Icy conditionsl more comfort Ingenious Interior planning has given the Carson true lblgvcar comtort For example the window gla is curved RESULT More shoulder room Theres also The Dalsuns new suspension system is two thou sand dollars out ot its class It is Independent on alllour wheels ptvlnp the car wonderlui floating rloe split axle comple ments the rear suspension to tight turns the inside rear wheel wont liltbut stays in contact with in road guaranteeing tour Pins solely in your tumor standard equipment The dashboard sunvrsors and eventho bucks at the trontseals era patio The door locks wont spring even under extreme pres sure Both trout and rear and or the new Datsuh are impact absorbing stopplnp in quick and positive All Daisuns have ttna braking systems The Datsun isoo model has dlac brakes up trout Hit them again and again at seventyTIrey wont latte Theyll bring you to Vslale smooth stop every Roadtroiding ability to exceptional Longer than previous ntodais tho newpalsun has wider stance and lower centrnot gravity Road clearance how ever is still seven and halt inches ample tor Canadas roughest roads aigwboais aided by rcbnkuarlb titm winters Van can no net the trout seat lull titsmytsuphoislo zoo rs seats that are as salt and springy as you can wish but there much mote ait ontiiyou experience Datsons new you on System changes the air several times each In nute as you drive With nodralts invany weather With all the windows closed cheerlui news lor nonsmokersJ Two adtustable ventilators on the dash panel bring in the trash air and neat liowaway outlets in the rear rooi pillars take out tha used air Entoy your conver satin orthe radio ther no road bother you no extremes ol sweltering ru mar or treezing In wini it amplnteiy comets in the dentition Wintarttaity and took tin team prize aswailas ist 2nd anddthhdmhï¬s Shell centennial tooo Rally It you appointal more power rides limousine and ray lomrs like sports car Ask any mechanic landï¬lls advanced slant overhead marshal ongbrethlstype of engine has tower moving parts is more edition and flexible to bring you caseconomywah will acceleration Routine maintenance is monthly on You change the oil lathe transmission mm miles mnevornewagreaseioh There are two standard shill Dotson from The thriiiy Datsun 1300 has fitteospeed synehrornesh box and 77hp The buoltalseat stick hilt 56 aprDatsun Logo Bmathq rally Ingram Iii hundred thousame reliability you wont be mission tor allortless city driving With 96 hp you can be sure at smooth positive response in every range Your new Dotson will glvcyoujbatler hill olrm and passing ability moracuï¬denoe in surname No matter what made you buy we still getting the maraloryournroney car Ghee It outtaryonro seli Drive Datumthen decide on really chilly days the Daisuns healer comes into its own it is designed to handle Canadas snvere ï¬listhe car with wraparoundrflow oI quickly cicarsirostad windo great new suspension syste put more lira tread where it counts eminence nyirisblaiiaabaassm Comfl M5 studio in immune1 couv otro toro traumatin with are world anions BorgWarnorauiohralic trerts