Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Dec 1967, p. 4

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not orrrwa rrponr LETTERS TO EDITOR MAYOR MI PM sues bystanth opend being Elite Theme Examiner wnn Publisher McPherson Managing Editor William Teller General Manager FRIDAY mart PAGE Threat Of Hospital Closing Is Disturbing By YANG NICHOLSON The threatened closth of private treatment hospital in loronto led to pinned sitin by the anxious patients in the office Onilrioe Illnlno tr Health Dr um Dy rnond The irritant hude in newspapers were echoed db btrblngly onluiinmeot Hill The bosphhl had been let up for research purposes and for fire frenamtzgeatmentkoi wagers cm reap story eo done 5nd partlcllhrly national madam brooobidr physerna and sinusitis by the tabulation method lhe horpltol war Enamel bankoiled for twoyeare by Canada urauiurn king im migrant Stephen Romeo in QUEENS VPilRK mtltudo for the cure oi his son suffering horn respiratory ell ments which had ddeltcd eon mtlonnl medical trelment When the Ontario Hospiul Services Commission refused to recognise this treatment as an loaned benefit for the purposes of thin Tomato hospitalsale tbwgh it was being asked for and permitted in Ontario heapi tals in Oriilll Windsor end else when Mn limo untamed he torrid not continue to free the treatment of ferers which had cost him reportedly more than 00000 airing the last two years In there encum we thebospital was threat lB TREATMENT EFFECTIVE The 0850 bleed ll decision Bigger Spending Program Indicated By now OKEARN NEONTO The province ended up last year in the black When we final figures for the 106667 iisceiyear were re leased few days ago they showed there has been re duction in net debt of $1 mil lion in other words $26 surplus the first since rate for THaMNN titans EVERYTHING new pantie conmlgcost Will Be yHignejr Later Atja time ivhen water pollution is matter of grime concernmflauada phmnedde eral Governmentattack on ltthas been scrapped in the govern ments fiantlc effortto cutcosts In the end it may prove to have been costly way to save money Revenue Minister Benson did not mention the matter when he outu linedthe overnmentsJutbackLmdv before For ament few days ago was able to avoid mentioning it because the money to finance it some $50 million was to toechannelled through anew statute not yetpassed by Parllaé ment Thespecial anti ollution fund was to have been estabiis ed along with passage of the newCanada Water Act The water act will doubtless still be assedbut without funds it will he ttle more Athanan empty gesture The act provides for granting of anti pollution funds funds would be administered at threevlevcis The fed eral government itself would deal with pollution of national waters Money would go to the international joint com Bollution programs entered into with the cited States And portion of funds was to go to provincial coordi atorsfor use in programs carricdout provincial waters mission to cover Canadas share of anti The Canada Water Act is designed to set up machinery to stud water de mands floods andwater ortage dis tribution systems and to frontier framework for planning an research programs with both water andsrelate resources An advisory board made up of officials of the departments of ener gy agriculture fisheries external af fairs and health would advisethe ministerZonrrnationahwaterspolic act would oversee such programs as water inventory and pollution resoerch has for some time been advocated by expertson the pollution iront Energy Mines and Resources Minister JeanLuc Pepin said not long ago that the new water act was discussed with the vinces and the reaction was favora 1e although there is fear among rovlndai authorities that thenew legls ation in vades rovinciai urisdicllon MnPepln feels act necessary to provide moreflembletapproachtonrtherpart of the federal Government than that possi ble under the present Water Cons tiou Assistance Act The new actlooksiflne on hperrbut as long as funds are Withhedit will remain gst apiece of paper Andthe iii on Church appoin HStJOffEmpndlVTVI pan Hill771 rieimyersfiieatdloronto lefiark School Varsity School of Practical Science he tted detailed It is just ihevirlud of program that This of come was to be ex pected Taxes including sales in were increased in use and when Treasurer James Allen predicted deficit in his budget speech that year you took it for granted he wasnt serious It was obvious that only lamity could prodqu anything but surplus And when new Treasurer Charles MacNaughion last Felr ruary dealing with ecluelflg ures for months and an esti mate for months forecast ahdrtfall of about $49 million it was regarded ascertain that the finalrilgures would show surplus For in the years of Conserve tlve administration the Trees urers have usually played it so safe in their interim forecasLs that their figures have been about per cent underesti matcd Actually this year the figure in only about per cent Does this meanthat the prov inceiis in state of arm me CliNiiDilh non one at the bestknown figures inCenndien hbtoay Even an werehes been itten about bird The ef fect of his hanging morass is still being felt in poiififl and the separatist mverrmt in Theoretically Riel was hang for treason beceueeha led the rebellion in Saskatchewan in 1885 actually he should not have be convictedoUreasnn heceusehe had become old rat or the U3Aiherrealrrealt is delayed sanor excertlonwer Cansdi ernnient employee Tho Scott during theRed Bi reservations not By non aowurm martyr waxd Riel 201sde the Metls to nueei Are Premier Roberts and his people wrong when they argue with Ottawa that they no more nmeyl in the torrent flrcel your end ing next March at we probably wont make out too badly Mr Mlanughlon in his Feb ruary budget speech forecast shortfell of revenue over expen diture of $62000000 by the lime we know the firm story about this time next year tth shortfall probably will have very much less than this in fact it is not inconceivable though unlikely that surplur condition once again would be shown But in the 1969 fiscal year if the revenue sources and rates remain the some as at present lb picture will be quite differ en gt With the start of new legis lature his new spending pro grams are inprospect Mr Eobarts has already an nounced that the province will take over much bigger share of the cost oi education There will be itccelerntcd Ipending on pollution both air and water The trensition to regional gov ernmentwhatever form it may tekewlli undoubtedly call for more money And education and health costsof course are on an everupward spiral Plenty oi money will be needed Scott bec roe theworst possible citizen of 0ntariou Protestant and ornngeman murdued by hailhreedPap ist Religious ieellogd were easily inflamed in thoseidaya One result was that the Conser vniive government ofOniarln wnsdeieuted on Decals lllll and ucau ladder Edward Blake became Premier of Outeri He immediately offered re cool the captine of $ch nun Mom Sir John Msodoneld tried to save the politicnlsihretlon for Ontario Conservatives byaaying lTuhiici wb ielileli 1mg Iwlrb 1871 Riel and Ambroise Lepinc We in an impressive number of cases whlcbbadnot mounted to otha treatment it bar so mghgflui mung who however are not numbers of the 0380 Active on Parliament till today are many Privy Cornell lars Senators and am who thencelvee have benefited from this Resperln method looking back over old new paper files find Ottawa pa pus of quart of century ago contain many grateful let ten from cured sufferers Top medical Iuthoritiel have paid tribute to this treatment for row piratory ailmenu Profoun DtF FraserHarris former Dean of Medicine at Dalhousie University Nova Scotla said ihe evidence is weilnigh un believable and once upon time it would have been looked on us while magicIIn fairness it ought to be pointed out that large proportion oi the cure have been cases declared in curable or he as by oilyl clans and has this for discasu of the chesLWe had better be quite honest and admit Lhat asth ma is one of the reproaches of medicine in that nocure for it has come from the ranks oi or thodoan GREAT CONTRIBUTION General Sir Harold iewcue former Directorflenerai oi Brit aine Royal Army Medical Corps said consider this treatment one of the greatest contributions ever discovered for altering humanity Do the distinguished physi cians on the OHSC consider the irentment to be ineffective in theth they took action which might cm hospital if so on what evidence do they dispute the experienced verdicts oi ihe wellnigh unbelievable results trom this greetat contribution for suffering humanity Could it be becAuse as in other cases We IrHr to congretuleie the new mayor no his election ruc eeu ltsbouidbeclnroowthet with the old habion notloewnf gearing ax to the income And here LI also that the new Mayor may use lolly jaw vog sllglly nun avercu WW or reg who this crewman GRANT HAY BRIDGE Dear sir II it right WI need new bridge on the Shanty Bay Road my not plat it on the original Emopdaiion of seven new that oi the established rel idencer in the district seems un warranted two more sharp burns to be taken not no miles an hour ll not the answer to safety straight bridge connecting the existing road and widened is the logical solution The pro posed phn in wuleful and the cart leututlc One Small Voice Norah haiku MRS CAhlPBElh RAIKES BARR ELECTION Dear sir Before nominations some members of until end of the ldiooi boards indicated they would not run again it was evident there would be some new faces in losses At the nominat ing meeting there was uneasi ness because of the turnout of elector with be sufficient there to provide candidates nomlnntors and seconders But candidates wereiound for all positiom and it appeared that only Ward two voters would look the opportunity to choose their aldermen because of reclama tion hiy concern increascd when some nominees failed to qualify and separate and public school boards and Wind four aldermen been acclaimed the foliowing ay Yesterday was election day The turnout whllc better than from years still is for short of what is possible We may have elected an excellent group of re presentativu we have out some dedicated people it has been said that we get the gov rernment we deserve hope we of orthodun Ontario like all Canada is desperately short oi hospital beds many of the insilficlent number are occupied by sullen ers from respiratory ailments With medicare on the horizon would the taxpayers prefer to see these suffererstreated at home as frequently feasible at coat orso cents day or filling scarce hospital bedat cost oiupto50 day without this ireatmem 13131 THOUGHT For thelioiy eroct mu and you in the um hour whet ya oughtto say Loire fare better than that Our apathy indicates how little we deserve How can we make up for our neglecti By letting our represen tatives know we arc concerned by ntiendin council meetings endnomlnn meetings bybe ing informed onvthe public is lNViiE LETTERS to no sorrow Examiner mum con trlb tionp lo itllettento the editor The rrian wbo hes the Iiion Spirit in Him can sp with authority andfassurnnce flll ed with tampon lot of hard work ootmted when there it conten tions Issue by supporting the re tativu we believe are do the rim thing by comm good candidates to stand for election Politician is dirty lord for our present and he lives for making it no tnnt our representatives in the future will keep it so They need our help Yours truly any Edwards Eng Codllnm St Barrie Ont IANTA 2A3 Dear Mr Editor We feel it abut dme sanea one let the record straight garding the Santa Claus parade and how the fat cats exploit the tax more The 1967 plnde cost just over 31500 plus about $00 in den oted material and nearly 1000 men bm Now many people will my ltwasnt worth it and there were times during the on stmctiou and orgenbatiw that we must agree but if you were to ride on float and watch the feces of the thousands of child ren you might ehengeyour mind It seems lot of them have nsver been to Rose Bowl par gt About elx weeks ago our par ade committeebegan the job oi soliciting the money that is need ed to hire hands rent costumer buy material etc In downtown to the merchants we went again Quite often as we went in the door we would pass Uni Appeal canvasser on the out but in every case these mer chantl gave 810 515 $15 up The good port about the of collecting for the Santa Claus parade is tbewilllngness oi the merchont to give and in may cases they gave more than last eyear Perhaps their generosity stems from the increased busineu the parade brings to town but we feell there are other reasons as we Then there are other done tlona such as the local labor union who gavetioo whole sale lumblng concurnwhd did likew CKBB who provided the Santa float vastwontltesol donated material from hnnber dealers the donated tractors to pull the donated can and Mlly other who get absolutely nothing in robust in me lanai way for their con tribution to downtown parade Are these the fat cats who onevladyrfeels are exploitingthe taxpayers The city of Barrie donated $400 which we greatly appreciat ed This amounts to about 10 cents per household in the city Without this help we would have had to cut down on the number of bands or greatly reduce the number of floats but we persona ally feel the taxpayers got their 10 cents worth Kowev wisbvtoiiormaliyj thank the business people of this city iortheir support and invitiff the criticism of irate taxpayers Perhaps hath yinsons other ou in run Slept bet they will find rt mommnrmr Marlbo 05 63 in unior hoc disappointing crowd of1300 Barrie Wkelstfallg chosen me iul Maso Lodgmp

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