Thepostotï¬cevnlibe nstrai homuuntll opan vSatur BARBIE LETTER carriers inth up is busy day and pre pare or their next morning MRS ETliEL anomasgjnt Barrie and line oi other Christmas helpers sort through large volume or mail Jack hicCahe aSsistant pnst rounds Christmas mailing started early this your allow ing workers to keep up with while master gets more ready Uso olspeclai recedatcles tor in tho demand Assistnnt post mastcr Jack iiicCabe anticl pntes obout 800000 cards will be processed this your town and outohtown mascards helps speed the mail according to Mr Mo Cahe PFSi Ofï¬ce Keeps Up iWith Tons Osman llowed Barrie postal workers to keep in control or the workload in spite of an estimated increase oi 40000 Chrismas cards over owever they Saturday Ch lines and New Years Only one oi the six will ciosedBoxing Day while the other has the 5er between lherdwilhba no Sundny and Christmas day Theyshouldn sumo Boning DayLDec The list oillca will be closed and The Barrie Emitter will ital ubillb Ciniatntui andrriw cars dayapbnt Boxinll Early mailing this year has open its This year the postoiiicc has hired vahnut top part time last year Theyarelalse making an extra mail picknpatg workers 12 more the large vo hristmas Day th ill each letters has tilled many mail box csitoeapacityibeiore letter car riers could get back to them as lettercarrlershsye filled in gs tromone mailhox the pun oilice ones edflocaifchrisisnaswarda that town ChristAnias cards as thepdeadiine tor ail Sunday has senses as the Guilty Console Tories Liberals iormer alderman and pro vinclal election candidnie Jerry Coushlln my guilty coa scirncemust have moved Lib oral and Conservative sssncia lion presidents in issue thclr loint statement urging that parny politics be kept out municipal aliairs Mr Coughlla agrees that party pu cs shouldnt color into civic votingI but by the same token municipal politicians shouldnt try to influence voters in provincial elections 11 knonn last that sums elected civic oitlciois have used their olilcea in support provin clai and irderal election candi dates he charged And it didnt start this year The same thing happened when ran as the Liberal candidate in the 1960 provincial hycleo Lian liii Cmshiln raid provincial ortedcrai can didate shouldnt have to light crvtrAN caun The Civitnn Cluh ot Barrie will hold its annual Christmas stag Saturday night at tho Pinecrest restaurant in Anton liliils CHRISTMAS PARTIES The Barrie armoury will be the scope oi testlvitles this weekend as the serieanu mess at Squadron the Gray and Simcoe Foresters holds its on nunl Christmas party Saturday Foiled In Bid To Steal Taxi Toronto man was charged with car theit this morning otter he attempted tn steal taxi lrom the Deluxe Taxi stand at Clapperlon St at 1238 am The man Christopher Connol ly of Church St was tackled by cab driver when he tried to escape oiter striking parked cab with the one he was at temptiug to steal Damage was $75 Connolly is in lull pending on appearance in Barrie magist rates court This lsvmy last so umn wr TheBarrle Examiner Starting Monday 1ll he oaths rezwrite desk atthe Globe and Mail in Toronto its hean good our and hail years at The Exam iner and ill be leaving behind many triends Ferhaps the most enioyable time while being employed here was while was on the sports desk 14 months at it met hundreds at line people during that period ntijltjlfls truly pleasure99 per cent oitthe time Not that my three and be years as cit editorwere un pleasant No deed ButI was noton the beatf and didnt have as much oppnrtuniiy to tertheless No lob runs smoothly all the Linieand the pressures or dead line can sometimescause harsh me to xchange as itever any animosity awards werefgive compatibility elowwould eve to be c117 NEWS raa annals mimosa FRIDAY nacaMpants 1961 Locsi evocation ca lilovc Coughlin ciy hltin my municpaii any more than mimicipai at lt tlon candidate shouti have to light partymachi air Coughlinscommenis loi iowed joint statement issued ctrlicr this week by Barrie Pro gressive Conservative Association president William Caldwell and Simone Centre Liberal president Phillip Sauve in which they said party politics in municipal elec tions can serve whitpun postl Why issue such staiemcnl tour days alter civic election hir Conghiin asked fThcy must have guilty conscience Mr Cougalln was also critical at The Barrie Examiner which supported Mayor Cookccliiiur iallydprlng the civic election campaignlwilg said that when ihpreds only one daily news paper in town it shouldnt editorially in lavor drany canlt didaie night beginning at oclock Sun day alicrnoou the alivranlrs child rens Christmas party bexlns at oclock Children at members oi the Foresters will watch cur toons visit Santa Claus and ralt cclvo gills CORHEUHON story in last Snturdayis Exr aminer dealing with problems of adoption in Ontario relcrrcd to Bruce Owen ot the Child reos Aid Society hir Owen ls honorary solicitor with the CA5 not member oi the lulltime stall OPEN TENDERS Barrio Board at Parks and Recreation will open tenders for theremovai oi diseased trces on public and on private pro party at special meeting Dec lit at pm in the council chambers City Hall Thorn will he two separnto tendcrs tor the public and tor the private tree removal RECEIVES MEDAL IaniVelsman tormer scout master anddlstritt Scout com missioner in Barrie harreceiv ed eCentennlui medal withthe cliatianrfin recognition nitvaiu able service to the notion its already holds medal of ment or his worir tn scouting iiiCK FRASERS colitis Made Friends Wliile iii Examiner eyed els Gentlemen all Space wouldnt permit me to start naming names of persons would like to thank personally hutlm certain they aliknnw that appreciate everything they didto help makeJny jobsieaslar hycooperatlng in helping us here put out better nowrpaper Looklng back its been tour not memories looking ahead is somewhat more ditlicult but am anticipating many happy years in issclnating business My anks toail oi you sanvrcss SH on Drugs PliONE 7282429 For Fast Pickup and At No Extra 30l Blake St Barrie Shoppin Plaxa is not important After deplet ringdhe naturalgaa born num and half years ormanypleas mammaeputy minister at the department at Energy and Resources liian agerncat yesterday spolta lo the Rotary Club oi Barrie out lining plans lorthe conserva tion at Ontarios natural re sources llcro Roiarian Gordon Coulis ilclt turns over the microphone to hir Thatcher SaysiTheres No wait TQStZQp Pollutian There is up warm stop pollu tion The most thatcan be done is to prevent it from reaching dangerous ieveL This was one ottho main themes at speedsbyJ Thatcher in Barrieyesterday Mr Thatcher deputy mlnlstcr of the Department Enemy and Resources Management spoke to the Barrie Rotary Club on pollution and conserv ation Born andeiiucated in Eng land he spent thrce years in West Alrlcu on an engineering assignment bclore coming to Canada in 1952 and joining the stall at the Ontario Department of Highways In 1966lilr Thatcher was ap pointed to his present position and also acts as chairman oi the prime ministers recently lormed advisory committee on Pollution Control and as chair man phthe Ontario Petroleum Council the Ontario Cos Cw cil the Ontario Propane Coun cil and the ConservationAuth oritles Council In the field of conservation Mr Thatcher said he believed that as our citiesexpsnti our children will have less and less opportunity to understandthe knportance oi conservationuw less they are able to visit spa cleiareas set aside and sup ervised byitaained stall Touching briefly on the work of the energy hranctt the depu ty minister told at how Ontario is not large on or gas pro ducer per cent at the gas used rio is dunestic buttihat does not mean thatfproductioashcre bar of underground areasit has been tound possible to pipe in gas from western Canadaand store it underground using it in winter peak periods in summary Mr Thaith described tiie Department at Energy andllesouroes Man fone ad the smaller departments with total oi no minioyecs many them pro lessolnally trained iChildren net This year the department is operating on ahudsct at 5100 Special Care lls Season Brings Fire Risks fliobuslle of preparation or Christmas and the choc gath erings associated with hott day season may pose deadly threat to the lives of small children Barrie Fire Chiol Dan Keest warns Many activities at this time yearmay tempt parents to leave small children unattended Even though the intention may be to lep out term few minutes only few seconds may be needed to tma happy holl day into family trendy Trees wrapping aper and decorations bring on creased risk of lira unless constant care is exercis ed says the chiel its points out that the Criminal Code of Canada forbids such negligence which may endanger the lilo or health or any child under the age of ten yesrsida luriher reminds parentsvth un der certain conditions Christ rnss tree can be ignited by single match to burn luriousiy Thees should be bought green and kept with that trashcut bolts immersed in water durlpg their stay in the home Enjoy this happy sessnn Mr Kcsst says but make sum that Christmas cheer does not bring careless calculate lire risks Remove Sundial From New Park Vandalism at Centennial Park has forced tho Barrie Board at Enrica and Recreation torsion aibrass suadlai donated by Barrio Music ieadtars Associ ation The board decided this week to approach the association and nslr what alternative alto titty would like the rundiol Aid laclr Garner told the board that the Centennial Park Committee had been very vane datumconscious whendeclding what equipment would be placed in the park Sunday Evening December llj carrots by CANDLELIGHT ThaAnnualChristmss Carolï¬ervlcoof COLLIER ST UNITED CHURCH 700 pm Reclt Christmas Organ Music 730 pan with many The Service of Carols and Narration color reproductions of Nativity Scenes by Great Masters an cutrunsn psARLs Priced front 725 to $3