Ch Buffalo Ch Builalo Ch Toronto Ch Barrie Ch Bulfan Ch 11 Hamilton FRIDAY DECEMBER I5 EVENING zlutr Donn Jonnll mo en 04am Storm 11 Lon but iiGultr HIMI It 19mm Boomer ormth or Consequences euovle ICotlev illrid llGiutunaJflnd to ovll IGunttnlt At noon cllvi Lrerry steon 1liinutonea llunuler sun rot Land And see it AMidmili It bNewlLWeIihll BARRIE ANSWERING SERVICE it yearn oi service For any business or protessiaa ight and DarEvcry Day Reliable Friendly Councous Theres Always on SATURDAY DECEMBER l6 MORNING AND AFTERNOON mo arettx The Cat oSunrtse Semester iilerlleye mo zclulcb Carlo Heytain Knnxnoo 14 rte sun ilScllnitlei ltouu Ilo zltsreulu 1noelret shlo ocsrtoon PtlJholuI non satr Mlloo errnxcosteln an no oT5A TDtclancy LJlerculoldr iOW zslnnd lr eshmu pey Itlirllr 11 no Allen 10 24mm lPoneye tlSludlnb Them neivu SATURDAY DECEMBER 16 EVENING 00 lWlitl Polo 6Fuoiblli sAitert llLtttie People L1 11 hunt the itienace 51W rArl iii llirhts oMnhv l7 clr 7W IllZorro Wm 510 wrath Hutu Bunny stsnm gt lucxth Vuiicy Din sum to Snare iglGiinrtny AUTO Mime Mliur Compieie wrss non 7Henid Di Tru Illht Fruit Malcolm USA award or 10th Llama 11hour Melina moo v1 nercspen TJHKIVBunny tlceuieoul Chimes Quorum our oy aMsrlne not 7POMi7lli runrum herses Cl on is warm Cllemier 5min no snou onde 111m tThI toil Min ornlu you In sure sVoyau oNem Weather llretttmt runcltnn rm iheu Spam Walther ePeonto Axe ltunnll oolt To see Thu wtrnrn ll rnn TNem veither ewtla wtln West 10 To Su The whom no scet 5mm eslovle lThey vho Duet llMy Thre sons no 5star Irck aTommy ltunter 6Gomer Pill Ittonna 11min For Your Lilo moo lMovia The Lone Lonr lmlsrl Answer 1535 Mary 111 Space Ghost 1Jnnrncr moo Lfllrdmlll eslohv ntrn 7Kan Kontt 10 2Ant Lsnptlnull rGeurge oTho ueulrs llnteta 1200 zTon Cat sNews oonSarul Hilm Short Lemmas onlorle in Datum uso 1C0ol nlccoot alvuterh lsmhnree eYou and Your Family orllntslonee tlllnelrev mo 241nm irhe rlui Huert JEcvoriey liliihliiiu 4Newr Weather and Sport Lateson mo eGlessnn mo Ihlovte tltta or zvttt mo oairmmn vlth IArnc Greene INHL Hockey menme Show Damn Well Huh Chintan Mnrih tlihlte Christmas Lucian run Minor Repairs Car Care TRANSMISSION SERVICE sorrow DECEMBER 11 MORNING AND ATTERNQON zriltn ror Tod 3TLBA lPloTIootbnii ovouth Seuchel Luiseovery a1 oWtsu You Were Herr atm Cartoons 1vnynrte BJonkeen liTiii splcl Hnnlor Huckev coleemhé 11Mornent OLTHflD Luau twell or Notm no SAeeidentll ï¬nally 1wlll Samtell iLmlnet 10M setxrntten knitinns 14ml pNellonat Geamrnte llstm Gritttn 09 11 1141 weather spon ililerro Berton IIJfl iJotmny Canon lliovlo ins um Lottery IAlovte The Neanderthal um SMnrie Rebel without Clusel Jerryl Pmbe tlHavto IMovie lausnetl incno To suml 19a eDour nixrunny no swtndsv no World Muninter Semester 141112 Th lilmi News liodly sNewa TRwhet Shin mo lCuphin hmuoo LISebnitxei noun oLntvmtty oi the Ith lislflll Tim no 1nlnltur tor Doiilfl sPst noon 56004 Morning tCunuct onomper Room 121 Allen mo Mittrte School knew or uh ocutoon Pilyhnuu 110ntrto schools tom zsuon Increment scmdta canere Lum Booby too ZMlh Doulill snennle Prudden Herret starin lI Love Lucy llsunertreme do atnrost nehren LTfltUi or consequence oilev tVoicI In the sitml llullllnn Island 500 Jltavte Ghost ol Siernh De Conn Lwerrs lerl 7rltntstones lluatlest Hobo sun 10 Land and son rNrm lihiv rsvortte Martin mo eNewe weather sou Ihlovlc llhc Semen ulsoel llPlcm Berton no 7280471 IlOuidoorl Unllmtted 1100 oCheelmte sTennli Litlllll nevlcw llnsnermen 110 20urtor Club enural lletlew rroathzlt llwesttlns Pro Football ldCDC Sunru tBelt The cm 7Pro rootsll zuo LJJdahont anddu 1wtde World at sports lluoment or inlth has Hell The Chimp mo IiSpntlight tcollene Basleibul Iiron Horse ltsnlnt no Inan DGlrtison Gorilla loao Jin Person 7Movle illl dï¬gf Zfivmdnw On Thu World 05mm summer ilWl New lzoo zrodey eNewn 1wtnnow 0n Worid 1to 1noenetshto moo lCapun enure llScnnitxel ilollsl sno ouiilverslly at use All lcvle Na Loves 1t 00 If HNewr V° lino Emil lent nlt oMoyle innate Adventurel tllovle Cole sMovls Mon oi Thousand Faces 300 1Pnt Boom laood Heroin 4conuct 7Dllilol or Dollar 9Roniner nnom llid Alien mo sontsrlo Schools tlavo or Lilo oltets llontmo Sdlooir nan crnen sCsnsnlsn School MONDAY DECEMBER 15 TUESDA 95mm ltstr Lucelot lsnuli stuns ol lave vac usuw nem ILII Hoothsii LQueltian cried 00 1100mm Spam zJa Moikl Vart ti 1Chflienle ll or min or litlovi llPierr trne Humorous Ad ventures oiiioit Handm osmothen amt tstovle tCOuflnm Mr Inn rue iconnntntion Itlrodty ntnl Lnoverley rtlllnulln TMm Reed 1130 sPemnulty Hts Druu uAnny Grtultn 1temotuon ocermon Boll ltao zllnllyvrood scum srlelr or The Weelr oDlen vn Dylo 1iiowl Your Hath II Intue Conlidentlll to JLilzivchion Dlil CNetu Wrath SportI Toronto Tod Llilll P000 1er lDoctorx ironic call 21lerv tannin 12m Weather lllut Patrol rzoo zNewl he thee snuru lAxidenut rsnitly llioncymoorlur osmm iiundred lihlan mm Imcu 1News vvulher Sports ma tllonkees luon hteirer OGumrnnlt 7Cowhoy Alii DLusute nell liflrulinwllte Izoo rHJtrs rtnrtnr snm Tonis Inew relied llalovte Gldoet Goeg linwltiln It oLuetlle Bait IRli Patrol Blsnllly Milir Ioo MONDAY DECEMBER Molide AND ATTERNOON Hsuma tar Tom arrow llPnoto Hull oxom Al Yoonl You eatoet mum TNliilvl Ham nutte Yell ll nth Douglas in hit The World Turns no znm at our Live 410 is MM Suiendat Thirll 1mole Gem znoeton tiiolul Party 1Drellnnlrl 0yeon in Conflict on ZAnolhlr World LTnlte Tell Till Truth enenl Hospitni ï¬Mlllltntun Calm erry Meson You boot Ludn or Ntrht 1comn1ulder Tom lits Your love iiIihvleyl EVENING Lanny Grtlnth 1leiolly Soud Holler llulie Hull no lDutld came eAxneres 1Fevton Itnel Oi 5w won 21 Soy eslermen and Inn The at Valley Ihlerv Gnttln and TM lano mun Feature oree of Harm 1100 ll Neltl Vclthet 590m 2News IlPlem Berton rtlao 1Iohnny Cum sDrnrnet sslovle tDondir 7biovio flown on Trinil srmnt Pm Chlllcn Contractor tin 2Conenhlrnloh SIflendly Gilnt tseverly ltlllhlllter 7Donns need moo IPersnnnillv 373k Dunno sTsood lltornlnl tAndy Griiiith 1Temnutlon oCannonhou uni IHollywood ssum lnlelr VIII um 1110 Your Moiil ertnlrw sur and um lllihninu Conï¬dential lzzoo aLuncneen nat eNwan zllmme worm ram tun People use zltterv Gï¬liin rPat Ind Mikel Hunt For Tomorrow ursm maul oscclvrnlan zConcentrl SNcndty aunt Faeveï¬y llliibiiiin 1mnnlReed non will loo PM no Will has joiner oPerrvs Prob iIidlrk saber ceoAnGLsN iNDUSTRiAL 214 Little truest division BonerBron Rooting Toronto TUESDAY DECEMBER 10 MORNING AND AFTERNOON Mnlrllnx Light ellovl tolnzle roe eneet The Miller TNxttlvo ms it own Abilene llnrlrsuourlu inc FA The World Tum mo znys at our Ltver LLove lush Splcndorttd Th 7Newlyweo Garn zao LJoctorI Eldon relty 7Drnm Girl oPeonlun Contact liPem Manon kilo LAtmiherWolld 87 raisinrm Drunk urn at on 911 2411 ht Tecommmder our ot Yo stov 24 stimuli um Sumac Tnle NEWS ROUNDllP Consumer Price Moves Higher OTTAWA CF Eight otti ciat indexes ol consumer prices in major cities moved hlgher between early October and early November the Dominion Blneeu ot Statistics reporch Thursday The orersii increases ranged from high at seventenths at one per cent In Ottawa to one tenth at one per cent in Vancou ver The others were in llsliiax Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Saskltoonilcginn and Edmon tollCalgary House Windup OTTAWA tCPl Parliament may be able to wind up its hnsie lies within couple oi weoks otter returning Jan 12 tram WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 20 EVENING iNsowl eesietrx wanna too 131 Douglas xuonntu Pmdden eseeret storm Il IAN lath llsuner nrou one slunu loome tTnlih or canmumm omvlo The story sub llr moo Spotl lllt and tie xDipliirl world sumo 1ntn stone unen 510 101 undo AM Hell lLeh Go TNewa thliil nutr oo sll And she sNms weather Soon 1iovle minnutn AI Tonia hawk one ilPterro nertnn can INewt 1llov thlnrlvl Liana Izoe Lnlnxlnn llaosttnt use earverlev itMovle Moon sNettans Barries Only 24HOUR RESTAURANT iionlc Cooked Meals 315 Baytleld THURSDAY DECEMBER 21 MORNING AND AFTERNOON lu 1Window on Thu world esunrtro semester lianll New ltrtovls The Final 1030 iEeveriw 1Donrln Reed not we lPerwnnii 1noekct suite tloo tcntnn Knnttlrofl liSchnltxels lime Itlo Ilnllversily or 3th iISchnltzeh House llao znollywoo knelt or l1 lGood Morninl Honllct 7Dillinl or Dollars Ditomper Room ilso Alien J4Ngw dNewr 7ntcvle ocartm Playhouse iiOntlrtp school iooo Zsmn lllll¢n tgttrtstmns carol undid Elmerl Lunch Bobby 1230 tGyuldtno 400 lsdlke nnurler snohnle Pruddcn LSecret signn ol lavewe lisupel um sum 00 mo Dlmey boom 4rruth or canteouencer Movie Indy summed iiitl About Tim snotLl 5W srrnl hinter Asd 52 10 land JoltWI gTeleacono am Weather spin 1inch nanto All Lilli nonhuman DClllnonbnl ueonlrdy bstne wanna lNnu slt sinu World Iriinularlu lLJlllls Dimtyl The Virgtntln mun Swee oNtn llocltev 11lhe arouse 0h The tt ttlusle iilli 2cohcentrnttnn lThc menan Gllnt JDl oresnu lItndy oruhn 7Temptntlun ocsnnon Bait tnlck Van Dvhe 7Hows Your Mother ill1 Alluring Confldontlal tonlv The sum ituliie ream lDodorl Hours cu zMorv Grtiilth sNerrx Weather Lseuoh rnr Tomlorow IiPboto Finish THURSDAYDECEMBER EVENING LNewl nNem Weather 1lMouieratlnlsw zNews wenttr srnit Girl lI ill Girl 7Netcs Weather allollyum Sfluli 3inch or Ill witk eolee vn Dyll 1413 Your Mother Chrtstmns recess Government House Leader hincEschun says its said in an intrrriew Thurs day Parliament ill recess irl day Dec 22 Asked about prorogation oi the current session he said the date lriti depend on the time it intros to got such measures as the divorce bill through Parlia ment it could wind up in couple oi works he said The current session began Maya Note Reduction OTTAWA tCPt Currency in circulation and chartered bank deposits held by lhc general ubllc totalled 325072000000 on ee small reduction at either sGreen Arm 14ml lrhe Fill Gangster out smtlul mu tlls and She tom Trthrl For Your Lite eonnu sneml lllleiv nrtllln loao 159m tint sent this ll1l ii Nen wulher Sports liPlerrl amen HIM Holllmy Elian raw in 7dl0vlt hum To 5925 Hot Summit ll vie tTiils0 lsllnd Earth iIliot Lino tmnnmhle or carols lilllbilllel lean Buttress lltlerk Sober it 5a ozonon 1oo altuvlc tWee Genmlel 4star Thu stlllm 1ruxltlvs ollnvte lrtelurh To Paradise lllutlrs penals Tcsi Hillbillies lao eAr The World Turns zNclvr 20n Lnays or Our Ltves tLnrc 7Newlywed Game ran zDociors 4tiuuso Purtyr 7Drenrn Girl Bieaolc ln Conillct iiFeï¬y MISOD squares The Week ssnmhsrwnlo LTIKD ID TgtlheTrllt 7Gone1ul Howl CMIEELHIES Catt ma 2vnu Dont say hang at Nlrht Loominsnner Toni ortr Ynurhiuva llprlteye Llsat elttovlr Could Go on Slnllngl tTnat Glri snean ataxtln sao LDrllnei 7Peyion Pich Willi suem smith Hold Wlsi amplrly iiMerv Griiiin Kitso 1Secolvd 1oo Yu lizoo 3410 rlewr We he spurts 1mm Berton ovlal till Girl reinvi ouovle tillln or The Arrow llnoule normy Inn The out oiiavul Hum The sullen Tynllltlvl ouavlo linenchum rutyt Mile bonus anm or our Lives eLm la slur Snilndnrlhtnl vlelywcd Glml can LDorton 4hour Party 7Druol nlrl sreorle In connln rirmyume an Home World so Ill The Truth tflmfll Duluth mun cm gt SIT Zola or mum TJIMIMBP Toll Lines LL 1000000 trnm the previous her but still more than it per cent higher than year ago the ganir at Canada reported Thurs ay Together uith growing ledcrat governme deposits as the re sult oi recent bond issues the money supply rose to szt 3060fl000 3000000 higher tor the ycar Bill Blocked with limited capitalization ythlch sock parliamentary ap proval to operate with the tri dest possible powers are mak lng lths look like damn tools an NDP member told the Com mops Thursday Arnold Peters Timiskanlingl teloiled the charges as his party blocked approval at uri vale bill to give Cabrl Pipe Edma tcdcr at charter The bill goes to the bottom at the House order papEt ir PCters said tho iirm it granted incorporation would have some 9000000 capital is solicitors told Commons com mittoc the purpose oi the bill was to allow the company to build Zflemilc tourinch nil pinclinetc nm Lloydminstm Allan to point in Saskatche wan Shows Concern SUDBURY Even though the iadcral government has shown concern about sonic hi the recommendations in the Carter report on taxation tax incentives to the mining lndils try may still he in jeopardy says Toronto business pralcse sor Prat Ernest Spence In York Univcrsity tolda inint mecling Wednesday or the Ca nadlan instillllc ni Mining and Metallurgy and the Engineering lstllutc at Canada that the in dustry nccds sumsot the cur rent exemptions Test Reaction MOSCOW titcutersl Thrcc Sorta researchers who lived for in days in small room to test mailreactions to conï¬ned space lalt exhausted and had eerie dreams Tass news agency re ported Thursday One at the researchers jour st Evgeny iarcschcnlta wrote in his lnng latter three weeks cannot escape tits eating that some pungent tag is creeping into our tiny room while gradually poisoning our brains When they were allowed irce time nervous tension increased and their stcep was troubled Sound hallucinations resulted and thcy dreamed at music singing and the noise oiplatics Poverty Level TORONTO CPl More than quarter ot Metropolitan Tov rontos people live below the poverty level and the citys housing problem has become problem at poverty saysRobert Ersdiey executive director at eToronto Housing Authority Eradlcy said some tami lies can not even attorn housing Any tsmily with an income below 55400 and with six or more childrenthis is poverty Ninety per cent or such iamiiies ut uev own horn The situ tlan ight ev bé getting worse since people in public housing badtrouhio meeting higher livingcosts with public small increases illssh To Expand Trans All plansjn pederp to 90000000 and Traintil Th asidenf Hamid Cope said ursday Mr Cop elected flast ctoberssid at npress conference the renewal Vpra gram came sbou tooiat Mr Cope said the ol adjustrneltt the qutsttio oi turbdprob aircrstt tor useon schedulediligilts in Manitoba northwestern Do 10 chewan and the Northwest Ter ritories ruesrsuy lï¬rmw onusrzn all non ll in or the 00k and 8310000004 OTTAWA tcr Companies n1 les man the next threefto olive years PREMIER ROIIARTS Tenned Silly Toitotflo tCPl Premier linharis Thursday described the thderhlprmrlhl llnlsillf cun ltlcncc this pack in Ottawa as silly conicrcntn But he lot at these icdhrabprnl mettines and you cant win them all he said allowing thr cabinet meeting cannot see that this not meant much did not hear anything did not know hciorc Otters Plan UNITED NATIONS tCll isracl oiicrcd Thu gotiato with her lira neighbors all iivcycar plan tor rehabili tation oi the cstlmalcti 1500000 Arab rclugccs lsracli Ambassador Michael Cumny however gave no de Itails at his governments ideas saying that no useful purpose would be scrmt by inviting do hate on them in this committee at the present LONDON Out to ake over at Catholic Central second ary school by the London board at education is being discussed The board of education tho separate school board and Cath oilc high school board said Wednesday in joint announce munt formal discussions on tho takmvcr will continue it it materializcs the switch would be thc ï¬rst sllch venture in the province and one that grould require special legisla lon Approve Plll PARIS Routers The French at Assembly Thursday overwhelmingly ap proved bill which will climi llatp thehan on the sale of co tracepllves including the plil The pill has been ted in predominantly Roman Catholic France and contraceptive de vices have been available under the law as only pratcctiorl against venereal BROADLQOM scorlA PLAN EOR your convenience tA osï¬srocK KEMNANTS illorthsttlyhug to ltd Toenseiriy Universal non