ll rm BART warm FRIDAY DECEMEER is is 6AUTOMOTlVE TRUCKS FOR SALE mi on In in pickrm Ilth mt motor In runnuu condition Ttlwmr uszm in man in ior tale unr uonu ood rumiuon lm Tklr IIth norm in runner idiom non rm ciisvnom ti ion niriiuo ior nie ism box unbroken nod body needs maux oils Te eoaune um gt WANTAD INSERTION RATEs SAVE YOU MONEY SNOWMOBILES McCULLOCH SNOWMOBILES iss lip aw Engine Clearance Sale REG $395 NOW $69995 While They Last SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP SERVIC 259 Innlslii Sce the 1968 DIABLO ROUGE and TRAIL BLAZER Now on display at ALCONA TAXI No it Highway South oi Stroud THE LIVELY ONE Bombardier Skidoo Saiu and Service EAYVIEW MARINE Lakeshore Dr Barrio 7766119 SEE DARCY Bombardier Skidoo Service Sales For The Best Dea Hell Ewart 4552211 ES mi 36447 Salas and Service UNIROYAL CENTRES 711d Bradiard St MSSOE IO HELP WANTED GRADE 12 minimum at Grade in direct sales any type appoinment icleplione 7W SUOCNFUL APPLICANT EMPLOYMENT WANTED on 135ng alluded in Sgflmrï¬ nn as liihch limo Telephone miioi ioriurihrr iniormatiori MALE 3r FEMALE HELP fliran unï¬uua money Icr KhDO ieiiinn nlw product on imi business Telephone mam ior nntner particular TEACHERS WANTED lNNlSFlL fowwsnir PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD requires ior JANUARY 1968 teach er ior grades and Salary schedule imm $5300 ill eliccl Full experience recognised in maximum Accumulative sicir leave plan Reply stating experi ence qualiï¬cations age and superintendent to FRANK KEIL Bdsiness Administrator CHURCHILL Ont 4562623 BOX REPLIES wou every cndnvaur win no imda to lorwam miles to box numbers to the advertiser as Icon II posihla we accept no llIblItLv in respect or loss or dainan al lowed to arise throIIKh either all use or flelly in Iowardlnl IIIch rwllu However nosed whether by nellIlonca or athler You Havent Seen Them All Till You Visit The 12 on Grade in an Must be neat Inagination and eoioy meeting ihe public WE OFFER Salary $90 to Size per week Monthly commlsiom Uniiorm assistance Own car maintenance atcosi Happy interviews will be held evenings until December 23 1967 For home and address of last area =1 TRAIL BLAZER SNOWMOBILE DEALER Select Your Own Bonus This Weekend Your Choice at ELMRIC STARTER AND BATTERY INSULATED SUITS FOIL 2WITII mmamznn FieeDemnnstratlon Ride LOTS OF SNOW THIS WEEKEND BEING THE FAMILY KNOTTY PINE HWY 27 NORTH North of Detour at Midhurst 7287306 FEMALE HELP NEW YEAR NEW CAREER Join AVON in the exc rig business at selling cosmetics Good incomeNo experience necessary We train Write Mas TONISMOLUK Po Box dopamine TRAILER CUTTER PURCHASE OF PERSONALS ZDID YOU KNOW Phat there is so much traiiic in Ithe Ponderosa that there is an airport being built in Oro THE PONDEROSA FOR WINTER FUN Call 4875514 it am am iiiinun rome and wont nab and time 1mm itsms nonsuroirzn slellh ride part Little Acres mun min mam evenings rnosasson Ind wile wish to rent bedroom cottage twatcr electric ccembcr 2r near Colllnltwod nie Dr cooper Lauflnttln uni Ersliy Sndbury cmpui xenonco lelri mmdatiori in comfortable home in north Tor outn or students attendini ny Iran or Collette Telephone mono imnto BARRIE PUBLIC LBRARY nrnuire gnuunis Library Asr uni middle oi January Irraw ing city library murmur up mini pMerred woman with camideniiieumry tniruu will WOMENS COLUMN LEARN monsssmo Governinen Chartered School ikboroughtraliiing in at bran hes or beautycultore DEEWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL lizwoasaau sr mun int 1o concession Tins white saw about October In own my um mar impy rug moo or ind and damned riot December mu After that ate It willrb minded to nurket eii Stori fren phone masi ior coinpli Ito establish Ra letgli Business rim Rubella Insomnia is 89 coflsiduesldh 17 educlé on cant mus have kaowicdsa or classic standardnluthnrsfand elth basic knowladn oi cielcnc tour curor Ibtllty to and youthrui outlook armim uorinnt To crud dellilil with people in 5ii burineisditre way can alsoa knowledle or or itv io lcliri special dioxin hook notes etc va noble 35 to 36hour oday week includ inn evenings and some Sltun dayl salary rdi iinttnns Letter invited tloiill Ind Drniessln dotlira to The Smchry Barri bury 37 till SMVWEEKLY arr mo rrttime NIIAI torritorl In Barrie 7mm nt dren Ind bollsehold villa three to live eiepir 7134605 Panr iiniz wiltin workiunronriiuam uniiannr nio smnui Aunt unit aim earn ouicidy Curiosity about acts in an iieidr ternslntrrest In an lays Willa MALE HELP OLIVETII UNDERwOOO LTD require Young Man to Train for SERVICE TECHNICIAN CAREER AGE 1825 YEARS MINIMUM Telephone7283421 ior Appointment Manager EasoService Station LOCATION Highway 11 North Qasoline Allcy REQUIREMENTS years experience aggressive possess ro countries JANUARY 265 II LEGAL NOIICE TO CREDITORS having claims against the Estate oi MARY ate tbc All persons ELIZABETH DUNSRIORE County oi Sirncoe ceased who died on or 26th day oi June 1066 must lur ward same to ihe undersigned on or beiorcthc lat day at Jan uary 1968 alter which date ihe distributed partia entitled thcrcto and the administrator will not be liable in any person whose claim he shall not then will be the assets amongst have notice DATED at Barrie Ontario llils lst day at December AD 1961 BOYS SEAGRAM it ROWE Barristers and Solicitors III Owen Street BARiiilJ Ontario TREASUREES SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES MUNICIPALITY OF THE CITY DI BARRIE Notice is hereby given that by virtue oi warrant issued by the Mayor oi the City oi Barrie under his hand and the seal oi the said Corporation bearing date the 19th day oi September 1961 by public auction sale of lands in arrears oi taxes in the City ol Barrie will be held at the Councd Chambers City Hall 34 Collier Street BarrieLOn no nttiie hour oi 10 oclock in the iorenoon on the 17th day of Jan uary 1968 unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid 1i necessary on adjourned sale will be held at the sable time and place one week later on January 141b last whereai the Corporation oi the City or Bar rie will purchase any and all parcels oiland it the price oii cred is less than the arrears and costs accrued The list at lands iorsaie ior arrears of taxes vJas published in The Ontario Gazette on the 7th day of October 1967 and copies of the said list may he had at my oiiice Treasurers Oiï¬ce this 19th day of September 1967 JAGGES Treasurer AUTOMOTIVE Mil item Hranil aim tin Parliament lit ii Glance By THE CANADIAN IIIESE THURSDAY Dec I1 Prime Minister Pearson an nounced his intention to retire as soon as successor can be chosen by leadership can vention probably in April lie announced the rctire mnnt plan iii press canicr ence and said he will remain MP ior Algoma East until the nest election The Senate gare itnni pas surge to ihe government bill limiting capital punishment The Anglican Church said in briri to the Commons hcaiih commitlco that abortion is instilled in crises wbcrc ihcre is serious threat to the mothers Iiie or health The government gore notice at patent and trade marks lcgislation reported to ho aimcd at Icsscnlng pmlccliun oi the drug industry FRIDAY llcc 15 The Commons mccis at it am to dcbnto divorce and Senate is adjourned until Dcc Change Views on Abortion OTTAWA CPI The limits can Church or Canada dcpurt in from its liiiIgstzinding oppor sition to abortion Thursday nlrl nbortion is lusiiiicd but only when thorn is serious threat to we mothers life or Timon In ii hricl the church sldlcs ihc lcrminnilcn oi pregnancy may be jusiiliabln consideration when circumstances contribute to the impairment at moilicrs henlili reducing her care ior her liimily The bricl was prrpnrcd by study commillec oi 2i persons composed oi nlcrgy laymen and women both marricd niid un married number ol the committee members bonded by lil itcv Reed bishop nl 0112 made it clear thnt hculth was be dciincii in its broadest sense tiio physical mental and so RIGIIT REIIFFIIIIIIED UNITED NATIONS AP The UN Gccrnl Assembly adopted unanimously Thursday resolution rcoiiirming the In fernational right oi political asy um the Commons hcniih cnmmilicc cllheing oi the woman Prime ltiin or Pearson Thursday rcod reporters his bail rrilicn to Senator John leï¬crot resignation which be Nichol president at the Liberal chcrotion at Canada ir Pearson aims Issues from pocket ilcit opens Icttcr control and reads it to rcport crs gathered in the press gal ls theszoaiOkwu announcemcnt surprise arr iordie PEARSON READS IETTEII 0F RESIGNATION unnunccmcnt that rim con icrenco was to be hold was about so can be Iireplmtn May OTTAWA CPIBetween now and his rciircmcnt next spring Prime Minister lcarson is or period to dourno good deal oi time to speeches on national unity and constitutional rclorm flt will be drcol Operation Unity an informant said Thursday The prime minister told his retirementplans press conicr ones that he will rcmnin aclive OTTAWA CPI Chronology ol events in the career at Primr minister icarson uhc Thurs day anocuncrd his impending retirement April 23 lootBurn at New tonhroolr now pm at Toronto second at three sons oi llcv Edwin Arthur Fearson Meth odist minister and Sara Bowlcs lessonServed ovcrsuas in Alphonse oulmet tells Canadian Press reporter be will not work for three monost iollowing retirement Fri ay He wasi O1IAWA CP ph Al phonsa Ouimet moves out or the CBC presldEnt all iday givingiip who basticcri de scribedas ha econd hottest seat In Canad vncd 7cnrporation deep personal Despite cache the team beaded hasdpnean Added iothis astiic scatter lion vero huge BETlRlNG CBC prcsidcnt year career with that are brewed up around the ring president ieels tug at Canadns small popiila gsographtcai in and renal tccviewcdm ISJIUIEE at iawa Thursday In photo loit he displays small wooden model at Mansion set he do mnnsisatedin 1932 CF Vire photo Mr Ouimet hasbeenc ioralrnost 15 yeai thong ichihecorr poration in into lyandvtbe number oiitr ployees ed seventold Arabs haverp iries higher initbaAmeri on list oitiavorita nati ysftbeA Frandc an Egypt badfguy ategory France be cause at ident de Granite and Egypt to mount is antiIn Iattitude year ago Canada cored Spoorcent mnrkfdn the cata go otbizhlmvorcoroonntrles an thishhasrisentit PW Centtflyiiha condaciadby veteran opininnjompler George sentniennliou Pres WILL REMAIN ACTIVE iour months ariiculurly in the link at coiisi tionnl problems lcdnrhlprorincinl constitu tional conference will open here Fcb Mr Farm has said he hopes progress can he made an embedding in the constitution bill oi rigiiis guaranteeing Inn gungc rind ciiuculinii rights ior Frenchspcnking Canadians ev erywhere in Canada tho army in at corps inlnntry and tho lioan Flying Corps re turning home with injuries sui icrcd in plane crash IMOGraduath irflm Univer sity at Toronto with honors in history went on to Oxford Uni versity on scholarship istsBccame lc ii or in history at UniIursityol Toronto and Interrassistnnt proicssoc 19251 llalyori Ei speth bluntly oi Winnipeg Son Geollrey born 1927 Patricia 15129 lmJoincd cxicrrial nilairs department at Ottawa as iirst secretory willBecame or at ry laughter royalcommlssion on wlicat in tures ionss er as secretary royal in si onprica spreads and mass buying awarded DEE ior oumanrling scyVIce sillsAppointed to Canadian high commission London lsuRccnllad Ottawa as assistant undersecretary ior ex ternal aliairs laizNamcd minister coun sellor at Canadian embassy Washington dimAppointed envoy are lraordinary to Washington HisBecame ambassador to tlicUaiLdstaicsdelegate at iounding conierence oi the United Nations ISIGRacnlled to Ottawa as undersecretary oiyextcrnai ai iairs party leader UNTIL RETIREMENT Stress Unï¬t politically in the past three or This conicrencc is not cxpccb icrallon oi Tomorrow conference ad to settle the mailer What is hoped ior ia iiini conimitice oi ottorncysgcncrai will be cs lrilillshcd in work out dcioils and that another lulldress icd oralprovincial mccting will con vcnc in thc summer to study the results Iniormaiiis said llir Pcnrsan ichs that raid start wns mode at tho premiers Conicdr Pearson Chmmlog HistAppointed to cabinet as minister oi external niiairs clcctcd MP ior Alguma East I949chrcscntcd Canada at founding coniercnce oi NATO Dee 191951Ahardod Nobel Police Prize Jan iii masElected Liberal April ISMLtd Liberal party to minority clcciiun victo ry gt 14th primc minisicr Nov loosLed Liberals to rcveicciion as mlriority govern moot Doc ii ismAnnounced de cision to retire April 22 mosSworn in us iii Toroiiln in late Nurcmbcr and that he wants to kccp up and it possible accelerate the momcnlum lilr lcnrson has always re gnrilnd national uniiyvns his main political oblcciiic LIBERALS GLUAI lilany Libcral llls especially lrom Quebec iclt that Mr Pcarson was the only man ca pablc ui loading the counlry at this crucial time That is why so many wcrc reported glum when he told the Libcral caucus at his retirement plans Thursday at tcrnoon belorc the Commons may litany ol associolcs ad viscd hir Pearson not to an nounce his retirement plans he iorc the icdcrnlprovincinl cori iorence in February But he told reportch he does not lcal his position as prime minister willba weakened at the conicrcnceby rclirc rncnt nnnounccmcnt In client his power now will reside in his ciderstatesman ship rather than in his prime mlnlsiciship Its an elder states man ratlicr than head oi political pnrty he may wield good deal or influence in the constitutional iictd PEERS New Used Studentsimachines from $4950 Guaranteed Easy terms Nothing to pay uritil the New YearWo have iustreceived over 100 machines from Crown Assets We have machiné ior every purse and purposev SIAli fririwiiiini 2841l3uniop VDioI 7266595 ricbrye flaviiuras it nyewmskv Adamsï¬old sum mamas norms DlSTILlERS LTD TORONTO