vuouiomsn mayor 7H1 Simplify Family Christmas $hopping $avings With Want Ads Check Your Attic Storeroom Garagel Somebody Will Pay For Your Discards Call Want AriVisor 72824 II TEE MITRE EXAMINER FRIDAY DWIZR VIM ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Engagements Marriages and Deaths Birth Announcements lmaxinvnn 40 words Cards 01 Thanks 25 words additional words 66 per word In itemorlam no verse Verse per count line extra Coming Events BIRTHS unnam ur and Him Allan Brindi Ellrte Inn announce in birth or mum on Sundv Deccanch io 1957 the heyI vnieri iimiiai Barrie canrcu At the item Vittori iimiul Barrie on suturer De rrrnber 1m Mr Ind Mn At pert centr 7a man Street dauhler Cvnmll Dime sniflLev Mr and Mn Mum Slov or itii timle mu to once the sale arrival at hay Isier ibr Dour llrhn Gm Ind star on Wednesday Decem hr ii war at the Royal Victurtz iibsnttai 15 200 1W 15¢ per lino prices on request comma eveurs ADVENT FESTIVAL of Lessons and Carols THURSDAY DEC Hat ST THOMAS CHURCH Shanty Bay CHRISTMAS BAZAAR ANI TEA Saturday December 16 to pm ST ANDREWS PRESBYTEILIAN CHURCH Admission Adults 356 Children 23C Auspiccs The Young Peoples Society BLIGHTY BINGO Every Saturday at 130 pm NEW SOUTH WARD COMMUNITY HALL Gill St at BondlORILLIA MR AND MRS SAMUEL HILTZ at Dorrie invite their lricnds and neighbors to join them on SUNDAY DEC 17 I967 trom 26 and 79 pm atthe Community Centre Minesing on the occasion at their sum WEDDING ANNIVEMARY TURKEY SHOOT Friday December 15 BARRIE REVOLVER CLUB iierotiai on many December 1967 ENGAGEMENTS iioGGnitTii stuNYiiIlitT ur Ind iris Curence lioannh or picer to announce til err linemen their dlughter Mario in 1mm hllmhiirl Million can it Air and tin Kalmln Meny im bi linopost hours The wedding in ma blue on Saturday Dczcmblr in II 210 In in Presby tartan Church DEATHS GRAHAM RubyM lite Oshlvfl Gcnllfll IIusDIIII Thursday Dmm ht II 157 nubv rriul beloved wile RE lain hither Gnuin Loving mother at cum and Door the of Toronto Gladys tails rim Rzldl or German numv bi suit Ste rude and Robert at North Bay Loving slslcr DI Purl thin Harry nowclll oi Snyder Gertrude lln Stanley hlllldrl 01 running iuan iiis man Johnston oi rmibmn Ewan nr st Catharina and Arthur Dullsle outno Rustin at the Pothch iumni Home BIyilcld 5L arrrte ser vice In In chmi Saturday 1m Dan Interinth bllneflnit cun etery WILLIMHON IAN AS LhI Pcnetlnzulsheiic General nosniui Thursdzy December 14 1961 in bi eon yur Edward Williamson irtbrehecoer iiiileisia Gcnenl Sim beloved husband or Horuth cwisen Dear rather or Inn erI Tlrrioauo or Mack unmib whochar or suitir lain Cercllol Carol iuaitn Teddy Grentwnndnme SUN and at tho Jame ii inm Flnen Home malt mr Laoan in Fridlv or lunem DEVICE 0n Silur 15w Dmlrnbm I5 II Mn Temp wary Encoman marale Ce eeuii Chad CARDS OP THANKS 3th Line Vespra tr mile north GUIDEOurmmtflmmthmh 01mg 90 oars ealed rï¬rnmmuubiheréinmï¬ioans1ï¬i 630 to MIDNIGHT or imam and domhcmlnesrmr Ismael heri tribute Ind and uurlm the recent no bereavement REAL ESTAT bi out nomld but non Golds not PROPERTY FOR SALE we no menu hqr nanlama We the bully ol the ht John amount miner wish to express our ewfldltton and to extend our ainczm truth or the ldndtiess or arm DIIha and the belutllut lowers mic neighbours relatives and friends Also to flunk Dr sun sieveend Puxdon im his kindness Ind consolation in the loss or loving husband and lather remain we wish to exprcg sincere chants to the Commu nity ot Ivy or the lover SH ï¬ber wzszntld to its hue and Gene QUANTL The rrmiiy oi the late Quad wish in may run tiver men and anhbours garmin nfaympaihy nora1 tri bute bd urunt the than 01111 sudch naming Special human Inns Eiii Wedth REALTOR COUNTRY LIVING SUMMERWINTER HOME Have the advantages of both in this 1yearold home good toun dation insulated 30 24 has bedrooms lull bathroom not cnldwater laces shared beach open roads law taxes Only homo half cash balance 335 EVERYTHING EDT on their support In the Decembfl and election The on Am School Board Gordon Bldwell timid Edmond chnil McKay Lorne hidlhopt Paul vmb terized has bedrooms open ï¬replace laundry room cold water laundry tubs erglovaly lot access to lake paved road low taxes Estate IN MEMORIAMS sale gt cum my 455 WELLS $373 BARGAINS IN ominAGEs EWWIIO wsscd away December is 45000 bedrohoigis vaaéehrï¬on T1 in pressme Dll ia is es iiï¬wgï¬fgï¬ï¬iémï¬ shared beach 12 cash ruuérslnulï¬mn 55r5001lbedmmozwdweï¬ partly insulated COMING EVENTS 41109 cottagesj and bedrooms water on pressure BINGO Wéï¬mxfme tta drilled 015 Vednesday December 20 Coth Dummy Churchill 455m im Regular annexingwean Ca ed goods games$10 prim JACKPOI MUST GO AREA REPRESENTATIVES Babcock Barrie Door Prizes Oolbourne Strand 4361387 Proceeds to Charity Alispicer MCIEBII Elmvalo 10M LOYAL ORANGE Mai120d Barrie 7284759 ASSOCIATION new Sirmtd 4566116 re DUCK SHOOT wm jsariiapav DECEMBER ion 1pm FRALICK mile north of Minesing on Highway 75 Shotguns only ells supplied Timidunmhchhill 15mm 181 Egllnton Ave East Toronto l2 Id Stud1071 Appraisala Listinulnvitcd vaumcs JOHNI OOLE mam JA COUTTS nonoo owcn er ammo momma atom vavmaaa Paolo Realtor thtmmmt 5mm CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MICHIE 11 male Idppralaals Mortgagexv mm VD uum JPOOLUERSI hot and ii ICElTH LTD REALTOR in 4mm Spencer TlioralonflMlt PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Personality Plus Home In AIIandaIe Acres Subdivision FEATURING HOMES BUILT BY GEORGE DAVIES 45 bedroom stories Eacksplits Sidcsplits Stone tireplau Piciurcsque iew oi the city and bay 24gtar garages Step Up to Quality and Home thatReflects Your Good Taste HAROLD IFORSTER COMPANY 98 Bayileld Street PHOTO ILLS REALTORS Mortgage Fonda Available Free Customer Parking minty xwositauAN males Mnmm iioonn ownm icossiuz muse mommum MARGARET MOORE 77mm nomramaim mm mnam mm aimmun water at my mom SHELSWELL and WILLSON MLS REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE BROKER its Dunlop East 7264422 or 7261413 HURRY IT COULD BE YOURS Spacious mreebedrmm bung elow East Did lmatlou IMMEDIATE PmION Stove refrigerator and dryer Included in price YOUR down payment might do Call lilac Brown 7257755 or details No 15667 OVERLOOKING THE LAKEAttractive tourbedroom bungalow only tour years old my be yours or 317500 Low down pay ment Call Now th Railres 726113 No Ill67 CUSTOM BUILT HOME gt heated in Central Collegiate area also walking distance to the lrshaped living and dhiing arch with tircplace bedrooms large kitchen with builtin stove and oven 4piece bath recreation room with ï¬replace llain extras include static entrance broad loom indirect lighting cathedral ceilings and carport Call Mrs La 7285761 No lSIGI om arown mince Deed autumn John has ll MchIlln 71W sin or sh Itbu mam Noun RIIRE Glldvl SlneLTIi Keith lieuate menu sheiswull it wtilron Norman Shelsweu CAMPBELL PHOTO MI REALTOR 32 HIGH ST 7260241 RES m7380 MODERN iwACRE FARM 155 acres working clayloarn75 acres bush illsstorey thoroughly modern brick hune large bank ham Call us while this outstanding buy is still on the market Giarlic Read moan Hugh Plowman 7260410 Don Campbell gt mam no Allan ass5313 Doug Campbell lift2423 Bud Watson WIS Smith Campbell 7284389 Fred Tnylol 7281205 EMORY MILLER MISREALTOR MORTGAGES ARRANGED 61 Dmilop St West matter START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT with house your own About $5000 down will buy this lovely thdroom brick bungalow on Downsvlew Drive attached garage and ï¬nished recreation room Call tor an appointment with Ken Miller lilo1314 SEMIiDEIAGHED HOME centrally locatedpeadl side cohlaln kitchen living room dining room and bedrooms This brick property is only years old and in lovely condition includes alum Inum storms and screens For appointment call Harveyivejier MIG no sxibunaanmvasmm no9wa home comprises allotgo wcdrooin apartment is lrroom apartment and ca pace nnvr leascd by bank Located on the main street o1 an outlying com munity within easy commuting distance at Barrie Asmall down payment will buy this property which handles tor $50 principal and interest Your enquiries should be hastily directed to Peter Mouton 7286508 llarvey ewcber Robert Flewelllit Rita Scandlett Peter Mantoo 4363815 Percy Ford GordohTSpch 7284865 Emerson Swain Kenneth Miller 4331314 DUNIDP STREET EAST At the Five Points Phone lioSsell QUEENS PARK DISIRICI ZSIOREY BRICK THREE APARTMENTS $21000 An Income property in highly desirable and central location or renting This good solid building is older style but excélleot condition ith goodasphalt roofdrybasemeut and oakiloors It provides steady income trim the one troom apartment aitdtwo llroomapartmaiits all with privatehaths and private entrances Novtully rented to adult tenants This pr perty is mortgage tree and can be purchased an excellent oped termsl Exclusive listing Phone mason for inspection appoint mu sanvwaoamwmc mi $3500 ia the price asked tor this single 50ftlot on North Street inthe central section Barn See our sign on propertyand make impounbcst oflerl Rogers on Evainrias at mm BOB SA NOTES Its CHUCK COED5N Realtor 33 CO eHonnizwao my MommN viasou Norm SYIIIIOIA Bill HamIIm 7295525 Charles He we ammn aw 1mm seemuzina in numb Vaivéninu ma cnvnmucu mm may TOW mm II EXAMINER WAN ADS CALOmMM trssrhe Season lREAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE Photo ms Realtor ROSE APPRAISAIS MORTGAG RENTALS is OWEN ST mm SPLIT LEVEL $l9l00 Beautllul back split level home with attached garage leaturintt bedrooms family sired kit chen large combination living and dining room Very early possession SPLIT LEVEL $16 Lovely bedroom split level home lecturing separate sunk en living room and stparate dinlng roomonelult piece ceramic uie hathrbompiiis piece washroom Carnea for ii20 monthly including interest principal and tum moo bedroom one year old Hitlcrost and North Colle giate area $125 bedroom bungalow close to downtown $5000 derL All Ruse Ila mono Bill hlnckncs Res mono Russell Smith Res 7289996 Mary Vair Res 7230366 IL IV Dick Hartley 7mm PETERS WILES LTD llcallor 20A Oucii st 7282410 BETTERTHANAVERAGE storey room home located on Dutierin Street It features full basement tinishcd recreation room with built in bar new forced air iurnace resth dec orated and totally fenced No reasonable down payment re tuscd Eric Photo lIIlS Dewsnapi REAL ESTATE 72643366 FOR BETTER BUY Give Our Service lry Richardson HMS6H7 Cholkan CO LTD 15 REALTOR COLLIER ST 7261401 LAWRENCE Miacon BAKER mmo GiiiiIY GIBSON 7250154 MARION NEWMAN ruesoar ANITA swur 11511755 DEVEAUX ANGUS 90 GARNER mow HIGGINSON 725mm minimum naow IIAIW stvtrl 7154155 ED ImNiNGs moan CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone 7232419 93Dunlop St lst and 2nd mortgages arranged on low monthly payments Wa buy your present 1st and 7nd mortgages IIIAlilIlJIARSlIAIL mam Ancuanirc MDan 72am cam zirmnamsm JANE vmmr 1234111 LAWS Km Altisinn Liars PETER curious mm SAVE THEvBEAVER WAY REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES CONSOLIDATE SECOND MORTGAGE MONEY PAY MONTHLY 5219i $5051 BORROW 51600 £500 $1000 57500 149 IllSSlSSAGA WANT MORTGAGE or Second at km simple Up to I307 of your pro putyvaiuc lino monthly meats to hm years to repay or any mortgage pro blcnu ace COREY Real Fabric Dunlop mans Do you OWN marina needy cut Ivdlllbll to Dunblla limo WI will even lead you money on your mnfllllel huh will runillhx W1 MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS SALE RENT RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd General Glendale Iravelux Paris and Service Cash or Terms up to Ycara 170 BURTON AVE 79666 churns Ind Crawler lilting n11 rickup trucks ms red up Lin ted stock Call In now Reduce import your Authorized unison Dealer um street motor ZRENTALS APARTMENTS TO RENT YOUNG MAN who has bed room iurnished halnment wishe tsriï¬iiuu with nine Telephone 71a nmnooir Apartment near down town ImuIc Darklill LILhcllltiu Telephone MM BEDROOM Ind one hcdmna solarium rai rent st Vincent Grave um Call arm was LARGE TWO bedroom IMHIMM unhinilshed icllvontllncd laundry and DIIRIM rscllluts Clnle in school and our East and children welcomr lcionhone naissl nxDsiniNG nuoii Suit Adults Avsiirhte Ilnmedilinblye A095 itsiota Tim ROD hummert tor rent Amity Dunlnn street ieiebhon minor or Iurthci in lurmltlurl DOWNTOWN uniumiebud apart ment inur rooms rultebic or business couple Avuunbie iuruuv See Emory hilller 61 nuaioo Street um nNisiiEn bedroom mn merit ibr rent centI11 location parkini utilities Availqu in nary isi sm Dcr month Teicairobe morn eitcr bn FURNISHED ream convenientcs arr paved hIKhwAy midway between 0min and Dante Available Jam ullV ist Adulu 7235061 $8863 OPEN MORTGAGE NO AHRANGING FEE INTEREST IS CALCULATED 0N THE DECIJNING BALANCE CAC REALTY LTD oay my 109 VciuIaton or ulcvhbne INTEREST TEIN 10 RAW REPAY MAN PER ANNUBI IN FULL I698 IS Yelfl 15 15 Years 115 15 Years 12 i5 Years ST ORILLIA RENTALS ROOM AND BOARD Edgar AND noun curtainNe business riri It new and laundry Mention moose Boo AND iiko lntlehtl Im moisten clean umbhed unen Implied mini 1m bn bursitis Gentleman only leiwhbne M10 sroass FORRENT omcit null or rent Ii idse Rold ulghle norm null repay nee rem month Telephone Wow NURSING HOMES VACANCIES rmluriutl 37 day iiilute no my nice 14 hour iaulinl one ï¬ve Monies 9121721 New Thornton Telvnhmo ARTS FOR SALE nmthJlAmn and him or sale Illa table no chain This buone doom alter an Ind salurdly TELEVISION or rule 1o tttch con ga nod condition TelDunno ARTS FOR SALE From womans point oi view KITCHEN AID Dishwashers by Hobart are the greatest in time aEd temper savers Sec the toll line ROB INSON HARDWARE at Dunlop St noun cm mm row lenient Ind chair Nata run tablet lloor 1am on Teleomne for usual mrt ans Pelr at $150 nearest utter creation FISH SHANI ior nio no Telephone mm TYPEIVRITER wronged Inboard In iced cen am murnniroinnr Telrphono mull Dmale WK mm mm am Dee mu and um an over but our stout Merry Christmas rrom Ella sacrum Goods mues he or CHILI on Elma ii LARGE chin baby carriage elekm cheaterfltld mile ID in eteouie stove Inewi electrIc tr bur lemon dram washlna nu chine inxie bed vlbub 2L and ieid street MASSAGE BELT speed vimIon mural in tons bios thinn or mussn breii lea or Inn inqu ltiudy steel construction web beii cw too and reii ior sso nub boner curl Nd male irmc Telephone mics armour TIN hutch Elm mu board door wardrobe hm nundlm tuii ruck cedar and most or drlwen mine and end ibiu buflct ch our radi iiut chain indie chin ubinet umthone and molds ntctu mum rincv crime coieueo Eu Canhdllul decorator itmbs bid ml and books and many other out too oi the Antique Cdllr 299 who west their Anna St 721 GUITAR or nlo Illmu with me In KM condition Tubhoue rzaaaoz Christmas TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS SuggesiionsfrOm GOLF HAVEN We are offeringTremendous Savings on our Top Quality ame Brand Golf Equipment and CIotIIing Ciinisrintscirr SALE STARTS FRIDAY DEC 15 TO SATURDAY DEC 2d Open Daily including Sunday SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION GOLEHAVENECOUNTRYHCIUB airman ONT Highway 400 or it South to Highway as Eastto Giliord HEATED sclicontnlnid Ipdrtmenl ibr rent ccbtnt location three inrec rooms and both stove Ind refrilemoor nDtlonal nullhie lm glggllmly mevbbuu maï¬i utter one BEDROOM unruhnrsbed mrt nmrt Available Immediately aauit only no pair nondtu vicinity narkinfl facilities Win liter Dan NEW coiyiTan JV Iputinen nvaiIbizrsrov Irlreralor Central Imuliim Tc IDhone mam ior Turmer perilou SERVICE GUIDE REPAIR are Ready to Work immediately 26 homes foryoii Peter Light home consultantt BEAVER LUMBER 129BradiprdSI asp INVESTMENT Property meUcnt location around Five ro Ills Harrie stern and live apartments Ii rent ed trantulv Income am but in neuter ootentliiuust suit write Box A17 uarrle Examiner KEMENFELI DRIVEARIIA Across acid Darkhnd bsv ll want born with bcautliui vigil we Em beam home urge utility room double some clam halt usb required IzIeDhone enlmrmldï¬ ITripIex wanted Miist be in goodrcondilion OQient with good down payment wants bung ow anywhere awn STYLE two mm hrick home or bedrooms good can dltion Aunndaie district or central Reasonable Private rtetres write tors sensor TEN ACRES SIM Box A11 moatcanoes REMEDIATB 1st andgnu Mortgage Loans Anywhere on ALL 110m mans ouusncmr momma B00FVALUATIONS it You Need Money TESTER no OEInMullt Immu mm ueee nocr acrrin customer Writ or Phone 7200901 Mongagafundtng an Slmpsqn ears 12 cum Minibar Guam ism mm Willi and it you wintry ml it kind Mom IITDUNLOP 5T MINI anticstree Ann alter =Beavei¢canreretranym ts mm entrlrtce and bathroom 611 Antihie immediate bhohrmlsz 59o immineiudcd upper Med mom apartment rutiv ifllftnntlilt ed Avsliehie January Ist Adults only Alwly Rogers hd Council Realtors mason oNE farm boarders use In Tale washtm faculties harkluu 101 and centrally located ma Kerrie acutelt Drive Telephone macro FOUR ROOM unmmished uhaer duplex apartment located On an R1 anvlle entrances Ivnliohll immediately 10 monthly launch electric and water Adult 0111 Tclevhonu moor anizmm mutual mama niece ï¬rm tile hath Hinton room llv roomend kits 1an or storm and cupboard atropine very artyta front and Irriiclaialimeaacentml riang neiflibn ma our mun Totem mo at an utter reply at 7a ggmsign Rubedrnommrickhun D0 mm beau dishes TVhcat unit and v35 supplied miloer nubin moon Twopznnoonr blame to not eioeato Enemies AwliairIe January ile1cpiiene mom utter an NEWTouaaannoow storey hflulc rer nnt ibeuted stun street itean sion nnulrv 01 or mmaa monthly Poses Telcehane ham Torrent tnntely muculrom Burn en slaved IdTeIthmW or ATTRACTIVE room house bed room can banellc rrecreaiivu room lie brtbmvinl bmndloom rimhie were utri um tron mad our yard Dime managed Sutuhlcl lqr executlv ca ROOMSTO LET nrmnnnu umim hunt main location Gentleman only mam uteri an lion downtown Tllmauu mam romancing mum also or magnum rim Tllwhonl Ticm niti Ior roll doubt tum Cellini in Im um Elibill WWI also nan Erica Telephonr now an eh rtsuewpiowlbr Tia Two Esonooar electrically heated ed Imx new Ammlmad mourn iiiII uniimam Torrent stove and renninam Pointing Ind DWIll Golï¬n teed irorkmunshlp Phone M0007 roam mmmo fan cs 41 Ann SIX ncaioe SNOWPLOWING SERVICE mowing Cbu rates Cull Ind Income TAX raccoon TAX nETUBNa prevred Kidd Amunqu 15° Dunlap 72ml IRONING lawnhint moms per both Servlcu and main $350 16 Heinllndldailvcr lANITORSERVICE JANITORIAL SERVICE SATISFIED WITH YOUR PRESENT CLEANING SERVICE Try us forbettercleanlog our otticcrtore orjactory MIKE JANITORIAL SERVICE Day mm Night 7mm LOOKING Vol elm chard It Ion oi 31o cmnlnx Sit TicTux SMALL ENGINE REPAIR BAYSIDE Emu EacmE camac 51 and Service rstlowmim and AMENSISnoviblowm raccoon ammonites my would arowmo Frrc Estimates Gunnllleld work Telephone Scott Muir WET PLASTERING SENTf ceilings mugs to velar experience SANDBLASTING CLEANING trick wood or that he estlï¬lllel Gumhteedtho CARPENTRY hummus renovations house construction by timerscrved it new or nHiis services he REPAIRS RENOVATIONS NEW CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL TELEPHONE 7284421 Guaranteed Quality Workmanship SNOWBLOINER REPAIRS Snow Blower sale nd Service Lawn Mower Ind ltoto Tiller winter atom and palm indien Now of 17lvlnrton Ave mini ELECTRICIAN EWESTERNELECTRIC 133 Bradford St TZGOBSI Electrical contracts rewiring and repairs MASTER ELECTRICIANS REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON Earmomma saitvrca Clapperton Street axons mam SEPTIC TANKS