Salazar Strikes Back At Political Critics LISBON Threatened with poiirical scandal and in creaslng opposition the 40 earold dictatorship oi Premier onto Saiarar oi Portugal Is striking back at some at its crit ics Within the last week the gov ernment has Arresied rveilknovm law yer considered the main spokes man tor the opposition Dcported Chilean member at the International Commission of Jurists iicIusrd to admit corre ondenl at on American maga zine to Portugal lnterrogated line Iniversity student leaders in gt¢flnnectinn with student aceuw tions that the government was negligent in providing adequate ald ro survivorsoi disastrous floods which killed 410 people eoarsed foreign correspond BUSINESS BRIEFS By THE CANADIAN PRESS STOCK SPLiT VOTED Directors at Beaver Lumber Co Ltd in Toronto have author triwd 4for1 stock split subiect to shareholders approval it the split is approved beiore April 1968 the dividend will be 12 cents common share CUTTING INTEREST RATE public bill that would limit interest rates to 12 per cent was Agiven iirst reading in the Com mnns Thursday Under present law interest may be set at any rate agreed upon except where already limited by statutes REPORT DUE SOON The report or it special cabl net committee studying the el lecls oi Ioreign investment in Canada may be ready this month Prime Minister Pearson said in the Commons Thursday The committee was set up early this year under Waller Gordon minister rvithont porttnlio and iorrner tinanee minister T0 HIRE RETARDED OTTAWA CF The Public Service Commission announced Thursday it will begin hiring mentally retarded persons out sidetbe competitive sysiém in work as building and mainte nance helpers messengers clerical assistants duplicating machine operators printing shop and construction helpers They vfli be subject to one year probationary period eat in Lisbon oi tiling div patches detrimental to Portu air Vilumors about scxandsin scandal Involtnng cabinet minis ters bankers aristouats and number at other prominent ladi viduals have been making the rounds tor the last year They have intensiï¬ed and have been given greater weight by recent foreign newspaper Stories Ihese unconfirmed reports say Jeao Antone Varela re signed as minister oi justice bt cause the Salaaar regime would not let him prosecute the per sons Involved in vice ring that employed teenaxe girls Antunes Vareia has relused to discuss the reports with news paper men gt There has been no omclal comment on the rumors and strict censorship has kept them out ot the Portuguese press But some diplomats and other loreign obscrrers believe they are connected with the arrest bypoliticai police Wednesday at Mario Snares prominent oppflsla tion lawyer and critic oi the Sal amr reglmo the expulsion last week of Chilean lawyer Itlarino Portia and the relusai to allow Time magnrlno correspondent Roger Stone to enter the coun try POLICE lNTERCEPT Stone arrived in Lisbon lhurs day to investigate the scandal reports Security police immedi ately put him aboard an out going piano without any upla nation Ponio was arrested at his hotel and put on plane back to Geneva soums said illsor ganization protested his expub tion to the Portuguese ambassa dor in Switzerland There has been no oiiiciai planatlon Ior Soares arrest These actions came ma altar government criticism oi dis paichu to loreign news agcn cles which oliiciala termed detrimental and lendculious One American was questioned by security polite tor several hours tra tiiing story about student crlicism ot government aid in the tlood minim The Asociatad Press correspondent was called to the rarely minis try to explain why he had mt tea story about widespread criticism or government censor ship during the floods Weillllioimld sources say An tunes Vareia was not allowed to bring prominent persons in volvcd tn the sex scandal to trial becausa oi posstbuity dia astrous consequences to the Sai azarrrlltne Antunes Vareia oomldered strong possibility tor prime min ister in postsaiaur govern ment returned to hilieaching post at Ceimbra University titer in years as Justine rulnia er Salazar now 71 New Quarters It be house today and Saturday at Orv IIaniy Motors new Centennial anr tars on Brndlord Street The new building follows seven yearsdeveiopmentoitttr Hardys automobile business in Barrie lie came to the city years ago and worked as an automobile business with in Corby hetero opening his own lot in l96l It is now among the largest used car dealerships in cmlial Ontario hIr Hardy snys Charter president or the Toast masters Club oi Barrie itIr Hardy is also active in the rio Goii and Country Club the curling club and the yacht club He is an ardent saltwater ï¬sherman and owner ot on exten siva antique gun collection In addition to his automobile business Mr Iinrdy also pro sident oi Orlo Holdings Lt He lives with his wile Lorna For Auto Dealer OIW HARDY and their tour chlidren rat Vooderest Road in Barrie PltlZVIEW or l968 Mon PATTERNS Fab servingTrays ON DISPLAY AT SHOWROOM mm PLAZA WELLINGTON HARDYGLENWOOD PRACTICAL DIFFERENT AjLWAYS WELCOME Iold Old Canadian SEK prsmtsay trump asttévitts cam enough to Curling Driving Glover diagonallystitched leather palms for ï¬rm grip Nylon and wool uppers Beige black brown One size stretches to litall 229 Ehglish TotoBag roomy aWayior weakand inaquadherrln bone tweed Black or gold oo Telescopic Umbrella nylon umbrella only 12 when folded Lady Hux ton Leather Ar icessorlaa olurch8 0Fre hp Key case 400 Milana or saddle hide Rod black beige blue oiivagraan Mans Biiliolda gch selrgma wide sortmant of distinctive eathar billiolds Variatyoi stylings andcolors 500 gt up Shoo aurrar hava tigerbylt bull hisshaostda bill is In Bone or blackSlzaa to 306 flll Costume Jewelry Sara pendant and earring pin and earring aota Sparkling rhinertona and tailored goldorslivercolor ed pieces 200 sat 400 not Jewel Case velvetlined and compartmented to separate her baubles and bands Extradean drawer glides out when lid is tilted simularadlaather In red whireoréiiveoiaon1506 Convertible llaundbaga to swing from ahauldaroroarry earth