Sharp Is Rapped Over Bréad Been Shopping Days til UlTAWA CF The opposi tion rapped Finance Minister Sharps knuckles Thursday or min or the writingrnons heel bread and smokes As David Lewis lthPYork South put it Mr Sharps hudg et means more slack in the belly at th working man The opposition iurthrr ac cused itlr Sharp during Com mons debate on housekeeping ruolutions arising out oi the June and Nov so budgets oi planning to jettison the Carter roynl corman taxation re port and budgeting to nreate uxr employment ltlr Sharp denied the Carter allegation As ior deliberately creating unemployment as charged by hlr Lewis he re know oi only one govern cut in the world which has de berater tried to do this and at the government or the adorn Despite the rough ride train the opposition the budget reso lutions were approved and their subject matter reierred to the standing committee on finance trade and economic attain The Commons today resumes debate on the hill proposing widening oi the grounds tor di vorce and possibly the new broadcasting act The big news in Ottawa Thursday was Prime Minkter Pearsons ruddun announcement that he plans to resign as soon as convention can select successor probably in ApriL The Senate passed goverm meat bill restricting the death penalty ior murder to kdleri oi policemen and guards or liveyear trla period The bill approved by the Senate 46 to 27 now requires royal wont be tnrelt can he proclaimed law Among those urging tlr Sharp in the Commons notto ditch the Carter report was Marcel Lambert PCEdmom ton West who laid be has been trying to gct the minister to rcler the Carter report to spe cial Joint committca oi the Sen ate and iiouse oi Commons be iore tho government commits it seli to while 118W tlr sharp denied that be has ever said the government in tends to ditch the Carter report tir Sharps Nov 30 budget unveiled firepercent sorta in income and impercent in crease in the sales tax on beer spirits and ugarettea ML AIwk took strongest ception to the provision that the aurtaxrwill have an exemption on the iirst $100 oi taxable in come and ceiling oi $600 This showed cynical illngir1ba exemption at the bottom meant saving oi 55 while the 3600 cmptiou to those with incomes oi $30000 or more will mean anywhere lrom $100 to $400 or more You do not achieve equity by removing at the MINA which the rich guy also eta be cause his ï¬rst tools no taxed either under this proposal Ihm in addition to that he gets an en emption on anything over $000 which he loold have had to Fly wint nonsense this What utter unmitigated ribhish it is it is inequitable it is un just is intuit ills antisocial tlr Lambert warned thatthe increased cost el liquor and beer may lead to an upswing in moonshine operations This in turn noted raise ï¬lament costs and art into any additional revenues derived train the tax increase MITCHELL SHARP WEATHER Variable clotidinex with snow liurrics Low tonight 20 High Saturday 23 For iull sum Christmas niary please turn to page he iiiarrio if inor 103 ygar N0 191 hankOntario Canada Fridaypbecember lip6 Not More Than iii For Copy 18 Pages RACEWID oigt FOR lEADERSHiP Foresee Convention In iipril OUIMET PLANS THREE MONTH REST Retiring CEC president Al phone Oulrnet tells Canadian Press reporter he plans not Uncover Narcotic to work ior three months dur ing interview at Ottawa Thurs day Mr Oumets resignation becomes eiieetive today tPri day in photo let be displays small model of television set he demonstrated inlsm CP lVirepboto smuggling Operation MONTREAL lCPl huge International narcotics smu gling operation has been uric ed withrthe rsLni nine per sons and the selzureot 110 pounds at heroin in Canada and the United States Oiiicinls said Thursday the highgrade heroin worth an esti matedjtspoomo on the illi gt drugmorket wasdestlne New York distribution iroin South America and France Six persons were ntrestedin Montreal two in New York City and one in Boston itvo Corsicans arrencd in New YorkThursday were prac tically home iree alter allegedly carting 26 pounds oiheroin in the ialse bottom of valise lrom hiarseilles Franco to New Y0fllbJlflY Minds and UT Moral agehï¬ sai The two described them seives as courierstor the ring Ilte six men arrested by RCMP in Montreallive were picked up Wednesday and one esdayiwera ordered to ap pear tor mellminarfhearlng Dec 10 on drug ohargesrnault ring pm the lured The Canadian governments Chief counsel ior the Montreal iii rt Jean Allard chieioi dian delence stall says he turnedrdown cometpostin the Canadian goveronit to £565 and thank God idid Now believe istoo late in lbea politician added the 54 iii It itgry chiefs normally 55 but usuallytchieiaot atait got one or two extensions Allard aald lnj that ranged so it NATO new are ila tlh to get supplies into the North American market and through Montreal at almost any cost RCMP said nearly 100 pounds oi heroin have been seized in Montreal in the last year Arrested Wednesday at Mon real international Airport were Giuseppe Kuartona 39 Andrea SEX CENSUS OTTAWA CP Cnnada has about ml men ior every loo women but not in its cit ies maies Many rural areas as short oi womeniollr The imbalances show up clearly in studyot sex ra tios intbe 1366 census re sed Thursday by the mininii Bureau of Statisti ore of about 75 71 poundsvol heroin Bail was re RATIOS UNBALANCED Mostbig centres are roIa1zzinmln2mjc Settenbre 437Giltseppo Sarago 42 and Gennaro Siniscaiclii 44 all lulion residents oi Buenos Aires They werecharged with illegally importing heroin into Canada Carmine Rousso 43 arrested in his hotel room was charged with illegal possession oiheroinn Raveni Resource and mining com mtlnitles have high prop tion at unmarried men For every 10o women there are Kilnsm 812 omeau lit in Kapuskesing Ontr Ottawa andQuebec City are secretary towns with rEspeci ive maletoilemale ratios of 92 tom and to to 100 Monlreiil Toronto and Van couver have only so men per nnipeg 93 The figure isllsvinHalitax and 99 tli lgnry and Edmonlt butrwouldmake the local in the regionieei mayoWin been lorgotten Itllord said Pray For Peace postings PepeBout Urges VATICAN CITY CP Pope Paul today appealed iorworid wide prayers ior peace every New Years Day but rebuked drait dodgers who retuse to light for justice and liberty Peace is not pacilis In his iirst message on world events since his convalescence the 70yearold pontiit warned against the apocalyptic awlul nese at modern war audit Jad vi aEdwnrldfléidefs agninst believing that only iorce and policies oi deterranca can resolve internationni controver ales Deplored nationalism arms buildups racism and revenge The Pope urged Roman Cath olics and all men of goodwill to observe the iirst day ot each calendar year as theday oi peace in an unusual oiiicial papal document on the subject oi peace the Pope said such commemoration would serve as hope and as npromise that peace with its just and beneficial equilibrium Ill try dominate the development oi events to come The document dated Dec was released by the Vatican today ltcontains two parts nne addressed to men of good Boycotti Sought ilgainst Rhodesia Do monwealth governments ing that of Canada pressing privatislyvfor owe lithe countries have thenis vex notto agreed anio tt trad lh Rhoda will wrough the world and the other to the bishops and the lay men oi the Roman Catholic Church The Pope did not refer dii rectly to the coniii in Viet pm in the pastube as issued appeals iorrponcn in the embnt tied Southeast Asian country during this season oi the year it seemed clear that the Vietnam war ivasstili uppermost in his though however GovtDeath Penalty Bill Wins Approval OHAWA CF govern ment bill llniiting the death pen alty passed the Senate by vote at lotto 21 Thursday and is ex pected to get royal assent some time nrth weeh beiore Parlia ment adjourns Dec 22 ior Christmas The bill passed earlier by the House oi Commons restricts the death penalty for murder to killerswof policrrnen or prison gugrdsiora iiveyear trial pe rio gt The Se in gave third reading to th ill on oico vote shortly nit the recorded vote pill to 27 won taken on second reading approval in principle 0mnenisoithehiilinth9 pper lionsin not jar Willi1 alteetits Doom on Flynn sought to ili to make 21 out one final eliort provisions Senate Lnader Nii needjgr it as ditherm 7oithe house 4m 0i Senate mSenatoiM Grattan OLenry PCOntnrio said he is against capital punishmentfbut he op posed the bill because it retains the death penalty in certain cases yUSES STALIN IMAGE He snid the argumentthnt hanging is deterrent neces shry lorrproicction of society has been used down through the centuries and byStaiin in justin all the atrocities he com mitted Senator Fred McGrand New Brunswick physician and supporter of the billysaid modern medical science can do more than ggdegm penalty to miï¬Fï¬heWi DEW OTTAWA Liberal party executives meet here Sun day toset thetima and place tor national convention next spring to choose successor to Lester Pearson retiring as party leader and prime minis ter Likelicat choice is believed to be the third week of April with OttaWathe site At leadiive and possibly 10 or morecandidates ere expect ed to be in the leadership race party oilicials said This makes organizing the convention on shortnotice amaniniotli yo The Wynnold prime min tcrs retirement nnnouncehent at press conference Thursday took the country by turpiistl no anvnucn wono Moreover itlr Pearson engi neared his announcement plans so thatnoword at it leaked out in advance in city where spec target assessing their chances Some have already gnthernd together key stnlt personnel inprepara lion or the race Dean oi the group ineyears oi political experience as well as age to External Aliairs lllinls lerMartln Bi oi Windsor out an MP since 95 lawyer and student oi intematinnal aflairs who tlrstbccnme cabinet min 1545 as secreta of state under linking iorTorontos Yor West idlng protege oi lorm traile minis terC DHowe and not inerpriine ministergihuis St Laurentsetlrst cahine ap ulntlon is rile and oiien right on Polentiai candidates are busy To Pick Pearsons Successor merits Defeated in the Conser vntive victory ol 1957 he re turned to Parliament in 1965 and became trade minister lMitchcii Sharp 56 lVinnipn born economist lo mas to civil trade deportmentwho quit and went into private industry alter the Consavative sweep oi 1958 llerenlered iederai politics in Eglinton in 1963 and became trade minister then Zilllaltfl minister Paul Rellyer 44 bran near Simc out eronantical engineerwbo alter the Second World Wanestabllsbed small manufactung industry in Toronto first elected to thé Commons in 1945 He served brieily as associate defence minister in 1957 under Mt St Laurent and underVMr woo deiencehiinister ing to the transport ministry ear He represents Toronto One objective of the woven tion organizers is to outperiorm the CODSCWaLlVngWhOSE vention in Toronto Maple Leaf Gardens in September picked Robert Stanï¬eld to succeed John Dieienbaitet Asource said the heroin hope tomaite their conve more iltiimbte and hips in the settingotrtiie oldi Chateau Laurich and the Sitylmrllotel SAIQONKAPV 11 returned llenoi todayior abiebut Tats the Soviet hen lrom llano servant under his Howainflie Toronto in 1962 won gtT0f0llit