Bi County Building Pleads Guilty 0n IlnnsCharge HAMILNN tCl Rev Pr gram Is Advocated slmcoe Coo ty laces an exten ave new bud program with in the next or two it re port on survey given to county cou gingesterdaiy by its property man ecve Tom ioslin oi riilia is adopted The council otcd to place the report on tile or study with ac tion debycd will later Add uonai spate was asked for the headquarters assessment olilces in Barrie tor the recreation tar vices registry oiiicr and tor court oiiiccs Sale oi the county garage in Barrie and constnic tion at new garage with oi ficc in lnntalii also was recom mended and this is to be studied ASSESSMENT OFFICES it is ditï¬cult to say at this time that there will be any change in policy regarding the operation oi regional assessment lattices in the Midland Orillia Collingwood and Allisinn areas said the report concerning pos siblr iuiure county needs sub mitted by Please losltn As the county grows the need tor regional assessment ol lices will increase he said For the town at Oriiiin rental at pres mises on itltssissaga street west lor county regional oiiice ior is area was recently approved As or the county accommo dation ior assessment at llnrrie the report said There is no room at all lor our costing stnlir it isnot possible to iorecast rclt outcoments at this stage except Jo say that the need for this accommodation will be tempor ary Ailcr three or tour years tiits operation will end The buildup will start in the spring oi 196a and gradually in crease according to developed schedule The greater majority or this stall will be women Existing accommodation tor assessment otttces at the county building is being used to the maximum extent It the proper space lor men and women were aiiorded we would already be overcrowded In addition we need desk space his tour persons slim accommodation situa nlr dy exists mm the point or view staii fluctuations like ly to be caused by work sillide tiling For example it we want large stall oi assessors to work in lnnlslit according to schad ule there is no room to accom modata them at the Barrie ol lice There is only room ior desks tor six and it is not unusual to have is or more men working irom the Barrie oliice This is minimal example pointing up the immediate need lor about 50o square tent in which we could put staii to work at tables instead oi desks said the report couwrr MUSEUM The space at the county mu scum and archives at hiidhurst was said to be adequate tor the present Some thougla has been given to the establishment oi pioneer village beside the mu scumin liisrlsdonevmnr and huildingswlli be needed shed is needed for old imple ments recently seemed More space is needed for the road department The road com mittee has beenconsidering the lï¬ideamireeommen the sale Slflilililhfliï¬ï¬imun tttiittEttA flliiltlllEiISltfltiltlill mwnmcinigmnnnciunsuuwooocmn 10 it lnntsln township south oi se Barrie Ealoaspace was termed ade quate with present alterations It is strongly recommended that the area oi our lecture room be divided at the vial door with soundprod partition and door permitting daytime use at this area for classes conferences or special meetings said report to council This could be utiliz ed by small committaesprovid log we retain control oi the room it any new building is contem plated lor the county consider ation should he given to the pro vision ol county headquarters in the basement and plans dcvcl oped to include this iacility by taking advantage at icdcral and provincial grants We will even tually need vehicle storage space tor rescue equipment separate storage vault was asked tor the county clerks oi ilcc More oilice space and lura niture also was requested The registry oiilce will need more space by i970 it was stat ed in the report COURTRDO SPACE In regards to need or more courtroom space the report said Any estimate at the require ments at the courts by the your loan can be rough estimate only The provisions at Legal Md and the criminal work re sulting irom increased tourist trniiio into the county are both increasing the court load Growth oi the population with in the county must he consider ed The requirements hereunder are drawn up on the basis ol moderate increase in population only No courtrooms suitable or jury trials plus one court room suitable ior non jury tri sis and one large chambers room The law library and bar rlstets room would require at least double the space now valinhlet An additional jury room would he required so that the two jury courts could operate at the same time Witness rooms at three times the present space are required Consultation rooms or parties engaged in on action should be at least three in mm her and at least 125 square eel each It should he pointed out that unless new court house is con templated there are many mat ters that will require immediate attention it was noted that some at the more urgent needs were attend ed to Heating system in the general attic and waiting room tor the juvenile and family couit was said to he laulty The now sys tem in the do tr and judges room was termed satis factory The report add in view of the province ta ng over the administration oi lice juveni lie and iamlly courts and with proposals re regions them is every possibility that this eouct could beexpanded to include part of the County oi Duiierin and the Districts of hitskirer and Parry snows or 45 THEY Va MUMmuseum an my mama 52 9t woman MAPLE LEAF day to pomssion oi an unrcgw terod firearm and was fined 860 oi department buildings and um Sound This might mean two 1° tall at Titlin and Anne streets in lodges it is diirieolt at this Barrie valued 339000 andthcn patnt to anticipate requirements building new silica and garage up to men but there is room at Wu and cm on property purdiascd on Con wesentlor expansion possibly The gun was iound wrapped In cloth an brain In the priests home during the raid by Mr Vnhelirb also admitted mud mm pmsesslng two bottles at unau Jln the event the Jail iseénov thorircd Liquor in his basement timid nust mammal lCPl died as result at caused by iniqu incurred Oct It was fined an additional 50 11 when his car was rammed tn ning testiï¬ed that during an one it hadbeentakentohospllal by Medical Negligence In Death 11er Rules cRocsitiEs Sltwltr WING CANNED PICNIC SilllliLliiillS MOUNTAIN VIEW CHOICE TOMATOES JAYS FANCY Liaavs TlilVlillit CilTSllP LIBBYEMNCY PEAS HotLANDIA Slittliii BllEiillS CHRISTIES PLAIN on cHEEsE ï¬lliillllliltill 1o STEAKS BONEtESS itqu or town not a1ioi5is SAVE 20 HOSTESS Pomp aiadkal The iixy added We rind negligence was taro ed in the there was mutton negligence in death Nov ol William James this case Wallace 79 pl llamflton C3 naers Jury ruled niesday hlr wallow died while sitting in dial in Endemic Gama jury ruled Mr Wallace Hospital without doctors dirwv blood clot ering ho had iractured spine Pathologist Dr James ii iEiiiiiEiiiiiii not Vatican llTE BARBIE MINES WED DAY DEC police bit later retinnad homo saying that doctor had been That night hirst allara said he began complaining pains tractured haclr The tniiny and the family plays an Dr was consistent with the circum Florence Smith prescribed starlets oi the rearend cenisioa painarcliaoing pills He believed the clot would not Two days later with the pain have occurred had Mr Wallam permits she led Dr not been rniicring irom bro Smith is him more put and hen back painrelieving injection Mrs Wallace testiï¬ed that Five days alter the accidex alter the accident her husband his Wallace was admitted to FRESH ONTARIO SPRING Ii SHOULDER CENTRES 0R sucss END curs av in him