Elie iï¬mrir Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited Walla Publisher 16 Bayfilld Strut Barrie Ontario William Taller Genarai Manager McPherson Managing Editor WEDNESDAY one ll PAGE 44 Iflkuumk MltWumzzmm mm urninuuun gsunnannexustnurnrunner arenatuna Much is made and rightly so of the Iargedehts being accumulated by gov krnments But more disturbing and Inore dangerous is the accumulation of private debts The average personal debt per ivork Ing adult in Canada is now $1020 com paredto only $135 in 1940 This con sumer debt now isnear $8000000000 Ibis doesnt include mortgage debt which is about twine that vast amount The frightening thlng is that this ionsumer debt has increased by 85 since 1961 though the publics aftertax lncome has risen by only 50 in the game period Ding into debt ls ancreasmg much more rapidly than the 3bility to carry or repay it Another almost disquieting angle is hat the more the individual debt the more must be aid in interest tocarry fit This is fur her aggravated as inten Est rates rise Thesecarrylngscharges aXBnyIfih individuals concerned nonproductive IIhe people have that much less with Evhich topay for futurevpurchases hairsprayteem TOWNV Barrie Examiner Dec 18 1937 Coun of Simcoe reached agreement with pntario Department of Highwaysto 60 maintenance costsjorroads Eently taken over by provincial system Colonel George Peacock native of Innisfil Township lame Chief Secretary Salvation Army Canada hono ed at nondenomina in consisted of veterans skip Sully Mere tiorial rall in Central United Church Ehomas Crawford Qro Townahi rizes with 18 foxes en inter Fair Eirnvale rink Two local teams did who recently he QUEENS PARK Average Power Costs Down Over iii Years By now oncanu sonorno Hymntee are going up but electricity is still one at the best buys we have ï¬gures from Ontario Hydro no the cost ol power over the years are striking They show that betweai 1956 and 1366 there actually was drop in the average retail price to the consumer in 1956 this was 117 cents kilowatt hour in uses it was 11 cents The costclliving index in the some period rose to me from 113 llth Hydro now puttiogon sixpercent increase in the wholesale price this trend will be reversed But still it is felt elcctricity will remain one of our cheaper commodities The rstea to consumers of course will be established by local hydro and utilities com mission Tney Ici he rctafl rater hascd on tliclrcosimoad factor and other consldcrellonr BLUNTWARNING Premier Daniel Johnson of Quebec has made strong statement on inflation llc issued blunt wanting that if the line isnt held on prices and wage then the earnc steps may have to be taken here as were taken in Britain In othcr words price and wage controls Mr Johnson is the third prov lotcolal tinder tamhave talked in at orpou of ca controls In recent reeks Ilgre mic Ernooil oi British Colum hla and Premier Thatcher of Saskatchewan also have men tioned them This is in striking contrast to year ego when even guide lines were bclng dismissed as impractical There has been no oliiclal suggestion oi price controls from its Ontario government it is not an administration to invite controversy when it doest have to But it they are ever needed anywhere in Canada they will be needed here Ontario is at the top at the in flstinn heap NP CIVIL SERVANT salute to oocol the best civil servants weve ever had in Ontario William Bill hisctvlck membernl the Ontario Racing commission and supervisor ol thoroughbred racing in the Evince died suddenly few ago That our rscing today enjoys the high stemm it does contis acotwlde is largely due to him Rlscwick At the time oi the Fort Erie scandals he was brought in to clean it up And he did He did it llrmly but so rcnsoosbl he made th as an ds ol fr ndv across the province AROUND THE WORLD White House Aide Has Own Theory About War With Reds Consumer Debt Increased BY 85 CandddWS 1nce cash And they have that much less ioinvesl even in modestamounts to build up family nestegg There are psychological and moral factors involved man deeply in debt must worry about it if heis sincere honest man This will have an effect on his own and his family life or if he doesnt worry about it then he is somewhat lacking in moral fibre and this also will have its illeffects TimeLwaswhen tit as=amatter eifrespecttokcep out of debt except perhaps to buy farm business or ome One perpetually in debt was held in low esteem Why is it that more and more pcoolo are going deeper and deeper intodrbt Is it mere extravagance That would be too simple to answer though partly an explanation The fundamental reasonsare more apt to be found in our economic and of people going gladly into debt or on carmg how muchtheylhave DOWN MEMth LANE son Clifford Loclrhartrstroud reelec pe ed president with Ronald Stewart Thornton secretary Local curling season got underway at Clapxperton St we burn Memorial Bopspielp Toronto High Park Bob Malcomson skipped with Bert Rnbertsonasthird and two second year players BarneyDevlln and George Jamieson on front end other rink dith Qharlie Beelh Matt Robertson Earl9 Hamp Fra ck Harold McNahb Malcomsons Ar agh Kennels oiresldence Owen St 3f Education faced collegiat teachers Riemandirighigher salaries Dr and rs hobertDav Toronto marked sil versary at Ivy Orang Coxworth Essa cier ed sixmonths Iris ert Thompson Factory Jack Moore Jr led cribbage tournament at Clarke Clarke ta May elected Illub tioned Jo Pittsburgh recalled by bangerbed or New York kBaBow on has moved back top Joa Suecame some one and Seven teamsmakc his ton to pin defence TonySaso stole wnoisy exrssss osrr Sault DailyStar It continues to bc anachro tmv jetage twentiethcentury Canada tht 1t often takes longer for letter to get LA Hap Emma who was tromToronto to the Saultlthan toget from Torque England to the Sault and lettergairmailed from Australia to akethej ssme our days takes latte clr Blln Btlic poo an at about considerln coidngiathe sixday residentialfmall very 1qu Monday to Friday sarvi the matter ahonld be studicdthmo before any such plan tintoeffect By PHILIP DEANE Foreign Affairs Analyst Now that McNamaraa lack of Influence over Lyndon John sons policy has become appat eat it is iostntctive to examine the views or the man who is the White House ideologlst on Viet nam Prol Walt Whitman Ros tow assistant to the President for national security allairs The post was held for many years by hicGenrge Bundy who Ford Foundation lflt the White House to run the lilr Rostow is partisan of the welfare state of foreign aid ol better schools In all he would feel very much at home with the liborals who oppose present American foreign pol icy were it not for the Rostow theory on the relation between Commimismsnd violcnco and his belief that America has aavlors role to play in this con nectlon He says that aggressive pulses diminish In technological iy mature societies one inlcr viewer hushed whether Nazi ya cally matur mature gives up nism interferes Communist guerrilla war mus be taken seriously as method whereby the Commu nisés hope to outflank the mili tary power of the freeworld and so gain control over the worldspowerbnlance Mr R954 tow saidfn recent interview There are obvious cases in notfitErof Inthe Middle East nationalism not Comma raisin the obvious cause of the war He also seoms to con cede vtbatooe communist na tion at least Russia has given upwiolence and that China is Sou over isso big and Russia has sohttle influence in Southeast Asia that Asia may pass into hostile hands and become ï¬nestto our security with at tithe Earns Esomittrr 16 Bayficld street Barrie Ontario Authorized as second class mstter Post OfficeDepart ment Ottawa and for pay meat of postage in cash Dally Sundays and ii in mowed ipli ratesrdailyby 50c weekly mm the Cahsdlan ubllshera hrseytrbflcatl dispatdaeelnthlspopcr ed ltadtoliormeauociatad Praia or Router the local my therein any military aggression title again from recent interview WILL SHED BLOOD To prevent this America must prove his wllllng to shed blood sentence heard from Mr hostow when he first came to Washington wth Kenne dy and which he still uses American blood shed in the Sec ond World War did not prevent Korea which in turn did not prevent Vietnam but this ap parentllaw inhls theory does not deter Professor Rostmv One could recognize Rostows thinking in the Johnson press conference of Nov 17 when the Pruldent said that it is Amer icasroler to resist aggression in do something about little child trying to waddle and some big bully started stomping it Rostrw in fact is the phlloso pher ol the dominant American on of contemporary Writing about this in Prof Louis ays thyt America is like it little land Hing land to protect his View iindrhn has bigger view to protect and buys even more land and so on in continuous process that has seen the pass from fighting imperialis national liberation movements to becoming in elfect the main opponent of nationalism truly imperial The Dec issue of Lifemag aaine has the commean of Toyobee the historian on these matters antlnofanadlan roan afford not to read hhn to fighting against OTTAWA REPORT Absenteeism Of MPs Increases Markediy By PATRICK NICHOIEDN OTTAWA The absenteeism of members oi Parliament has been increasing markedly over recent your The annoimce mcnt ol the far from complete roll call of MP5 at even impor tant votes In the House ct Com mom if ac unfavorable public comment Many Canadians are unaware that playing hockey could be costly business for an MP Bill Car passed by the House ol Commons on July so 1m in creased the sessions allowance of every MP to 1000 pitta tsxlme expense allowance oft 36000 But clause of that but said deduction at the rate of $60 per day shall be made from the sessional allowance of member for every day on which he does not attend sitting ol the house And clause added The expmsovallowonce shall be subject to deduction equal to the deduction lrom the scsslonal allowance inrespect ol nonat tcndance at sittings ol the Rouse Thus one day of nbscnce could cost an MP mo PERMIT SOME ABSENCE But the hill provided that each 1th should be allowed 21 days of absence without penalty in each susion With livc sitting days week that is just better than one months holiday the House will have sat less than 38 weeks this year Another clause states that Each day during the session shall be reckoned as day of aiicndnoce on which tThcrs has been no sitting ol the llouse in consequence ol it having adjourned over that day tfhemcmbor is unable to attend because of his illness or zThe member did not attend hccansc oi public or official business Those ast forn words are the launch the bill did not define public or official business Each MP defines this according to his own conscience Is it public or official busi ness if the lth is appointed to represent Canada on parlias eatery or governmental dele gation say at the United Na tions Obviously yes So is it public or oftlcial business it minister travelsto some fora way community to open new post allies and if the local MP attends the ccremorfyl Yes But is it puhlle or official busi ness ii an MP addresses par tisan political mcetlng at hca ver Landing or it he stays homo and makes couple of phone calls toconslltutnts about those letters they wrote him in Ottawa THOSE AFFIDAVIIS Every MP swears on attend anccgrecord each month ssay ing was present at Ottawa and attended in my place at the House of Commons in each sit ting day during the month of wlih tho exception oi days during the ssdd month of the said days of absence were unavoidable my absence on those days being due to tile ness BIBLE THOUGHT Bul what thth were glln to use those counted loss for crust Philippians There are no complete spiritual victories without whole hearted surrender to Gods will andwoy Nothio about public or out cisl has an Pcrt Herridge the lrreprcsah bla New Democratic II from the lfotteoeyl has used the privileg open to any MP to in troduce private members bill on ter subject His hill Oilt is for one purpose only it de fuict public or ofï¬cial bush out as being restricted to work ol member as represent ative or work related to the molten coming within the juriy diction ol the Parliament of Canada It is improbable that the HE ridgo Bill will enjoy any better fate than the mat majorhn of Private members billet as ch dio bypassed at the end of the session But there mlsbt be enough hiPs interested enough to clear their conscience when they sign that attendance affida vit so that they would conspire to get this bill passed but look at Mr Herridges words again lhe wk of an MP as rm tentative is hardly more ex plicit than publlc or official hairless This Christmas Celllng The Power Tools Paints Plywood hlcasuring lapcs Floor Tile IN DOUBT Give SlO gift certificate available in $5 to $100 and let him choose his own sit mom Pm vuravar WillDI Jaw glowniul Emotional Impact Julie TWO DAYS ONLY TODAY THURS LIFE flskar Christie Werner ialzrénlwit 451 rrcHNIoOLono Ftotnfde Id Warmly Ray Bradbury Fraitcois Truiioui hisinfshiollonafly boo aimed ms unusual motion picture AT 030 this BRIAN BEDFURDJUUESUMMARS umrsu an JAMES FARElilINU me can tttitlt snowman 33le ownvv FRIEllllliET to aging Bnnli Let nothingbetween rscumcnmr car youll yer regret looking the Datelinethen decide roarfsuu wagon WAGON last