WiiiiLERIDING Several hcluga whales are chased into inlet tor tagging in the Seal River shout 30 miles north of Churchill Man an operation that gives Eek moa and Indians chance to ride them tor sport beloro lob CAB sues FREE LONDON AP railway car broke loose lrorn train leaving here Monday and sparked major alert it was loaded with amooooo til moon in hanknotes Police stood by until locomotive towed the car to siding LaSt gift WithmreintereSt in THE NORTH ting themloosa Cree Indian Francis Spence straddles whole alter Jumping on its back ewboy style Whales are tagged todetermiue movement patterns in the area Photo GIANTS STAB SUE ST LOUIS AP Jimmy Patton tormer defensive gar tor New York Giantsol the Na tional Football League was named Monday in civil suit charging he claimed there was bomb on plane at Lambert St Louis Field You pay only $135 91000 certiï¬cate motur Little UN Optimism For African Issue UNITED NATIONS CPI ihe United Nations is about to tananother crack at the prolr lem at SouthWest Alrica an issue that has occupied the or ganisstion Irom time to time ever since it was handed 21 years HID Again there is little optimism here that any substantive steps can yet be taken to break the unusuole Has Museum HIEES HOLE Nild CP An artist from New York in late visited Neolormdland the home at his ancestors His tour includ ed this emnli outporl commu nity on the tip at narrow peo igsuls reaming into Conception George Noseworthy and his wile were so impressed by the provinces color and the quiet way at lite el itsrpeople that they came back to make their permanent home here Ihs oner oom schoolhouse was vacant at the limp and the artist acquired it as studio tor painting While he was occupied at painting local scenu neigh bors came around with various trophies they Included can non hall dating hack to shout mo small boat trained in glass that was carved by to ï¬sh erman tor his son more than 100 gar ago and rough pair at ndculis dug up 20 years ago at Port do Grave Those objects are displayed on shelves around the walls ol the building now known as tho liiislhermeus Museum of ilihhs mandate South Airica claims over the territory As with many issues heiora the UN there can be little hope progress as long as several oi the major powers disagree on strategy The representative oi ianw nia reflected the opinion at many members when he said in last years debate The inability oi the United Nations to solve the SouthWert Atrican prohiem la lavor oi the sullering peoplesthere will it allowed in continue destroy the whole body as an effective polit ical instrument in support ol in ternotional Ipstice peace and security RESUMES DEBATE Despite such tears and nu merous resolutions passed by the mnution Gencral Assum hly It has to he admitted that little progress has been made The General Itesemhly touched hrieliy on the problem Tuesday and plans to resume the debate cut Monday Over the years the assembly has passed resolutions urging South Alrica to give up It manv date granted by the old league at Nations and criticising South Africa tor imposing apartheid uparation or the racesin the territory More recently it approved compromise resolutions es tablishing council ior South West Africa and assigning it to negotiate with the South African government in procedures tor translcr oi the territory to the UN tor the interim period he tore independence AfroAsian groups have pre sented toudm drth mm urging UN administering au thority to take over the territory and calling on the lsmtioo Se eintty Came to take the nec essary eilectlve measures to torce South Atrica agreement N0 VOTE CALLED Such resolutions we ve was never pressed to vote because It was recognized that they did not have chance he iore the Security Council where Britain the United States France and the Soviet Union ali permanent members with veto powerdisame on how to handle the situation IILDEN TRUCK RENTALS LEASING OUR SPECIALTY HOURLY DAILY WEEKLY YEARLY FOR INFORMATin CALL 7285699 on AFTER norms cm 7mm Meanwhile the South Airican mat in nude it dur that it will not recognise or deal with the UN machinery and thus there remains little iikeli hood that the resolution rs tahhshing the council tor South West Airica can be carried out no Soviet Union has suggest ed that France and Britain in particular are reluctant to take action against South Airina he causa they are her leading tradr tog partners Russia although barking de mands tor tiN eniorcement acv tion is opposed to any UN Iran as HAIR EXAMINER manner DEC M4 eitienal regime lor the tumor1 because It might in the words the Sovin spokesman some way serve the interest the imperialist manopoliu hon which the racist draw their support wooden mans war DETROIT CPL Ian Haley veteran right winger tor Mas Girls is leading the Central Prolensienal it league scoring race with 21 points on lit goals and 11 owns oPEN MON to SAT TILL PM FROM NOW TIL CHRISTMAS aunGET ACCOUNTS INVITED Your Previous Saier Slips from 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