Mrs Donna Barry who was attending prcchristmas par ty dressed as an elephant took over human task when her son lason 6months got hungry AP Viicphotoi CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Defeat Bill Senators Ask OTMVA CF Two Cons servative senators called on the upper housa Tuesday to defeat the Commonsapproved hill to limit the death penalty to the murderers of prison guards and police otiiccrs nntor Lionel Chequette Ou tn said the Sennte would gain in statture ii it killed the fit brought down by the Liberal governm Senator As saltine id re is no public demand for the measur This may be the op rtunity the Senate has been tv ng or to justiiy itself he said He hoped the Senate Wmllll have the courage at its convictions and defeat the bill Three Lib rarl abolitionists tools the opposing view during the iirst day of Senate debate leading up to second reading aleoVal in principleLiur the hi1 The debate resumes today Senator Choquette said the nppropriat punishment or calculated ol dblouded planned murder death it was mockery tor the cabi rnet tocommrite death sentences Th death shouldnot only capital murder termsshnuld cept in special retaï¬cd for but the sen such as jury recommendation Ontariw said the Commons which approved the hill is the best criterion sot pubhc senti ment Almost eve an newspaper supporte islyln Roebuck said he is convinced the death penalty is less cites tivu deterrent than jail ior lrill era SenatorDonald Cameron Alberta said Parliament has responsibility to be slightly ahead oi public opinion on such matters as the death penalty to lead and guide it The average person ior emov tionul reasons might iavor re iention but would change his mad he had the ppnrtunity to make study oi he matter as the Senate had Senator David Croll Nntario opened the debate with plea to help end the whole sorry process at execu tion Quebec Studies Mineral Rights QUEBEC CPi Resource Minister Paul Allard of Quebec announced Tuesday that spe cial sixman commission has To Provide Housing VltTiOluA CF Premier Bennett said Tuesday British Columbia will provide more iunds ior bouSing ii the icdorsl government agrees to vacate the direct lax iields which rigbt iully belong to the provinces couldnt agree more said the premier when asked to corn ment on Prime Minister Pear sons statement Monday that longrange urban development should properly coma rent provicial and municipal tax revenues rather than icdcral collars All that tho icderal govern ment must do now is get out or the revinees field oi direct tnxs on Mr Bennett said And thank the prime mian trr or that helatcd ndmlsai Wont Refer Election Act VITAWA OP The Canada Elections Act wont be referred to committee ior scrutin in the current session oi Parliament Government llousc Le or MncEachcn said Tuesday night he told Heath Macquarrie iPcQuccns in Commons adjournment debate that the act normally brought up to date well bciorn general elec tion will certulnly he reierrcd to the committee on privileges snd elections early in the next session Meanwhile th committee probably would be constituted to deal with such mnttcrs as vot ing ago and the election ex pensesvreport in the current ses sion mrpectcd to end late in the winter Funds Mr Bennett snld 11C brieis to Merciprovincial ï¬scal con iereuoes have consistently taken the position that revenue trorn direct taxation mainly income and corporation tug should belong to the provinces Tho provinces only gave up these sourcesoi tax revenue to the federal government during wartime emergency and have never received mom than share oi them in the postwar roars he said Earlier airs Bennett reiused to answer questions lrom re porters who asked whut action would be taken by the 36 housing management commie sion created Friday by the cabi llfl hlr liennctt indicated British Columblans will have to wait uutd the next session oi the leg islature opening Jon is to learn in detail what the cone mtuion will do to alleviate the provinces housing shortage Senate Approves Changes in Compensation Act GHANA GP Amend ments ndi on coverage under the Government Employ ccs Compensation 1th have been approved by the Senate committee on tho civil service The amendments ad passed in the Commons would extend bcneiits to persons tak ing training course as condi tion ior government employ ment those employed outside the country by the icdcrul gov ernment and civil servants on leave at absence without pay to take training courses BUSINESS BRIEFS run consume raw NCREASE DIVIDEND Hudsons Bay Oil Ind Gas Co Ltd has increnal its 19 an out dividend by 10 cents to 50 rents the company said in Cel gary Tuesday The 196 divb dead is payable Jun 22 1963 to sigmoid oi record Dec 21 PRODUCTION DOWN steel ingot production in Nov ember amounted in mm tons compared with mass in Novlt ember tut year the Dominion Bureau oi Statistics reported Tuesday Steel lngot production tor the iirst it months oi 1567 totalled carom tons compared with 91019 in 66 Pig iron production tell to 5357710 inns iron comma PROPOSES MORE TRADE Canadian business was invited may to join with Polish in Says Alewives Are An Asset MADISON Wis AP Ale wives generally regarded as problem on the Great hotel are actually trcrnendms asset says Charles Huver associate proicssor oi zoology and curator oi lish at the Uni versity oi Minnesota He says wildllio managers should recognise the alowile as tremendous asset on which to build number at sports ilshcr ics and that suggested crash programs to eliminate the this should be disregarded Great quantltles oi the little tish die of each summer and wash on to Lake Michigan beaches it run per ing wator sports and hurting the tourist trade TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mun durtrics in direct deals or John vectors to produce soods ior Canada or third markets Henri Ochmanskl commercial coun sellor oi tbs Polish embauy told prus eminence inTo to that Poland is anxious to prove its trade balance During the last seven years Poland has recorded $200000000 trade deficit with Canada PROFIT SHARES UP Employees at Agnew Surpass Shoe Stores Ltd across Canada shared record 5129795 irom the iuml prolit sharing plan this year The amount up about 35000 irorn i366 is record high since the lnauzruatlou oi the plan years ago Cheques totalling more than $70000 went out in the mail ntesdsy to more than 100 employees LOANS INCREASE Loans and investments oi the industrial Development Bank on Nov so totalled mascara compared with woman on Oct oi the bank reported mes day subsidiary oi the Bank oi Canada the bank makes loans and investments in Canadian iirrns which cannot ilnd iinano ing elsewhere Accident Ends Driving Record SUDEURY CF Filty years at rccnrdllcu driving came to an end Tuesday ior Charles Beaudctte oi nearby Hanmer when he was convicted oi careless driving The 71yearold Beaudette told Magistrate Anthony lalzetu ho had never been cbargd with an oiience bciore in 50 years oi driving Beaudetto was charged by provincial police after ho backed his car from private driveway in Humor hrto the path at car ody iot several nth ity oi certain mining ed by mining companr Mr Allurd told terence the study will examine the validity of mining claims in the area and propose solutions arms Eilhartledrluvnlvcd Heres the Gift Tirol Brings something Now Something Different Every CDey of the Your Cat No rims Flair Hair Dryer Lightweight rose pat tern molded plastic case Large muty cap Cap and collapsible hose store easily inside case Fourposition heat control 1995 Cat NplDit Give pleasure that will last all year long give Lady5unbeam Deluxe Flair Hair Dryer and Monicurist Grooms cuticles trims shapes and hulls nails Hair dryer piece quick curl attachment and large washable henrdy cap tposition heat con trol Vanity mirror Lady Sunbeam Electric Shaver Canadas No soles feature nhuiltdn light that lets you see uhatyouradoing Spo elol pushbutton head rrdea ses tor ease of cleaning New convenient onoiil switch Sunbeamrtordioisi have Shaves using cord or recharges on regular house current Hasa new douhieootion stainless steel shaving head combined with six precision honed surgical steel blades Psofessionnl bar For that buyer at university or toiQawoy relative Mailed to any Months S400 Iaets you card fromuielrs and gentle wayll shaving headwt one edge spc dailyground to shave legs and tha other edge specially ground for underarm use