Publist by Canadi an Newspapers Limited 18 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Walla Publisher Brian Siaighbceoeral Manager environmentalism is on 4m Some People Around Park An editorial writer in an Ontario paper recently launched an attack uponythoss whose carelessness or disregard of others causes roadsldcs to become littered with garbage and assorted debris from picnic lunch or lateevening revel Ontario has provided its motor tra vellers with convenient and attractive roadside plcnic areas each equipped with tables and at least one garbage can The travellers show their appreciation by their constant use ofthcse facilities and by scattering garbage everywhere except in the large and prominent cans that are nover more than few steps from the tables There is large measure of truth in the charge but like all generalizations it runs dangerously close to distortion of the facts Not everyone who uses road side table leaves garbage behind In fact those who do are an undoubted minority Nor is all the mess observed from time to time at these sites necessarily the work of careless travellers The garbage cans referred to are not always as scrupulously clean as the writer sug gests and often appear not to have been emptied for at least day and probably more And when they are emptied it is none too often that they are hosed or scrubbed out an oversight that leaves them in far from savory condition the Orlllia Packet and Times points out Also to be considered is the fact that Leave Refuse And Roadside the fins are often overturned by dogs or other animals and the contents scattered Those charged with emptying the gar bage containers do not always shovel thisspllled garbage back into the cons or cover it with earth and the result is an untidy mess that revolts new or rivals and results in other motorists be lng branded as litterbugs Those who have observed the situation and who frequently use the roadside tables provided by the province are slow to lay charges of littering against their fellow travellers They will point out that only rarely have they observed carelessness or deliberate untidyneas and that instead they find most travellers do their utmost to keep the picnic tables and surroundings clean There is no doubt that many people do leave picnic areas roadside stopping places unsupervised parks and scores of other public spots in deplorable state of messinessh The indignant writer describes such persons thus What kind of people are these litter bugs Do they scatter tissues candy wrappers and bits of sandwich around their own homes Are they happy to live their lives in fifth Do they toss empty cigarette packages and soft drink bottles out of their cars on the high ways Are they so conscious of the ugliness of their own dirty little lives that they feel impelled to spoil beauty and quiet for othersl No Direct Action In Cuba It is only natural for at least some Americans throwing wisdom and exper ience to the winds to urge direct action by the United States in Cuba As they see it Cuba is ripe for invasion and revolution so why wait till the Soviets pour in more and more arms wise statesmen look at the conse quences of international action and having looked refuseto act intervention wobld we feel result in costly guerrilla warfare like that which Cubans less well armed and well pre pared waged against the Spaniards for ten years from 1809 to 1879 That would be part of the cost of intervention But worse still would be the discour agement of the new and cautious friend gt linesswhfch LatinAmer1can neighbors are developing for the United states There is the danger too of retaliation through Soviet invasions of vulnerable lands in the East such as Iran Actionagainst Cuba may ultimately have to be taken especially if the influx of soviet technicians encourages strife in other LatinAmerican countries But before such action Washington is virtually obligated to make certain of two conditions First thatthe other major states of the hemisphere are ready to give at least token support to intervention as they did last year in the DomhiicanRepublic Second that work regimentstlon un der foreign technicians and the re pressive police system have brought majority of the populace to greater readiness for rebellion thannow exists Untll those conditions are fullfllled President Kennedy is wise to stay out DOWN MEMORYLANE 70 YEARS AGO IN COUNTY Barrie Northern Advance Sept 1892 Erawley cycled 115 miles in one day Grand Trunk Railways Muskoka Ex ress has ceased to run Last trip of earner Enterprise to De Grassi Point next Saturday Peter Pae 70 one of towns leading business men died Barrie General Hospital is progressing although it has only one pat ient at present Town Council decided to grade and gravel Bradford street be tween Elizabeth and the Allandale village limits also Blake between Duckworth and Puget Barrie Shooting and Game Protective Association receives silver me dal for competition in artiï¬cial pigeon shooting Local plum crop has suf PAY YOUR BABY SITTER Sarnia Observer Two local baby sitters have complaint which they relayed to this newspaper it is Why cant we be paid According to the two young ladies they are expected to do up the dishes left in the sink walk the floor with babies put toddlers to bed tidy up the house and 0th erwise keep busy But when the absentee parents arrive home after night on the town they seldom have the correct change gto pay the sitters and can only make promises which are too often not kept Itstrikes us that the girls should coni sidar somewhat different approach The Barrie Examiner Auiherlzed as second classmill Post Office Deparfment alum and for payment of postalan cash Daily Sundays and statutory Holidays excepted gt KENNETH WALLS Publisher BRIAN SLAIGIITGenerIl llnnsger MCPIIEIISON hllnnllnr Editor CHARLES WADGE business MIMI noon rvvusou Advertising lllInIm 10ml HOLDER Circulation ManIgcr subscription rate daily by cIrrler 05e weekly $1020 yeIrly single copy 7c by mau in Ontario 1100 year 00 six month case bree months 0100 month Outside Ontario 3100 yeIr outside Canada 92000 yen Offices 425 University Ava Street er Member of the Canadian DIliy Newspaper Pub llsnerr Association The Canadian Press and the Audit bureau of circulations The Canadian Press is exclusively entitled lnihs use for republication El Ill news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Assoclaied Press or Reuters and Ilse the foul new publisher therein Toronto on comm Montreal 1120 West Georgil street VIncou fered greatly from the curculio Elm vale band plans garden party and con cert Thimbleberries scarce this year Some typhoid repbrfed in Medonte Attempts made to steal body from Orif lia cemtery Boston and Totienham seenecessifyof having waterworks sys tems for fire protection Harvest ap ples drug on market at 50 cents barrel Schooner John Burt arrives in Mid land harbor with 82000 bushels oats af ter nineday trip from Chicago Sons lofIScotlahd institute new camp at Stay ner Aiken Tottenham banker reported missing Hisoffice taken over by Bank of Harmlton School at Cree more closed due to outbreak ofdiph theria Why not collect in advance for eight hours pm to 4amandif there was any refund due this could be convenient 1y handled Imposing on young girls while oldsters go partying 15 we belieiIe one good way to not have reliable sitters av allable There are also instances when people who go out on the town promise to return by specified hour and then fall to show up until several hours later We have beentold that many local fathers of teen agsd girls doing baby sitting workfind it disturbingto get up at damto go searching to see why their daughters have not come home at the appointed hour They usualy find that the emplbyers of the baby sitters havent lived up to their endof the bargain Maybe there is code needed oribetter still the girls should form their own un 1011 with ground rules which would bring partying couples home at respectable hours and with enough money left to pay off the sitters BEST DRIVERS Regina LeaderPost professional driver is one whose live lihood is gained by the operation of motor vehicle on public highways It has been proven that he is not only careful in his workaday driving but he can also boast the lowest accident frequency of any occupationalgroup when driving his own car on daysoff or during leisure hours The Trouble Wi QUEENS PARK Will See More Trade lire Bilingual Missions To Britain By Don ourssnu TORONTO Ontarios firsl sales mission in the Trade Crug code now is overseas The mission is not typical of fuiure oncs Most of the men on it are representing compan ies which are already doing business overseas Future trips will see more men who aretrying to break into the market for the first time ALL ENTERPRISlNG Among those on this first top are George Riekwocd president of Hastings Machine Tools of Niagara Falls an enthusiastic exlrovert who hopes to increase his companys sales of optical msginery in Europe MecLean of Gslt is ex port manager of Dabble Indus tries Hodgson is president and general manager of Cana dian Motor Lamp of Windsor The men these companies rep resent all have in common that they are enterprising Mr Ruckwoods company not only is selling extensively in Europe now it also has branch in the US whichis us ing Canadian materials exclu eively Debbie industries is com blue of several companies and is front runner in the textile field lt betuailyls selling towels and other textiles in the Uh and Europe few years ago it would have been said tin couldntbedoueu BUILD SALES Thsse menand most of the oflrers on thislrip are already fairly well established in the European market through agents or llcencees They are going over to see how sales can be improved and OTHER EDITORS VIEWS in some meals are if it might be worthwhile to set up their lug own sales organizations orto manufacture st horne There are two reasons why the first mission had the char ecfor it did One was that the department of economics and development was anxious to get the program started and the more enterpris life Sentences ForMurdermg Six SIGOUIINEY Iowa AP Gayno Gilbert Smith was sentenced Thursday to six life times in prison at hard labor for the murders ofsfx relatives District Judge Carson decreed that the sentences im posed for the methodical slay mg of Smiths aunt uncle and three cousins last May and the bludgeon slaying of his step molber last October be served conscculively one after the other Judge Corsan who could have sentenced Smith to die on the gallows said the purpose was that the defendantnever be released Smitbon Wednesday changed his plea from innocent toiguilty in the shotgunrifle slayings of llfl uncle Mr and Andrew MeEeth and three mix four children at the family farm the night of last May 20Later he changed ills plea from innocent lo guiltyof sccondrlegrce murder in the killing of his stepmother Mrs Juanita Smith 40 ing manufuclurcrs were natur ally thc first to volunteer The second was that as the misslon would be blazing trail it was felt it would be good idea to have men with expert ence on it SUCCESS These trade missions are only one small part of the Trade Crusade that the government has underway But they also are one of its most promising features The fact that they have been launched so expeditiously is re assuring that they will produce results And the efficient and forceful manner with which this aspect has been handled speaks well for the successrofrihe whole crusade Saskatchewan Now Can Boast thThe Country is Too Many To roan coco morn Ulcerllares lip illierDieting aysosera 011f0lJIEB no Den Drbklaer In use developed duodenal ulcer Ind People Bil or Finger Jailed Months MONTREAL cm Racc horse owner Roy Culvcrhouse has been sentenced in seven months in jail for biting off the finger of constable at Blue Bonnets race track Cufverhouse 24 cl Branliord was also given isdey concur rent sentence for fighting when he appeared in court after pleading guilty Judge Poul Champagne told him he had intended to rear tence him to two years but decided to give you chance in view of the fact that you did your best to pay for the injur ies and will likely be barred from every race track in Amer ica for your aclions Evidence was that Culver house got laid fight with Bruce Randall of suburban Cho medey in the Blue Bonnets iruek restaurant Ile bit Ran dell on the thumb Taken to the tracks security office for questioning be strug gled with Constable Guy Lufond and bit Lafondssecbhd completely severing it Most Complete Health Plan REGINA CF Launching this summer of Saskatchewans controversial medical care plan has pro vided the provinces 920000 residents with the most complete public health insur jslice services in Viiorlhjmer ca The onlyhealth need not now covered fully is drugselihough most drugs for hospital patients are paid for through insurance Saskatchewan first moved into the public health field in 1911 with comprehensive free care for tuberculosis patients Eree mental health care was inaugurated invfstf In 1930 froc treatment and diagnosis of cancer was insti tuted In 1947 the present so cialist CCI government liegsn steps to provide complete public health service by start compulsory hospital insur ancc plan On July this year scum puisory medical insurance plan was launched it was bitterly opposed by the provinces doc tors untll an agreement on modifications was reached July Settlement of the dispute left four avenues open to Saskat chewan residents in seeking medical care MAY DOCTOR They may go to doctor working directly with therSask atcbewan Medical Care Insur ance Conunlssion which admin lsfers the plan The doctor bills the commission directly and is paid 05 per cent of the 1950 fee schedule pet by the Saskatche wail College of Physicians and Surgeons The patient may join vol untnry nonprofit healih group under which the doctor bills the voluntary nc with the agency paying him 05 per cent and collecting reimbursement from the commission The patient may go to doc tor practising outside the med ical care plan pay his bill in full and submit the bill and nec essary information for reim bursement at the aspsreent rate from the commission He may deal with doctor practising entirely outside the act and pay hisown bill who sat recourse to the commis sion fourcimbhrscmcnf Settlement of the controversy over medical care come about only after concessions from both the doctors and govern ment The most slguificant gov ernment concessions were to permit doctors to practise out side ithe plan and toealiow val untary agencies to handle pay ments to doctors But lhe fact remains that residents of Sas katchewan are compelled to pay taxes and premiums to fl hence the government plan whether or not they choose to be reimbursed by the plan SALES TAX PAYS Medical care is financed by personal premiums to percent age of lhe sales taxraisedto five percent lasl Jan lend increases in personal and con porsfion income taxes The plan is expected to cost $21 000000 to its first full year of operation but will take only about $9000000 this year since the plan was not echedv uled to be in operation more than six months this year the government decided he perso nal premiums were necessary for1062 The premiums 301 year family and $12 sin gle person will be collected for lsesialong with hospital insur ance premiums in November The medical core premiums are expected to provide slightly maretbsn $6000000 year The annual hospital insurance finger my doctor put me on diet to cure it The tresunenf nu successful but have gained shoal 40 poundst every time diet the ulcer flares up Is there my kind of diet con follow without bothering the incurmgr an Thetypicnl ulcer diet fr high in fatsmilk cream cream soups However lbs diet neednt be on rigid nor so heavily laden with isl skimmed milk instead of whole milk or milkInd crcam can be used for luicnne diaie feedings For desserts use gelatin shrrbeis or fees instead of puddings And above all remember the diet isnt the whole story Keep caffeln drinks smoking and I1 collol at minimum because they make ulcers flare up The quest small feedings are impor tani Avoid spicy condiments Judiciauc medication emo floral control and avoiding fen sinn and fatigue are other im portant aspects Get all of these factors working for you to keep the ulcer under conlml and you then have moderate leewayio reduce the amt of in to the diet Dear Dr Muller What is nasoldnrynsltlllAm it means inflammation of pm and Idlsrent ibcst IreIr nm for nose pharylng nhlrynr and for inflam mation Dear Dr Mahler What il meantiwben school psycbim lriIt says child is 11mm lure One told me my son was niore than mentally capable for yet was quill his school work unwindMfrs Immature above both physical and an motioned meaning if can mean first child although healthy maybc delayed In reselling puberty or In develong secondary sex characteristics deepening of the voice changes in the fig ure etc Or it may refer just to emo tional mailersmain having no relation in intelligence child may have brains to spare for closswork yet not be sociable in guinea or not know how to cope with teasblg or not be able to adjust to the normal mixing of youngsiers Hes 1m mnture he hasnt begun to grow up in these things ssrobr room or Trade Unions Vote Against Market Plan By MclNTYllE HOOD Macon England Correspondent For The Barrie Enrnlner LONDON The Trade Union Congress at is annual confer ence in Blackpool upheld its national cxrcutlvcs policy of Wait and See beloro comm llllng itself one way or the oth er on Britains entry into the European Common Market This was expected But what was not expected was the strong vote registered by some of the motor trades union against joining the Common Market un der any conditions The general council of the TUC was assured in advance that its policy would be ac copled by the maturityof the conference voles Eat it was very much surprised at the strength of the vote against Common Market resoluf on opposing entry was presented and was debated at great lebglh andwuhsmneheat Al the endJlBE last year1tls alsoJugh of the debate the vote was gainst the resolution by sale 000 to 2022000 It was the size of this antimarket vote which gave the TUC general council is severe jolt THOSE AGAINST ENTRY Prominent among those opp used to entry into the Common Markcl were lhe National Un ion of Reilwaymen the Elect rical Trades Union and unions of draughismen clothing work ers technich civil servants blacksmiihs and number of the smaller unions Most of the big unions including the Trans port and General Workers Un ion voted in favor of the gen eral councils policy and egalnst the antimarket resolution This means that the Labor party whose views are very much reflected In TUC dec ions on such matters still in tends to remain on the fence and make no commitment one way or lhe other until the full conditions for entry are made known by the government alt er ihe negotiations are comple ted This policy is now certain lo be upheld when the Labor Party holds its annual national conference next month NURSES IUBILANT Britains 291000 purses have been awarded pay increases mountlng to per cent or one shilling and Sixpence on every pound and they are lulu lanl Early this year they had rejected ministry of health offer of 21 per cent increase and received large measure of publicsupporl for their claim that this amount we Illl fculously inadequateAs re sult of their opposition to the strict application of pay rest raint against them the gover premiums are $40 for family toment referred the issue to and $24 for single person over is and selfsupporting The government quotes statis tics in show that family with can income of about $3500 year would pay $4000 for the med ical care plan This is calcu lated on $04 for the premium $1075 as the medical care por tion of sales tax assuming the family spends about $1250 on taxable purchases andt5zs in extra income tax Private medical insurance cost about $04 year before the provincial plan went into operation Cost of the hobpital insurance is $40 premium plus $1875 as the hospital portion of the sales tax on the same 51150 spent on taxable goods The total cost of the hospi tal and medical plans for family with income of 53500 would be $11470 the industrial court This court has now announc ed its awarda 71per cent in crease duled back in March 31Thlswasless than the nur ses had asked for but three times what the ministry at health had offered Under the new schedule stud ent nurses will receive an in crease of approximately l25a week while ward sisters Will have theirsalaries raised by about $305 week And that Is not all The industrial court has ruled that the two sides to the pay dispute should meet to consider an entirely new wage structure for nurses This has been received with much grat ification by the missing profes 81011 The oniyminislry of health comment dealt with the cost to the hesilhbill of the award ministry spokesmen said the award would cost $30 millipn your for the bosplfol service and $6675000 year for local authority services BOOM IN BUILDING The nations builders and can tractors are in the midst of massive boom which might bring building figures for this year up in total of $1500 million Figures which have been issued by the ministry of works showed that in the sec and quarter of 1962 builders handledo record of $1950 mil lion worfh of work This is bout $100 million up on the total for the flrst quarter olihe year Even allowing for some increase in prices there is sllll clear increase of three per cent in the industrys output To cope with this building boom contractors have had employ more men The num cr onihelr books at the end of July was 1133000 figure 16000 higher than at the same er than in any previous July on record despite the increase in mechanization in the indus try An official of the Naiional Federation of Building Trades Employers said The industry is working flat out especially in London and the SouthEast the Midlands and the SouthWest Builders seem to have come through the worst of Selwyn Lloyds restric tions Only in the NorthEast is there any cause for concern and we are watching that area closely BROWN IN TROUBLE George Brown deputy leader of the Labor party isin ser ioustrouhle with some of the Unions The attack on him is led by the London Typographi csl Society Through its secrelt piary Roberl Willis who is member of the TUC general council it has attacked Mr Brown for having acted as in dustrial adviser to the Daily Mirror publishing group during 1959 strike of printers Mr Wil lis said It would appear that while the printing unions were eng aged in longand costly strug gle for better conditions and higher wages Mr Brown was acting asinduslrlal adviser to the Mirror Was he advising on the tactics to be adopted in van industrial dispute if so Mr Brown should have no place within the ranks of ihe Labor and ment Added in this London bus meos delegate conference has unanimously endorsed mob ulion of its central committee demanding that Mr Brown he removed from the parliament ery panel of the Transport and General Workers Union This criticism of Mr Brown may have strong bearing on the election of the deputylead er of the parliamentary Labor party this fall It is known that Harold Wilson heshls eyes on that post which would make him second only to Hugh Gell skell in the party hierarchy These attacks on Mr Brown might well result in Mr Wil son realizing his ambition trade union move You though won through the valley of the shadow of death will fear no evil for thou Irt with me My rod and thy staff they comfort me Psalln2i4 The rod of ills righteousness and the staff of His rescue are strong defense against the evils that would destroy us