ANNOUNCEMEle For Flowers And Plants Call BEZZANTS PA 60247 nnvm Doe Valley roar routs eorn ream IIay meet Arron your party now Telephone IA um nr Ivy lrna BIRTHS PROUD PARENTS TEE New at the Blessed Event can be announced to your friends and relatives or only $150 Just telephone PA Hui GLOW Drl Ind Ruth In Dmnunond Rex are happy to announce the birth of daughter tJlll Diane nn ï¬lundly Se HD ber ID at Holy Crou loipl lliI Chill Athena sister for Wendy an Slephcn VALLEY carry and Sharron Valley idee Blackl an arm Io announce tha arrival of ton Tuesday Seplrmher II loss at the Royal Victoria IIosplteL Pint andehlld oi Mr and Mrs Dill valley Ind Mr Ind Mrs Hill Black COHEN Ilr Ind Mn Silo Cohort Rose Street Queens Hotel are hllll to announce the Dlrlli HI son Ilrllri Joel on Tuesday September II 1981 II III Royal Victoria Hospital bro ther ror llaria litany thank to Dr Doldge and Dr plenum DEATHS PARKER Iilldlll suddenly It Toronto on Chlesdly Sept II 1961 llilden Parker Ill ï¬nd yra beloved huaband of the late All Parker dull Ilthcr oi Bud hinrril James Lyle Hoyt bin NICNIlr and Dune lrlcndI may call It the null Nnerll Rome 1701 Vance St Service in the chapel Fridl Ilieruonn It onc oclock interment Illrrlr Unr Inn Cemetery approximately para DELL Ilflliui Edgar Suddenly with It RN II his home 75 Burton Avenue lrrle on Tuesday September ll Ton room mm ileil beloved husband at LVelyn Paillsnn and dear Ilthnr nf Arden of Capraoi Claude nI Ilarrle and Jean Mrs Robert Spanner of Germany mndfathcr of Gail Dawn and liolra Spooner Johnny and Spen err nalmn hlrmn year Rest ing at the Jennett mnerai llama norrle nraenl sonlee Friday September II It Lid pm inter meat Barrio Union Cemetery ENGAGEMENTS MCLL Edward III announco the en agernent of their daughter Linda Elle to Mr Wllllaln Law Lop lir Ind Hrs Winston Law liarrie The mlrrllle will take Ito ay September II 1951 ocloch in Burton Avenue tilled Church COMING EVENTS EIJVIVALE FALL FAIR Comegand bring your friends SEPT l7lBI9 TVANNUAL FIREFIGHTIERSl DANCE FridaySepi 2i pm to om THORNTON HALL Admission 75¢ Lunch Counter SPONSORED all hot NO 15 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classiï¬ed adver HSEIIIEBTS are sertcdat the rate at tcvper word per insertion tor one and two Limes 3c per wurd tor three four or ï¬ve times and 2152 per word for or more insertions 40 addi tional charge if not paid wiihin 10 daysfiliE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT it 960 FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR 3106 FOR 24 WORDS 1F CHARGED PER SINGLE IN SERTION ERRORS OR CORRECTIONS Advertiser are reminded that all phone Insertion orders are accepts as convenience to you tba advertiser Therefore the CIISIENI Advertising Department Militia Iii advertisers to kindly recheck their advertisement immediath alter ï¬rst insertion order that any errors nr nmlrs Dinml be reported belore and In diner that some may he recuded or The allowing days lnxerLlnn order We wish to point out that no Barrio Examiner to responsible or only one Incorrectly printed lniertlnnon any advertisement and then only to tho extent or portion or ad that involves the RIBme Errors which do no lessen Lhn value of the advertlac mcnt are not eligible or coneo lions by malic goods Corning Events 5e per word trmnlmuIlI charge $150 Birth and Death Noiicaa crop to 15 words lover25 words in per word extrate lZn lilemnrlam No ticrs $150 ii verse used 33¢ per word mitts snip lniormatioo regarding advertisers usinghllnd Letter Box Numbers or more Is beln strictly canal entlal Replies to Letter Boxes will be held only 10 days alter last day of publication Classiï¬ed advclsements and notices or thcscpagcs must be received by pm day pro vedingpnblicntion ththeexv caption or Classlied Display advertisments which must be In by 1200 noon preceding day hie and typo ltylel or ml play classiï¬eds may be ob ed thronn TheExaminer ad HJLEAZBL41 REAl ESTATE CARVEY Real Estate Broker REA BARRIE TELEPHONE DAY 0R NIGifl PA 07952 FIVE ROOM STUCCO RUN GALOIV in Al condition in an area where values are increas lng rapidly and taxes are very reasonable hill asking price $7500 with any reamnallle down payment Vendor will hold ï¬rst mortgage al per annual payments to suit purchaser lm mediate posmsion COZY ROME on large lot 132 150with plenty oi nice shade trees Asking price 9100 good down payment on this property would reduce price considerably 11 ROOM well built older type house in excellent condition in the heart of downtown Barrie Pricedto sell Will pay good return on your investment l9 ACRES OP SANDY LOAM in one block consisting oi some Christmas trees ready for this year some bush and the bal ance posture min in good supply Irlccd right and easy item 50 ACRES on busy thorough fare miles Irorn Barrie with good eight loomed oldcr type house modern in every re spect Land is half hardwood bush and hail clear Properly like this is not easy to ï¬nd Owner would take house in Barrie as trade if so desired Member Barrie and District Real mate board Homes Farms Businesses REALTOR APPRAISER ROBERT REAL ESTATE BROKER 89 DUNLOP ST BARRIE Opposite and Store BEDROOM BUNCALOW On lilary 51 near Queens Park Large sunroom new furnace and garage 511500 Terms BACHELOR APARTMENT For rent Two rooms Oil heat Private bathroom Immnd lale possession Near Queens Park REGISTERED PLAN Subdivision 16 acres $5000 cash will handle Easy terms Bargain CHARIdING BUNGALOW pg roonl Ivith ï¬replace chen bedrronls Asking 510 500 or 575 real immediate pos session In Shanty Bay Norah Rniltcs Cm 4023 FURNISTIED APARTMENT Adults only 570 Control im mediare possession IIIDHURST Lovely ranch type home 511 500 Terms BUILDING LOTS Cook SL Steel SL Edgehill Drive No 11 Highway $1000 andupwards FISH AND CHIP RESTAURANT meat Good terms HIGHWAY LOCATIONS For Motels Service Stations Drlvein Restaurants Trailer Camps Dunlap St Stores Ior lease HODGES no rule Barrie on Emory REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Tlffin St BUNGALOW $8700 lull asking price Three years old Good size living room hardwood floors through out separate garage Open mnrlgnge $08 monthly carries ANGUS Elva room bungalow with util lly room only 11 months old lilodern kitchen with all connec tlnns for automatic washer and dryer Builtin cupboards Large llvmg room three good sized bedrooms lilad linors through out Less than $73 monthly car rles Listings Invited Call My nrEvoning PAVE1801 EVEN lanory hlflleETi aossl Sid nournolvy 705 llcmhcr oi the Barrie Rm FAR Bolzlld 1m MOVING Dont forget to transfer your sEE srevENsloNs 113 Dnnlop St lettlsing department PA Moor innerArer Large volume Excellent equip bedroom bungalow only seven REAi csrArs ROGERS ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST Elrsiln Barrie Home salesForemost Quality at Service PA 85568 Save Miles Willa IRS MOOREPA Nil ROOMPA sun SMITH 32 HIGH ST Joan Lang PA 85761 Norman DUNLOP 51E First Mortgage Funds 007 oi is ï¬nished into well planned $11900 for this excellent home Longlio iefoaun PA IVIrIII ShIlJIIII Ore El Edward Nonil 115 DUNIJOT ST EAST Graydon KohlPA 114600 SAVE $50000 BUY NOW Homes by CrOsley Bernick Beautiful 3bedroom homes and high schools FOR $70000 DOW Full price $13200 Brink Immediate possession Four bedrooms Kitchen with dining area Fourpiece tiled bath Oak and tile floors Storms Full divided basement About three blocks to Oil beating Member of the Barrie and CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone PA 02419 93 Dunlop St Mortgage alone Available MARSHALL IIIAHEL PA SCAM 0m JONESPA Mm mm marPA coat CAIIL WOODWARDCnemore 15m IDELI JERRIIINAPGAHEMSI nlui swimsuitscoma strand Eh REAL ESTATE BROKER 73 mm mm BARR CALL our on EVENRIG PA 82379 llernhcr or can some add pleaIn Real Potato Unud Keith Marshall NEAL mam anom PA 52592 ls CLAPPERTON ST amour mun mm as In MEL HANS PA 39917 LES POPE FANG1503 umber Barrie and District Real Estate Board NEW NH HOME bedrooms coloured tile fur turns with vanity in bathroom MELSTDITRS and con Italian too large picture window and en tronce to rear yard at basement flnor level For information pbnne builder and owner Bud Allan PA 84281 EVENINGS can mamoanmaolsrmcrmcmnnmnp gpptPBELL 81000 DOWN For this beaulilul six room two storey ho age Very close to school churches and shopping Having large bedrooms and baih upstairs living room wilhhreplace formal dining room and large kitchen downstairs The basement neuron will ORAYDON KOHL REAL ESTATE BROKER including spacious garages One block from public 27 Masairimspnonaswowt DOWN PAYMENT ONLY $99500 Phone PA 82670 or Any Real Estate Office rurther Information BEDROOMS Balance on one mortgage Bungalow about Tour years old Combination living and dining room public and high school REAL ESTATE BROKER 7a TIFFIN STREET BARRIE CALL DAY 0R EVENING PA 82379 Grey brick bungalowwilir atr PROPERTY FOR SALE CONNELL TRUNK LINES Our Photo new roanrs mu CONNILbPA Ml PA 30242 marina Read PA 02817 Del Cole PA H507 Smith Carnpbell PA 07389 llmber or Barrtl and plum llul meta pearl Shelswell REAL ESTATE BROKER PA 09001 PA 6810 vallabia interest Value Arcc rec room Asking price only For lnorsparticulars call Joe or Phil it so PA um PA 84252 PA 84608 Bill townPA soul complete in every detail for SALE PAYMENT The above home is available for Immediate possession Imagine belng able to purchase to year old home with $700 down payment and the balance on one mortgage This is an opportunity that you should not pass up now for appointrngnt to unpack District Real Estate Board HENRY ELRICK AND MICHIE l5 Owen St Borrie PHONE rs cases simmer canolaawn blsmlcc ma ma aoonn IMMEDIATE POSSESSION tached garage and wooded lot Large living room kitchen bedrooms tiled piece bath partly ï¬nished basement Asia ing price $15300 Mobility pay ments $102 including taxes Ivam lint mortgages or Vfctorla and Gray Trust60 no lie Phone PA bases altar nonr pbnno aon Planning PA sales or Paddy lilies rs carol CARSON Neat donrtn the Imperial Theatre 45A DUNLOP ST PA 6648l Member or Barrie and District Real Estate Board FOUR BEDROOM Brick Bungalow ears old lVlIh recreation room hï¬te Ionic Close to schools and stores Tele pbnlad PA 61515 NEW THREE nooroonl brick bungalow North end close to pubs llc and hlllh schools Attached garage largo kitchen Itprrn win dovu all treated tlnllo down PA RAUL REAL csrhrs PROPERTY FOR SALE Ii HENDERSON REALTOR ll comm mm PHONE PA cam PRIME BUSINESS LOCATION For otfice shop or variety anrc plus home for owner Beat central location in Barrlas concentrated cariot area Cash to vendor Clear moriraxe poss ible Immediate opportunity Call Emerson Swain vazmos cam napalm or may roan PA elm moo SWAIN PA mac Id Ellrte Ind District and Ontario nu Duh BuildI BARRIE VIEW SUBDIVISION HOMEscusroM BUILT TO YOUR PLANS NEW HOMES ON DISPIAY FEATURING OPEN HOUSES AT TOWER CRESCENT AND SPRI NGHOME ROAD Several Ready for Your Inspection VARIOUS PRICE Brackets Follow Burton Ave to William down MM Iuli SL south on William to Bald winLane turn left on Baldwin Lane and lollow tho signs aonn SPRI PA asosl DOUG nouns PA H4897 Lou llORIARTY PA ems sun DIV OFFICEPAin Homes Farms Businesses REALTORAPPRAISER ROBERT HODGES REAL ESTATE BROKER d9 DUNLOP ST BARRIE Phone PA liIZIG Opposite and ra MOVING For complete moving service sale and easier Cnll COOKE CARTAGE Cr STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT Essa Rd Barrio PArkway 35575 1500 DOWN Prlvlll ï¬le bad rooln house sits on acres land on as Highway Crown lullI close in errla Centre hlll lln oil beated all newly modern red and decorated dull price 000 Phone Mr Miller PA Midi tTHIlEE IN ONE ULTRAEASY in rn waist seams no sewing rob lcmsl See how smart it oaks with the jewel blouse and mat ching cowboy seorl Printed Pattern 41150 Giris Sizes 10 i2 14 Size 10 jumper yards 54inch blou so Ill yards 39inch FORTY CENTS 40 cents in coins no stamps please for this pattern Ontario residents add cents aalns tax Print plnlnly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS cure pistlhcharrleExamine Pattern Dept 60 Front St Toronto Ont OVER 100 ANSWERSIO whattowear in our new lull color FallWinter Pattern Catalo og Casual dressy schoolall mï¬lieaiaesents REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY Realtors so BAYFIEID ST PA to Amde moron CAM Dori Not be PA mo Emmet El neat latta Board 22 DOWNSVIEW DRIVE Modern bungalow rge living and dining area larnl aloe 1di cben three Iovely bedrooms ceramic llth with vanity Stone treat Attached garage Landscaped Close to schools rhopping and bus line $15700 tllll price soc down Tele phone PA 83662 REDUCED QUICK SALE 111 NAPIER ST This picturesque bedroom Jrnme bungalow has logo as owner ls leaving Barrie Situa ted all nicely lreed lot 55 135 This home has been newly de corated and II in Immaculate condition Only $150 down payment with easy payments of toll on the oalallce Coil1li elm for inspection oi this BUY 01 THE WEEK 500 DOWN hill prltd $8 00 We bedrooms living room It tch en and bath Basement laid out or apartment Will carry 01 $le per month Clil Mr Clmll PA idly live PA HIOI YEAR ROUND Roma at Toiiendai completely iurnlahod Including stove and lrtr Large lot not price per month to carry Cal the owner at PA MIL SPLIT LEVELE Till monlhly Includ lnl taxel nola slrut Slx roonu recreation room patio etc Owner moving Will accch low down payment iiito an tolter Iclcyhnnm PA HIM PROPERTY FOR SALE on RENT l°l itd bungaio ac on monthly Telephone PA WM THREE nnpnoom nTrIclrriorey and ball Living room dining ronm Oll beeunr First class can dltlon Paved drive Central loca up Available October Tele phone PA ms evenln WANTEDT0 RENT 0R BUY noon on lIlOltI Bedroom House wanted to rent or buy in the vicinity of St Marys Church Write zlvinr details to Box Barrio mamlncL PROPERTY WANTED rrva Icnas more or less winter Lo buy No buildings Telephone WANTS Small Farm to rent in to 60 acres at and land with op tlon of buying With or without buildings Apply to En Dania Examiner BUS OPPORTUNITIES TO LEASE Threehay service station on Bradford 81 Barrie We have lnieresting proposition for the right party including low In vestment and redsnnnble rental terms training with pay For appointment applyjtoflhtr Bruce at CITIES SERVICE OIL CO LTD 265 Burton Phona PA 03301 TAXI answers or Includes can twoway radios meters also olfica enulpment Apply 259 area ferd Street or lurihor details PAlidTNBnlwntod toill well any llsh ra cxpan up an bullpen 201th bead pill in Tab onto Alone In Ila ï¬eld the cnmp any has very hlgh profit poten till Irld can yield In oxcopllonllllr blrb return on investments from two tntwelvs thousand dollars Box 16 Barrie Bummer FINANCIAL NEED $50 TILLPAY DAY IT costs ONLY 47c For TWO WEEKS Ask For PayDay Loan gt Scars PA 60203 Crescenl Finance 26 Dunlap St BARRIE uonrcnees TMMEDIATE 15th 211d Mortgage Loans Anywhere wml LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS 1me TO YOUR BUDGET IF YOU NEED uonnv ITO consolidate dollta rovement hwblle cause PA 60981 Mortgage funding OVE Martian Broker An iatlnn Iry An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA lled OFFICES STORES RENT 2i RENTALS omce trace inr not nu lo sated on Collier ll Rampant niaa Telephone PA um he been Lot pap TINA omen In modern 1ea buildiIu downtown Amendi tioned Vary reasonable rant Pub lle aloofpole amiss available AMI malarial Bureau II ml olmt out Selle Iol PA NURSING HOMES All EDIN mom ROM llqu to this work Bonn and cumin morn hind nunlnl cold war chill m1 allliollomaolls or an no HOUSES FOR RENT nonaau Bnp slow two and rooms oll hen or Loco ted on rulln sum 1qu Tall immediately Telephone PA mu NIWJIIRX bedroom home to rent Complete with Oarall cared on lion Street Telephone PA um cr iull particulars MODW EOHII or not in Patoxwlcl three mile south or Barrie Close to school All con vanlencel Available October Telephone Leiroy coal nun ROOM Illnlerlnd cotton In Bali xwart Near stores church and ubooL AllJIagndnlb him pooaa array 158 TUNE BEDROOMS Ilrfl llvllil room dining room lllebrn bathe room Oll heated All convenien ce Located It Little Lake Tele phone PA MILO COTTAGE II Illllicts Point to rent lroln September 15 Motorized Inalda convenience and water Pup aimed TelephonegPA com area an NEW Two Bedroom Bun Ilow or rent wt and overloo in the bay 100 monthly Adulia Finished about October Tnlopllflnl PA 51115 or lurthar particulara FARM HOUSE or rent Thin milal irom Barrie Oil heated Inside convlences Four bedrooms 65 monthly Fre rolllr 1i derlred tor ml IIIni cow Telephone PA SIX IIOO Orch RundlloWI Ilolnl Kclnpenfoll Ely Oil heallnl Firt place All conveniences Adults prelerred 95 monthly Available aims Oclo ar 15 Telephone PA HOUSES WANTED THREE BEDROOM Hnuaa required by November Centrally located Realnnable rent Oll hcllilll Onnd reliable tenants eria Box 11 Dorrie Examiner APARTMENTS FOR RENT AIN unfurnished apartment llaated Bin warm in wlntor monthly Telephone PA ddlld UNEURNISIIID Apartman LIV ind room dining room kitchen and one bedroom Private bllh Ground llbor Central location 60 per month Telephone PA 051 Illooanu Iarle two bedroom lplllmtlll Elli and NIle decon ated Laundry and parking stov Ind refrigerator supplied Talc appliances colored tllod bathroom 20 anlor Street phone PA Mill RNISIIED Bachelor Aplrtmnllt no TV ultra modern decor new Very central Adults Cali Mr PA ailos GROUND FLOOR heated apart pThren Rlly CONVENIENT east end location Modern one and two bedroom apartments completely rollcon tained venetian blinds automatic laundry lacilltica rtnvo rnfrlrora tor Telephone PA Mali or apply MODERN Apartment TWO bed rooms large living room kitchen and three piece hath front and back entrance Laundry room in basement One or two children welcome Apply 131 ydold st or telephone PA dill EXCEPTIONIth lull room apartment available Immediately in new mndorn building Very close to public and separate schvola Automatic laundryI maintenance acrvica Stove an efrlloraior op clonal IPaved parking faclllues For iurtner iniormntlen telephone PA Mud or PA TM BUSINESS Summertime IsnunningOulsoul Anytime In Classiï¬ed innornm TUE BARRIS EXAMINER ominous APARTMENTS FOR RENT DELUXE APARTMENTS with balconies and all this lectures New aulldlng PHONE PA osolo PA 83180 LAROI three room per apart hunt with privan en anceand blueMANN Available Oe Iober 60 monthly Apply ll reel street topper IILYcoNlAmnD ground floor two bedroom IpartmanL Centr iocatlon but wot nraparir manta One bedroom on around Iloor Ibree bedroom on second floor Parking No obiaclion to Shildrprl Telephone PA ITm UNFUIINIEIIID Apartment room living room and than roulette and rolrlsaratar Ground floor Oargo Very cent Tole phone PA lid to noouan self contained apartment Hot water Ind bulb supplied ly deconted Down town location Suited tor adqu only Tblaphool PA cuss UNPURNIBIIED two bedroom on lax all heating icon but clan in action ill mauior irorn errie Sap entrance Rea sonable ia ephona ivy anti nnlolll three room heated on lurnlahed duplex newly decorated slave and reirigerator supplied rivata oath separate entrance Adulia Immediately Laundry and storage PA Mal TWO BACHELOR Apartmanlr Closl to downtown PerIlo enl rances Completely renovated and newly decorated Avsllabla Octo gcsgml Apply Klbxla PA 0N3 TWO AND THREE bedroom Apartments Reirlgeraior and rtnva Washer and dryer Janitor unlce Now bulldln elm to uni $1131 facilities alapbone PA myo iligeratbr luppllc Very central Parking llcllltlu and private ent rance Rondobio rent Teiapbanl PA um SELFCONTAINSD two bedroom apartment Stove retripcralor heat water and lulu Iuppllad Available now Over Filter Queen niilco II or Maple Ave Iciophona PA Add mo nnnnooll ground Ioor on furnished llclted lrlmerlt LI dry facilities Park ng are to St Marysand Oakley schools Soilcontain now Telephone PA hydro Da alor apartment or suitable elderly couple Privatohath Hllh at GaloiinerAllay Telo PAJddlii NEW AND modern one and two bedroom apartments overlaoting rcenlo Remponiclt eat wa ter parking and Janitor lervlca included Automatic washing fa cliltles Included PA 901 UNFURNISIIED apartment Fnur rooms and baLb Newly decorated clean roomy private and quiet Her hydro and puking Allflll Available Immediately Telephone PA 033 TWO DERROOMA artmont in iri plex Central locatvn Also three room apartment reirlgnrator and stove East end Ample parking Yggiglhla October Telephone PA ruanSlihDflparhnanLhodrooni sitting room and kitchenette with stove and refrigeratorwhieh opens onto balcony Heat and light rup plied Use or phone Apply to lie Dnnlld Street SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates Telephone PA 82414 APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE htbnur service i47DUNLOP ST PA 6l T42 N6 FILL GRAVEL TOP SOTL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating ondIGladlng Water Delivery Crushed stone Hall yard Backhoe tor hire DENNIS MORAN Anna Street Barrio PA our PLUMBING ROY SALISBURY PUMP REPAIRS PA 09461 PAVING ASPHALT PAVING VARCOE BROTHERS LTD Barrios oldest manufacturers and suppliers of asphalt have opened newpnvmg depart ment to take care of expanding businessand will be pieasedio quo owing to larno orhsmoll in town or on the farm Plant and office at NORTH EAYFIELD ST BARRLE FATSH132 PA M039 GSLPA By Month or Year PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARDSMI1H AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1020 on Barrio PA cease PLASTERING PLASTERING AND REPAIRS STUCCO AND STONE VENEER Free Estimates SAM CRYER PA c1675 STUCCO STONE QUIKBRIK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS ARCHWAYS PATCHES Free Estimates Budget Terms SIMCOE QUIKBRIK Phbne Al Smith Lefroy 60M Collect WELL DIGGING WELL DIGGING ELLS dug deepened and re paired PUMPS sold and lnstaiied KEN WINTER tlshRADFORD ST P1100782 Every day thousands read the cinssilled page thats why you can be sure lot quick ac tlon